Show Us Your Best Team! *Update (9/15/17)

Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
edited September 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
Update: We have selected our three winners, and have privately contacted them already. For those who took the time to send in a submission, thank you very much for your participation! We enjoyed reading everyone's entries, and we hope you all choose to join us for the next future contest, as well.

Please keep an eye out for the upcoming creative marketing asset that will announce the winners, and showcase their submissions!
Hi Everyone,

Are you a speedy, Strike-tile strategist? An adept, Attack-tile aggressor? A power-house, Protect-tile…um…protector?! Well I hope all your training in the Your latest fun team combination discussion thread pays off, because we want to know what you think is hands-down the best team combination in all of Marvel Puzzle Quest!

Have fun and be creative, the selection does not need to be all 5-star characters. A brief description that offers why you like this combination based on a particular event/situation in the game will be a suitable entry.

Grand Prize (3 winners)
  • One (1) current Marvel Puzzle Quest comic cover of your choice
    • Must be 4-Star rarity or below
    • Can be any color comic cover
  • 1,000 Hero Points
  • Have your team combination featured on a D3 Go! marketing creative asset. (Show it off to the world!)
Entry Guidelines:
  1. Must be a 3 Hero/Villain team.
  2. Must include a brief explanation of why you think this is the best combination.
  • 500 characters or less description
  • Each participant may only submit one entry by posting in this thread.
  • Must be okay with us to share forum name to use in an upcoming marketing creative asset to qualify.
  • All forum rules apply to contest entries: Forum Rules
  • Please check all prior entries before posting yours to avoid similar submissions.
    • For entries containing the exact same characters, we will only accept the first participant that submitted it.
  • Be creative and have fun!
  • Submission Deadline
    Contest will be open to submissions starting now until Tuesday, August 29th 6pm PT (Wednesday, August 30th 1am UTC). 

    Winning submissions will be selected and rewarded within 15 days of the conclusion of the contest.

    Voting Process
    The three winners will be hand-picked by members of D3 Go! and Demiurge, based on what we feel is the strongest combination and best description.

    Please note that your submission means you are okay with D3 Go! featuring your character combination suggestion and your forum name in a future D3 Go! marketing creative asset. If you are not okay with this option, please do not participate and submit a post.  All entry guidelines and selection of winners are at the discretion of D3 Go! and are final.

    Good Luck!


    • revskip
      revskip Posts: 971 Critical Contributor
      edited August 2017

      4* Nova 5/3/5
      4* Howard the Duck 5/3/5
      3* Scarlet Witch 5/3/5

      Rainbow team set up to get Howard invisible often and early.  Switch generates purple to get Howard's Duck, Duck loose going, Hex Bolt can also be a low cost way to get that last couple of AP.  Nova provides strikes to beef up Duck, Duck Loose and keeps anyone who negates invisibility airborne.  Howard does damage passively with purple and removes strikes while stunning w/ blue and once Nova has gotten strikes out green creates devastating cascades.  .  

      I love this team for boss battles.  And it is a great troll team in Season SHIELD Simulator. 

      EDITED - to fit 500 character constraint.  

    • shardwick
      shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
      You don't need a special contest. Just look at the majority of my shield sim opponents. Carol/Medusa/Bl4de.
    • tiomono
      tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
      Carnage, Medusa, and Mordo.

      Carnage attack tile spam keeps the team healing and generating ap with Medusa's passive. Mordo purple hits like a truck if the other team does not have actives on all colors or likes to stockpile for big hits.

      This team also has plenty of passive damage to allow you to get around characters like Peggy or Dr. Strange that punish the use of your own powers. They easily punch above their weight often.
    • Coulson_Lives
      Coulson_Lives Posts: 25 Just Dropped In
      edited August 2017
      4* Carol/Wasp/Blade

      Blade gets strikes down, get enough blue to get Wasp's recurring countdown out, which lets Carol pump up those strikes.  Once Carol gets photonic barrage off, Wasp gets off her yellow to boost everything and Blade is firing off bloodlust, your opponent is in for a world of hurt.
    • Basepuzzler
      Basepuzzler Posts: 180 Tile Toppler
      5* HE/Coulson/4* Carol

      An endless supply of arrows and countdowns followed by a lot of HE out of arrows.
    • Evilplayer
      Evilplayer Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
      edited August 2017
      4* carol danvers 5/3/5
      4* clock&dagger 5/5/3
      4* medussa

      Heavy hitter plus two support characters that can work together to heal and boost. 
      Clock&dagger black passive helps carol to get her the required ap for her deadly attack really fast, then the game starts. Carol gets attack tiles each round plus if there are enough black on the game already u get a lot of attack tiles from c&d.
      medussa is there to generate a lot of strike tiles as well (cause the board will mainly containt black tiles and will be easy to match her countdown) plus good healing if u need it. 
      If your enemys strongest color is black he is totally doomed tnx to carols passive.
      And last but not least u can use carols yellow to medussas countdown just to improve your special tiles. Easy and fast 
    • Grizz875
      Grizz875 Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
      4*  cloak n dagger 5/4/4
      4* Luke cage 5/3/5
      4* iron fist 3/5/5

      Rainbow coverage. let clagger create black for iron fists "like unto iron" or yellow for cages "hero for hire". Tile fortification, IF's green for black ap generation. cage's "buncha fiddle-faddle" a very strong nuke.
    • Esheris
      Esheris Posts: 216 Tile Toppler
      4* Thor 5/3/5
      4* Jean Grey 5/3/5
      3* Iron Man 3/5/5

      Get 6 yellow and you have tons of AP to get Thor and Jean going. Lots of aoe from Jean and the ability to clear the board of any enemy special tiles. Plus that nice stun from Thor that gives you so much control over the enemy team.
      While they are a bit dated, I still find them my go-to team even over newly champed characters.
    • Daredevil217
      Daredevil217 Posts: 3,927 Chairperson of the Boards
      4* Star-Lord (5/3/5)
      4* Punisher (5/3/5)
      4* Rocket & Groot (3/5/5)

      Guardians of the Galaxy team up with Frank Castle to punish victims quicker than you can say "Court Death".  Rocket creates 7 beefy Strikes that Star-Lord and Punisher buff just by them being on the battlefield!  I know Grocket plus random Guardian is popular but I imagine few have thought about bringing along a 5-blue Frank for his Weapons Expertise buffing tiles an additional 25%!

      Better hope a cascade doesn't drop on you!

    • Bloodsport84
      Bloodsport84 Posts: 13 Just Dropped In

      4* Star-Lord
      3* Cyclops
      4* Rocket & Groot

      Go for two yellow match, have Star-Lord reduction countdown or starting boost +1 to red and yellow, create cascade multiplied be Rocket & Groot striking titles multiplied be His friend + RAINBOW Team :)
    • Beer40
      Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
      4* Gwenpool 5/3/5
      3* Dr. Strange 5/3/3
      3* Spider-Man 5/3/5
      My son wanted to help me play one night. No active red and this was before the Spider-Man re-work so he was slow. That was the beauty of it. This team was slow so it took forever beating higher level opponents and we had to really look at the board to decide what matches were best to make. We cleared several nodes with that team. Above all, we had fun and got some good QT together. This is our go to team now.
    • animaniactoo
      animaniactoo Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
      4* Blade
      4* Wasp
      4* Medusa 

      This is my Shield Sim team - I was looking for a team the AI couldn't screw up defensively.

      Red is passive for both Medusa and Blade so as soon as you get some red, he's off and running.
      Green can only be used by Blade to chomp with so if he's taking damage, he's getting some healing.
      Yellow can only be used Wasp to buff whatever she and Blade are laying down for strike tiles - either creating a lot of damage with super buffed strike tiles or preventing a lot with super buffed protect tiles - match goes on long enough and there'll be plenty of both laid down.

      Meanwhile, nobody is using up Blue, so Wasp is out there stealing a new color ap every turn (and laying a nasty sting trap if you can't avoid matching it due to a cascade).

      Black basically becomes lethal for both Wasp and Bl4de, so whoever triggers it moves the match along rapidly.

      Pink - can only be used by Medusa, swapping around tiles and gathering up extra AP for free.

      Not to mention Medusa's attack tiles/countdown nibbling away and boosted by whatever strike tiles Blade and Wasp are laying out/buffing.

      And all along, every time the tiles laid out by Medusa, Wasp, and Blade get eaten, Medusa is healing the team.
    • sinnerjfl
      sinnerjfl Posts: 1,274 Chairperson of the Boards
      Gamora (4*)
      Rocket & Groot (4*)
      Cloak & Dagger

      Start of the match, you get the strike tiles out and boosted thanks to the GOTG bonus. If there's enough black, C&D makes atk tiles which are boosted with the strikes so you'll be doing a ton of damage early on.

      Gamora's stun at 5 covers is so good, you can basically stun lock the other team once you down an enemy while doing constant damage. You should get 9 black eventually, can try for the insta-kill too on the last enemy :D
    • Jaedenkaal
      Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
      4* Carol, 5/5/3
      4* Medusa, (any build, frankly)
      4* Agent Coulson (5/3/5)

      Either Coulson or Medusa should have the strongest match damage, this means Carol will generate Yellow AP passively, which gets Call the Cavalry moving quickly. Executive Decision is also a cheap way to generate yet another countdown tile from Super Secret Tech.
    • Zappa
      Zappa Posts: 102 Tile Toppler
      4* rocket and groot
      4* medusa
      4* gamora

      Playing for speed, this team will take on any others and quickly. Takes out problem heroes rapidly at the beginning, then build up for stuns/attack/strike tiles from gamora to close out the match. You can even go into matches with relatively lower health because matching any of the strike tiles (buffed by gamora) will result in team heals by medusa. Medusa's ability allows for double dipping of strike tiles.
      Not only does it play fast in the player's hands, it is extremely dangerous on defense because the lack of skill on the computer's part does not negate the monstrous strike tiles. Other teams such with heroes such as wasp or carol require time to set up and AP gathered to get the ball rolling, whereas this team comes right out the gate with 2k+ match damage and at least 2k+ medusa tile damage each turn at minimum.
    • AlexxKats
      AlexxKats Posts: 99 Match Maker
      edited August 2017
      Let's Roll this in.
      Storm-Mohawk 5/3/5
      Mr.Fantastic 5/5/3
      Medusa 5/3/5

      Evil slow self-healing team. Both damaging powers (Mr.Fantastic's black + Medusa's yellow) are set in level 3 to minimize the damage done, so the fight will drag on. Rush Storm's Hailstorm to generate special tiles (when matched by enemy, heal your team). If in trouble: Mr. Fantastic's Flexibility can get you some needed ap (+stun + defense tiles), or Medusa's Hair Meddle to randomly get some ap / steal enemy special tiles (2nd priority vs medusa/carnage team).

    • nwahs086
      nwahs086 Posts: 81 Match Maker
      5* Hawkeye
      4* Coulson
      4* Star-Lord

      Once Hawkeye shoots his first arrow, the chain reaction begins. His countdown arrows trigger Coulson's countdowns which all generate AP to fuel the other powers. Star-Lord provides defensive support by lowering AP costs for Hawkeye and Coulson's powers and overriding enemy tiles with his Sleight of Hand. The sheer number of countdowns and AP generation control the whole board.
    • Edgeman
      Edgeman Posts: 41 Just Dropped In
      2* Magneto (3/5/5)
      2* Storm (5/5/3)
      2* Hawkeye (3/5/5)

      It’s the best team early on in the game. Even if you past the early stage, it is still awesome in DDQ (I use it everyday). This team can generate AP, do stuns, and deal damage. Magneto’s red can do good damage and gain AP; his purple can even do more: generate red and blue (feeds Storm) and create match 5 (triggers Hawkeye’s purple). Storm’s blue does great stuns and deal damage; her green can also generate more AP. Hawkeye’s purple (triggered by Magneto) does great damage; if needed, he can also do team damage with his red.

    • AlluAllu
      AlluAllu Posts: 86 Match Maker
      I'll go with a 3-star team, as I have only just began transitioning to the 4* tier:

      Iron Fist 3*
      Captain America 3*
      Luke Cage 3*

      Iron Fist might be the best of that tier, with his constant damage and the cheap purple that either manipulates the board or deals huge damage. Cap takes care of rest of the colors. He requires a lot of AP to get going, but when he does, he is a heavy hitting, stun inducing, enemy tile ridding fighting machine. Luke supports the team with his powerful protect tile. He also can put the black AP to some good use once Danny is done with it, while also providing an excellent alternative for yellow.

    • justsing
      justsing Posts: 507 Critical Contributor
      edited August 2017
      4* Medusa (any build, though I prefer 5/5/3 or 5/4/4)
      4* Wasp 3/5/5
      4* Carol 5/5/3

      Wasp's Tactical Intuition can quickly put down 1 strike & shield tile. Match Medusa's countdown tile to add attack tiles. Collect 6 Blue for Wasp's That Buzzing Sound, so Carol can constantly buff your special tiles. The buffed strike/attack tiles do heavy damage to the opponent while the shield tile reduces the damage you take. If your special tiles get matched, you get healing thanks to Medusa. You also have a stun, AP generation, & a nuke, so you can take down any other team.
    This discussion has been closed.