Classic Legends Pack Overhaul Survey



  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,242 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2023

    Increased odds are fine, but if they limit the number of 5* in classics at all, then they need to introduce a 15cp token that contains everyone.

  • Punter1
    Punter1 Posts: 729 Critical Contributor

    Question for the history buffs... what was the smallest pool of 5* characters offered in the 20CP classic legends store? IE when classics were introduced, who was available?

  • DrClever
    DrClever Posts: 584 Critical Contributor

    @entrailbucket said:
    Sure, but if you accidentally pull the "wrong" 5*, how is that the end of the world? They all give out champion rewards, which gives you another shot at pulling the one you want. You get shards toward the guy you want with every pull, too.

    Similarly no problem with someone who has a character at 550 pulling another cover, right?

  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards

    I’m just popping in to share the popular opinion that these boosted odds should change more often than once per season as it will take FOREVER to get through everyone.

    The community poll seems like a poor way to focus that unless it’s all just a clever ruse and the devs are just going to pick the top picks from 3 random submissions each month, or all 3 picks for a single random submission.

    Personally I voted for the three 5* that I had unchamped, ordered by lowest covers highest priority. 4* votes were similarly ordered based on who they fed. For those of us who are most likely to use this option, it is the only logical way to vote; but how far any of us are is based largely on our own personal RNG leading to this point on top of how active/inactive we have been for events rewarding shards/covers for any of the choices.

    It’s kinda sad that only Three of the Thirty-eight 5* I don’t have Champed (excluding OR & the current Latest Legendary) were even options for this poll.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,242 Chairperson of the Boards

    @DrClever said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    Sure, but if you accidentally pull the "wrong" 5*, how is that the end of the world? They all give out champion rewards, which gives you another shot at pulling the one you want. You get shards toward the guy you want with every pull, too.

    Similarly no problem with someone who has a character at 550 pulling another cover, right?

    Correct. I have duplicates of almost all of my 550s. They're reward factories.

    Of course, people who pull from Latest don't have that problem, because customer service will swap their extra covers to any 5* of their choice.

  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards

    @DAZ0273 said:

    @entrailbucket said:

    @DAZ0273 said:

    @entrailbucket said:

    @MoosePrime said:
    My last 2 unchamped classics are Hela and Rescue, I guess this means they won't be in next seasons Classic Tokens.

    Hela and Rescue will absolutely be in next season's classic tokens.

    Ha, ha - I see what you did there.

    What? I wasn't doing a thing, really! It's "increased odds" -- they're not removing everyone but the three feature characters. I've been pulling plenty of the non features since they made the change.

    True but they are now making it that if you DO pull a 5* there is a chance each season that it is 14 x more likely not to be who you want potentially than whatever the tiny amount of chance there was before unless you can persuade the Community to vote for your choice each month.

    And you DO pull a lot of classics...

    I've seen a few posts like this, and that is not how you should view the odds.

    If you get a 5* from the Classic Token, the pool right now is 3 champs with improved odds, and 78 others. It is only a 35% chance that the 5* pulled is one of the favorites. If you really want one of the other 78 champs, your odds only went down by about 20‐25٪ once you factor in that the chance to even get a 5* went up.

  • IrisRyu
    IrisRyu Posts: 176 Tile Toppler

    @entrailbucket said:
    Of course, people who pull from Latest don't have that problem, because customer service will swap their extra covers to any 5* of their choice.

    You can only swap to another 5* character not in LL if all 3 current LL’s are at 550. I suspect that it’s a very small percentage of players that are able to utilize that policy and even then it’s probably very infrequent.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,242 Chairperson of the Boards

    @IrisRyu said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    Of course, people who pull from Latest don't have that problem, because customer service will swap their extra covers to any 5* of their choice.

    You can only swap to another 5* character not in LL if all 3 current LL’s are at 550. I suspect that it’s a very small percentage of players that are able to utilize that policy and even then it’s probably very infrequent.

    Sure, but the other person was specifically asking about extra covers of 550s.

  • IrisRyu
    IrisRyu Posts: 176 Tile Toppler

    I hear you, just clarifying the current swap policy, since it’s not a guaranteed path to significant covers for older 5*’s without a years long hoard or spending significant cash.

  • Adric1123
    Adric1123 Posts: 26 Just Dropped In

    Here's what I would set it to if I was king for a day:
    Featured classics change weekly.
    New featured classics are chosen randomly from those that haven't been featured in the last 13 weeks (3 months).
    Any classic that was most recently featured 52 weeks ago is automatically featured again.

    That way nothing shows up more than once in 3 months, but everything shows up at least once a year. Players can strategize their pulls however they want and nobody has to worry about going outside the game to vote on anything.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,545 Chairperson of the Boards

    @ZeiramMR said:

    @DAZ0273 said:

    @entrailbucket said:

    @DAZ0273 said:

    @entrailbucket said:

    @MoosePrime said:
    My last 2 unchamped classics are Hela and Rescue, I guess this means they won't be in next seasons Classic Tokens.

    Hela and Rescue will absolutely be in next season's classic tokens.

    Ha, ha - I see what you did there.

    What? I wasn't doing a thing, really! It's "increased odds" -- they're not removing everyone but the three feature characters. I've been pulling plenty of the non features since they made the change.

    True but they are now making it that if you DO pull a 5* there is a chance each season that it is 14 x more likely not to be who you want potentially than whatever the tiny amount of chance there was before unless you can persuade the Community to vote for your choice each month.

    And you DO pull a lot of classics...

    I've seen a few posts like this, and that is not how you should view the odds.

    If you get a 5* from the Classic Token, the pool right now is 3 champs with improved odds, and 78 others. It is only a 35% chance that the 5* pulled is one of the favorites. If you really want one of the other 78 champs, your odds only went down by about 20‐25٪ once you factor in that the chance to even get a 5* went up.

    ONLY by 20-25%?!?!? So my odds went down more than my odds went up? I don't pretend to understand. I haven't needed Classics so far too much and this isn't exactly a hill I care about so, OK, no worries.

  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,529 Chairperson of the Boards

    @IrisRyu said:
    I hear you, just clarifying the current swap policy, since it’s not a guaranteed path to significant covers for older 5*’s without a years long hoard or spending significant cash.

    At that phase of the game, the dupes don’t matter. by this point that roster has played high level pvp/pve for YEARS. Starting a dupe 5* for 550 lvl players is like starting a new 4* farm. Plus we can all see that 5* are starting to flood the economy. I’m not saying 6* inbound, but the distribution and flow feels remarkably similar to when the 4* meta was in its prime.

    Im simply saying is that there are enough 4* farms, “offers”, vaults, and “5* shards” in stores that players are now willing to stockpile 5* dupes assuming that they will need 5* farms to support 6* meta.

  • MoosePrime
    MoosePrime Posts: 969 Critical Contributor

    @entrailbucket said:

    @MoosePrime said:
    My last 2 unchamped classics are Hela and Rescue, I guess this means they won't be in next seasons Classic Tokens.

    Hela and Rescue will absolutely be in next season's classic tokens.

    I see that I mis-typed, I meant they won't be featured in next season's tokens.

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards

    I don't think anyone was pulling from classics just waiting for a specific character. It would be an awful bet.
    So instead of seeing it as if the others went down in odds, I'd rather see it as a way to get x14 the characters someone wants.
    Still in a medium hoard of 220 pulls, getting 50 5*s, the x14 should be up to 8 featured covers distributed along 3 characters.
    So nothing really remarkable unless breaking a really big hoard.

  • Seph1roth5
    Seph1roth5 Posts: 450 Mover and Shaker

    I think 20 cp is still too expensive because of all the classic legends, and it's only going to get more bloated.

    I guess having boosted rates for some is nice, but what about having a 4th favorite option? 3, 4, 5, and classic favorites? Then pulling in the classic vault could give like 10 shards a pop or something to make it more appealing.

    I'm very curious how many people actually spend CP in the classic vault, and how much.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,242 Chairperson of the Boards

    I think they could have classics cost 5CP and give out nothing but guaranteed Chasm covers, and most people would be like, "nah, classics are still terrible." Nobody thinks for themselves, they just parrot what other people thought 5 or 6 years ago.

  • Mayo
    Mayo Posts: 156 Tile Toppler

    The easier way to please everyone is to provide general shards and let each player tailor the toon as he prefers.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,242 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Tony_Foot said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    I think they could have classics cost 5CP and give out nothing but guaranteed Chasm covers, and most people would be like, "nah, classics are still terrible." Nobody thinks for themselves, they just parrot what other people thought 5 or 6 years ago.

    Your point being?

    What we need is someone with a boxed account to test this increased odds classics to see how many pulls it takes to cover the three in there.

    It’s still pointless, wait for another vault with a character you want and a latest or just do it via the long game with shards and champion rewards.

    I’d say it’s maybe useful if you are chasing chasing a cover or two.

    My point is that there's absolutely nothing they can realistically do to "improve" them that will get most people to spend into that pool -- the stink attached to them by players from a million years ago will persist.

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,522 Chairperson of the Boards

    I think the most recent character to drop out of latest should have increased Classic odds every rotation, aside from that I really don’t care who else is boosted since I’m also in the Full RNG plan.