Polaris has ruined PVP???



  • Akoni
    Akoni Posts: 790 Critical Contributor
    Warbringa said:
    Depends on where you are at with your roster.  I love facing Polaris teams in PvP because they are free wins.  You can reasonably kill her very quickly with many 5* just based on match damage.  You then have an instant 3 vs 2 advantage, which swings the fight greatly to your team, even if the other two are BRB and Kitty.  If you don't have good 5*, then yes this team would be rough to face and defeat as letting Polaris stay around for a few extra turns is death.
    Even if you don't have any decent 5*, Polaris is still fairly easy to beat. Polaris vs Polaris will almost always go in favor of the player since the AI is predictable. The only times I have lost involved ridiculously unlucky cascades or a misplay on my part because I'm half asleep. As a mostly 4* player, I can quickly beat P-Groc, P-Medusa, P-Mobius, P-Karnak and P-Sabre. I can also beat P-Juggs, P-Kitty, and P-BRB, but prefer to skip them when I'm T25 since they are slow matches.

    The trick to beating a Polaris team, as Warbringa says, is to take out Polaris first, then focus all of your attention on the next big threat. The only exception is P-Carbage. Focusing on Polaris first might get you slaughtered. When I shifted my focus to taking out Carbage first, I started winning more against that team.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hulk-bombing still work against R4G and Polaris.  Matches end really fast.
  • TheEyeDoctorsWife
    TheEyeDoctorsWife Posts: 831 Critical Contributor
    I browsed 50 opponents in Shield, 40 were BRB/ Kitty/Polaris, 10 were Hulkoye/3rd meta.  I understand what he’s saying , who wants to face the same two teams 75 times ?
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    That's a misunderstanding. What's happening is that you are probably part of the top scorers, so the game gave you similar rosters and scoring to match against you. Unfortunately, those are the ones available. And if you take note of the names of those opponents, you will realise that 90% are the same batch of  opponents. For every 50 opponents that you see, about 5 are unique opponents.
  • Akoni
    Akoni Posts: 790 Critical Contributor
    That's a misunderstanding. What's happening is that you are probably part of the top scorers, so the game gave you similar rosters and scoring to match against you. Unfortunately, those are the ones available. And if you take note of the names of those opponents, you will realise that 90% are the same batch of  opponents. For every 50 opponents that you see, about 5 are unique opponents.
    This is true. I noticed this awhile ago after reading it in a thread. Look at the names of the players when skipping and selecting teams to play against. At the start of the PvP event, the names will be varied. Towards the end, you will begin seeing some of the same names over and over again. On several occasions, I skipped a team only to have that team pop up again on two separate nodes at the same exact time.
  • fractalvisions
    fractalvisions Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    edited May 2021
    Akoni said:
    Warbringa said:
    Depends on where you are at with your roster.  I love facing Polaris teams in PvP because they are free wins.  You can reasonably kill her very quickly with many 5* just based on match damage.  You then have an instant 3 vs 2 advantage, which swings the fight greatly to your team, even if the other two are BRB and Kitty.  If you don't have good 5*, then yes this team would be rough to face and defeat as letting Polaris stay around for a few extra turns is death.
    Even if you don't have any decent 5*, Polaris is still fairly easy to beat. Polaris vs Polaris will almost always go in favor of the player since the AI is predictable. The only times I have lost involved ridiculously unlucky cascades or a misplay on my part because I'm half asleep. As a mostly 4* player, I can quickly beat P-Groc, P-Medusa, P-Mobius, P-Karnak and P-Sabre. I can also beat P-Juggs, P-Kitty, and P-BRB, but prefer to skip them when I'm T25 since they are slow matches.

    The trick to beating a Polaris team, as Warbringa says, is to take out Polaris first, then focus all of your attention on the next big threat. The only exception is P-Carbage. Focusing on Polaris first might get you slaughtered. When I shifted my focus to taking out Carbage first, I started winning more against that team.
    I feel like saying that it's easy to beat Polaris, you just need to use Polaris, really highlights the problem here. People who have Polaris feel compelled to use her, thus compelling everyone to use her. And people who don't have Polaris (e.g. 3* players or 4* players who just returned to the game) feel at a significant disadvantage. 

    Of course, it's not all that bad. There certainly are other characters that can be useful against her, just perhaps not as reliably, e.g. Chavez, Karnak, Medusa, Mr. Fantastic, Nick Fury, The Thing, Deadpool. In fact it can be fun just finding non-meta teams to beat her, even if it's not particularly quick.

    As for the comment from someone else about her speeding up PVE, to me that just highlights the issue with PVE that we're forced to grind the nodes multiple times if we want to get all the progression rewards. 
  • AlexR
    AlexR Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    Honestly, I agree with this.
    I don't have any problems beating Polaris, it's pretty easy climbing on Polaris teams. But the problem is, that 4* land currently consists of nothing but Polaris teams and it made pvp really boring and really same-y.
    And no, previous meta wasn't this bad in 4* land, previous meta usually still had a lot of boosted characters mixed in. I liked pvp because every week was a little different with boosted characters. With Polaris, there's... really not. It's just Polaris all day every day. So it means every week is just "climb on Polaris, play anti-Polaris team all the way", period.
    Sapped my will to play pvp entirely.
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2021
    I tried a Teen Jean and Hulkbuster combo because they were both champed and boosted. Meh, no thank you. Both may have been considered good once upon a time, but now even with them boosted PvP takes too long and I spend most of it frustrated at the colors of matches. Though once I was happy that Jean stopped a cascade in its tracks. But yeah, Polaris helps me grind out PvP and PvE and maintain a pathetic life outside MPQ.

    I do see a few boosted characters when I reach top 5 still, so saying they’re gone and only Polaris based teams remain is a bit of an overstatement. I also saw a relatively high number of boosted 5* with high point offers in the last couple of PvP events. The diversity is there if you look for it. Probably just as much as when Grocket and Kitty/Gamora or Carol, Blade, and Medusa were everywhere. 
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2021
    Back in early 2018, R4G/GotG/Medusa was the trio when I was in 3* land. Throw in some Mr Fantastic and Carnage with Medusa as a mixture.

    America Chavez came in late 2017 and was pretty popular, but not that common.

    After that, Kitty came in Sept 2018 and she and R4G was common in pvps and there were complains coming from even 5* players.

    Bishop came next and dominated in late 2018 and 2019.

    Juggernaut came in Aug 2019 and dominated with R4G. He was everywhere in pvps. Like Polaris, he made pves much easier.

    CapWorthy came a month after him and was part of the meta.

    Karnak with Chavez and Juggernaut/R4G largely dominated the meta in pvps fro. Late 2019/early 2020 until Polaris appeared in September 2020.

    What's common among them is the same exact complain being brought up every now and then.

    Same complain, different flavours.

    Polaris has dominated the meta for  about 6-7 months. Come to think of it, I think a change in 4* meta should be around the corner.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards
    Chase Morbius - he is seriously excellent against special tile teams. He shuts Gritty down easily, mine isn't even Champed yet. He wrecks Polaris too. Of course facing the same character time after time is tedious but PvP has always been about meta teams and Polaris just happens to be excellent. I do feel (boosted 5 being a wait and see) that we have a pretty varied PvP rock paper scissors right now and there is no 100% guaranteed success team which is how it should be.
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2021
    Morbius is excellent for to counter her, only problem is he was released pretty later and people usually dont have him at high levels, still Im starting to see him on SIM 5* land.
    And as all people say, she is pretty easy to beat.
    You can only blame that you are not really committed to this game and your polaris is low.
    I have a polaris L 364 and I didnt waste a penny on her, just playing and shargeting.
    And she is great because playing smartly(important word in this game),she can be fast and lethal, and that it is everything on this game.
    MPQ should give some briefing on how to play pvp because it is not easy, although players truly interested should learn in this forum, too.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Work on 4* Rocket next. Morbius can come later. There are other 3* that can counter Polaris, such as Hawkeye, Hulk. 

    If you can get Polaris and 4* Rocket up, I can assure you that you can get top 10 in PvP up till scl 9. At worst, it's top 25. All you need is between 800 to 900 point and put up a shield.
  • Theghouse
    Theghouse Posts: 350 Mover and Shaker
    > Polaris has ruined PVP???

    To answer the only question you actually asked...  No.
  • justsing
    justsing Posts: 512 Critical Contributor
    edited May 2021
    As someone who went through the 3* to 4* to 5* transition on their main account (Day 1705) years ago and who just champed their first 5* (Kitty) on their alt account (Day 534) a few days ago, Polaris has been such a positive for the game. 

    Back in the day, if the 4* boost list sucked or you didn't have any boosted 4* champs, you were basically not going to enjoy PVP that week. Now with Polaris, 4* rosters can easily hit that 900 (maybe even higher) without needing to worry about the boost list. Plus Polaris' health is not that high, so you can take her down pretty easily. She's also a great partner for several 5* characters, which is great for those transitioning to 5* land. 
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2021
    Out of curiosity, how does Polaris stack up with the 5* when everyone is boosted to 550? I’m not seeing anyone with a fully covered Okoye or iHulk in my list, though perhaps that will change in my retals. 
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2021
    These are the Polaris related teams in BoP:


    7 teams made up of 7 unique characters.

    For every iHulkoye team out there, I see 4 to 5 Polaris teams.

    Boost doesn't affect your MMR. So you will still see whoever is your typical MMR.
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2021
    Oh yeah, I knew about MMR and scaling. I was more curious about whether Polaris would supplant Okoye as the best character in the game all things being equal. My relatively low MMR is the reason I had to ask. If you see that many Polaris teams I guess she does.

    This is the first PvP where I broke MMR and didn’t get annihilated instantly. 
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2021
    This is based on level 45x MMR. I remember someone saying 47X MMR is different, but I'm don't know how true it is. So, you need to wait for someone with at least three to five 5* at those levels.