Update to Versus Tournament Progression Rewards (11/15/17)



    WEBGAS Posts: 474 Mover and Shaker
    sh81 said:
    I did.  n=1 and all that, but I made 40 wins in every event, and 72 in sim.

    i DIDI IT TOO.......Skipped only the event that rewardered prof X because I don't want to champ him so I don't need that cover 
  • JSP869
    JSP869 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    Beer40 said:
    Wow! Money talked in this case.

    Interesting that MPQ doesn't appear willing to compromise between factions just yet. Maybe they still will, who knows?
    Right? I don't see why they couldn't have just combined the two systems.

    Provide Progress Rewards for winning matches, as per that last "test" PvP season, and provide Placement Rewards for total number of points earned, as per every other PvP season. Best of both worlds, and make everyone happy. Maybe.
    Maybe, because I know the hardcore PvPers weren't happy with the # of wins per reward, a lot of them felt 40 wins was too many to earn the 4-star cover, at least compared to the number of wins they apparently needed to get the 4-star cover under the old/current system.
  • Wonko33
    Wonko33 Posts: 985 Critical Contributor
    People , really, don't bother with your 5 paragraph exposes the only feedback they look at is if the sales went up or down
  • darkwatcherDEZ
    darkwatcherDEZ Posts: 112 Tile Toppler
    We'll just leave this Cracked episode here:


  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,534 Chairperson of the Boards
    Like clockwork, here we go again with the ignorant complaints that "higher level" rosters shouldn't have their voices heard at all.......as if having a higher level roster isn't your end game. You don't need to be a whale to have 5-star rosters, or a well developed 4-star roster. Your roster capability improves as you champ more characters, and thus your MMR gives you tougher matches. In the points-based system, you are rewarded for this by being given higher point value matches against tougher opponents, and thus can achieve progression goals quicker. In the wins-based system, you are punished for this by being forced to slog through matches of this same MMR for nothing more than a mere +1 to your win total. You gaming MMR by tanking points to stay at lower point levels and pick off 3-stars/unboosted 4s wasn't the way the system intended you to play through it. You want to be rewarded for picking on the kids playing in the sandbox, because a +1 would mean the same regardless of who you get it against. Fighting a tougher opponent should be worth more than beating up on someone who's not even close to your level, and there's no logic you can conjure up to deny that. 

    PVP represents the highest level that this game can be played at. It can be a proving ground, a training arena, or a testing site for roster combinations, but the one thing it was NEVER meant to be was charity. I will gladly admit that it is not intuitive whatsover, and not conducive to those who don't want to spend on shields, but at some point you must have realized that they weren't going to stay happy with the mass numbers of people who no longer cared about shielding. Shielding was literally the only aspect of PVP that generated any kind of revenue for them, and they designed a play system where an overwhelming majority of it's participants could completely ignore it. There was nothing that created a competitive desire to gain an edge over people when everyone could just casually play when they wanted over the 2 days and still get all the intended rewards minus the final CP. 

    Instead of whining every time you get hit, and giving up complaining that it's too hard because you actually have to use some strategy now, LEARN from the experience. Take note of what point levels you see certain teams, and what point levels you stop seeing certain teams. Take note of how long you can go unshielded at certain point levels before someone hits you, what kinds of characters you're using when you take the most hits, how frequently hits may come. On the other side, what kinds of teams are people largely avoiding when you use them? What level of points are you "safe" at when you're not using an A-team? When you ARE using an A-team? At what point do the 40+ point matches start to go away, how much time is left when you see the most high-point matches, etc......There is quite a wealth of knowledge to be gained if you take the time to account for it, and I assure you it will make you a better player. Knowing how to do a double-hop against boosted-4 star characters in 5 minutes or less comes in pretty handy when you're competing in PVE with rosters that can do their clears in 30-45 minutes. That's not your style, and you want to be able to just mindlessly charge through whoever you're capable of beating 40 times and get your rewards, fine, but PVP was never meant to reward people who throw strategy out the window. You got a taste of what it's like to be rewarded for it and now you feel the need to get on a soapbox. 

    I get that this gates off a lot of things from 3* star players and those that are getting into the 4* transition, but they were gated from all of us when we were at your level. You build your 4-star roster with PVE progression/placement rewards, CP/LT pulls, and heroics/event tokens. Not being able to get 1 4-star cover now from PVP isn't going to hamper your ability to do that. Keep champing your 4s, you'll start to have more boosted characters, and you will be able to be more competitive, score higher, and take less hits because less people are capable of messing with you. It's SUPPOSED to get easier as you level up, not harder. 

    Alot of truth to this
  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    Beer40 said:
    Phumade said:
    Like clockwork, here we go again with the ignorant complaints that "higher level" rosters shouldn't have their voices heard at all......

    Alot of truth to this
    That's true but....

    Like clockwork, here we go again with the ignorant complaints that "higher level" rosters shouldn't have their voices heard at all.......
    How many people that the insightful comment was intended for actually read it after being insulted in the opening line?  :D

    You catch more flies with honey and all....
    That's true, I let my frustration get the best of me. It's just something I constantly see that truly baffles me about this forum. People that don't consider themselves veterans sometimes treat the opinions of veteran players as if they can't relate to them for the simple fact that their roster is at a different place, and their game experience is different because of it. 

    If you're in your 30s, and you have a relative/friend that constantly tells you about how life will be different once you get into your 40s, then it's pretty silly for you to not at least consider their opinion valid. Not only have they been where you ARE, but they've been where you're GOING. Unless you plan on dying beforehand, then you reaching your 40s as well is an inevitability. Times and circumstances don't remain static of course, but nothing good comes from not valuing the input of those who have made the grade and play the game at the highest level. Roster progression is something that we all strive for, regardless of the differences in pace that it may happen for us. 
  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    Sim Mayor said:

    Like clockwork, here we go again with ignorant claims that the casual players who enjoy being able to play a few rounds here and there at their own pace without having to spend hard-earned HP on shields are whiners who just don't understand the game as well as people who enjoy shield-hopping.

    Win-based PVP allowed me to play a half-dozen casual rounds on the bus to and from work and still get decent progression rewards. I didn't have to worry about the game eating into my home life or causing me to worry about losing progress if I didn't check in every X number of hours to play some high-pressure rounds with a stopwatch in my other hand.

    Thanks MPQ. At least I felt like I was valued for a whole season.
    Thanks for not fully reading/interpreting the post, all for sake of what you believe is a witty comeback. Never once implied that you "dont understand the game", or that anyone LIKES shield-hopping. No one likes having to spend on shields, or lose progression points, but being able to avoid both of those things doesn't make them any money. Thus, they will never make these changes with a priority for the preferences of people who want to "take it easy". 
  • Phinatic85
    Phinatic85 Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    Sim Mayor said:
    Like clockwork, here we go again with the ignorant complaints that "higher level" rosters shouldn't have their voices heard at all.......as if having a higher level roster isn't your end game. You don't need to be a whale to have 5-star rosters, or a well developed 4-star roster. Your roster capability improves as you champ more characters, and thus your MMR gives you tougher matches. In the points-based system, you are rewarded for this by being given higher point value matches against tougher opponents, and thus can achieve progression goals quicker. In the wins-based system, you are punished for this by being forced to slog through matches of this same MMR for nothing more than a mere +1 to your win total. You gaming MMR by tanking points to stay at lower point levels and pick off 3-stars/unboosted 4s wasn't the way the system intended you to play through it. You want to be rewarded for picking on the kids playing in the sandbox, because a +1 would mean the same regardless of who you get it against. Fighting a tougher opponent should be worth more than beating up on someone who's not even close to your level, and there's no logic you can conjure up to deny that. 

    PVP represents the highest level that this game can be played at. It can be a proving ground, a training arena, or a testing site for roster combinations, but the one thing it was NEVER meant to be was charity. I will gladly admit that it is not intuitive whatsover, and not conducive to those who don't want to spend on shields, but at some point you must have realized that they weren't going to stay happy with the mass numbers of people who no longer cared about shielding. Shielding was literally the only aspect of PVP that generated any kind of revenue for them, and they designed a play system where an overwhelming majority of it's participants could completely ignore it. There was nothing that created a competitive desire to gain an edge over people when everyone could just casually play when they wanted over the 2 days and still get all the intended rewards minus the final CP. 

    Instead of whining every time you get hit, and giving up complaining that it's too hard because you actually have to use some strategy now, LEARN from the experience. Take note of what point levels you see certain teams, and what point levels you stop seeing certain teams. Take note of how long you can go unshielded at certain point levels before someone hits you, what kinds of characters you're using when you take the most hits, how frequently hits may come. On the other side, what kinds of teams are people largely avoiding when you use them? What level of points are you "safe" at when you're not using an A-team? When you ARE using an A-team? At what point do the 40+ point matches start to go away, how much time is left when you see the most high-point matches, etc......There is quite a wealth of knowledge to be gained if you take the time to account for it, and I assure you it will make you a better player. Knowing how to do a double-hop against boosted-4 star characters in 5 minutes or less comes in pretty handy when you're competing in PVE with rosters that can do their clears in 30-45 minutes. That's not your style, and you want to be able to just mindlessly charge through whoever you're capable of beating 40 times and get your rewards, fine, but PVP was never meant to reward people who throw strategy out the window. You got a taste of what it's like to be rewarded for it and now you feel the need to get on a soapbox. 

    I get that this gates off a lot of things from 3* star players and those that are getting into the 4* transition, but they were gated from all of us when we were at your level. You build your 4-star roster with PVE progression/placement rewards, CP/LT pulls, and heroics/event tokens. Not being able to get 1 4-star cover now from PVP isn't going to hamper your ability to do that. Keep champing your 4s, you'll start to have more boosted characters, and you will be able to be more competitive, score higher, and take less hits because less people are capable of messing with you. It's SUPPOSED to get easier as you level up, not harder. 
    Like clockwork, here we go again with ignorant claims that the casual players who enjoy being able to play a few rounds here and there at their own pace without having to spend hard-earned HP on shields are whiners who just don't understand the game as well as people who enjoy shield-hopping.

    Win-based PVP allowed me to play a half-dozen casual rounds on the bus to and from work and still get decent progression rewards. I didn't have to worry about the game eating into my home life or causing me to worry about losing progress if I didn't check in every X number of hours to play some high-pressure rounds with a stopwatch in my other hand.

    Thanks MPQ. At least I felt like I was valued for a whole season.
    I wouldn't consider myself hardcore - I play in short bursts a few times throughout a pvp event. I usually hit around 200 after first go sometime a few hours after it begins, float a bit, then get to 400-500 after another go until my health packs deplete. After another day of hovering (playing a match here and there), try to hit it hard and get to 900 or at least 800+ and shield for my first time (or only time depending on if I got the reward). I'll usually do 1 (at max, 2) hops right before end to make sure I get the reward, or top X placement reward. I never go for the 1200 cp prize because my roster doesn't have the 5* power to maintain without spending a bunch on shields.

    All of that is done with significantly less than 40 wins, and minimal shielding, so a non-whale can compete in the points based system, while still getting at least top 25 (and sometimes top 10 finishes),

    Do I get the 4* cover all the time: no, but I get it majority of time compared to having to play double that time spent to even come close to it with the 40 wins system (in addition to not being guaranteed cp because of placement).

    Is it annoying to see your points go down at sometimes more than 100+ after a battle and lose ground: yes, but you're fighting in a tournament with players that can have better rosters than you - if you don't like that type of competition, play PVE, build your roster under less stress, earn your cp, and when you've built it enough, come back.
  • Arphaxad
    Arphaxad Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    Oh well, no PvP for me this season then. I much preferred the win based reward system. More time to play League of Legends I guess.
  • beyonderbub
    beyonderbub Posts: 662 Critical Contributor
    sh81 said:
    So now MPQ is tailored completely to 5* players.  Both PVP and PVE have been bent to their will.

    I wonder what the participation metrics will look like over the next season when the average player looks at either game mode and realises they have very little to play for?

    Of course, so long as the money keeps coming in MPQ wont care, will they?

    This move is clearly financially driven.  They have reverted right back to what the spenders want.

    If it wasnt, they wouldnt have made this move.

    They would have adjusted the new system to be more accommodating, not thrown it out completely.

    Two things people said (of all levels), consistently, would help:
    1) CP back in progression
    2) Open up MMR

    If this was a game design choice, these points would have been attempted.

    Instead, going right back to the PVP of old, its clear its all about the $$$.

    Welcome to MPQ, where 5* or whale players rule, and everyone else gets dumped on.

    I find this reversal to be the most distasteful thing the game has done in my 1013 days playing.

    At least there is no pretending any more, we know what they are about.

    I had reached a nice point with the game where I was very happy playing, and felt it was worth what time I put into it.  Now, honestly, I have to give that some serious thought.
    You need to probably take a break from the game. It's stressing you out too much. You are addicted to it too, not healthy.
    Someone clearly needs to develop a healthier relationship with this game...maybe this will be the impetus for a much needed change in gaming lifestyle
  • 8rock_MPQ
    8rock_MPQ Posts: 9 Just Dropped In
    I propose that at the very least players are afforded protection while they are battling so they don’t win a battle to score 30 points only to learn that while in that battle they were attacked twice and lost 35. I play other games that use this system and it works great.
  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    shardwick said:

    Oh if I had a dollar for every comment that I saw about 5* players bragging about going seal clubbing or begging and screaming for the MMR to be opened up so that they could attack 4* players and below. Also, you really shouldn't trash others for wanting to voice their opinion and being on a soapbox as you do the exact same thing. Just sayin'. 
    Would love to hear your thoughts on the matter if you know anything about what the MMR is like at the 5-star level, or what it was like before they finally decided to start boosting 5-star characters. Just sayin'. 
  • FokaiHI
    FokaiHI Posts: 272 Mover and Shaker
    morgh said:
    Absolutely horrible... so no 4*s again since 900 is out of reach... great going all you whiners with full 5* rosters.
    Whining about whining. That’s a good look
  • shartattack
    shartattack Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    edited November 2017
    Felessa said:
    Well, I liked the win system, but thought 40 wins was very hight too... but comeback to the masochism of gain/loss progression points wasn't exactly what I expected... :/

    Last season I reached the 4* cover in Versus for the first time ever... and it was wonderful! And I did it in 4 events. Now? No more 4* covers from Versus like it used to be... less rewards overall... and no more variety of characters to fight/use too. I just really hope that a better solution is found next season.
    Your signature says you have 33 4* champs.  Most weeks you will have at least 2 boosted 4s.  At the absolute most, you need 225 hp for 2 shields.  On a good week, you should be able to climb to 900 before your first shield.  And that is with way less than 40 wins.