*** Vision (Android Avenger) ***



  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    atomzed wrote:
    wymtime wrote:
    I want to apologize to the Devs about vision. I originally thought he was tinykitty and had no plans on leveling him. Well I had close to 200k ISO built up when Man Made PVP started so I decided to take him to 166 and WOW. I was really surprised how much fun he was with the right team. I decided to run him in simulator to see if it was just the massive buff and I still like him. He reminds me of Gamora in the sense that when she is in the middle and ownes the most tiles watch out.
    Vision defiantly is not making me regret the ISO and he will help my team in PVE and simulator. I will test him out in PVP when he does not own the middle position to see if he is as useful, but for now, to D3 I am sorry. I really thought he was Junk but he is really fun to play.

    I see this post very late, but I want to echo wymtime comments.

    Vision when maxed is very fun. Especially when he is boosted. Even with the "need" to the strike tile ownership, he is still very good with his blue ability. A few cascades and he is doing onwards of a few thousand dmg.

    You usually leave him till the last since he is not seen as threatening. At the same time when you leave him till last, his blue ability is going to make you suffer heavy dmg.

    I am going to enjoy this pvp, since I have him maxed.

    Agreed. The characters that require owning tiles to maximize their skills, Captain Marvel, Patch, Gamora, Vision, Hulk, Red Hulk, where tanking the majority of the colors really makes them shine. Where I like Vision over all of them, is that it's not based on how many tiles, Like Gamora or Patch, but just that you tank, which can make off color tiles really nice especially when boosted. IMO, Vision's only problem is that alone his red sucks because it's too expensive. Having it's AP cost go up to 10AP with one of his tiles out while staying at 8 when not would be one way to fix it, or just increase the red dmg when used solo, also his red with yellow out needs to destroy more tiles, but as is, when red alone does 2710 to one target, but red with blue does 2259 to team, there is some scaling off. His red is a frigging infinity stone per the MCU and his appearance, this should be doing Optic Blast level dmg because it's not like Vision is a tank where his dmg should be less, he's got 425 less hitpoints then Cyclops. His solo red should be doing 3.8 to 4K.
  • OJSP wrote:
    scvready2 wrote:
    I just did over 5000 damage to each team member using visions heavy strike. The description says I should be doing 3882 damage. (Buffed) obviously.

    What gives? I tried it in the next match, same thing. Am I missing something?
    Add the Density: Heavy bonus damage to it icon_e_smile.gif

    Aha thanks I was hoping it wasn't a glitch! icon_e_smile.gif
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    OJSP wrote:
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    His solo red should be doing 3.8 to 4K.
    You're underestimating the value of the + shaped destroyed tiles.. icon_e_smile.gif (joking)

    I agree that for 10 AP, Attack Protocol without a Density: Heavy tile is mediocre. But, considering it only takes 5 bluetile.png to make it a much better Heavy Strike, perhaps it's the developer's intention to design him this way: to make him annoying to fight against, but not overly powerful. His CD tile dance was ridiculous when he was paired with KK and Starlord in Deadpool vs MPQ last time..

    Considering how the skills are sequenced for the AI, I'm just glad that they won't use his blueflag.png before redflag.png in the same turn. I'd gladly take a weak Attack Protocol and let him use Density: Heavy the next.

    Which is why to me the more elegant approach would be to have Attack Protocol cost 8AP unless a Density or Heavy Strike tile is out, then the cost is increased to 10AP.
  • nigelregal
    nigelregal Posts: 184 Tile Toppler
    Does anyone know how heavy works with boosting match dmg or boosting blue dmg?

    I have not tried but wondering how the modifier works
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    nigelregal wrote:
    Does anyone know how heavy works with boosting match dmg or boosting blue dmg?

    I have not tried but wondering how the modifier works
    Shouldn't affect the heavy strike dmg. The boost only affect the match dmg.

    So if match dmg is 80*3 + 1300 (blue ability dmg),
    Then with boost it will be (boost modifier)*80*4 + 1300.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just saw the cover for ANAD Avengers issue 6.

    Vision's cover needs updating, methinks.

  • notamutant
    notamutant Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    So it's been announced that Vision will ne the next 3* buffed after IM40, in R95. What are your hopes for him?

    I'm just praying he turns out more Dr Doom than Ragnarok

    I am guessing red will be more useful when not boosted. I think they will keep the basic mechanics the same. Maybe increase the stats slightly, or make it so he tanks when yellow is out like Colossus, although highly unlikely since that would make Colossus' yellow even more shameful.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    I hope they leave his blue alone unless it's to make it stronger. I hope they make yellow a completely different ability that doesn't have to switch off and on with his blue because I'll always want to keep his blue active.
  • Marc_Spector
    Marc_Spector Posts: 628 Critical Contributor
    Pylgrim wrote:
    I hope they leave his blue alone unless it's to make it stronger. I hope they make yellow a completely different ability that doesn't have to switch off and on with his blue because I'll always want to keep his blue active.

    Ditto; the three different states are completely unnecessary. They could really just switch it so Vision is in "Light" mode when blue is NOT active, and "Heavy" mode while it is. I could probably count on not even one hand but one finger the amount of times I've actually wanted to use the Light version of his red, vs the AOE damage of blue->red. I do hope they switch his yellow to something different entirely.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    notamutant wrote:
    So it's been announced that Vision will ne the next 3* buffed after IM40, in R95. What are your hopes for him?

    I'm just praying he turns out more Dr Doom than Ragnarok

    I am guessing red will be more useful when not boosted. I think they will keep the basic mechanics the same. Maybe increase the stats slightly, or make it so he tanks when yellow is out like Colossus, although highly unlikely since that would make Colossus' yellow even more shameful.

    I concur. I think red gets a dmg boost for being unboosted, or see my suggestion above. If no blue or yellow CD tile out it costs 8, otherwise it costs 10 if there is. Blue skill is fine, yellow is also fine, but the light disruption portion of red needs to be able to destroy more than 2 tiles, dmg wise its solid.
  • Mitchjewitz
    Mitchjewitz Posts: 84 Match Maker
    I actually like and use Vision. But yeah he does need some rebalancing. His base red should do significant more damage than his AoE or make the tiles that get destroyed gain ap. His yellow either needs to destroy any two special tiles or destroy more than two and include attack and Cd tiles.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    They'll never do this, but if they just made it possible for his blue and yellow effects to both be active at the same time, that'd be a great buff.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    I think they will do a major buff to his yellow skill (or a complete rewrite of his yellow skill).

    Having a skill that the AI butchers doesn't make sense (which is why I left my Vision at 5/5/0). There's a lot they can do to fix him... I just hope they don't nerf his blue to make his yellow worthwhile... in that case, he'll just stay on the shelf.
  • Sandwichboy
    Sandwichboy Posts: 193 Tile Toppler
    I've probably suggested it like ten times already but the best thing they could do would be to simply add some sort of secondary cast effect to heavy and light density like Ant man has. Because right now the whole idea of his usefulness stems from him tanking as many colours as possible, but if he's the only one with useable blue and yellow abilities, most of that AP is going to be wasted.
  • DarqFeonix
    DarqFeonix Posts: 130 Tile Toppler
    I'm hoping his Base Red becomes targetable, ala Grey BW, and gains AP (okay, that part is just wishful thinking). At the moment, it's too similar to Switch's Hex Bolt - at least in character for her, the "randomness" of control makes sense.
  • greenglove
    greenglove Posts: 113 Tile Toppler
    I personally hope that his blue will affect the whole team, and not just the colors he tanks. Otherwise, the skill does very little. Any time you have a 4* with a blue skill, Vision will hardly tank any colors at all, which means he is really only useful to those in 2* and 3* land. He would become a very useful character indeed if his blue (and yellow, for that matter!) affected the teammates as well. If both could be used together (and make the red dependent on the skill that was fired first), Vision would become one of the best 3*. At the moment, though, he doesn't come anywhere near IF, SW, or GSBW, which are basically the only 3*'s I use on a regular basis.
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    Fact: The reason Vision is so useless is because the AI has no tinykitty clue how to use his Blue & Yellow abilities. It just mindlessly casts one right after the other, ON THE SAME TURN EVEN!!!

    To fix Vision they need to either make his Yellow and Blue not overwrite one another, or some additional benefit for casting each one. Perhaps include some of the effects of his red ability on the initial casting with an increased cost. Perhaps let them stack. Perhaps even change to a single tile type that does both Light & Heavy Density's effects, then make his other two abilities always work like some variation of his current Red....

    Oh, I like that. Make Blue his Density tile that includes the affects of both Light & Heavy for a slightly raised AP cost (probably a slightly lower effect in both cases as well.) While we are at it, it would be nice if it did something when it's cast when a tile already exists (like exposing the old tile.) Then make his Red & Yellow abilities each normally use one of his current Attack Protocols, except when the Blue Density tile is out, in which case he gets his remaining Attack Protocol & a new attack ability!

    Perhaps make the Attack Protocols single target effects when no Density tile is out, but make the AoE effects only when the Density tile is out.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    I just realised that one of the reasons why Vision is so underrated is because he sucks at low levels : he likely won't tank all or even any of his colours, so his Blue doesn't proc often and when it does, the added damage won't seem that great to bother. So people just think he's just **** and never level him up.
  • Sm0keyJ0e
    Sm0keyJ0e Posts: 730 Critical Contributor
    Just make his yellow passive. AI can't screw it up, it's a nice little buff, and the designs behind the character stay the same. When blue is dropped, his passive yellow becomes something different--like a yellow match increases the countdown of the blue by one.
  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    After seeing how good of a job they have done with the two last revamps, I went ahead and championed Vision in the hopes that they make it 3 in a row. Plus I could put those Cyc covers to use someday.