***** Magik (Phoenix Five) *****



  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,307 Chairperson of the Boards

    She'll probably be pretty usable when boosted, just like 95% of the 5* tier. If you compare her to the characters that are actually good, then yeah, she's disappointing.

  • Glockoma
    Glockoma Posts: 555 Critical Contributor

    @entrailbucket said:
    She'll probably be pretty usable when boosted, just like 95% of the 5* tier. If you compare her to the characters that are actually good, then yeah, she's disappointing.

    Bummer, thanks

  • ThisisClemFandango
    ThisisClemFandango Posts: 927 Critical Contributor

    Yeah seems pretty weak but not according to BCS so I dunno what to believe.

  • BlixTheFrog
    BlixTheFrog Posts: 193 Tile Toppler

    I think she can be terrific at a higher level. Hard to see it right now though.

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards

    Still she creates 1 repeater at the start of battle on red. It's needed to match it, then getting 3 red AP. Then there are 2 repeaters. It's needed to match one of the 2, and you get the maximum, 3 repeaters. Then to get 7 blacks for to create 2 more, maximum ups to 7 then.
    Having 6 they do almost 100% damage, so instead of 2315 it will be 4300. Multiplied by 6, 25k.
    But like I said before, they are 2 turns repeaters: matching the first one one the first turn, on the third turn they will damage. Matching another one for to have the maximum of 3, they will damage one on the third turn, on the fifth turn the others 2 repeaters. Collecting 7 blacks for to create 2 repeaters more, after you have the 3 max repeaters, maybe on turn 9 with some luck and not losing any of them you will damage for 24k.
    What is really lame. Simply not viable on pvp. And they nerfed it, so it's even worse.

  • pestilentpangolin
    pestilentpangolin Posts: 8 Just Dropped In

    @Glockoma said:
    Change my mind:

    5* Magik is disappointing.

    (…and I can’t unsee her left leg ever since it was brought up.)

    I'm glad somebody agrees. It's like they've amputated then run out of prosthetics and stuck on a boiled ham with a boot attached.

  • killahKlown
    killahKlown Posts: 585 Critical Contributor

    Very disappointing. And she had some potential before the nerf too. She seems rather useless now

  • Mrcl25
    Mrcl25 Posts: 138 Tile Toppler

    I heard from people testing in their sandbox accounts that she's the worst 5* released by BCS so far, and wouldn't be that strong even if they didn't nerf her. That tottaly contradicts what Devpool said about her still being top tier now, and nuts before the nerf, which makes me think that their testing methods are very flawed.

  • killahKlown
    killahKlown Posts: 585 Critical Contributor

    @Mrcl25 said:
    I heard from people testing in their sandbox accounts that she's the worst 5* released by BCS so far, and wouldn't be that strong even if they didn't nerf her. That tottaly contradicts what Devpool said about her still being top tier now, and nuts before the nerf, which makes me think that their testing methods are very flawed.

    I don't think anyone ever claimed she is top tier in any way. In fact the only mention of any unofficial ranking was in this remark, "Magik's current numbers are much more in line with the norm for 5* characters"

  • _TrashPanda
    _TrashPanda Posts: 101 Tile Toppler

    @IceIX Can you please include what her powers/ health/ etc. would be at 550?

  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards

    I like her with damage boosters. With okoye/Deathlock or Thorpocalypse. The extra prices of damage hit hard with boosters and a bunch of times in a turn.

  • Mrcl25
    Mrcl25 Posts: 138 Tile Toppler

    @killahKlown said:

    I don't think anyone ever claimed she is top tier in any way. In fact the only mention of any unofficial ranking was in this remark, "Magik's current numbers are much more in line with the norm for 5* characters"

    That's what I was referring to.

  • 4TheChains
    4TheChains Posts: 8 Just Dropped In

    @KGB said:

    What you did with her repeater is essentially what Medusa's passive does in 4* land (minus the damage you want every time it's matched/destroyed).

    The problem with what you described is that Okoye exists. Having smaller damage hit more often is just a recipe for Okoye abuse.

    Anyway, who cares if she can't be used against MThor. There are plenty of teams to use vs MThor that you don't need her.


    With Okoye in mind, and the lag in creating additional demon tiles, I think with my proposed changes to Magik would make her Black ability real similar to Gorr. Starting with only 1 Demon tile puts her behind Gorr, but her ability to add more Repeaters somewhat quickly should allow her to surpass Gorr in 4-5 turns.

  • 4TheChains
    4TheChains Posts: 8 Just Dropped In

    Truthfully, the simple fact that Magik's Black ability puts Demon repeaters on Red Tiles, and Magik needs Red AP to fire her Red ability, is another clear setback to her design...

    The pre-release nerf is a sad thing to watch, just like with Gamora 5. (Another potentially great character nerfed into oblivion).

    I do agree with one of the earlier posts about missing the opportunity to beef up Riri before she left Latest had most of us seen the actual #s for Magik. Pre-Nerf Magik looked waaayy better, even her Demon repeaters we're considerably exciting when looking at the increased damage boost per Demon tile. Oh well, maybe next time....

  • 4TheChains
    4TheChains Posts: 8 Just Dropped In

    @Mrcl25 said:

    @killahKlown said:

    I don't think anyone ever claimed she is top tier in any way. In fact the only mention of any unofficial ranking was in this remark, "Magik's current numbers are much more in line with the norm for 5* characters"

    That's what I was referring to.

    As it stands, she is nowhere near a top contender for anything.

  • MoosePrime
    MoosePrime Posts: 969 Critical Contributor

    @4TheChains said:
    Truthfully, the simple fact that Magik's Black ability puts Demon repeaters on Red Tiles, and Magik needs Red AP to fire her Red ability, is another clear setback to her design...

    If you match the red repeaters to gather red AP, more repeaters take their place. How is this a setback?

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2023

    This is the formula to calculate her Limbo Demon damage, if you want to pair her with Emma:

    70+15+(2 * no of red aps) + (70+15+(2 * no of red aps)*no of limbo tiles * 15%)

    Her updated damage stats is dealing 15% bonus damage and her repeater is dealing 2315 damage. Using 5 Demon tiles and 10 red aps, her repeater will be dealing
    2315 * (105% + ((15%x5)*105%))
    = ~6k damage or a total of 6k * 5 = 30k damage every 2 turns.

    Her black power costs 7. +4 black aps or use supports to +3 or 6 black aps at the start of the game and she'll be dealing damage on turn 2. Pre-nerf, with 7 Demon repeaters and 10 red aps, she would be dealing ~180k damage every 2 turns at level 450. After seeing these 180k damage, I understand why her damage was reduced. Not even 550 Okoye+iHulk can reach 180k damage on turn 3.

  • killahKlown
    killahKlown Posts: 585 Critical Contributor

    @4TheChains said:
    Truthfully, the simple fact that Magik's Black ability puts Demon repeaters on Red Tiles, and Magik needs Red AP to fire her Red ability, is another clear setback to her design...

    I think you're missing the whole point of demon tiles. You WANT to match those red repeaters. One, obviously is to gain red AP. But also your repeaters multiply when you match them.

  • trenchdigger
    trenchdigger Posts: 190 Tile Toppler

    Hound, I don't follow your maths.
    2315 * (105% + ((15%x5)*105%)) = 4,235 not 6k

    But why do you start with 70 rather than 100?
    In your example with 10 red ap, Emma will boost by 25% assuming 5 on her red
    ie. 100% + 15% +2%*10 = 125%
    The demon tile boost is then 125% * 5 limbo tiles * 15% = 93.75%
    Total damage per demon = ( 125% + 93.75% ) * 2,315 = 5,064 ie 5k not 6k

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2023

    My bad, I didn't open and close the bracket correctly.

    Magik has PF affiliation, so she gain an additional 15% ability damage boost.

    Emma's ability boost to Magik
    Base: 70%
    PF: 15%
    10 red aps: 20%
    Total: 105%

    Magik's boost to Limbo Demon
    15% per Limbo Demon and 5 used in example = 75%

    Because Emma's boost stacks with Magik's boost, Magik's Limbo Demon is = 153%

    Total Boost = 105+153 = 283%

    Let's use a live example:
    No of red ap = 3
    No of Limbo Demon repeater = 1
    Limbo Demon Damage = 775
    Limbo Demon boost per repeater = 5%
    Actual damage dealt by Limbo Demon = 1553
    Working backwards, 1553/775 = 2 or 100% more damage

    Total boost by Emma = 70+15+6 = 91%
    Magik Limbo Demon boost boosted by Emma = 5 * 1.91 = 9%
    Total boost = 91+9 = 100%

    "Pre-nerf", the Limbo Demon boost was 25% and repeater was dealing 5692 damage.