The ChaHulk meta



  • Glockoma
    Glockoma Posts: 555 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2022
    Glockoma said:
    While the Immortal Bros. are common there seem to be a few counters if you can mitigate the match and AoE damage. Reddit also has this thread.

    Colossus and Switch seem to be an effective counter if you target iHulk first to the point where Chasm does not tank anything. Electro and mThor mitigate the damage from hulk and deletes web and abyss tiles. 

    Out of curiosity, does Thanos proc Court Death when killing Chasm? Or does Chasm stun him before he can?
    On a related note, does Chasm have an good partners if you don’t have the immortals champed. I’ve see a couple of Chasm/Silk. I was thinking Chasm/mThor but they kinda seem diametrically opposed.
    Chasm mThor are fine together as she provides an outlet to all of the other colors no covered by Chasm. 

    Good partners? Of course. Try SMPP and Miles. Such a fun team. Many more suggestions will come.
    I finally champed Chasm and in spite of the hate I find him fun as tinykitty. I wish I SMPP playable, but sadly no where close. I went with Chasm (5/4/4, might try 5/3/5 later) and mThor in the Pick 2 Dr. Strange PvP so we will see how much of a scarecrow he is there. Probably not at all. I’m thinking Thor and Silk in Pick 3 but haven’t tried anything yet since Thor/BRB/Polaris is a pretty good scarecrow team in itself. In PvE, I liked him with gritty. Maybe I still will without them both being boosted.
    BRB vs Chasm is underrated. I’ve been playing Chasm for a while now and here’s what you’ll notice. Characters with strong active powers as their 3rd strongest color can actually be a a problem for chasm that can be exploited.

    If BRB collects green and yellow but happens to find 6 blue ap along the way, (this is key here) Chasm has to chew through his stronger colors first before eating the blue. Those protect tiles start flowing and mitigating Chasm’s damage as well as taking up space for competing Abyss/web tiles. 

    This is just something to be aware of as he has given me a little trouble here and there, especially with iHulk setting off an auto 4-protect tile placement with his passive proc.

    It’s good to see the community come together on discussing ways to overcome a meta rather than just call for nerfs. Especially when we have others to now “unnerf” characters. 

    Like Michael from “The Office”:

    “Do you have any idea what 3 vasectomies can do to a man?! Snip-snap, Snip-snap!” Lolol
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,522 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2022
    I tried Thano5/Knull, and it was not successful. I don't think Knull was the right partner, but I wanted a purple battery and he also does (albeit super weak) permanent damage.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    What you need is not solition, but more experience in dealing with Chasm vs Chasm. If there are players who can deal with Chasm vs Chasm, it's obviously a skill issue.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,522 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thano5/Wanda with Wanda set to purple and just focus on attacking hulk was able to win.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,522 Chairperson of the Boards
    It kind of seems like big AOE powers could make a comeback as well, since simultaneously killing them works pretty well. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,522 Chairperson of the Boards
    Upon further testing with Thano5/Switch, it seems like Court Death stopped working for the remainder of the match at one point after mistakenly downing Chasm before Hulk. I wonder if that's repeatable?
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2022
    Chasm sometimes locking up the game.  İn this case  oppenent's ihulk  couldnt tank the chasm even he reach his max match damage. So oppenent's chasm kept making abbys tiles and this tiles turned into web tiles . So both of us's chasms became  invulnarable.  İ kept playing this game for 15 minute but  nothing changed.  İ think this is a software  bug. I'm not a "nerf" person but chasm need a  rework. 
    This is really a case of Chasm not being a good counter for Chasm. We should really work harder than requiring nerfs when we can’t bring any three random characters into a match and expecting to win easily.
    İf i was saying "chasm is op , he is too strong , etc... " you were rigth but İts not about expecting to win easily.  He is need a rework because he is  locking the game. İn a game if game starts an endless loop this is a annoying bug. And bugs must be fixed.
    The loop only happens when you play Chasm v Chasm and only if you cannot time your own Chasm’s death to the right before you are ready to one shot theirs. There is no bug here. Chasm v Chasm favours the AI because of this. The point of this thread is to show that there are counters to the Immortals for those willing to look for them. I’m sorry the mirror match isn’t one of them.
    I'm not seeking  for nerf.  Just need a solition about loop.  I'm playing this game for eight years  and until now there was no stuck and there was no loop.  İf there is now it isnt about skill or anything else.  I'm not saying they have to nerf chasm .  Just a solition  about ending this loop. Loops are software mistake. think about it  İf there was  30 characters cause this kind of loop for other reasons. This is  make this game unplayable.  And I'm saying that again. I dont want any nerf. Just want a fix  about the loop.  
    There are multiple solutions. You retreat because you already lost. The other solution is to play for 47 minutes Until you can time your Chasm’s death to the round before the opposing Chasm death. I have played many games where one of strategies is to draw the match as long as possible. You are asking to adjust Chasm to fit your play style rather than adjusting to Chasm’s mechanics.  You do you, I’m just saying what you’re asking for is unlikely 
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    The real problem is they are unpredictable. 
    They can be beaten with more or less easiness, with more or less attrition, but if you are playing for points you won't know if chasm will drain the AP for the power needed to kill both or if you can reduce their AP smoothly for the strategy you are trying to run.
    And that's the real reason why they are a scarecrow on high level competition.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,522 Chairperson of the Boards
    With this boost list, Ghostpool/Phoenix is fairly reliable unless you are looking at the 550 Chasm/~500 iHulks I'm seeing here in the last 200pts of PVP. If you can hang on to enough black for Penance Fare, fire it right after Chasm revives for what is likely to be a 1-shot. I've had to dump a health pack into DP after most matches, but those teams are the only ones worth any points so there's no way around attacking them.
  • EienRyuu
    EienRyuu Posts: 82 Match Maker
    I am no 5 star player but shouldn't MThor help a bit as well against Chasm....?

    My main theory here is because is you manage to pull off her Blue, she can shake the board quite a lot keeping Chasm off his Abyss tiles.
    And if you continue to pump her blue, you basically get a free turn often due to cascades. xD
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2022
    No, I don't know why players think that Dr Thor will prioritise Chasm tiles over other tiles. Based on my observation, her passive destruction will destroy Chasm tiles if there isn't any basic or special tiles left to destroy. Only then will it be forced to destroy Chasm tiles. 

    Chasm tile = character tile
    Character tile is not special tile. 
    Character and special tile belongs to different categeory
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,522 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2022
    I’ve been running a float test in Mind Like a Diamond, and using chasm/hulk only to see how high I can float unshielded. Went to bed at 800pts, Currently came back after an overnight unshielded position still with 700pts. I haven’t had a float point this high since my 4* days.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Shouldn't you be happy? It means fewer wins needed to hit 1200.  B)
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,522 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's not a fun team to play with or against, and matches take a LONG time. So sure, it's a "better" jump off point to climb, but unless there is a reasonable counter to them to push through the wall it'll be pretty grueling to get that next 500 points.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    If there's a reasonable counter to them, then your float points will decrease significantly. It's a tradeoff between high float and 3 minutes per match play or multiple 2 minutes play with lower float. Chasm/iHulk is usually worth high 60s to 7X points. For my playstyle, I don't mind this since it's easier to find high points to hit 1200 faster. And they won't hit you back because they know they have more to lose. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,522 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don’t need to float there, I only did the experiment to highlight how effective a scarecrow it is.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't think that's a bad thing. You mentioned that the last time you floated this high was in 4* land, which is probably 3 years ago? 

    I wonder if you managed to champ Colossus/Wanda before boosted 5* took effect. I remember players hating on this team.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,522 Chairperson of the Boards
    I had them champed while they were in Latest. I didn’t enjoy that slow team either, offensively or defensively, so I really didn’t run it. I’ve never been as impressed with colossus as some of y’all seem to be. But that team had a pretty obvious counter that already existed in game: single target power damage.

    But that’s why I’m looking for a counter team rather than asking for a nerf. It appears to me you want to use a big AOE team here, or else an effective stunner, but Chasm’s AP control is very aggressive - essentially erasing anything that wasn’t from a match-4 or cascade.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,522 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's probably worth saying that comparably leveled chasm/hulk teams are definitely beatable. But once you break MMR up at the top of PVP progression, those strategies don't really work against 550 chasm/~500 hulks like i regularly see. And that's fine I suppose, you should have a very dominant team if you've got them that high. Maybe these fabled MMR updates will make it so I can see teams worth enough points to hit alongside those guys though; it's either a largely unbeatable 70pt team, or a 22pt dual boosted team up there mostly right now.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2022
    Are you playing other slices now? Slice 1 is still good. I got matched with non-boosted 550 SheHulk and another 4* worth 7x points while my points are high 10XX. There were also Chasm + non-iHulk team worth 60-7X points as well. If your "now" refers to 3* Arcade pvp, it's still early due to lack of players playing high.

    America Chavez + Phoenix with ap and crit boost was very fast against Chasm/iHulk. When I climbed past 1000, I saw quite a number of Chasm/iHulk worth 4X points, instead of high 60 or 7x points.