Deadpool vs Marvel Puzzle Quest – Aug 1 – 3



  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanos wrote:
    Any news on the mysterious deadpool points yet?

    This. Anyone figure this out yet? (meaning the Deadpool points mentioned in Deadpool's purple whale power that seem to be completely unrelated to the deadpool pve points)
    Not gonna dig it up, but I thought one of the devs mentioned it somewhere and it has to do with how much you use him. Not sure if it's killing guys, or just being in fights, or taking damage, or what.
  • /emote Waves to Spoit and BowGentle.

    My The No-Funisher was a laugh. Big cascade for AI on second turn Patch got 9 Green. AI team all dead two turns later to hulk anger!
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sumilea wrote:
    /emote Waves to Spoit and BowGentle.

    My The No-Funisher was a laugh. Big cascade for AI on second turn Patch got 9 Green. AI team all dead two turns later to hulk anger!
    Yeah fun bracket we got icon_e_smile.gif
    Let's see how many of the people in there play optimally the next 12 hours icon_e_wink.gif
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    Wow that Fury node can pump out some damage! I wiped out with Patch, Panther and Daken on the first attempt thanks to some traps and GSBW's Sniper Rifle and just barely scraped through with Sentry, Daken and Hulk on the second attempt.

    I cast World Rupture thinking everything was under control, next thing I know Fury's trapped everything and busted out a Berserk Rage TU. Sentry killed himself with a trap after the third CD timer went off but there was still enough damage flying around to drop Daken under 1000 health and Hulk down to 2000 icon_eek.gif
  • Bowgentle wrote:
    Sumilea wrote:
    /emote Waves to Spoit and BowGentle.

    My The No-Funisher was a laugh. Big cascade for AI on second turn Patch got 9 Green. AI team all dead two turns later to hulk anger!
    Yeah fun bracket we got icon_e_smile.gif
    Let's see how many of the people in there play optimally the next 12 hours icon_e_wink.gif

    My Main has a large numbers of big hitters in it. Going to be a fun one.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sumilea wrote:
    /emote Waves to Spoit and BowGentle.

    My The No-Funisher was a laugh. Big cascade for AI on second turn Patch got 9 Green. AI team all dead two turns later to hulk anger!
    Honestly, not sure how much effort I'll really put forth. Definitely not enough for top 5. The loaner one really wasn't impressing me
  • HairyDave wrote:
    Wow that Fury node can pump out some damage! I wiped out with Patch, Panther and Daken on the first attempt thanks to some traps and GSBW's Sniper Rifle and just barely scraped through with Sentry, Daken and Hulk on the second attempt.

    I cast World Rupture thinking everything was under control, next thing I know Fury's trapped everything and busted out a Berserk Rage TU. Sentry killed himself with a trap after the third CD timer went off but there was still enough damage flying around to drop Daken under 1000 health and Hulk down to 2000 icon_eek.gif

    Had way more trouble with Logan's Hero's Storm got off an early hailstorm and they do not tickle.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sumilea wrote:
    HairyDave wrote:
    Wow that Fury node can pump out some damage! I wiped out with Patch, Panther and Daken on the first attempt thanks to some traps and GSBW's Sniper Rifle and just barely scraped through with Sentry, Daken and Hulk on the second attempt.

    I cast World Rupture thinking everything was under control, next thing I know Fury's trapped everything and busted out a Berserk Rage TU. Sentry killed himself with a trap after the third CD timer went off but there was still enough damage flying around to drop Daken under 1000 health and Hulk down to 2000 icon_eek.gif

    Had way more trouble with Logan's Hero's Storm got off an early hailstorm and they do not tickle.
    Yeah that one hurt.
    I was denying yellow to avoid Mistress, and _still_ got hit with it, plus a Hailstorm on the next move.

    Also, little Torchie hurts if he gets off an Inferno where you simply cannot match away the tiles for 20+ turns.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    kalirion wrote:
    Lol, what was that about there being no rubberbanding? There most definitely is!

    Oh, is there RB? Damn, adopted wrong strategy then icon_razz.gif

    In any case, the progression reward is super easy to achieve. I'm already past 9000 mark and going towards 10k.

    Which means for the next 2 days, no profession reward to look forward to. Sad.
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    Bowgentle wrote:
    Sumilea wrote:
    /emote Waves to Spoit and BowGentle.

    My The No-Funisher was a laugh. Big cascade for AI on second turn Patch got 9 Green. AI team all dead two turns later to hulk anger!
    Yeah fun bracket we got icon_e_smile.gif
    Let's see how many of the people in there play optimally the next 12 hours icon_e_wink.gif
    Hi guys - I'm here too!
  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    I threw all strategy out the window with this event - was too mesmerized with the prospect of playing with/for Deadpool...

    So yeah, I'm less than 100 away from 10K, but almost my entire team has been laid to waste due to the scaling I've given myself...

    ...and loving every minute of it! This has been by far the most fun I've had in the game when it comes to PvE....

    Hope I can still say that at the end..... icon_e_smile.gif

    *sits in the corner rocking...whispering "Can't sleep...Fury's gonna Demolish me*
  • So I noticed we didn't fight Hulk. Is he going to be in the Villains round, or did they just forget about him?
  • morgh
    morgh Posts: 539 Critical Contributor
    Awesome rubberbanding in a rather completely new bracketrs - got up to 9000 after doing 2 passes (can't play in 2 h 24 min)
  • Lyrian wrote:
    Interesting event, so far.

    Very good opportunity to collect team-ups from pretty much anyone a player wants, so take advantage of it while everyone can.

    Only thing is the nick fury node just doesn't want to drop his teamups, grey suit black widow seems to want to hog the spot light with the team up drops!!! Flattened Fury like nine times already and nadda! he's getting to a point that Cmags is a must for that fight because of his blue traps

    Allience member decided to focus on the goon and inadvertently let Fury use two of his abilities. considered himself lucky to walk out of that fight with one of his characters remaining with just 200 health
  • Frubzy
    Frubzy Posts: 77
    Lyrian wrote:
    Interesting event, so far.

    Very good opportunity to collect team-ups from pretty much anyone a player wants, so take advantage of it while everyone can.

    Only thing is the nick fury node just doesn't want to drop his teamups, grey suit black widow seems to want to hog the spot light with the team up drops!!! Flattened Fury like nine times already and nadda! he's getting to a point that Cmags is a must for that fight because of his blue traps

    Allience member decided to focus on the goon and inadvertently let Fury use two of his abilities. considered himself lucky to walk out of that fight with one of his characters remaining with just 200 health

    I must be lucky ...i got a fury TU on first attempt... went for him first and did not let him use any ability....
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    I just got a reminder of why squishing CStorm first is always a good idea...

    I don't know why I didn't target her but I ended up throwing out a Berserk Rage and watched Raging Tempest just absolutely shred my team. It didn't help that I had Hulk so we got in this horrible feedback loop of death icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • squirrel1120
    squirrel1120 Posts: 492
    edited August 2014
    'Look who's essential, too' is tough. Has wiped me more times than any other node in a pve to date. Any pointers from veterans on this one? Its still yellow colored for me with 107 lvl CPU, but it super owwie.

    Viable roster characters: (levels are event boosted already if not obvious)
    Hood 156 2/1/2
    Bullseye 118 5/5
    Sentry 103 2/2/0
    a.wolvie 134 5/5/3
    Ares 94 4/4/5
    OBW 94 3/5/5
    M.cap 94 3/5/5
    MN.Mags 94 4/5/4 (still waiting on a red card drop)
    C.storm 94 3/5/5
    MN.Thor 94 3/5/5
    Punpun 93 2/2/0
    Bagdevil 91 5/1/0
    daw.daken 78 5/5
    loki 78 4/1

    Everyone else Im sure is too low to be of much use:
    mohawk storm 78
    patch 76
    lcap 66
    bp 55
    falcon 55
    hulk 55
    bwgs 53
    doom 53
    psyduck 53
    spidey 53
    m.storm 50
    rag 50
    l.daken 45
    torch 43
    IM40 43
    shulkie 43
    L.thor 40
    tinytorch 14

    Edit: I've tried ares/obw/hood which is what I consider my strongest team and then another for back to back wipes. There just seems too much you need to deny on this one, and even trying to deny black had me take a 12 black BP ninja move to the face on both wipes...
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Looks like I avoided most / all of you from the sub in my main, phew icon_e_biggrin.gif
    So far just random peeps in t10 there.
    Interesting choice to make the sub 1000 and the main 500.
  • DrNitroman
    DrNitroman Posts: 966 Critical Contributor
    This event is quite funny.
    It made me use a variety of characters as in the Simulator
    morgh wrote:
    Awesome rubberbanding in a rather completely new bracketrs - got up to 9000 after doing 2 passes (can't play in 2 h 24 min)
    Exactly the same for me: 2 runs gave me around 9000 pts.
    However I found that a run can take a long time to be completed (and I don't like to do an incomplete run icon_razz.gif )

    By the way, has anyone spend some Deadpool points to throw many whales?
    Did I undertand correctly? You have to spend some event points, yes?
    So there is a risk that not carefuk players drop in ranking because of Deadpool purple power...
    ... Deadpool is really a dangerous fool icon_eek.gif
  • I was planning to join in the last day, but then I noticed the yellow Hood progression reward and jumped right in. Now I can skip the pvp. icon_e_smile.gif

    As for the pve, I am not impressed with Deadpool. On paper his red looks great, until you realize Torch deals almost the same damage with his red for only 2 more red AP the first time and his damage is always fixed compared to Deadpool's red which will never down an enemy (deals 65% of CURRENT health, but limited to X). His purple is too expensive and his heal, which in the comics is one of the strongest healing abilities, is only used after his black is triggered, so it's like healing another hero and not himself. If you add his low health, he becomes very meh. Maybe the fans will enjoy him; for the rest of us, there are better choices.