Ultron PvE questions



  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    Rafaelmsb wrote:
    Well, I guess my alliance are screwed in this one. My alliance is composed by some friends in my workplace, and of the 14 we have there, only about 7 play the game in a daily basis.

    Hope I can manage to grab at least some rewards in this one.
    I wouldn't be surprised to see a "Ultron PvE recruitment" thread in the alliances subforum soon (or maybe there is one already). You can literally join a brand new alliance specifically built just for this PvE and then go on your merry way of doing all the other events with your friends. At least from what the devs say it SHOULD work like this, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were a SNAFU or two along the way.
  • Probably also too late to go in for this and the next run, but if you guys added a count of the number of people currently in a leader board when joining an instance, you might stave off a lot of heartburn.

    In the case that the 21st member of an alliance is about to join, it would be a pretty big red flag if the Join Confirm screen said something like '0 Players Currently Battling Ultron'
  • Scoregasms
    Scoregasms Posts: 373
    While I think these changes are potentially great, timing/forethought definitely needs some work.

    With this whole Alliance mechanic being thrown in tied to rewards with questions still rising on details is a bit of a concern. If you consider that many multi-group Alliances are set up in specific ways (i.e. Casual Group, PVP group, PVE group, fun group, beer group, etc) and less than 24 hour to til Event Start, I imagine a lot of shuffling is going to happen. Or folks tomorrow will be locked in and no real way to "fix" the situation, unless there's some mystery mechanic we're aren't aware of yet that can account for a range of different types of players in one locked in group.

    Something like this could have really benefited with a 7 day FYSA to give folks enough time to decide if they actually need to reorganize, temporarily move, or even update Alliance rules to reflect the new PVE mechanics. What about those not in an Alliance, not on the Forums? New players joining because they saw some ad about this event (I was gonna actually try out this Marvel Pinball until I saw I had to pay for the Ultron update)?

    Hoping for a smooth, fun new event, but color me concerned.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,544 Chairperson of the Boards
    I see some MAJOR problem with this event.. How i understand it the nods are LOCKED for 8 hours win or lose right?

    Okay say its based on this

    Win = 100 pts
    lost = 50 pts

    if you hit right when the timer refresh 11 nods those who dont get up in the middle of the night 8 nodes

    75% of the team wins meaning a full team of 20 people will pull down 1750 per nod

    Those who get up in the middle of the night 1750x 11 = 19250 pts
    Thos who dont get up in the middl of night 1750 x 8 = 14000 pts

    That is over a 5000 pt difference.

    They should of tested this event a week ahead of time with rogers or Mystic to see how people are going to play this event. I can see major problems already with this event if the NODS ARE REALLY LOCKED for 8 hours
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    That depends on where they set the targets, though. No placement rewards means that if some alliances hit the final target in two days and others take three to four, there's no problem as long as everybody who's putting in a decent effort can wrap up before the very end.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,544 Chairperson of the Boards
    That depends on where they set the targets, though. No placement rewards means that if some alliances hit the final target in two days and others take three to four, there's no problem as long as everybody who's putting in a decent effort can wrap up before the very end.

    that is also a point, do you know how much time you need now to take top 50 in PVE or even top 10 (what will be needed for the 2nd and 3rd covers now,... These numbers are going to be set so high very few teams will make it to the end, i mean they are not going to give out millions of a cover what a normal PVE only the top 10 get. They should of done a preview event to make sure the bugs were worked out
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    bringing in a question from another thread.

    If all avengers are needed, are we going to have to buy roster slots and try for a 1* or 2* hawkeye just to do a node?? Or will we be getting loaners for those? Already going to need slots for scarlet and hulkbuster hopefully.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    bringing in a question from another thread.

    If all avengers are needed, are we going to have to buy roster slots and try for a 1* or 2* hawkeye just to do a node?? Or will we be getting loaners for those? Already going to need slots for scarlet and hulkbuster hopefully.

    You can use ANY Hawkeye, ANY Ironman, etc. Unless you don't have that specific hero such as Nick Fury then yes you would need to buy a slot if you happen to win that character from a token or other means. The devs did state that the Ultron tokens will contain HP like the DDQ tokens do. I just spent HP on a roster slot for the Iron Man 40 I just won.

    I just wish they would release some real details. We're finding information for the event everywhere else BUT here.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    bringing in a question from another thread.

    If all avengers are needed, are we going to have to buy roster slots and try for a 1* or 2* hawkeye just to do a node?? Or will we be getting loaners for those? Already going to need slots for scarlet and hulkbuster hopefully.

    1. Buy a slot for hawkeye
    2. use hawkeye to win SW
    3. Sell hawkeye
    4. Recruit SW
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    bringing in a question from another thread.

    If all avengers are needed, are we going to have to buy roster slots and try for a 1* or 2* hawkeye just to do a node?? Or will we be getting loaners for those? Already going to need slots for scarlet and hulkbuster hopefully.
    The "need" to have all avengers is only to be able to do the ultron node one extra time. Considering Fury is on the list of avengers, I'm not sure Hawkeye is the bigger issue. Each cycle of 5 "sentry" nodes will have 2 Quicksilver and 3 chosen from Hawkeye, Hulk, Cap, BW, Fury, Thor, IM, Falcon, plus quite a few others if they're going non-movie avengers (BP, Captain/Ms Marvel, She-Hulk, Spidey, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, etc. it's actually quite a long list, feel free to google if you're really interested). That said, if you're planning on opening a slot for SW and IMHB, you should be able to buy the slot now and just dump Hawkeye at the end of the event.
  • Can you confirm if it will have a twelve-hour+ overlap with the Simulator PvE?

    Yes. Sorry.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Can you confirm if it will have a twelve-hour+ overlap with the Simulator PvE?

    Yes. Sorry.

    Don't forget the last two PVPs overlap too. I wish you guys could have worked it out so it's offseason and Simulator is done so we can fully focus on this new event.
  • You need to beat all 5 nodes to hit Ultron again ahead of schedule? If true with 2 nodes always being quicksilver I won't worry about Hawkeye. I missed him in his debut and doubt he'll randomly drop in time to help.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    mohio wrote:
    Malcrof wrote:
    bringing in a question from another thread.

    If all avengers are needed, are we going to have to buy roster slots and try for a 1* or 2* hawkeye just to do a node?? Or will we be getting loaners for those? Already going to need slots for scarlet and hulkbuster hopefully.
    The "need" to have all avengers is only to be able to do the ultron node one extra time. Considering Fury is on the list of avengers, I'm not sure Hawkeye is the bigger issue. Each cycle of 5 "sentry" nodes will have 2 Quicksilver and 3 chosen from Hawkeye, Hulk, Cap, BW, Fury, Thor, IM, Falcon, plus quite a few others if they're going non-movie avengers (BP, Captain/Ms Marvel, She-Hulk, Spidey, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, etc. it's actually quite a long list, feel free to google if you're really interested). That said, if you're planning on opening a slot for SW and IMHB, you should be able to buy the slot now and just dump Hawkeye at the end of the event.

    Ok, so not single person for a specific node.. pretty sure i am covered then. Thank you.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Unless they misspoke in the video you can hit Ultron after every single node you win. So you fight Ultron, then win the Hawkeye essential, fight Ultron again, win the Cap essential, fight Ultron some more, etc, until you've run out of essential nodes and fought Ultron a total of six times.

    Edit: No, it's specific people for specific nodes, but it won't always be the same people. A fight that was Hawkeye essential the first time will switch to somebody else in your next pass. So if you're missing one or two characters you'll still be able to do almost all the fights, unless one of the characters you're missing is Quicksilver (because every pass will have two QS essentials).
  • Azoic wrote:
    Regarding Ultron, you have the main node and the 5 essentials around it. So you clear the main, then you hit an essential node. That opens up the main again. Now if you do another essential, does it tack on credit to doing the main an extra, or will you have to go: Main, essential, main, essential, etc. ? Overall, that is 11 nodes to clear every 8 hours?

    The latter - main/essential/main/essential. You can't do 2 essential missions in a row. While the Boss Fight Mission pin is available, the Essential Mission pins are locked. While the Essential Mission pins are available, the Boss Fight Mission pin is locked.
    Azoic wrote:
    Regarding Ultron Prime, the video said that you defeat Ultron and open up a "pin." So is this a personal fight? And if you fail, but the alliance takes down normal Ultron again, does a second pin open up? Theoretically meaning that you could do all 8 pins at the end if the alliance unlocked them?

  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    jclast wrote:
    You need to beat all 5 nodes to hit Ultron again ahead of schedule? If true with 2 nodes always being quicksilver I won't worry about Hawkeye. I missed him in his debut and doubt he'll randomly drop in time to help.
    No, but each node is an extra time you can beat him. So you can hit him up to 6 times in 8 hours if you can beat all 5 "sentry" nodes surrounding the main Ultron node. At least that's the way it seems to work to me. So if you have no quicksilver you'll still be able to do 4 times, if you're able to beat the other 3 nodes.
  • Can you confirm if it will have a twelve-hour+ overlap with the Simulator PvE?

    Yes. Sorry.

    Don't forget the last two PVPs overlap too. I wish you guys could have worked it out so it's offseason and Simulator is done so we can fully focus on this new event.

    We tried asking Marvel to change the release date of their movie to the off season and they just stared at us.

    For what it's worth, the 2nd run of the event starts in the off season.
  • Kyllian
    Kyllian Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    Give us a compreensive faq pls! It's confusing sorting through all the info. We need time to coordinate within the alliance, afterall the event starts in more or less 24 hours, right?
  • I would also like to know this. I'm going to be on a plane for much of Monday afternoon, so if I get into the flight with my alliance close to opening up a new Ultron Prime battle, and by the time I arrive in Detroit, get my rental car, drive to the hotel, eat dinner, check in, etc, etc, they've gone around and unlocked Ultron Prime again, did I just miss out on a fight reward permanently?

    Nope. There are 8 locked mission pins in the Ultron Prime chapter, and one unlocks each time you or your alliance beat Ultron in the Avengers vs Ultron chapter. To beat him, you and your alliance have to take down his health, which is displayed on the chapter map.