Show Us Your Best Team! *Update (9/15/17)



  • jgomes32
    jgomes32 Posts: 381 Mover and Shaker
    edited August 2017
    4* Captain Marvel (5/5/3) + 4* Blade (5/5/3) + Medusa (4/5/4):

    Extremely powerful team for Simulator. Blade and Medusa will add special titles while Carol keeps buffing, Medusa will heal, gain ap and steal titles, Blade's red will help end things fast and Carol's black does insane damage with her passive speeding up ap and potentially doing damage. All around great (and annoying team) capable of beating even 5* teams.

  • metallion
    metallion Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    edited August 2017
    Introducing a 3* team that I always used to run for DDQ back before vaulting messed with my levels. 

    3* Bullseye (5/5/3)
    3* Luke Cage (5/3/5)
    3* Black Panther (5/3/5)

    With Bullseye as the central character, he will tank 4 colours (purple, black, green and team-ups) which increases his chances of activating his black passive after killing an enemy. Purple is used to get the first kill by removing Luke Cage's defense tile for some great damage, starting the flood of strikes in the process. Green is mainly used to remove any team-up tiles to increase the number of tiles Bullseye can flood with strike tiles.

    Black Panther's yellow will occasionally be used to support Bullseye in adding strike to the board. Once the first flood is out he will use his black for massive AOE damage.

    Luke Cage's main purpose is to provide the initial special tile for Bulleye's purple to use. Once the first wave of strikes appear he will still continue to remove this tile to maximise the number of strikes on the board. Any chances to use yellow and black will just be gravy.

    This team works wonderfully well on wave nodes, where you can use the first waves to completely fill the board with strike tiles and wipe the last with the AOE, but it can also be effective on normal fights, where you can either hit the AOE after the first strikes come out, or Luke Cage's black or yellow when 2 are down. Either way it will still cause massive damage. 

    For a fun challenge, try to fill the board completely with strike tiles. 
  • Randomkite123
    Randomkite123 Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    edited August 2017
    Luke Cage 3*
    Doctor Strange 3*
    This is by far the best team I have ever made. unlike most teams, each one plays a role that cancels out potential weaknesses. Take down AP easily, Destroy special tile in number, Damage ranging from Nuke level to team damage, and every AP color has it's uses. overall, Luke protects everyone as well as one-shots, Strange Fights back with counter attacks and healing, and She-hulk makes sure to hinder their chances as the 3 star bests.
  • Andres_cbrl
    Andres_cbrl Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    edited August 2017
    4* Peggy 5/3/5
    4* Thing 5/3/5
    3* Iron man 40 5/3/5

    Stun 2 enemies with Peggy blue, stun 3rd enemy with Thing red. Iron man 40 yellow generate AP. Peggy makes enemy move cost more and Thing blocks for Peggy forcing enemy to deal with Thing first. 
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2017
    4* Mr Fantastic 5/3/5
    4* Luke Cage 5/3/5
    4* Jean Grey 5/3/5

    This team has the best synergy in the game, IMO! Between Jean having 2 AoE powers that will add friendly specials and remove enemy specials, Mr F adding fortified tiles, team burst heal, his 3-turn stun, Cage dealing damage based on number of fortified tiles and fortifying a few that aren't, lots of protect tiles, Jean stops enemy team on match 5s, and full rainbow of actives.

    All their powers complement each other and boost each other. Perfect team synergy!! 
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    5* Green Goblin
    4* Captain Marvel
    4* Agent Coulson

    Coulson spams countdowns, Goblin fortifies them, Carol spits out strike tiles, and as those countdowns go off, Carol starts buffing the strike tiles and Coulson vacuums up the AP.

    Bonus giggle points if Goblin uses his yellow active after the strikes and countdowns are out and reduces all the countdowns at once.
  • HawkGuy616
    HawkGuy616 Posts: 23 Just Dropped In
    Riri, Moon Knight,  3* Iron Man. 
    IM40 feeds Riri's 3rd and blue for lots of cheap hits, as well as MK's green. Lots of quick hits for big damage.  
  • rawfsu
    rawfsu Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    3* Spider-Man
    3* Falcon
    3* Gamora

    Pink AP triggers Spidey's protect tiles and builds Falcon's Bird Strike (team damage). Blue AP feeds Spidey's stun and Falcon's removal of special tiles if needed. Gamora takes Red AP for quick damage, but protect tiles from Spidey and Falcon give time for Gamora to build green (team damage) and black. Yellow AP builds Spidey's powerful new attack and triggers Falcon's passive. This strengthens any protect tiles or strike tiles on the board.
  • Spudgutter
    Spudgutter Posts: 743 Critical Contributor

    Patch and Daken heal themselves, Loki steals AP.  

    Daken creates friendly strike tiles from matching green.  Use the green to fire Patch's Berserker Rage, which creates friendly and enemy strike tiles.  Use Loki's Trickery to turn the enemy strike tiles into friendly protect tiles.

    Added bonus, they are all 3*, so they are easier to acquire than the 4* and 5* teams everyone else is posting.

    Extra added bonus, two of them have their covers fed to them from 2* champ rewards.
  • oBrokeno
    oBrokeno Posts: 31 Just Dropped In
    3* iron man 
    3* Kamala Khan
    2* storm
    Iron mans yellow to speed ap. Then kk purple to generate more green and storms green to get more ap. It's a fun combo that can beat most teams. 

  • stewbacca
    stewbacca Posts: 82 Match Maker
    edited August 2017
    5* Thanos, 5* Panther, 5* Strange...

    Just useable against everybody. Full color coverage.   Strange stuns protects any major damage with his ap removal and damage for enemy powers, obvious thanos team kill, with the panther return from his stun, and the panther black can add that extra damage to pesky attackers. And of course he actually has use for all the team up tiles. 

    Counters everybody, even the reciprocal team.
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    Vulture 5/5/3
    Cloak and Dagger 5/3/5
    Ironheart 4/5/4

    Found this to be a wonderful combo. All active colors and they feed each others abilities wonderfully. C&D help fuel Vulture's black, which fuels his green and Ironhart's blue, which fuels her red. C&D's yellow to remove tiles or a nice AoE and their cheap purple to chip away at enemy is a nice bonus.

    I would sometimes passively get enough black that when Vulture landed, I'd just drop his green an send him back up.
  • Dotproduct
    Dotproduct Posts: 217 Tile Toppler
    edited August 2017
    3* IF, 3* SWitch, 3* Cyclops.

    The reason why IF is top tier in his class is because his kit flows. So why not extend it? Swtich passive produces the purple needed to get the IF steam train going and that in turn produces the black needed to get bring out the best in Cyclops. In total you get 3 AP generators, 3 single nukes, a stun AOE and a decent support tile maker.
  • elrak82
    elrak82 Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    Loki, 3* Daredevil, Kamala Khan

    "STEAL, HEAL, STUN" Is the name of the game.
  • Skrofa
    Skrofa Posts: 388 Mover and Shaker
    Scarlet Witch.

    Either  Story or Versus, I like this team a lot!
    If carol gets her black first, coulson will add a cd tile to buff the newborn strike. Gather tu ap to speed SW cd. Gather yellow for either Carol or Coulson. Good team all around
  • geno685
    geno685 Posts: 53 Match Maker
    Ever just want to punch someone like Galactus in the face? Then the team of 4*Star Lord, 3*Iron Man, and 3*Hawkguy is for you! Nothing is more satisfying than a nice sucker punch courtesy of Star Lord and if you live, Hawkeye will get you with one of his many arrows. I mean who needs superpowers when you have a bow, a robotic suit and a sexy smile? Plus can you imagine all the snarky remarks they are making while they punch down every enemy in their path? Spider-Man would be taking notes!
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2017
    My ladies still got what it takes. :) 

    All 3*s

    L198 Kamala / L178 Carol / L102 Shulk (dupe with covers at 3/2/3)

    Vs Combat Test 4: 334/333/334 Storm/Nova/Moon Knight 


    Carol tanks most damage, generating red and black.  Carol stuns enemies as needed, Shulk smashes the board to shake things up, which both destroys enemy specials and generates ap.

    Any purple or blue goes into converting green and specials respectively. As needed Shulk disperses enemy ap or Kamala bashes. 

    Kamala cheers them all on. They also take turns tanking if Carol's health gets low.

    This team is best against enemies of much higher levels that can trigger Carol with match 4s or strikes. 
  • hunky_funky
    hunky_funky Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
    edited August 2017
    4* Starlord
    4* C&D
    4* Riri
    Once ap cost is reduced Riri starts to do her thing: punching with red, fuel her self and sending everyone airborne. C&D for support
  • OzarkBoatswain
    OzarkBoatswain Posts: 692 Critical Contributor
    edited August 2017
    4* Ghost Rider
    4* Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)
    4* Medusa

    This team exploits Ghost Rider's Hellfire tile, which goes off every turn and makes attack tiles. Captain Marvel improves those attack tiles when it goes off. Medusa heals the team whenever those attack tiles are matched.

    Bad timing, this team is about to get nerfed.... Let me try again.

    Peggy Carter

    This team avoids targeted attacks with Spider-Woman's Seeking Redemption, softens team attacks with Quake's Coordinated Tactics, and makes it harder for the other team to use special abilities with Peggy Carter's Legendary Presence. On the offensive side, it has targeted attacks, team attacks, two stuns, countdown tiles that deal damage, trap tiles that deal damage when matched away, and a board shuffle.
  • StreetPreacher
    StreetPreacher Posts: 54 Match Maker
    edited August 2017
    Magneto (Classic), Mystique, and Thanos (Modern)

    These three villains of Marvel Puzzle Quest are able to make quick work of any heroes in their way. Magneto is a straight-forward character who excels at dealing damage. His big weapon is 'Magnetized Projectiles', which also rearranges the board, allowing you to match even more tiles. Mystique is an enfeebler. Her purple ability 'Shapeshift' steals AP from your opponent every time they make a match. More AP for you, less for your opponent. What's not to love? Finally, Thanos has a permanent spot on the team because of his infamous black ability, 'Court Death.' Every time you defeat an enemy, Thanos clobbers the remaining defenders for a lot of damage. And the best part is the price: free.<br>They're gonna knock the heroes into next week!

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