Deadpool vs Marvel Puzzle Quest – Aug 1 – 3



  • squirrel1120
    Managed a clear of 'Look who's essential, too' with OBW/TinyThor, since ares still has 3hrs left to heal from the last wipe. (there are no spare healthpacks in this event for me if I wipe. It take 4/5 each clear). Took it very slow with a couple ap boosts. Locked out of 'Logan's heros' for a couple passes already. That fight was a barely win scenario for me before it bumped up to red node scaling. I'm sure I'll be locked out of a few more nodes before event end in 11hrs, so anyone with max rosters is definitely going to be able to surpass me in the finish. Don't recognize any formites, but I see jadedgaymer who was able to not only pass me at the end of last event's main bracket, but just bury me in comparison. He sits at #8 right this moment. Sitting at #2 again, so it would be keen if I could just hold onto a top10. Those HP are so precious right now. icon_e_smile.gif
  • 'Look who's essential, too' is tough. Has wiped me more times than any other node in a pve to date. Any pointers from veterans on this one? Its still yellow colored for me with 107 lvl CPU, but it super owwie.

    Yeah, that one is **much** more difficult that it appears to be at first, second, third, or even tenth glance.

    The problem with this node is the Analyst, who creates Team-Up tiles very very cheaply and frequently. If you can down her relatively quickly, the fight becomes much easier.

    -- Both BP and Storm's big attacks require Black. Always be wary of how much Black the AI has at any given moment. Denying Black takes first priority.
    -- Be wary of Battleplan. Yes, this is quite painful, but not the end of the world, unlike Rage of the Panther. Also, denying Yellow shuts down Mistress. Denying Yellow takes second priority.

    -- Unless a match 4/5, IGNORE Team-Up tiles in general. With Media Cover + Mistress, the AI is almost all but surely going to be able to cast multiple Team-Ups. There is not much that can be done here realistically in regard to that. But, if you can get rid of the Analyst quickly, that stops Team-Up tile generation, and requires that AI to either manually match them (wasting turns) or casting Mistress (shouldn't happen denying Yellow).

    Analyst --> BP --> Storm.

    At worst, you can let Battleplan be cast, if needed. But (Battleplan + RotP) or (Battleplan + Hailstorm) is going to equal a very bad time.
  • I gotta disagree. As in all things MPQ, kill Storm first. She has two abilities that shake up the board.
  • My nomination for "Best Use of a Horrible Team-Up Power in MPQ":

    Executing Moonstone's Control Shift as a Team-Up on a 2** MNMags 5-Blue Iron Hammer CD tile at 1... (Overbuffed PvE MNMags * 64 tiles) = MNMags Implosion. icon_lol.gif

    I didn't think there was anything left to surprise me in this game, but that was oddly very satisfying to watch. icon_cool.gif
  • Falcon + Daken + whoever can pretty much brute force anything at the level the enemy are in this event. As long as Daken is usable, Falcon is a top tier PvE powerhouse.
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    I've been having fun with LDaken/Patch/HT. My HT is tanked by both true healers and BRage mixed with a Fireball and Chem Reaction is usually enough to wipe the board of bad guys. icon_mrgreen.gif
  • Phantron wrote:
    Falcon + Daken + whoever

    You misspelled Sentry. Didn't even get it close.
  • ERock4
    ERock4 Posts: 42
    I've been doing pretty well in this event with a team of Hood/Psylocke/cMags. Psylocke's strike tiles and attack tiles take pretty big chunks out of the enemies, and Mags' blue gives either protect tiles or some nice hits if I'm lucky with a good layout, and takes out enemy tiles if needed.

    I know this obviously isn't some new strategy, but just saying it's been working decently for me. I haven't been defeated once in a node.
  • vudu3
    vudu3 Posts: 940 Critical Contributor
    Lyrian wrote:
    'Look who's essential, too' is tough. Has wiped me more times than any other node in a pve to date. Any pointers from veterans on this one? Its still yellow colored for me with 107 lvl CPU, but it super owwie.

    Yeah, that one is **much** more difficult that it appears to be at first, second, third, or even tenth glance.

    The problem with this node is the Analyst, who creates Team-Up tiles very very cheaply and frequently. If you can down her relatively quickly, the fight becomes much easier.
    Maybe I'm overlooking something obvious but how does the Analyst create TU tiles? With Media Coverage? How does this work? I've racked my brain and I can't figure it out.
  • Ghast wrote:
    I gotta disagree. As in all things MPQ, kill Storm first. She has two abilities that shake up the board.

    Storm is generally, always bad, but her change really nerfed what she did best, and the was board shakeup with speed. Without that speed, her overall potential is significantly diminished. Yes, she control two board shakes, but one requires 4 Green matches, and the other 3 Yellow. Without the speed factor, Storm is much more controllable.

    Plus, the player is required to run Hood in that node. With a Blue covered Hood, his mana steal should prevent Storm from reaching the required AP totals outside of a fortunate cascade in the AI's favor or a lack of denial by the player.

    The speed issue belongs to the Analyst in that node. With Media Cover only costing 5 Purple, which the Analyst self generates, the Analyst can generate Media Cover CD tiles every third turn (or faster if the AI lucks into some Purple AP). The spamming of Team-Up tiles on the board generates considerable danger of cascade generation, which will surely cause BP and Storm will fire off all their abilities.

    A fair argument could be presented for Analyst --> Storm --> BP, especially if the player is using a regenerating character. However, as long as Storm is still alive, she acts a hedge against BP casting Battleplan or RotP. Mistress is generally preferable to Battleplan, and a regenerator can such up Hailstorm without much issue. Even without a regenerator, Hailstorm is damage over time, which grants the player time to act to resolve the match. RotP equals the player's roster = downed now, which is never a preferred outcome.
  • vudu3 wrote:
    Maybe I'm overlooking something obvious but how does the Analyst create TU tiles? With Media Coverage? How does this work? I've racked my brain and I can't figure it out.

    Purple cd was creating env tiles so now its TUs tiles.
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    Hello HailMary, I see you in my main bracket!
  • Lyrian wrote:
    Ghast wrote:
    Plus, the player is required to run Hood in that node. With a Blue covered Hood, his mana steal should prevent Storm from reaching the required AP totals outside of a fortunate cascade in the AI's favor or a lack of denial by the player.

    My Hood has no Blue. icon_cry.gif

    He really kinda sucks without Blue. I call him "The Bag."
  • I think this is the best PVE they've run in ages. The enemy variety alone makes it top tier, but the reasonable length, manageable scaling, and opportunity to use my whole roster are really making this one an absolute blast. It's also giving me the chance to shred teams with my newly embiggened Black Panther, who is a yellow machine now.
  • DrNitroman
    DrNitroman Posts: 966 Critical Contributor
    The leaderboard is changing very fast, I'm oscillating from bottom of top 100 to top 10 every 2.5h.
    I don't dare to guess how deep I will drop when I'll be asleep (I know I'm not a sufficiently dedicated player icon_razz.gif )
    Once more, this event makes me enjoy roster diversity, and more than in Simulator event indeed
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    Agreeing with ghast on taking out storm first. If nothing else it's worked for me fine both times. Also never had the analyst get off any of her abilities so haven't had problems there either.

    Edit: I've been bringing Thor to that one and will match yellow when it's there. I think I've gotten lucky with light black boards and the AI going for all the other colors first since black is lowest match damage for both BP and storm.

    Also ghast, our main bracket looks like it might be tough. Good luck! Vairelome too! (And any other forum lurkers who happen to be in it)
  • vudu3
    vudu3 Posts: 940 Critical Contributor
    Malcoran wrote:
    vudu3 wrote:
    Maybe I'm overlooking something obvious but how does the Analyst create TU tiles? With Media Coverage? How does this work? I've racked my brain and I can't figure it out.

    Purple cd was creating env tiles so now its TUs tiles.
    Yeah, I figured this out shortly after posting my question. Guess I was just so awesome I never let them go off. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • mags1587
    mags1587 Posts: 1,020 Chairperson of the Boards
    mohio wrote:
    Also ghast, our main bracket looks like it might be tough. Good luck! Vairelome too! (And any other forum lurkers who happen to be in it)

    Yeah, I'm in this bracket too. ::waves to all the forumites::
  • mohio wrote:
    Also ghast, our main bracket looks like it might be tough. Good luck! Vairelome too! (And any other forum lurkers who happen to be in it)

    Yeah, the last few hours will be a blood bath. I'm confident that our alliances will be top 100 so getting all three covers shouldn't be an issue. Walking away with two Whales will be tricky for all of us. Good luck.
  • The only thing I will say about this PvE event, is that it's making it very hard for me to care about the current PvP events. :P