Deadpool vs Marvel Puzzle Quest – Aug 1 – 3



  • Houtro
    Houtro Posts: 464 Mover and Shaker
    It would be cool to have a blue Hood reward at 30000.
  • squirrel1120
    "Dr doom, it hurts when I go like this."

    "Let me help you with that" *summons demons 3x*.

    Owwie momma...
  • kalirion wrote:
    Hehe, I think I got lucky with my brackets.

    Sub: #131/1000, main: #5/500. And unless I miss my guess, the rubberbanding is off the sub icon_e_smile.gif

    Also, the Sentry node only gives me Level 5 World Ruptures as Team-Ups, which is really nice for someone who has a maxed 5G Patch (my only maxed character)!

    I think rubberbanding is off the sub, but the watch out for the scaling....
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    I'm not seeing any rubberbanding. I'm first in my sub and #15 in the main event with 27,306. First place has 29,531. Wowie! I'll never make it that far. I'll be happy to stay in top ten.

    My scaling is already high...I've run through the battles in two turns of two.
  • Abralicious
    Abralicious Posts: 56 Match Maker
    Congratulations on your first line on dialogue, Ares!
  • DrNitroman
    DrNitroman Posts: 966 Critical Contributor
    The competition for the best grinder of the week is more and more tough.

    Beside, during my last run I enjoyed seeing the black-generator goon of Dr Doom slayed in a few turns by huge friendly cascades!
    After that, Dr Doom summoned demons only once, cake walk icon_twisted.gif
  • Why always pvp and pve (specially pve ) time set by america? Im very upset. I play game give my free time,lunch time but when i was sleep and wake up my rank down 100# its not fair i want setup europe time. It very simple quest for d3. Please last pve i play game my bracket #4 and sleep i wake up my rank 154# why why whyyyyyyyy
  • danikalil wrote:
    I'm not seeing any rubberbanding. I'm first in my sub and #15 in the main event with 27,306. First place has 29,531. Wowie! I'll never make it that far. I'll be happy to stay in top ten.

    My scaling is already high...I've run through the battles in two turns of two.

    well, if you're in first in your sub, there won't be rubberbanding, no?
  • kalirion wrote:
    Hehe, I think I got lucky with my brackets.

    Sub: #131/1000, main: #5/500. And unless I miss my guess, the rubberbanding is off the sub icon_e_smile.gif

    Also, the Sentry node only gives me Level 5 World Ruptures as Team-Ups, which is really nice for someone who has a maxed 5G Patch (my only maxed character)!

    I think rubberbanding is off the sub, but the watch out for the scaling....

    Until the last couple hours, I just wait for nodes to fully recharge and do 1 run through. Just did one, and now #2 / #53 with 28531 / 9511.

    Almost wiped with Maxed Patch / Ares / CStorm against level 42 Bullseye, Muscle, Thug. That was embarrassing...
    DrNitroman wrote:
    The competition for the best grinder of the week is more and more tough.

    Beside, during my last run I enjoyed seeing the black-generator goon of Dr Doom slayed in a few turns by huge friendly cascades!
    After that, Dr Doom summoned demons only once, cake walk icon_twisted.gif

    Daken + Hulk = few red gems left for demons to possess icon_e_smile.gif
  • ugh coming here late as a huge deadpool fan was a mistake and not having an alliance is even worse

    I dont see me getting a cover.... i gotta bust my butt to get at least two covers. I dont see it happening, unless someone's alliance who can take me in even though my summer job for the last three weeks forces me to come home later then normal.

    Anyone willing to welcome me in?

    EDIT: Oh and another problem is I dont have the hood so essential is out for me to...
  • As short as this was, anyone thinking we might get an immediate rerun with the times shifted 12 hours? They used to do that a lot, and this one was probably the least Europe-friendly timeframe they've done, with everything ending Midnight Eastern time.
  • Ben Grimm wrote:
    As short as this was, anyone thinking we might get an immediate rerun with the times shifted 12 hours? They used to do that a lot, and this one was probably the least Europe-friendly timeframe they've done, with everything ending Midnight Eastern time.

    i was thinking the same thing. if they do...ill be riding the RB something serious the second time around.

    although its only been 2.5 days this has been ine grindy event
  • DrNitroman
    DrNitroman Posts: 966 Critical Contributor
    djsquillz wrote:
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    As short as this was, anyone thinking we might get an immediate rerun with the times shifted 12 hours? They used to do that a lot, and this one was probably the least Europe-friendly timeframe they've done, with everything ending Midnight Eastern time.

    i was thinking the same thing. if they do...ill be riding the RB something serious the second time around.

    although its only been 2.5 days this has been ine grindy event
    I was thinking this too because we had some heroic event cut in two part with one Europe-friendly...
    But I wouldn't bet on this, this time
  • this short event really screwed me up since i recently came back from a break since i heard deadpool was coming in. They need to have another event to win him. I hope they do
  • Ok, I'll say it: buffed Bullseye is kinda fun. I just had Sentry hit me for 1 point of dmg per World Rupture tile.
  • i just got owned badly by dr doom and his lackeys

    looks like im not winning deadpool now at this rate ._. im out of health packs i dont have time left to wait for healing.

    I should just give up again on this game and take another long break.... or just look for an alliance and do the best i can again without being kicked again
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ugh, that whole sleeping thing really screwed me over this time. Looks like I'm probably not going to be able to grind into top 5
  • I was kind of hoping that passing 28,000 points would trigger something (noting that the Whales thing has a reference to 0/28,000 points), but no. I still have some hope that it will do something after the fact, once those points are "locked in".

    Pretty sure that I can hang on to top 25 in my bracket since even sleeping only dropped me to 48th and I'll be able to play in the last hour.

    Wouldn't mind a 2nd run of this event immediately afterwards, with the reward colours cycled, in order to kickstart Deadpool cover collection but whether or not they'll do that I dunno.

    Jealous of those who collected a Devil Dino TU, it didn't even occur to me to clear a spot before or during that fight.
  • Rusalka
    Rusalka Posts: 155
    Okay, I give up. I had a busy weekend and couldn't play much, and all you guys have totally out-grinded me. Did a full clear this morning, and am still only at #335 in sub and 164 in main. So no Deadpool for me, sigh.

    At least I got the Hood rewards.
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pamizard wrote:
    i just got owned badly by dr doom and his lackeys

    looks like im not winning deadpool now at this rate ._. im out of health packs i dont have time left to wait for healing.

    I should just give up again on this game and take another long break.... or just look for an alliance and do the best i can again without being kicked again
    Pamizard - I PM'd you about the alliance thing - It's possible it's spoken for, but we do have one spot currently open in our brother/sister alliance. Like I said in the PM - you should PM mytisbrewin and see if you could possibly get the spot. We're pretty casual in both alliances so don't think you need to worry about poor point totals.