***** Magik (Phoenix Five) *****



  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,707 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2023

    @entrailbucket said:
    It's like the characters with "damage cannot be prevented" on their abilities (Gamora and Ultron, unless I'm missing anyone). Permanent damage is basically the same as "damage cannot be prevented" -- it's useful only against certain characters and completely irrelevant/worthless otherwise. Yet both modifiers are tuned as if the devs think they're incredibly powerful. It's weird.

    Damage cannot be reduced would be much more valuable...but you have to sink AP into and potentially lose the buff. Gamora never shows up and Elektra does, before release I thought it would have been the other way around.

    The reality is the damage reduction negation abilities are poorly implemented and are often far less valuable than a strait up stun.

  • JimboJambo
    JimboJambo Posts: 138 Tile Toppler

    Maybe I'm just in a good mood today, but I'm inclined to see this as a positive - they're actually getting better at testing new characters and defining clear metrics to make sure that characters are not too over powered. I don't agree with the argument that they should just keep releasing madly over powered characters just because they have set a precedent with Chasm and others. It sounds increasingly likely that Chasm will be nerfed so it's starting to seem like they have a better understanding of the problems it can cause when a character is too strong (after several months of feedback from the player base).

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,309 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Tiger_Wong said:
    The big “problem” is that we were shown what could’ve been and had it snatched away before we could get our hands on it and given an inferior model. THATS the big “problem”. Not these stupid over
    -generalizations you guys keep trying to bring up over and over about characters and powers that are already here and aren’t solving every single one of your perceived problems passively.

    Solution: don’t show the new characters powerset until they’ve been released. No more previews. Ph5 Emma was nerfed. Both Magiks have been nerfed. Kang simply wasn’t ready as he broke a bunch of things in the game on release and so did chasm. Just do away with the previews altogether. It’s better that we don’t know what we don’t know.

    So, we have a character who passively resurrects, passively heals, passively does damage, passively drains AP, and passively boosts his own match damage, and the players who want him changed are asking for the devs to "solve all their perceived problems passively?"

    Sure seems like that's what the Chasm defenders are asking for, since he actually solves all their problems passively.

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards

    Previews are great. And if we can help devs to make a character better, or if there is a broken synergy, then it's good for the game and the preview doble up on effective.
    People don't liking it have an easy and most effective solution: don't click on it.

  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards

    I used to think previews were great. But the post-preview, pre-release nerfs suck.

  • Bubba3210
    Bubba3210 Posts: 248 Tile Toppler

    One thing I have not seen mentioned is how late the nerf notice was. I would have pulled for more Riri if I had known Magik wasn’t going to be that great. Could we get at least a full day’s notice please?

  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 2,001 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2023

    Mod note: Removed a few inappropriate posts. Please focus the discussion on the issue and refrain from personal attacks and insults. Thank you.

  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,531 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Bubba3210 said:
    One thing I have not seen mentioned is how late the nerf notice was. I would have pulled for more Riri if I had known Magik wasn’t going to be that great. Could we get at least a full day’s notice please?

    This. While the devs certainly have the right to change their minds whenever, common courtesy would have been at least a day's notice before having Riri out of LL.

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2023

    Not defending them or anything, but from the sound of it they only started their testing after the preview stats.
    So, while this is pretty bad in its own way, they couldn't nerf earlier because they lacked the data.
    Now, why they don't test earlier... I don't know.

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2023

    Based on what past dataminers know, it seems that the dev was testing a month or two ago. I wouldn't know SC's power include his blue before preview and some other 5* got their power damage reduced before preview. Of course, that was under Demiurge.

  • pestilentpangolin
    pestilentpangolin Posts: 8 Just Dropped In

    Everyone's missing the real problem here. Magik's left leg looks like it was drawn by a heavily medicated and temporarily blinded Rob Liefeld. The art's good otherwise, but that bit's uncanny.

  • mdreyer93
    mdreyer93 Posts: 144 Tile Toppler

    @pestilentpangolin said:
    Everyone's missing the real problem here. Magik's left leg looks like it was drawn by a heavily medicated and temporarily blinded Rob Liefeld. The art's good otherwise, but that bit's uncanny.

    It's foreshortened but still too far away from the viewer for the lower leg to appear larger. Looks fine to me.

  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards

    They should nerf her character design. She's too hot for this game compared to the > @pestilentpangolin said:

    Everyone's missing the real problem here. Magik's left leg looks like it was drawn by a heavily medicated and temporarily blinded Rob Liefeld. The art's good otherwise, but that bit's uncanny.

    She's probably the hottest girl in MPQ.. They spent some good time on her artwork lol

  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,213 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Punisher5784 said:

    She's probably the hottest girl in MPQ.. They spent some good time on her artwork lol


    But yes for some reason 3/5 Magik looks very tan. What's the temperature like in Limbo? Maybe she just likes visiting tanning salons?

  • 4TheChains
    4TheChains Posts: 8 Just Dropped In

    It really does seem a different type of adjustment to Magik's powers would've been much more effective overall, without compromising her overall value as a desirable new addition to everyone's roster.

    Mod 1. 1 Turn Fortified Demon Repeater tile that does 1/2 the damage as the 2 turn version.

    Benefit - 1. mThor will not instantly destroy the demon tile(s)

    Benefit 2. The demon tile has a much higher chance of success to actually fire, but will not hit as hard.

    Mod 2. If the enemy matches or if either team destroys a Demon Tile, deal damage to target enemy that matched tile, or to any player that destroyed demon tile (equal to 2x damage of the tile firing one time).

    Benefit - Again targeting the reckless destruction of mThor, with a mild punishment, but not just to the enemy mThor, also to your own mThor if you're trying to use her alongside Magik. Demons are only loyal to Magik.

    Mod 3. Since the demon tiles is now fortified, replication only occurs when the demon tile is matched away by a friendly match, not just the match that destroys fortification, but the 2nd match that actually destroys the tile.
    Benefit. Since the demon is now a 1-turn repeater, this slows down replication a touch as to prevent spamming of demon tiles.

    Mod 4. At the start of her turn, if one does not exist, create 1 Red Fortified Demon Repeater tile targeting enemy special tiles first.

    Benefit - Does not ruin her ability when playing against Chasm, and guarantees successful creation of demon repeater.

    Mod 5. Red Power - while the repeater tile exists, Magik's powers do +% extra damage (+% = to the +% of associated Red passive 10%-35%) does NOT affect Magik's Demon or Repeater tiles, only stacks when firing abilities.

    Benefit - Despite the addition of a maximum 35% permanent match damage via the Red passive, who's to say she'll be making any matches at all. The Soul Sword enhances the users power level, so this is just a more thorough enhancement.

    Purple Power - Magik is Colossus's brother, in the spirit of that, Magik's passive should apply to the entire Team just like her Big Brother's passive defense applies to the entire team. Additionally, now that the Magik's Black ability is more desirable, making the Purple a little better will force players to thoroughly consider all 3 powers when determining Magik's best build.
    Magik's abilities disrupt magical beings. Her passive should include a ability and match damage boost to supernatural beings.

    Positive changes without going OP. Her powers are more closely aligned to those described in the comics. Used alongside Emma, she will be fairly stout, but not out of control by any means.

    Side note - Emma Blue.... Seriously should also include immunity to powers while in diamond form...

    Thanks for reading

    To Broken Circle: Hire me as a new character development guy ;)

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,427 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2023


    What you did with her repeater is essentially what Medusa's passive does in 4* land (minus the damage you want every time it's matched/destroyed).

    The problem with what you described is that Okoye exists. Having smaller damage hit more often is just a recipe for Okoye abuse.

    Anyway, who cares if she can't be used against MThor. There are plenty of teams to use vs MThor that you don't need her.


  • Bzhai
    Bzhai Posts: 547 Critical Contributor
    edited March 2023

    @4TheChains said:
    It really does seem a different type of adjustment to Magik's powers would've been much more effective overall, without compromising her overall value as a desirable new addition to everyone's roster.

    Mod 1. 1 Turn Fortified Demon Repeater tile that does 1/2 the damage as the 2 turn version.

    Benefit - 1. mThor will not instantly destroy the demon tile(s)

    Benefit 2. The demon tile has a much higher chance of success to actually fire, but will not hit as hard.

    Mod 2. If the enemy matches or if either team destroys a Demon Tile, deal damage to target enemy that matched tile, or to any player that destroyed demon tile (equal to 2x damage of the tile firing one time).

    Benefit - Again targeting the reckless destruction of mThor, with a mild punishment, but not just to the enemy mThor, also to your own mThor if you're trying to use her alongside Magik. Demons are only loyal to Magik.

    Mod 3. Since the demon tiles is now fortified, replication only occurs when the demon tile is matched away by a friendly match, not just the match that destroys fortification, but the 2nd match that actually destroys the tile.
    Benefit. Since the demon is now a 1-turn repeater, this slows down replication a touch as to prevent spamming of demon tiles.

    Mod 4. At the start of her turn, if one does not exist, create 1 Red Fortified Demon Repeater tile targeting enemy special tiles first.

    Benefit - Does not ruin her ability when playing against Chasm, and guarantees successful creation of demon repeater.

    Mod 5. Red Power - while the repeater tile exists, Magik's powers do +% extra damage (+% = to the +% of associated Red passive 10%-35%) does NOT affect Magik's Demon or Repeater tiles, only stacks when firing abilities.

    Benefit - Despite the addition of a maximum 35% permanent match damage via the Red passive, who's to say she'll be making any matches at all. The Soul Sword enhances the users power level, so this is just a more thorough enhancement.

    Purple Power - Magik is Colossus's brother, in the spirit of that, Magik's passive should apply to the entire Team just like her Big Brother's passive defense applies to the entire team. Additionally, now that the Magik's Black ability is more desirable, making the Purple a little better will force players to thoroughly consider all 3 powers when determining Magik's best build.
    Magik's abilities disrupt magical beings. Her passive should include a ability and match damage boost to supernatural beings.

    Positive changes without going OP. Her powers are more closely aligned to those described in the comics. Used alongside Emma, she will be fairly stout, but not out of control by any means.

    Side note - Emma Blue.... Seriously should also include immunity to powers while in diamond form...

    Thanks for reading

    To Broken Circle: Hire me as a new character development guy ;)

    At the very least the repeater tile that is generated from firing red needs to be fortified. Because you are meant to match her demon tiles to propagate them you're delaying her damage output so a bit of security from her red repeater will as least mitigate this.

    And I agree they could have given her a special P5 passive. Being a teleporter she of all characters should have some ability that benefits the entire team.

  • BlixTheFrog
    BlixTheFrog Posts: 193 Tile Toppler

    Don’t know if it’s been reported yet but I just had a fight in pvp where the enemy Demon Tiles didn’t disappear when I killed Magik. They stayed until the end of the fight.

  • Glockoma
    Glockoma Posts: 555 Critical Contributor

    Change my mind:

    5* Magik is disappointing.

    (…and I can’t unsee her left leg ever since it was brought up.)