*** Sentry (Dark Avengers) ***



  • Sentry should have been a 4* character. His in game powers and his damage were well within the confines of his abilities before the nerf. I have WWHulk when they went toe to toe. Now he's horribly misrepresented. I have him fully carded at 125, but 39K Iso and 875HP looks SUPER tempting considering I hardly use the guy. I never Sentry bombed, but he guarantees a **** ton of Health pack usage. I feel like the new Shield cooldown alone would have suppressed most hoppers (excluding whales).
    Level-up him and sell for 1500 HP, I did it and no regrets...
    I don't need someone who can fight once every few hours and it's not "I win" button.
  • emaker27
    emaker27 Posts: 285 Mover and Shaker
    This is a pattern of mega nerfing with the game, Loki (back in the day), Rags, Spiderman, Sentry (more I'm forgetting..). That said, they've also shown a careful hand (Daken, Magneto, Venom). So it's been a **** shoot overall. Not that it's much comfort, they've done a tiny bit better lately, but definitely overreached on Sentry.

    With Sentry though, this is a problem with money directly affecting a competitive game (boosts).
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm not 100% sure that's true. Sure he's not as good as Thor, but he's still above average for 3* characters. For every 3* character who is better than him now, I can name at least 2 who are worse.

    He's normal now. Sure compared to his previously broken self, it's a huge nerf. But he's still a perfectly serviceable character, down right dangerous when given enough red AP. WR is now his weakest power, right up there with Defensive Grid. But like BP, Sentry has enough power in two of his other abilities to crush just about anything in their path in one go. Sure he's suicidal, but that's part of why his health is so beefy to begin with!
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pwuz_ wrote:
    I'm not 100% sure that's true. Sure he's not as good as Thor, but he's still above average for 3* characters. For every 3* character who is better than him now, I can name at least 2 who are worse.
    Nah, he's definitely mid-pack. The current ranking poll places him near the middle of all 3s, and there are a bunch ranked below him that I use way more than I'd ever use him now (eg Loki, Mystique, Falcon)
  • spectator
    spectator Posts: 395 Mover and Shaker
    has anyone considered pairing sentry up with mBW?

    boost blue/purple, green/black and all boost

    2 green match, 2 yellow match 1 blue match will give you sacrifice, world rupture and widows sting.

    But then again, hood with 5 in intimidate will do the same so maybe only good for transitioners like me who do not have a fully covered hood.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    The more I play him the more I realize how bad green is now, you never get to cast it, the only problem is if you go lvl 3 on it, it completely negates green at that point, because you generate literally no tiles at level 3 green and if you do they are centered in the middle (Rags, cough) at which point your max Sacrifice tile won't matter because there's nothing to explode. If I remember correctly at level 3 there are 8 tiles, at level 4 12 and at level 5 there are 16.
  • dkffiv
    dkffiv Posts: 1,039 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pwuz_ wrote:
    I'm not 100% sure that's true. Sure he's not as good as Thor, but he's still above average for 3* characters. For every 3* character who is better than him now, I can name at least 2 who are worse.

    He's normal now. Sure compared to his previously broken self, it's a huge nerf. But he's still a perfectly serviceable character, down right dangerous when given enough red AP. WR is now his weakest power, right up there with Defensive Grid. But like BP, Sentry has enough power in two of his other abilities to crush just about anything in their path in one go. Sure he's suicidal, but that's part of why his health is so beefy to begin with!

    Besides shield hopping I basically never touched Sentry pre-nerf. Post nerf I would rank him as the worst of the 3*. In the events where he was boosted I'd never touch his abilities because I don't want to kill my own team. At least with Beast I might use his yellow if the situation dictated it (or his green or blue if my team had no other user for that color).
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's official. Sentry needs to be fixed, this guy is completely useless now. Green is non-existant, and red and yellow do way too much damage to himself and your team to be viable. The best build currently IMO is 5/3/5 which is opposite of when I said 5/5/3. Green is that bad, I would just rather it be Juggernatus Green but more damage at that cost.
  • hurcules
    hurcules Posts: 519
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    It's official. Sentry needs to be fixed, this guy is completely useless now. Green is non-existant, and red and yellow do way too much damage to himself and your team to be viable. The best build currently IMO is 5/3/5 which is opposite of when I said 5/5/3. Green is that bad, I would just rather it be Juggernatus Green but more damage at that cost.
    I agree with you. I tried to use him in PvE only now, and getting WR working with strike tiles is exasperating. I have him at 5/5/3 now and will re-spec to 5/3/5 when I get his yellow covers next. At least then he would be a warm body to get a meaty strike tile or two out before getting benched again.
  • Before the castration, it was never fun to sentry hop.

    Boost boost boost, make a green match, cast WR, make a yellow match, cast sacrifice, hope they don't kill that tile with some random **** cascade.

    If they didn't cascade everything away, you win.

    If they cascaded everything, you have to rebuild your combo.

    And if you rebuild it, due to the time it takes to rebuild and protect/pray, you know when you come out of that match, you will have been hit by 2 or 3 sentry bombs.

    Now, it's just downright pointless. You'd need a small miracle to actually kill a team with a sentry bomb. and even then, it takes maybe twice as long as before.

    Sentry may as well not exist. He is a stain on my roster that I only didn't sell because of essentials.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    I seriously debating on selling him for the 1500 HP
  • Arondite
    Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sentry needs a slight re-tuning. Personally, my changes would be
    -chooses the placement of the strike tile
    -sentry takes slightly less damage from his attacks than currently listed - his team takes 50% of the new value (hurts himself more than team)

    He's be workable, then.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    World Rupture - 12 Green AP
    Sentry flies into the heart of the battlefield, sending waves of kinetic energy rippling outward. Destroys 4 random tiles that does 44 damage to all enemies for each tile and 27 to all allies. Does not generate AP.
    Level Upgrades
    Level 2: Destroy 6 tiles
    Level 3: Destroys 8 Tiles Reduces ally damage to 23.
    Level 4: Tiles do 52 damage to the enemy. Reduces ally damage to 20.
    Level 5: Destroys 16 tiles Countdown tiles do 58 damage to the enemy.
    Max Level: 182 enemies / 64 allies

    This is how you fix him. I would play this in a heartbeat, it's fair, keeps it in line with blow up the board, only triggers strike tiles once and makes him playable.

    Yellow needs to keep current strike tile values, but go back to self damage before nerf.

    Red is actually pretty fair, I would keep that as is.
  • Arondite
    Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    World Rupture - 12 Green AP
    Sentry flies into the heart of the battlefield, sending waves of kinetic energy rippling outward. Destroys 4 random tiles that does 44 damage to all enemies for each tile and 27 to all allies. Does not generate AP.
    Level Upgrades
    Level 2: Destroy 6 tiles
    Level 3: Destroys 8 Tiles Reduces ally damage to 23.
    Level 4: Tiles do 52 damage to the enemy. Reduces ally damage to 20.
    Level 5: Destroys 16 tiles Countdown tiles do 58 damage to the enemy.
    Max Level: 182 enemies / 64 allies

    This is how you fix him. I would play this in a heartbeat, it's fair, keeps it in line with blow up the board, only triggers strike tiles once and makes him playable.

    Yellow needs to keep current strike tile values, but go back to self damage before nerf.

    Red is actually pretty fair, I would keep that as is.

    That's a bit low for 12 AP, methinks.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    Arondite wrote:
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    World Rupture - 12 Green AP
    Sentry flies into the heart of the battlefield, sending waves of kinetic energy rippling outward. Destroys 4 random tiles that does 44 damage to all enemies for each tile and 27 to all allies. Does not generate AP.
    Level Upgrades
    Level 2: Destroy 6 tiles
    Level 3: Destroys 8 Tiles Reduces ally damage to 23.
    Level 4: Tiles do 52 damage to the enemy. Reduces ally damage to 20.
    Level 5: Destroys 16 tiles Countdown tiles do 58 damage to the enemy.
    Max Level: 182 enemies / 64 allies

    This is how you fix him. I would play this in a heartbeat, it's fair, keeps it in line with blow up the board, only triggers strike tiles once and makes him playable.

    Yellow needs to keep current strike tile values, but go back to self damage before nerf.

    Red is actually pretty fair, I would keep that as is.

    2912 AoE and massive cascades? plus being able to destroy any tile, I don't know, I woldn't want to be on the receving end of that.

    That's a bit low for 12 AP, methinks.
  • Phaserhawk wrote:
    I seriously debating on selling him for the 1500 HP
    The opportunity has passed you by.

    I think it ended somewhere between Monday and Wednesday.
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    #1: Never underestimate the power of a good healthy Meat-Sheild, (GSBW loves this guy!)
    #2: The AI doesn't care about self damage when you're on defense. If it get's hit's grubby little mitts on 11 Red, it will cast Supernova without thinking twice.
    #3: Sacrifice is still a juicy fat strike tile. As long as there are no immediate Yellow matches on the board, it's always a good idea to sacrifice some of his ample health for that extra damage.
    #4: Is it getting late? Are you about to go to bed/work/school/real life and won't be playing for a while? TINY KITTY IT! By the time you're back to playing, everyone will be healed up anyway.
  • ErikPeter
    ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    I agree that he's a bad character now, like Rags (who still doesn't do regular tile damage). Sure, Sentry is still usable, but there's many better options. I didn't really use him when he was overpowered, but now? No way. Sacrifice is t-t-terrible compared to other strike generators thanks to the awful self-damage. World Rupture + Sacrifice used to be a cool combo to build up, and spend boosts on for tough matches. Now it's unreasonably expensive for much less effect. Why didn't they just reduce the number of tiles for WR? Bumping it to 12 is crazy to me. Even a small change would have sent the power gamers running to a new combo, and you wouldn't have had to castrate one of your desirable power characters. The Hood nerf was handled much better.
  • simonsez wrote:
    Pwuz_ wrote:
    I'm not 100% sure that's true. Sure he's not as good as Thor, but he's still above average for 3* characters. For every 3* character who is better than him now, I can name at least 2 who are worse.
    Nah, he's definitely mid-pack. The current ranking poll places him near the middle of all 3s, and there are a bunch ranked below him that I use way more than I'd ever use him now (eg Loki, Mystique, Falcon)

    Oh good i do agree with you. Sentry is died now

    well His characteristic is making Huge damage, both his enemy and teammates. Now his green is a joke , he yellow kill himself and his red just do nothing in a full covered 3* to 3* fight. Unusable now
  • dkffiv
    dkffiv Posts: 1,039 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pwuz_ wrote:
    #1: Never underestimate the power of a good healthy Meat-Sheild, (GSBW loves this guy!)
    #2: The AI doesn't care about self damage when you're on defense. If it get's hit's grubby little mitts on 11 Red, it will cast Supernova without thinking twice.
    #3: Sacrifice is still a juicy fat strike tile. As long as there are no immediate Yellow matches on the board, it's always a good idea to sacrifice some of his ample health for that extra damage.
    #4: Is it getting late? Are you about to go to bed/work/school/real life and won't be playing for a while? TINY KITTY IT! By the time you're back to playing, everyone will be healed up anyway.

    1) True healers make better tanks (Xforce/Patch/Groot) and if I wanted a straight up meat shield why would I ever use Sentry over Lthor?
    2) He's okay on defense but other characters (Lthor, Panther, Patch) will mess you up a lot more for similar or cheaper AP costs. Captain Marvel or Hulk at least prevent the other team from using AoE attacks.
    3) Sac is inflicting around 1.5-2 hours worth of damage on yourself for a tile that you hope lasts for more than a turn. On D it can make a big difference but on O you're going to be killing your sustainability.
    4) Without a kit isn't his heal time like 8 hours from death?

    If they changed his green to an Xforce-like recovery/true heal and Supernova only inflicted damage on himself (and not the team) he might be playable. His drawbacks are way too large at this point.