***** Spider-Gwen (Gwenom) *****



  • liminal_lad
    liminal_lad Posts: 482 Mover and Shaker

    Gwenom + Kang + Chasm: Chasm tanks everything and makes web tiles, Kang returns lost AP, Gwen attacks for double damage.

    Is this too slow to work?

  • Pantera236
    Pantera236 Posts: 559 Critical Contributor

    @liminal_lad said:
    Gwenom + Kang + Chasm: Chasm tanks everything and makes web tiles, Kang returns lost AP, Gwen attacks for double damage.

    Is this too slow to work?

    Could be decent and you don't need to bring your own Chasm, the enemy one will make plenty of web tiles for you

  • Pottsie1980
    Pottsie1980 Posts: 55 Match Maker

    Looks like another to baby champ and use when boosted only. Hopefully a good set of 3 will make its way through by the end of the year

  • Iridious
    Iridious Posts: 53 Match Maker

    I definitely agree that purple active could have been phrased in a clearer way, like "Create 12 random web tiles. 2 fewer tiles are created for each colour that contains a non-web special tile" at 5 covers. Then just scale 3 and 4 cover versions like that rather than awkwardly asking players to do multiplication and then round down, it's a bit convoluted.

    Also feels fairly weak for its cost, given that 4* Spider-Man (Infinity War) makes a guaranteed 8 web tiles for 7 green and Gwen can easily end up doing less with this although she's in the tier above. (That said, I appreciate Spidey can end up removing his very easily for his damage reduction).

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards

    @liminal_lad said:
    Gwenom + Kang + Chasm: Chasm tanks everything and makes web tiles, Kang returns lost AP, Gwen attacks for double damage.

    Is this too slow to work?

    You need a good battery to make 10 reds. And do it again. Too much support and AP when kang for 9 AP simply removes any problem.
    She is a slow characters without really a defensive mechanic or regeneration = please wait for her rebalance.

  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,707 Chairperson of the Boards

    I’m trying to figure out what her actual purpose is. I feel like they designed her 3* version first and then tried to expand that.

    She does not act like any other symbiote. I can’t think of another symbiote whose kit revolves around web tiles. All of them work with specials to some degree.

    So thematically she doesn’t fit with the rest of the game.

    Trying to find a team for her is about as baffling as Abigail Brand. She seems like a character that is an answer to a question that doesn’t exist.

    I see the last 2 5*s as characters that don’t really have much value in the current game.

    We can try to find viable teams for her, but really the question is… why should I bring her over any other character with this color set? Does she do anything different, interesting, or better than others?

  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,532 Chairperson of the Boards

    @dianetics said:
    We can try to find viable teams for her, but really the question is… why should I bring her over any other character with this color set? Does she do anything different, interesting, or better than others?

    Answers are: (a) Only when required and (b) No. This is a baffling character and possibly being used to setup future characters? I totally understand them having to synergize with Marvel's releases, but that doesn't mean the characters kit has to be so poorly designed.

  • Gymp28
    Gymp28 Posts: 132 Tile Toppler

    @liminal_lad said:
    Gwenom + Kang + Chasm: Chasm tanks everything and makes web tiles, Kang returns lost AP, Gwen attacks for double damage.

    Is this too slow to work?

    This was my immediate thought also. I suppose it largely depends whether Gwenom tanks when doing zero match
    damage. It’ll also depend on how Chasm comes out the other end of BCSs mincer…

  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,707 Chairperson of the Boards

    @LavaManLee said:

    @dianetics said:
    We can try to find viable teams for her, but really the question is… why should I bring her over any other character with this color set? Does she do anything different, interesting, or better than others?

    Answers are: (a) Only when required and (b) No. This is a baffling character and possibly being used to setup future characters? I totally understand them having to synergize with Marvel's releases, but that doesn't mean the characters kit has to be so poorly designed.

    I might not even bring her boosted. Her 0 match damage after 12 ap( 3 covers for black since it is so bad) actually makes her a liability.
    Her red ability is fine, but there is no shortage of good red abilities.

  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,532 Chairperson of the Boards

    @dianetics said:

    @LavaManLee said:

    @dianetics said:
    We can try to find viable teams for her, but really the question is… why should I bring her over any other character with this color set? Does she do anything different, interesting, or better than others?

    Answers are: (a) Only when required and (b) No. This is a baffling character and possibly being used to setup future characters? I totally understand them having to synergize with Marvel's releases, but that doesn't mean the characters kit has to be so poorly designed.

    I might not even bring her boosted. Her 0 match damage after 12 ap( 3 covers for black since it is so bad) actually makes her a liability.
    Her red ability is fine, but there is no shortage of good red abilities.

    Yep. I would never use her boosted either, unless I am not understanding her kit.

  • 658_2
    658_2 Posts: 235 Tile Toppler

    @entrailbucket said:

    @Punisher5784 said:
    I hate to sound negative but this character looks dreadful.. the 5* pool of Magik, Jeff and Gwen has to be the worst Latest 3 group

    This sounds like a good topic for a different thread, but there is no way this is the worst Latest 3.

    Post-Gambit-nerf, Demiurge got really scared about power level and released a ton of stinkers in a row. We had like 6-9 months straight of subpar 5*.

    Yep, gun shy or trying to kill the game off, take your pick. Captain Marvel, Hela, Rescue is probably the absolute low, but at one point it went Cable, Kingpin, Doom, Marvel, Hela, Rescue right in a row, so a few combos to pick from. Sadly, Okoye and Kitty sanwiched Wasp and Loki so no chance to include them. With this upcoming 3, High Evolutionary is a good defensive character with the blue passive and Gwenom may be slow but she has a long stun and hits like a truck. It’s not close.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,437 Chairperson of the Boards

    @658_2 said:
    Yep, gun shy or trying to kill the game off, take your pick. Captain Marvel, Hela, Rescue is probably the absolute low, but at one point it went Cable, Kingpin, Doom, Marvel, Hela, Rescue right in a row, so a few combos to pick from. Sadly, Okoye and Kitty sanwiched Wasp and Loki so no chance to include them. With this upcoming 3, High Evolutionary is a good defensive character with the blue passive and Gwenom may be slow but she has a long stun and hits like a truck. It’s not close.

    Poor Rescue. Her Yellow and Red powers are so underwhelming but her Blue is absolutely terrifying against SAP users because she can convert half the board to Red causing a lot of match 5s and probably downing a character instantly. I always request one as a TU for when facing SAP teams.

    If they'd change her Yellow to work like 4* Wasps Yellow (so she could flip back to strikes too) and make it cost the same (5) she'd be usable against SAP teams.


  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards

    Zero match damage is a baffling new low for a power for a game that needs you to match every turn you have.

  • 658_2
    658_2 Posts: 235 Tile Toppler

    Wait, the black stun is one turn per every 15 web tiles? What is the point of this? Really good example of over complication. Why not just make it a one turn stun and put less text in? Or does it not even activate unless there are 15 web tiles?

  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,707 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2023

    No offense but you are comparing this character to other that are like 4 years old.
    Honestly with this kit, I would rather take 5* captain marvel to negate some damage.
    I can not honestly give you a character I would take her over.
    I would say there are probably about 5 4* I would take over this character.
    She makes Jeff look good.

    Unless some person comes up with some godly pair for gwenom I am thinking I will not pull LL until she leaves. I don’t want her and I don’t want Evo.

    Convince me to pull for either one please.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,437 Chairperson of the Boards

    @658_2 said:
    Wait, the black stun is one turn per every 15 web tiles? What is the point of this? Really good example of over complication. Why not just make it a one turn stun and put less text in? Or does it not even activate unless there are 15 web tiles?

    To be fair it drops to 8 web tiles at 4 covers.

    I think the stun part doesn't happen unless there are the required number of web tiles. So yeah at 1 cover I believe no stun unless you have 15 web tiles.

    She really needs a web tile partner to get the stun component going even at 8 web tiles.


  • ThisisClemFandango
    ThisisClemFandango Posts: 927 Critical Contributor

    Genuinely confused at the 5 star powers of late, it's like I'm playing a different game than the devs. Overly complex but also counterintuitive. I get the theme for gwen but 0 match damage?

  • killahKlown
    killahKlown Posts: 585 Critical Contributor
    edited May 2023

    I see her being above average but ONLY against other spider people. Like against chasm.... putting tons of web tiles out. Then BOOM... 8 punches of 20k per. And that is is spread among multiple enemies.. so take out Chasm in hulk with one use of the red.

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,860 Chairperson of the Boards

    0 match dmg in a game that continually stresses passive powers is insane.

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards

    @dianetics said:

    I don’t want her and I don’t want Evo.

    Convince me to pull for either one please.

    Easy: you have too many resources and it's fun to waste them away.
    If that doesn't convince you, then you will be wishing Jeff, Evo, and Gwen taking their leave for long, long months just like me.