Deadpool vs Marvel Puzzle Quest – Aug 1 – 3

over_clocked Posts: 3,961
Will update as it goes live.
I hope Hood will be buffed!

The Hood
The Punisher
The Sentry
Hawkeye (Modern)
Wolverine (Astonishing X-Men)

Single Player Rewards:
1. All rewards from the previous rank + Wolverine (X-Force) green
2-5. 5000 ISO, 100 HP, Deadpool purple/red/black
6-10. 2000 ISO, 100 HP, Deadpool black/red
11-25. 1000 ISO, 50 HP, Deadpool black/red
26-50. 1000 ISO, 50 HP, Deadpool red
51-100. 500 ISO, 25 HP, Deadpool red
101-200. 500 ISO, Wolverine (Astonishing X-Men) green
201-300. 250 ISO, Wolverine (Astonishing X-Men) green
301-400. 2x Standard Token, 140 ISO
401-500. 70 ISO

Progression Rewards:
100. Standard Token
250. 100 ISO
500. +3 All Stockpile Boost
750. 250 ISO
1000. Recruit Token - Deadpool Vs. MPQ
1500. 25 HP
2000. Hawkeye (Modern) blue
3000. 25 HP
4000. 1000 ISO
5000. 50 HP
6000. Recruit Token - Deadpool Vs. MPQ
7000. 1000 ISO
8000. The Hood yellow
9000. 1000 ISO
10000. The Hood black

Alliance rewards:
1-2. 5000 ISO, 250 HP, Deadpool purple
3-10. 5000 ISO, 100 HP, Deadpool purple
11-25. 3000 ISO, 100 HP, Deadpool purple
26-50. 2000 ISO, 100 HP, Deadpool purple
51-100. 1000 ISO, 50 HP, Deadpool purple
101-250. 1000 ISO, 50 HP
251-500. 500 ISO, 25 HP
501-1000. 500 ISO
1001-10000. 250 ISO


  • Unknown
    Why would you want a buffed Hood? He would tank too many colors with buff. And IIRC TaT actually have Hood as the enemy so you can't use Hood anyway..

    Still hoped they'd rather make a unique event for Dedpul..
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    TaT only has Hood in a handful of nodes. It's just been an eterntiy since he's been buffed outside of LRs. And would sorta make sense as PvE rewards are required in the next events.
  • FierceKiwi
    FierceKiwi Posts: 505 Critical Contributor
    Where are you seeing stuff about TaT? Did they stick it in the little pop-up that I instaclose?
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    I thought the event itself was going to be called "Deadpool vs. MPQ" - I think the Thick as Thieves is meant to be sarcastic since the devs can't seem to figure out how to run it without making everyone hate it. Hence they're rerunning it while offering one of the most desired characters of the entire playerbase. Perfect!
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    FierceKiwi wrote:
    Where are you seeing stuff about TaT? Did they stick it in the little pop-up that I instaclose?
    Alliance mate has some old TaT tokens - and they show Deadpool for him now.
    Edit: hmm, maybe Deadpool will have his own event and TaT will simply be the next event that will require DP? But why would they update so soon to August 1? I believe they hope to unruin TaT by giving the single most desired cover in it (and possibly ruining it even more, lol).
  • jojeda654
    jojeda654 Posts: 1,162 Chairperson of the Boards
    These were posted on their Facebook page.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    locked wrote:
    FierceKiwi wrote:
    Where are you seeing stuff about TaT? Did they stick it in the little pop-up that I instaclose?
    Alliance mate has some old TaT tokens - and they show Deadpool for him now.
    Edit: hmm, maybe Deadpool will have his own event and TaT will simply be the next event that will require DP? But why would they update so soon to August 1? I believe they hope to unruin TaT by giving the single most desired cover in it (and possibly ruining it even more, lol).
    Oh event tokens do add stuff? I guess I should hold onto them then.

    And it seems like it's way too early to rerun TaT, didn't we just have that trainwreck a month ago?
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Oh, thanks for the pics, jojeda! I guess then it's some other mysterious token-fu and we got confused because of that. A brand new event would be very nice!

    Spoit, hope dies last!!
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
  • Dreylin
    Dreylin Posts: 241
    So that's a Main with 2subs.

    Seems like a nice mix of repeatable, one-off, Team-Up and Essential nodes in each.

    Timers say 1d 1h in the Main and Villians sub, so it seems we might be in for a short event, which fits with what IceIX said at some point about it being a "flash PvE". Probably between minimum 36hrs and max 60Hrs (start time Friday midday EST, end Sunday night)

    My guess would be Tiny Torch for the 2star cover reward.
  • Unknown
    Is that personal score and rank followed by alliance score and rank right on the main page of the event? Is that new or am I just bad at noticing things? If so nice.
  • Unknown
    Is that personal score and rank followed by alliance score and rank right on the main page of the event? Is that new or am I just bad at noticing things? If so nice.

    You are bad at noticing things. That's been there a while. It's there right now in your Oscorp Heroic.
  • Unknown
    haha figured that might have been the case, spending too much time in the subs and not the main apparently, also pretty dense when I want to be
  • Nellyson
    Nellyson Posts: 354 Mover and Shaker
    To me, it looks like they are definitely making Deadpool snarky as ever! Good. Goooooooooood!!! Hahaha...can't wait to see what one liners they come up with. I will be cracking up all by myself while playing this event...hopefully!
  • Unknown
    What time will dead pool be available to play(CST)?
  • What time will dead pool be available to play(CST)?

    Not yet, apparently.
  • Zhirrzh wrote:
    What time will dead pool be available to play(CST)?

    Not yet, apparently.


    mostly likely Noon EDT today
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    I guess we will have both Team Up nodes (yellow) where we will have a crack at Deadpool (no Pun intended... oops) and Essential nodes (well it HAS to be Hood!).
  • Adventfire
    Adventfire Posts: 76 Match Maker
    Saw this on the Marvel site about Deadpool and MPQ.
    What in the whale is going on here?
  • DirigiblePilot
    DirigiblePilot Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
    I bet that the event title means we will be fighting at least one of every character in the game. That would be a fresh change of pace, sorta like Simulator but bigger and better.