Ultron PvE questions



  • Stax the Foyer
    Stax the Foyer Posts: 941 Critical Contributor
    Kyllian wrote:
    Give us a compreensive faq pls! It's confusing sorting through all the info. We need time to coordinate within the alliance, afterall the event starts in more or less 24 hours, right?

    In the meantime, those who can give reputation may want to go through and upvote each of Kabir's posts in this thread.

    If we can make them green (>25 rep), it'll increase their visibility and let this serve as a sort of proto-FAQ. (Or if a mod could abuse their powers and green them, that would work too.)
  • orionpeace
    orionpeace Posts: 343 Mover and Shaker
    I would also like to know this. I'm going to be on a plane for much of Monday afternoon, so if I get into the flight with my alliance close to opening up a new Ultron Prime battle, and by the time I arrive in Detroit, get my rental car, drive to the hotel, eat dinner, check in, etc, etc, they've gone around and unlocked Ultron Prime again, did I just miss out on a fight reward permanently?

    Nope. There are 8 locked mission pins in the Ultron Prime chapter, and one unlocks each time you beat Ultron in the Avengers vs Ultron chapter.

    To clarify:

    Each player, is individually responsible for beating those Prime mission pins to get their covers.

    So, the Alliance gets you to the fight but you are responsible for winning your own Scarlet Witch covers.

    Is that correct?
  • Demiurge_Kabir
    Kyllian wrote:
    Give us a compreensive faq pls! It's confusing sorting through all the info. We need time to coordinate within the alliance, afterall the event starts in more or less 24 hours, right?

    We're working on an FAQ and planning to get it live this evening. It will detail the overall event structure, enemies and the rewards, but I think the questions and concerns that forum players have require more detail than we would put in an FAQ. That's why I'm trying to help answer questions.
  • Stax the Foyer
    Stax the Foyer Posts: 941 Critical Contributor
    orionpeace wrote:
    I would also like to know this. I'm going to be on a plane for much of Monday afternoon, so if I get into the flight with my alliance close to opening up a new Ultron Prime battle, and by the time I arrive in Detroit, get my rental car, drive to the hotel, eat dinner, check in, etc, etc, they've gone around and unlocked Ultron Prime again, did I just miss out on a fight reward permanently?

    Nope. There are 8 locked mission pins in the Ultron Prime chapter, and one unlocks each time you beat Ultron in the Avengers vs Ultron chapter.

    To clarify:

    Each player, is individually responsible for beating those Prime mission pins to get their covers.

    So, the Alliance gets you to the fight but you are responsible for winning your own Scarlet Witch covers.

    Is that correct?

    Piggybacking on this question. I assume that these pins are immediately repeatable if you lose, unlike the Ultron node in the Avengers vs Ultron chapter, but confirmation would be appreciated.
  • Demiurge_Kabir
    orionpeace wrote:
    I would also like to know this. I'm going to be on a plane for much of Monday afternoon, so if I get into the flight with my alliance close to opening up a new Ultron Prime battle, and by the time I arrive in Detroit, get my rental car, drive to the hotel, eat dinner, check in, etc, etc, they've gone around and unlocked Ultron Prime again, did I just miss out on a fight reward permanently?

    Nope. There are 8 locked mission pins in the Ultron Prime chapter, and one unlocks each time you beat Ultron in the Avengers vs Ultron chapter.

    To clarify:

    Each player, is individually responsible for beating those Prime mission pins to get their covers.

    So, the Alliance gets you to the fight but you are responsible for winning your own Scarlet Witch covers.

    Is that correct?

    Yes, there are guaranteed Scarlet Witch rewards in the last 3 mission pins. You can also win Scarlet Witch covers from the event pack, and you'll get those tokens all throughout the event. The odds of winning her are great, and there's also large pools of Iso-8 and Hero Points available.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2015
    In reality, how many roster slots should we need for this????

    This is a question from some of the newer players in my alliance.. worried they will not be able to help out much.
  • Demiurge_Kabir
    I assume that these pins are immediately repeatable if you lose, unlike the Ultron node in the Avengers vs Ultron chapter, but confirmation would be appreciated.

    If you lose an essential mission pin, you can try it again immediately.
  • If you don't have an essential character for a node are you then unable to ever do that node or will it switch out in 8hrs whether you have cleared it or not? I know some are asking about hawkeye and I don't have Nick Fury so if his node comes up and I can't do it is that node then never able to be completed by me during the round?
  • Marc_Spector
    Marc_Spector Posts: 625 Critical Contributor
    the phrase "Alliance leaderboard" connotes an image of competing against my own alliance for rank -- but that is NOT the case, correct? We're all working together to unlock the same progression rewards for all?
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,836 Chairperson of the Boards
    Can you confirm if it will have a twelve-hour+ overlap with the Simulator PvE?

    Yes. Sorry.

    Don't forget the last two PVPs overlap too. I wish you guys could have worked it out so it's offseason and Simulator is done so we can fully focus on this new event.

    We tried asking Marvel to change the release date of their movie to the off season and they just stared at us.

    For what it's worth, the 2nd run of the event starts in the off season.

    hahaha thank you for the laugh. I understand these things are out of your control. Is the 2nd run of the event exactly the same as the first or different? I believe I heard from the video that you're facing a different Ultron on the second event, correct? Is it set up the same way? Same tokens? Same rewards? Or is the second event grant us Hulkbuster Ironman? I do not believe he has been mentioned yet.
  • thx for answering our questions Kabir
  • Demiurge_Kabir
    the phrase "Alliance leaderboard" connotes an image of competing against my own alliance for rank -- but that is NOT the case, correct? We're all working together to unlock the same progression rewards for all?

    Correct, but the leaderboard lets you know who isn't pulling their weight icon_e_wink.gif
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    the phrase "Alliance leaderboard" connotes an image of competing against my own alliance for rank -- but that is NOT the case, correct? We're all working together to unlock the same progression rewards for all?

    Correct, but the leaderboard lets you know who isn't pulling their weight icon_e_wink.gif

    All well and good, but does that really help us? Apart from lighting a flame under their lazy butts, what can we really do about it? If I'm understanding this correctly, we won't be able to, say, remove the underperformer and bring in a better scoring player mid-event, right?
  • Kyllian wrote:
    Give us a compreensive faq pls! It's confusing sorting through all the info. We need time to coordinate within the alliance, afterall the event starts in more or less 24 hours, right?

    We're working on an FAQ and planning to get it live this evening. It will detail the overall event structure, enemies and the rewards, but I think the questions and concerns that forum players have require more detail than we would put in an FAQ. That's why I'm trying to help answer questions.

    Just wanted to say thanks for popping in. I realize your job involves a bit more than camping out in a forum waiting to answer questions, so it's cool seeing you take a minute to respond to some of the many questions players have about this event!


  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks for feedback Kabir,

    Can you reveal the placement rewards for the last season PvP event?

    If we players have to balance this ultron event with PvP play to earn desirable placement rewards like iron fist covers (and season placement), then I for one will need rearrange my schedule to frontload my real-life weekend obligations.
  • the phrase "Alliance leaderboard" connotes an image of competing against my own alliance for rank -- but that is NOT the case, correct? We're all working together to unlock the same progression rewards for all?

    Correct, but the leaderboard lets you know who isn't pulling their weight icon_e_wink.gif

    This is based on scale though, right? I'll be playing my tail off, but my highest characters are half the "weight" of my top alliance members' rosters... icon_redface.gif

  • TazFTW
    TazFTW Posts: 695 Critical Contributor
    If the first run has the ability to win one of each Scarlet Witch cover, will the second run give us the ability to win one of each Hulkbuster cover?
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,148 Chairperson of the Boards
    this is a 4.5 day event right? Will part 2 start as soon as part 1 ends or will there be a layover (meaning will the hulkbuster start at midnight weds edt. hopefully a layover to at least either 9 or noon weds
  • MarvelDestiny
    MarvelDestiny Posts: 198 Tile Toppler
    Hey Kabir, thanks for being here. The forums have been a dev ghosttown for awhile and it's nice to hear from you guys.

    I'm looking forward to reading the FAQ later today but I have question slightly off topic that affects every player (I suspect the answer is no but clarification would be appreciated):

    Will the update containing the new 3* iso levels be released before AvU? Most of us have been hoarding iso since the announcement and might want to level some characters for the event.

  • vudu3
    vudu3 Posts: 940 Critical Contributor
    Should a top 100 alliance expect to be able to finish the Ultron event without significantly changing play style?