***** Spider-Gwen (Gwenom) *****



  • Blackstone
    Blackstone Posts: 635 Critical Contributor

    Can we get this animation treatment for Taskmaster pasted over the animations he's copying?


  • Akoni
    Akoni Posts: 790 Critical Contributor

    @Blackstone said:
    Is it just cheaper to use the same characters, or advertise for other related media, than to make a new character for the game?

    I don't even care what she does at this point. I'll cover her, because I collect, and I don't want to miss anything, but I lost all interest at the reveal.

    We have several spiders, several symbiotes, even multiple Gwens, and Gwenom adds another tick to all three boxes.

    Meanwhile, there are hundreds of characters with rich histories and zero representation in game.

    Anyway, I'm just ranting. I'll collect because it's been part of my daily routine for too long, but my excitement is long gone for the game. I don't even bother with VIP anymore, which is something I did for a while as a means of simply supporting the game.

    To play devil's advocate, the MPQ team is beholden to what is approved or passed down from Marvel. Also, I think it's their goal to have representation at multiple tiers (i.e. the same character at different rarities). If that's their goal, then the releases make sense. This explains why they're releasing 5 and 3-star versions of the same character. I am not a huge fan of it but I get it.

  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Akoni said:

    @Blackstone said:
    Is it just cheaper to use the same characters, or advertise for other related media, than to make a new character for the game?

    I don't even care what she does at this point. I'll cover her, because I collect, and I don't want to miss anything, but I lost all interest at the reveal.

    We have several spiders, several symbiotes, even multiple Gwens, and Gwenom adds another tick to all three boxes.

    Meanwhile, there are hundreds of characters with rich histories and zero representation in game.

    Anyway, I'm just ranting. I'll collect because it's been part of my daily routine for too long, but my excitement is long gone for the game. I don't even bother with VIP anymore, which is something I did for a while as a means of simply supporting the game.

    To play devil's advocate, the MPQ team is beholden to what is approved or passed down from Marvel. Also, I think it's their goal to have representation at multiple tiers (i.e. the same character at different rarities). If that's their goal, then the releases make sense. This explains why they're releasing 5 and 3-star versions of the same character. I am not a huge fan of it but I get it.

    Plus the new team is really pushing 3-to-5 feeders so it makes sense for most characters to have a different variant at each star tier

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards

    No 5* Rocket though. :( I guess it isn't impossible considering how many other Guardian characters got released long after though.

  • allen_koholic
    allen_koholic Posts: 103 Tile Toppler
    edited June 2023

    Yea, I’m disappointed with this release, but not because of the number of spider people already in game. My complaint is that the artwork itself is lazy, especially for such a visually well-designed character. The animations are lazy. The powers don’t feel like the comic character. And the three star looks almost identical to the four star. (They should have made Spiderpunk the 3star).

    Gwenom is a cool character. A Mary Jane carnage would also be cool. But this release is a dud.

    Also, the abilities not being named after songs is a huge miss.

  • MgoBlue51
    MgoBlue51 Posts: 116 Tile Toppler

    Imagine if she had a passive that limited the ability/resurrection/level of other spider verse characters? That would make her at least a good counter to the meta. It may be considered over powered, it was just a random thought. But rather than make her passive oddly terrible, there is/was opportunity to block or penalize chasm passives. Just spit balling here

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,322 Chairperson of the Boards

    I don't think that passive is terrible at all, assuming it's the "0 match damage" one. That passive makes it so she'll never tank, which is extremely useful in certain team compositions.

  • MgoBlue51
    MgoBlue51 Posts: 116 Tile Toppler

    Just not a fan of how easy she'll be to dispose of... Just leave her for last, she's stuck if you have denied her active colors, unless you are using an ap drainer. I know we happen to have one out there...

    I guess it could add a little more puzzle back to the game, which is never a bad thing. Just feels like a lame duck character, her utility seems like she only works under some odd circumstances and with only specific teammates. Not a fan overall.

  • EienRyuu
    EienRyuu Posts: 82 Match Maker
    edited June 2023

    Agree with MgBlue. I had a fight in her PVP where she was last. And she wasn't doing any damage whatsoever with any match... xD It was hilarious. Like, I am looking at the screen when she does like a match 4 or 5 and... no damage to my character. :D

    Otherwise, I like her abilities at how they look and play out.

  • UnityGamer
    UnityGamer Posts: 49 Just Dropped In

    I concur with Mgo and Einn. Without characters like 5-star Captain America to fully drain your AP pool, Gwenom is basically useless. The irony here is that 5-star Cap's Coup De Grace is only activated when the opposing team is down to their last character. If you don't have him and/or if your allies are gone, having Gwenom alone is the equivalent of a forfeit; you may as well just retreat and take the damage penalty.

    One way I would fix Gwenom is to include a last resort passive. Something like, if Gwenom's teammates are downed and her total AP pool reaches a threshold (let's say 30), she will unleash an attack that deals x amount of damage per AP, but leave her stunned for a turn or two. Upon returning from stun, her damage output is restored to normal but loses the 25% ability boost for the rest of the battle.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,322 Chairperson of the Boards

    I have her championed at 457 or something, and with the boost, one cast of her red basically wiped the entire enemy team in PvP.

    I can't imagine what that would look like paired with a high level power booster like Okoye -- one red would probably wipe a challenge node.

    Gwenom is, at worst, just fine, and at best, one of the strongest 5* in the game.

  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards

    @UnityGamer said:
    I concur with Mgo and Einn. Without characters like 5-star Captain America to fully drain your AP pool, Gwenom is basically useless. The irony here is that 5-star Cap's Coup De Grace is only activated when the opposing team is down to their last character. If you don't have him and/or if your allies are gone, having Gwenom alone is the equivalent of a forfeit; you may as well just retreat and take the damage penalty.

    One way I would fix Gwenom is to include a last resort passive. Something like, if Gwenom's teammates are downed and her total AP pool reaches a threshold (let's say 30), she will unleash an attack that deals x amount of damage per AP, but leave her stunned for a turn or two. Upon returning from stun, her damage output is restored to normal but loses the 25% ability boost for the rest of the battle.

    I like that. I was thinking something similar like Agent Venom's where at a certain AP threshold a passive triggers to destroy tiles for cascades.

  • MgoBlue51
    MgoBlue51 Posts: 116 Tile Toppler

    @entrailbucket said:
    I have her championed at 457 or something, and with the boost, one cast of her red basically wiped the entire enemy team in PvP.

    I can't imagine what that would look like paired with a high level power booster like Okoye -- one red would probably wipe a challenge node.

    Gwenom is, at worst, just fine, and at best, one of the strongest 5* in the game.

    Really? That's interesting. I just can't see it working when she's not boosted. I agree her red looks great when paired with a booster, but a lot of powers are great like that. The only thing she really does is the multiple hits, but I'd rather use apocalypse so that I could also fire his black. Just personal preference of course, and it all depends on the rest of the roster. I can't see pulling for her or using her, unless her actual utility is something I just can't see.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,322 Chairperson of the Boards

    8 hits is A LOT of hits. At 550 (which is where mine is with the boost) it's 20,000 per hit, and if it kills a guy it does carry on hitting the next guy, in order. So you're doing 160,000 for 10AP, and it's more efficient than a 43k AoE because of the way the damage is distributed.

    If you already have Apocalypse at a really high level, then sure, he can do a similar thing. If Gwenom is boosted and he isn't, I'd probably pick her though. And when we're comparing a new character to Apocalypse and it's not completely insane...that's a good character.

  • MgoBlue51
    MgoBlue51 Posts: 116 Tile Toppler

    @entrailbucket said:
    8 hits is A LOT of hits. At 550 (which is where mine is with the boost) it's 20,000 per hit, and if it kills a guy it does carry on hitting the next guy, in order. So you're doing 160,000 for 10AP, and it's more efficient than a 43k AoE because of the way the damage is distributed.

    If you already have Apocalypse at a really high level, then sure, he can do a similar thing. If Gwenom is boosted and he isn't, I'd probably pick her though. And when we're comparing a new character to Apocalypse and it's not completely insane...that's a good character.

    Oh I completely understand that she's beyond viable right now, with the god boost. Many, if not most, 5* characters are great when god boosted. How much does she do at her normal level (I think you said 457)? I am honestly curious, not trying to be a jerk. When the massive boost goes away, I can't see myself wanting to use her. I have been wrong a LOT when analyzing 5* upon their release, so it's clearly possible that I'm doing it again.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,322 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2023

    Oh... honestly, I can't think that way anymore. I only ever use the boosted guys, and I find it pretty much impossible to evaluate them unboosted.

    I think you could probably figure out some unboosted something to exploit the 8 hits (!!!) and it'd probably involve Okoye, but someone else would need to work that out.

    At 457, unboosted, her red is 10k per hit, which isn't awful, but you're probably looking to a booster to help her out.

  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,707 Chairperson of the Boards

    Her red is what I liked about her.
    I want to try out a few pairings. I think Maybe Spider-Man 2099 even though he is a 4* or even Silk.
    Okoye is the obvious choice for a booster.
    A team that runs all 5s will actually slow her down I think.
    If you have a fat Okoye you will probably fine to try and run a nuke build.

  • bentobox
    bentobox Posts: 5 Just Dropped In

    How to make her function:
    Create webtiles whenever her TEAM makes a match in her colors.
    Before black passive is active, webtiles generate double AP.

  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards

    I've been trying her with Okoye and 2099 in her 5e nodes, and on the one hand, yeah, when I get her red to go off, it wrecks people, often clearing the fight. On the other hand, Okoye and Miguel often end up finishing the fight before I can even get enough red. I had similar results using her with Chasm and Miles. I just don't really see how to make her actually useful at any kind of reasonable speed and reliability.

  • thor399
    thor399 Posts: 20 Just Dropped In

    I don’t like Qwenom she’s 5* with powers and abilities of a 1-2 it’s really a shame