***** Magik (Phoenix Five) *****

IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
edited April 2023 in Character Details

Magik (Phoenix Five)
5-Star Rarity
Affiliations: Heroes, X-Men, Mutants, Supernatural, Phoenix Force

"While fighting against the Avengers for the fate of Hope Summers, the Phoenix Force was split into five parts resulting in Magik obtaining some of that power. Now she stands with the rest of the Phoenix Five to create a better world for Mutants. But can she overcome the corruption the Phoenix brings?"

Abilities listed at level 255/450
Health: 18073/72645


Limbo on Earth - 7 Black AP
Magik pulls demons from Limbo to fight for her on Earth. Creates 2 2-turn Red Demon Repeater tile(s) that deal 443 damage to a random enemy. (Maximum 3, +2 each time this ability is used)

(PASSIVE) At the start of the battle, Magik creates 1 2-turn Red Demon Repeater tile(s). For each of her Demons on the board, her Demon tiles deal 5% more damage. Whenever a Demon tile is matched, two more Demons rush in to replace it. (Max level 1781 damage)

  • Level 2: +3 Max Demons. Demon tiles deal 7% more damage per Demon tile. (Max level 1781 damage)
  • Level 3: Demons deal 465 damage. Demon tiles deal 9% more damage per Demon tile. (Max level 1870 damage)
  • Level 4: +4 Max Demons. Demon tiles deal 13% more damage per Demon tile. (Max level 1870 damage)
  • Level 5: Demons deal 576 damage. Demon tiles deal 15% more damage per Demon tile. (Max level 2315 damage)

Soul Sword - 6 Red AP
Magik swings her sword infused with the energy of the Phoenix. Deals 1107 permanent damage, ignoring enemy Protect tiles and destroys 1 enemy special tile(s). Then creates a 2-turn Repeater tile that deals 443 permanent damage.

(PASSIVE) Magik's matches deal 10% extra permanent damage. (Max level 4451/1781 damage)

  • Level 2: Destroys 2 enemy special tiles. Repeater tile deals 665 damage. Matches deal 15% damage. (Max level 4451/2672 damage)
  • Level 3: Repeater tile deals 886 damage. Matches deal 20% damage. (Max level 4451/3562 damage)
  • Level 4: Deals 1417 damage. Destroys 3 enemy special tiles. Repeater tile deals 1108 damage. Matches deal 25% damage. (Max level 5697/4453 damage)
  • Level 5: Repeater tile deals 1329 damage. Matches deal 35% damage. (Max level 5697/5343 damage)

Phoenix Claws - 6 Purple AP
Magik combines the Phoenix Force with her mystical affinity casting a devastating spell. Deals 709 permanent damage to the enemy team, and destroys 2 AP in the enemy team's strongest color.

(PASSIVE) Magik takes 30% less match and ability damage from Supernatural enemies. (Max level 2849 damage)

  • Level 2: Deals 766 damage. Magik takes 35% less damage. (Max level 3077 damage)
  • Level 3: Deals 844 damage. Magik takes 40% less damage. (Max level 3390 damage)
  • Level 4: Deals 978 damage. Magik takes 45% less damage. (Max level 3932 damage)
  • Level 5: Deals 1255 damage. Magik takes 55% less damage. (Max level 5043 damage)

Feeder Updates

Release Schedule

Lost in Time - 3/9 - 3/13
Magik (Phoenix Five) Shards and Event Token in Placement Rewards
Magik (Phoenix Five) Event Token in Progression Rewards and Alliance Rewards

Fight for Wakanda - 3/12 - 3/16
Magik (Phoenix Five) Legendary Token in Placement Rewards, Shards and Event Token in Progression Rewards, Legendary Token and Event Token in Alliance Rewards

Grey Matter (Jean Grey (All-New)) - 3/7 - 3/11
Magik (Darkchylde) in Placement Rewards

Darkchylde Rising - 3/9 - 3/13
Magik (Phoenix Five) Shards in Placement Rewards, Event Token, Magik (Darkchylde) in Progression Rewards, Event Token in Alliance Rewards

Flames of Limbo - 3/12 - 3/15
Magik (Phoenix Five) Event Token in Progression Rewards, Event Token in Alliance Rewards

Essential Magikal Power Store - 3/9 - 3/13
Chance to get Magik (Phoenix Five). Increased chances in 10x and 40x pulls

Dark Magick Woman Vault - 3/16 - 3/19
Chance to get Magik (Phoenix Five). Increased chances in 10x and 40x pulls
40 Items:
○ 1x Limbo Legendary Store Token
○ 1x 4-Star Professor X (Charles Xavier) cover
○ 3x Random 3-Star covers
○ 6x Heroic tokens
○ 4x 2500 Iso
○ 6x 1000 Iso
○ 5x 500 Iso
○ 14x Two stars

Limbo Legendary Store - 3/16 - 3/19
15% chance to get Magik (Phoenix Five), Colossus (Phoenix Five), and Kitty Pryde (Uncanny X-Men)
Additional Tokens can be purchased for 25 Command Points



  • Codex
    Codex Posts: 365 Mover and Shaker
    edited March 2023

    @Tiger_Wong said:
    Cheap powers and you start off with a demon repeater to duplicate. I like.

    Also, in before the babies complain about not her being a counter to the meta and before the talk degenerates into talk about the meta.

    ...not sure which meta is supernatural, I wish we could filter by affiliations. Who is this supposed to counter?

  • Eirikr56
    Eirikr56 Posts: 31 Just Dropped In

    Looking forward to the artwork!

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards

    Most of her powers are straightforward and she will be a good asset against characters who can heal consistently or frequently, and her powers are thematically fitting.

    The only part of her ability I don't understand is this:

    Maximum 5 Demons, +2 each time this ability is used.

    Is the maximum number ofDemons 5 or is the number as high as 64, theoretically speaking?

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards

    Cheap powers and lot of permanent damage. Permanent damage can counter characters healing often like crystal and chasm. Until now it always was chip damage, however these repeaters can deal serious damage if there are many of them, and should be able to boosting them.
    As we already know a repeaters based character is weak against Mthor, but it says demon repeater tile, I wonder if it's a character tile.

  • Codex
    Codex Posts: 365 Mover and Shaker

    @HoundofShadow said:
    Most of her powers are straightforward and she will be a good asset against characters who can heal consistently or frequently, and her powers are thematically fitting.

    The only part of her ability I don't understand is this:

    Maximum 5 Demons, +2 each time this ability is used.

    Is the maximum number ofDemons 5 or is the number as high as 64, theoretically speaking?

    It can be as high as 64 theoretically...but to get there you would need to cast black 30 times.

  • tonypq
    tonypq Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    edited March 2023

    Black seems interesting if you can consistently match her tiles. Red doesn't hit super hard but it's cheap, ignores protects, permanent damage, destroys enemy tiles, and boost to match damage is something. Purple 55% damage reduction from matches and abilities is ok, cheap ability which doesn't hit very hard like red, AP destruction is juat a bonus.

    Have to see how she plays out. The black could be interesting effected by damage boosters. She's interesting that each ability does a few different things.

  • Omegased
    Omegased Posts: 609 Critical Contributor

    I dunno - her Permanent damage could really cause problems with any metacharacter. pair with Crystal and soon they won't be reviving with any life.

    altho I can't really decide what build would be the best. 4/5/4 maybe?

  • vaportrail
    vaportrail Posts: 64 Match Maker

    Seems like she's gonna be a good character in both pve and pvp at first glance.

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards

    I need to find a way to spam her black power then, if it's possible.

    Her Demon tiles don't deal permanent damage. If you want to counter constant healing enemies, 3/5/5 should be good.

  • DjinnBabba
    DjinnBabba Posts: 30 Just Dropped In

    So if she’s tanking up front, her match-3’s are boosted and do perma damage?

  • bladewing
    bladewing Posts: 131 Tile Toppler

    When do the retro rewards go live? Thanks!

    I’ll have to find some maxed champs to sell for spare iso to champ my 4*Magic

  • liminal_lad
    liminal_lad Posts: 482 Mover and Shaker

    I like the new feeder map design. Does this make Magik the first 4 star to feed multiple 5s?

  • bigjojo04
    bigjojo04 Posts: 420 Mover and Shaker

    Shuri also feeds 2 5’s

  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards

    3/5/5 right? Seems like the damage from the two cheap actives is worth it and the demon tiles are still viable at 3.

    Overall she seems like a good addition to the 5* pool and a potentially useful counter to some of the passive healing characters like chasm and (for teammates) crystal.

  • heybub
    heybub Posts: 293 Mover and Shaker

    So for 5 demon tiles on the board, she would be doing 64k passive damage every two turns? Am I calculating this right? That seems like a lot, but will take a few turns to get that many, and chances if them surviving long are low since they are not fortified.

  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,433 Chairperson of the Boards

    @heybub said:
    So for 5 demon tiles on the board, she would be doing 64k passive damage every two turns? Am I calculating this right? That seems like a lot, but will take a few turns to get that many, and chances if them surviving long are low since they are not fortified.

    If Mthor is on either team the chances of them surviving is zero.

  • 4TheChains
    4TheChains Posts: 8 Just Dropped In

    2 adjustments could've made Magik great.
    1st - 1 turn repeaters tiles for both powers using repeaters.
    2nd - Any way a demon tile is removed or destroyed, replace with 2 demon tiles. (Repeater effect fires more easily and becomes an instant counter to mThor

  • Bzhai
    Bzhai Posts: 547 Critical Contributor

    She's also the first P5 to not offer anything to her team mates. I thought they were gonna do something related to her teleportation powers.