The ChaHulk meta



  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,076 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah it is fast and easy. I guess it really will suck to be you then. 
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2022
    This meta reminds me of something: requests for Gambit to be unnerfed.  He could drain your aps by 2 and gives himself 3 red and 3 purple aps every turn back then and Chasm proved that players hate seeing their aps destroyed. So, do people still want Gambit to be unnerfed?

    Anyway, once you practise enough on how to deal with Chasm comfortably, you'll appreciate all those players that choose to skip him instead of dealing with him. It's typically worth a juicy high 6X and 7X points they won't fight back.
  • İnekobasi
    İnekobasi Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    Chasm sometimes locking up the game.  İn this case  oppenent's ihulk  couldnt tank the chasm even he reach his max match damage. So oppenent's chasm kept making abbys tiles and this tiles turned into web tiles . So both of us's chasms became  invulnarable.  İ kept playing this game for 15 minute but  nothing changed.  İ think this is a software  bug. I'm not a "nerf" person but chasm need a  rework. 
    This is really a case of Chasm not being a good counter for Chasm. We should really work harder than requiring nerfs when we can’t bring any three random characters into a match and expecting to win easily.
    İf i was saying "chasm is op , he is too strong , etc... " you were rigth but İts not about expecting to win easily.  He is need a rework because he is  locking the game. İn a game if game starts an endless loop this is a annoying bug. And bugs must be fixed.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2022
    Getting stuck in a loop is a skill issue. Please get tips from other players who can deal with Chasm instead of asking for nerfs. There are players in reddit and in this forum who can deal with him already.
  • meteor0905
    meteor0905 Posts: 80 Match Maker
    Now I'm hunting zombie team in SIM 🙃
  • Iridious
    Iridious Posts: 53 Match Maker
    5* Elektra 
    Wanda and Elektro I get, but maybe it's because I only have her half covered, what role is Elektra filling there? I initially assumed for her yellow traps, but aren't they quickly overwritten by Chasm?
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    She reduce AOE dmg from iHulk. We are not talking aboutc Chams only here.
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    Chasm sometimes locking up the game.  İn this case  oppenent's ihulk  couldnt tank the chasm even he reach his max match damage. So oppenent's chasm kept making abbys tiles and this tiles turned into web tiles . So both of us's chasms became  invulnarable.  İ kept playing this game for 15 minute but  nothing changed.  İ think this is a software  bug. I'm not a "nerf" person but chasm need a  rework. 
    This is really a case of Chasm not being a good counter for Chasm. We should really work harder than requiring nerfs when we can’t bring any three random characters into a match and expecting to win easily.
    İf i was saying "chasm is op , he is too strong , etc... " you were rigth but İts not about expecting to win easily.  He is need a rework because he is  locking the game. İn a game if game starts an endless loop this is a annoying bug. And bugs must be fixed.
    The loop only happens when you play Chasm v Chasm and only if you cannot time your own Chasm’s death to the right before you are ready to one shot theirs. There is no bug here. Chasm v Chasm favours the AI because of this. The point of this thread is to show that there are counters to the Immortals for those willing to look for them. I’m sorry the mirror match isn’t one of them.
  • Iridious
    Iridious Posts: 53 Match Maker
    Mr_F said:
    She reduce AOE dmg from iHulk. We are not talking aboutc Chams only here.
    That's what Electro is bringing sure, but just wondering if I'm missing something about Elektra's contribution? Is it just her yellow traps until they're overwritten, or is it her red stunning Chasm to slow him down? Her purple has nothing to add as there aren't any special tiles in play.

    Sorry if I'm overlooking something else obvious!
  • Aweberman
    Aweberman Posts: 443 Mover and Shaker
    In theory, if Elektra has put out traps, they will all be used up at the beginning of the enemy's next turn when iHulk's AOE hits.  (I only say "in theory" because I've found that the longer matches go on, the less frequently iHulk can reliably get his AOE off.)

    Chances are you won't get to fire Elektra's red since if you make a red match first, those AP will immediately get drained by Chasm.
  • Aweberman
    Aweberman Posts: 443 Mover and Shaker
    edited October 2022
    For me, this has been pretty effective:


    Colossus slows down Chasm's match damage; Electro slows down iHulk's AOE. Fire Apoc's yellow early (and maybe twice).

    Then chase black.  Since Colossus will match black for you, Chasm will be grabbing yellow (which should be supplied by iHulk's AOE unless [see last post]).  And Apoc's black is a nice way to take out all of them at once.
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    Glockoma said:
    While the Immortal Bros. are common there seem to be a few counters if you can mitigate the match and AoE damage. Reddit also has this thread.

    Colossus and Switch seem to be an effective counter if you target iHulk first to the point where Chasm does not tank anything. Electro and mThor mitigate the damage from hulk and deletes web and abyss tiles. 

    Out of curiosity, does Thanos proc Court Death when killing Chasm? Or does Chasm stun him before he can?
    On a related note, does Chasm have an good partners if you don’t have the immortals champed. I’ve see a couple of Chasm/Silk. I was thinking Chasm/mThor but they kinda seem diametrically opposed.
    Chasm mThor are fine together as she provides an outlet to all of the other colors no covered by Chasm. 

    Good partners? Of course. Try SMPP and Miles. Such a fun team. Many more suggestions will come.
    I finally champed Chasm and in spite of the hate I find him fun as tinykitty. I wish I SMPP playable, but sadly no where close. I went with Chasm (5/4/4, might try 5/3/5 later) and mThor in the Pick 2 Dr. Strange PvP so we will see how much of a scarecrow he is there. Probably not at all. I’m thinking Thor and Silk in Pick 3 but haven’t tried anything yet since Thor/BRB/Polaris is a pretty good scarecrow team in itself. In PvE, I liked him with gritty. Maybe I still will without them both being boosted.
  • MoosePrime
    MoosePrime Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    Iridious said:
    Mr_F said:
    She reduce AOE dmg from iHulk. We are not talking aboutc Chams only here.
    That's what Electro is bringing sure, but just wondering if I'm missing something about Elektra's contribution? Is it just her yellow traps until they're overwritten, or is it her red stunning Chasm to slow him down? Her purple has nothing to add as there aren't any special tiles in play.

    Sorry if I'm overlooking something else obvious!
    Electro is giving you free yellow when Hulk does AOE damage, which you use for Elektra to put out her traps which do reaction damage.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,522 Chairperson of the Boards
    Elektra is your best offensive yellow outlet, she works well with elektro in pick 2 if iHulk is in play. The dynamics vary a lot depending on the boost list - depending on what you can do turn 1, you can sometimes rush down chasm before he is able to get enough tiles in play to revive but that’s not super reliable. I think it’s interesting that a chasm mirror match results in a mirror stun rather than the player’s chasm beating the enemy chasm to the punch.
  • Iridious
    Iridious Posts: 53 Match Maker
    Ah ok so it is just the yellow retaliation traps, cheers all :)
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,522 Chairperson of the Boards
    It worked much better during Elektra's buff week - you can still win a match against similarly leveled chasm/hulks with this team but the attrition can be high. it doesn't work as well when you are chasing those last 200 points of progression and you start seeing those big boy rosters.
  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,211 Chairperson of the Boards
    Maybe they will introduce a character that stuns or steals health from characters that revive.
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    Iridious said:
    Ah ok so it is just the yellow retaliation traps, cheers all :)
    Chaos magic will also make sure there are basic yellow tiles available as well. It likely is still important to stun Chasm until you get iHulk tanking to limit the abyss tiles. 
  • İnekobasi
    İnekobasi Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    Chasm sometimes locking up the game.  İn this case  oppenent's ihulk  couldnt tank the chasm even he reach his max match damage. So oppenent's chasm kept making abbys tiles and this tiles turned into web tiles . So both of us's chasms became  invulnarable.  İ kept playing this game for 15 minute but  nothing changed.  İ think this is a software  bug. I'm not a "nerf" person but chasm need a  rework. 
    This is really a case of Chasm not being a good counter for Chasm. We should really work harder than requiring nerfs when we can’t bring any three random characters into a match and expecting to win easily.
    İf i was saying "chasm is op , he is too strong , etc... " you were rigth but İts not about expecting to win easily.  He is need a rework because he is  locking the game. İn a game if game starts an endless loop this is a annoying bug. And bugs must be fixed.
    The loop only happens when you play Chasm v Chasm and only if you cannot time your own Chasm’s death to the right before you are ready to one shot theirs. There is no bug here. Chasm v Chasm favours the AI because of this. The point of this thread is to show that there are counters to the Immortals for those willing to look for them. I’m sorry the mirror match isn’t one of them.
    I'm not seeking  for nerf.  Just need a solition about loop.  I'm playing this game for eight years  and until now there was no stuck and there was no loop.  İf there is now it isnt about skill or anything else.  I'm not saying they have to nerf chasm .  Just a solition  about ending this loop. Loops are software mistake. think about it  İf there was  30 characters cause this kind of loop for other reasons. This is  make this game unplayable.  And I'm saying that again. I dont want any nerf. Just want a fix  about the loop.  
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,522 Chairperson of the Boards
    I tried using Apocalypse/Old Man Daken to do a stun-immune, perma-health reduction strategy but it didn't work. It almost did, and probably would if your apocalypse were big enough. but If you get Shared Strength out on the board fast enough, 2x fires of Daken's green means that iHulk's maximum health is only 8100 points. A third fire would mean it was 1 point, i just never got that much green again.