

  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,730 Chairperson of the Boards

    Good points, but I really don’t need more avenues to get lower covers. I get thousands of heroic, mighty and standard tokens per season. I’m sure new players do too. I’ve been used to these being about progressing 5* rosters but they have reduced the amount on the vault while increasing the dilution. Of course you are right there are other ways to progress now, maybe then they should change the boss event rewards from 5* to roster slots ;)

  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,214 Chairperson of the Boards

    Ha! I'll take a week off from being a Mod when they announce it...

    On a serious note though, the value of a 5* cover has been through a bitcoin-like journey over the last couple of years so it's no wonder it's dropping back a bit. I think the peak of availability was last anniversary and with feeders. Now its back to more where we were.

  • jp1
    jp1 Posts: 1,080 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Zarqa said:

    @jp1 said:

    @BlixTheFrog said:
    Can I whine just a bit about the whining?
    Loved those puzzles (remember it’s called PUZZLE Quest Marvel ?) that force us to think things through instead of brainlessly completing missions.

    Why is constructive feedback always pegged as whining? How else will they know people don’t like it? Your opinion being positive doesn’t automatically give you high ground. With that said, I respect your right to voice it the same as everyone else.

    Although I agree with you on principle, there also has been plenty feedback that was absolutely not constructive across all discussion platforms. Posts along the line of ‘What we’re they thinking,’ ‘this is ridiculous,’ ‘I’m out,’ all have set a much more negative tone than what I would consider constructive.

    But I definitely also am biased since I have enjoyed it so much and I feel like an outlier.

    I agree with that. However from a business perspective I’m not interested in how polite my customers might be as much as I am with making sure they are happy. So 20-30 people saying “This is trash” or whatever is something I may want to take a look at. This makes the information useful.

    With that said, 5 people telling me why they don’t like it and what would make it better is of more value. So, I think it’s all a matter of perspective. What I know for sure is that people saying nothing is of absolutely no value. Some people might not be inclined to lay out a full fledged plan on how to improve things for no compensation, does that make them wrong? They just want to enjoy the game and the anniversary that was hyped like crazy and isn’t living up to that hype thus far (IMHO).

    It’s also commonly misrepresented that the members of this forum or any other social is a minority. It’s something a smart business person would look at as sample of the larger scale. This is what surveys are all about…take the opinions of 20K people and extrapolate the data to an approximate value among the greater population.

    If this were a fan forum, I think I’d be on the same page as everyone else. But it is the official forum of the game. I suppose if they don’t care how something is received they could say so and implement it as a rule. Seems short sighted to me, but I’m just one guy.

  • StillMonsoon3
    StillMonsoon3 Posts: 68 Match Maker

    Could just be me ( I did take some time off so my memory could be wrong), but in past didn't PvE also award Double ISO?

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    @StillMonsoon3 said:
    Could just be me ( I did take some time off so my memory could be wrong), but in past didn't PvE also award Double ISO?

    That'll start next week.
    They can't change a running week, they've said so before.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,770 Chairperson of the Boards

    Personally I would say Anniversary was the wrong choice schedule wise to roll this out. Anniversary is all about advancing your roster and having fun. I really appreciate the effort that has gone into Quandary but to me it is going to be a fail because if you are going to do a special event then I want it to be themed around Marvel characters and be as player friendly as posdible. The best example was Xmen v Apocalypse which I think was about as perfect an Anniversary event there has ever been - and yes that had puzzle elements but they were elements you could use superpowers to resolve. When Anniversary is done I will not care about Quandary and that is sad but I will just be thinking we could have had something much cooler using Marvel characters. I am not overly excited about her Boss Event either but remain open to it. It must take hours and hours to design these characters powers so to use Anniversary to showcase how we can't use them in an event is baffling to me as a design choice but that is just me. I am glad others are having a lot of fun with it and I will play as much as I fancy. The zero point thing though - that was just poorly communicated in my opinion and was confusing.

  • BlixTheFrog
    BlixTheFrog Posts: 190 Tile Toppler

    @MoosePrime said:
    It's not a fun puzzle when the tile you need to match is in the corner, and you only have one match near the top of the board.

    Yeah that’s not how you solve that one actually.

  • MoosePrime
    MoosePrime Posts: 969 Critical Contributor

    @BlixTheFrog said:

    @MoosePrime said:
    It's not a fun puzzle when the tile you need to match is in the corner, and you only have one match near the top of the board.

    Yeah that’s not how you solve that one actually.

    I wasn't referring specifically to the trap puzzle. The one with fortified tiles can have a tile in the corner that you need to match.

    Any puzzle that has specific tiles to match, if the board doesn't give you good matches, becomes a bore. It's even worse when you don't have any board manipulation abilities to help freshen the board for new matches.

  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    edited October 2023

    So we only had a single day to claim the Sylvie Loki costume?
    I swear I at least logged in yesterday, but don't have it. Where was this?

  • BlixTheFrog
    BlixTheFrog Posts: 190 Tile Toppler

    @jp1 said:

    @BlixTheFrog said:
    Can I whine just a bit about the whining?
    Loved those puzzles (remember it’s called PUZZLE Quest Marvel ?) that force us to think things through instead of brainlessly completing missions.

    Why is constructive feedback always pegged as whining? How else will they know people don’t like it? Your opinion being positive doesn’t automatically give you high ground. With that said, I respect your right to voice it the same as everyone else.

    Constructive feedback? Didn’t see much of that, really.
    "It sucks I don’t get it not worth my time big fail", moreso. Along with people just misunderstanding the concept of the quests and community event because they posted before trying to figure it out. Also, there’s a very simple way the developers will know if it’s a success or not : Will the players play or not.
    But hey, no big deal, it’s easy to ignore me.

  • BlixTheFrog
    BlixTheFrog Posts: 190 Tile Toppler

    @MoosePrime said:

    @BlixTheFrog said:

    @MoosePrime said:
    It's not a fun puzzle when the tile you need to match is in the corner, and you only have one match near the top of the board.

    Yeah that’s not how you solve that one actually.

    I wasn't referring specifically to the trap puzzle. The one with fortified tiles can have a tile in the corner that you need to match.

    Any puzzle that has specific tiles to match, if the board doesn't give you good matches, becomes a bore. It's even worse when you don't have any board manipulation abilities to help freshen the board for new matches.

    Hm, if only you could start again if the board looks too bad at first sight. There’s no ranking, no time limit... How is that a problem? How is this not whining?

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    Jeez Blix, let it go.
    Take off your Hound hat.

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2023

    @The Viceroy Returns said:
    So we only had a single day to claim the Sylvie Loki costume?
    I swear I at least logged in yesterday, but don't have it. Where was this?

    There's still 3 days on that offer.
    It's not free.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,770 Chairperson of the Boards

    This event is for some people and not for others.

    Some players don't appreciate having to quit an event they have started because absolute randomness has given them a no win situation. I would be less sympathetic if we could use powers and so had extra options but I can see why players get frustrated when they are presented with unsolvable problems and have to start again. Puzzles that cannot be solved on the first attempt because of factors outside of a person's control are actually bad puzzles, not good ones.

    None of the above is to say Quandary is a bad event - it is not but it could be much much better,

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    I didn't enjoy Quandary very much, but it's... Fine?
    I just hope they never implement that in regular PVE.

  • jp1
    jp1 Posts: 1,080 Chairperson of the Boards

    @BlixTheFrog said:

    @jp1 said:

    @BlixTheFrog said:
    Can I whine just a bit about the whining?
    Loved those puzzles (remember it’s called PUZZLE Quest Marvel ?) that force us to think things through instead of brainlessly completing missions.

    Why is constructive feedback always pegged as whining? How else will they know people don’t like it? Your opinion being positive doesn’t automatically give you high ground. With that said, I respect your right to voice it the same as everyone else.

    Constructive feedback? Didn’t see much of that, really.
    "It sucks I don’t get it not worth my time big fail", moreso. Along with people just misunderstanding the concept of the quests and community event because they posted before trying to figure it out. Also, there’s a very simple way the developers will know if it’s a success or not : Will the players play or not.
    But hey, no big deal, it’s easy to ignore me.

    Say less.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,103 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Bowgentle said:
    I didn't enjoy Quandary very much, but it's... Fine?
    I just hope they never implement that in regular PVE.

    I'm always going to grade this type of event on a curve. I liked some of the puzzles and some of them were random or frustrating, but, like, who cares? It's an extra thing, with rewards that are fine, but you won't miss anything if you don't feel like doing it.

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards

    It's an event where it's not needed brute force, raw power damage, special tiles building, etc... So it can be played by exactly any 3* or 4* taking damage or quitting if the board it's not ok.
    But for some people that's too much too.
    Sorry, but that's an event totally different of the usual gameplay. Still you can play your old gameplay in every PvE sub each day.

  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker

    @Bowgentle said:

    @The Viceroy Returns said:
    So we only had a single day to claim the Sylvie Loki costume?
    I swear I at least logged in yesterday, but don't have it. Where was this?

    There's still 3 days on that offer.
    It's not free.

    Thanks, didn't see any details on this at all, thought it was like that Cyclops Hellfire costume they gave out back a while ago.
    Guess I'm blind and didn't see it in the store when I posted that, so thanks for the info.

  • BlixTheFrog
    BlixTheFrog Posts: 190 Tile Toppler

    @DAZ0273 said:
    This event is for some people and not for others.

    Some players don't appreciate having to quit an event they have started because absolute randomness has given them a no win situation. I would be less sympathetic if we could use powers and so had extra options but I can see why players get frustrated when they are presented with unsolvable problems and have to start again. Puzzles that cannot be solved on the first attempt because of factors outside of a person's control are actually bad puzzles, not good ones.

    None of the above is to say Quandary is a bad event - it is not but it could be much much better,

    Well to each his own. For me puzzles that CAN be solved on the first attempt are the **** ones. 😉