Gargantos Heroic Boss Event Impressions



  • evanbio
    evanbio Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
    Really not enjoying this event. Not a fan of finding out late that the Dark Avengers are the only team you can use. If this is going to be a requirement, we should be able to sort our roster by teams so we can find them easier as well. I've felt this for a long time, but this brings it to the forefront again.
    I'm not against an event that requires specific rosters, but Dark Avengers really seems like a poor team to start with on these Heroic events. I've been considering dropping this game completely, and this event may be what makes the decision final. The boss events are usually my favorite, but this is just ridiculous.
  • Heartstone
    Heartstone Posts: 233 Tile Toppler
    I came here to see if this fiasco is a mistake or as-meant. Apparently,  it's meant to be like that.
    As much as I love boss events, I'll be playing magic for the rest of the weekend.
    Cheers! (Or not)
  • bladewing
    bladewing Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    edited June 2022
    First battle with Gargantos, and I lose.  I only lost to Gargantos twice out of the 20 or 30 times I faced him in the original Peer into Madness event.  I don't have any of the 5-star characters, and Venom (Eddie) is my only champed 4-star of the featured characters. The loaners don't do much, but I guess they're better than nothing.  I'm thinking I might not make full progression this time around.

    Forgot to mention that I had use half of my small ISO reserve to champ Eddie Brock today. If not for this event, I wouldn't have done so.... ugh
  • obikenobi12
    obikenobi12 Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    edited June 2022
    This Heroic is quite tough but not impossible.I've only been playing for over 1 year so far but i have a champed Scorpion. Been having success with 4* Scorpion, 3* Daken (great synergy with Scorpion btw) and 4* Venom. Venom can hit hard with his Green and Yellow. Scorpion can also hit quite hard with his purple. Daken did a fair amount of damage with his Blue after i boosted up the strike tiles with Scorpion. I haven't lost yet in all 6 attempts but i did come close on my last attempt. My worry is that this event might be near impossible in later rounds without some extreme luck. 
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,377 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just did the first round of clears, it wasn't terrible so far. But let's see how the event will scale up later.

    I'm a bit wary especially since I have none of the 5*s champed. Yelena and Goblin are close (at 12 and 11 covers, respectively). Just need Red Guardian to feed that last shards/cover for Yelena. And I don't know how Green goblin will hold up since he is among the oldest batch of 5*s and powercreep may have... dated him

  • jkenn58
    jkenn58 Posts: 9 Just Dropped In
    It's going to be challenging... no more getting this event completed by Saturday 
  • bladewing
    bladewing Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    Samurai Daken (the loaner, at least) seems impotent. He barely makes a dent on Gargantos with his powers, while Gargantos can quickly one-shot him. 
  • Omegased
    Omegased Posts: 585 Critical Contributor
    The reason this is bad is because the dark Avengers are exceptionally limited, and not great.

    If they went "Avengers", "X-Men" "villains" etc this event would be much better
  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,196 Chairperson of the Boards
    I didn't think boss events could get any less fun, but oh boy am I surprised 😂😂😂

    I like the idea but let's be honest , the dark avengers have no synergy between each other. Also some of them are classic 5s so no way a new roster is going to have a fully covered one.

    This event is terrible. i mean,  I'll still play it but I won't enjoy it.

  • Davidk777
    Davidk777 Posts: 76 Match Maker
    Well I'm personal enjoying it, and love a challenge. I think the problem with this boss event that others are having is there no levels 1 through 10 here. It's not fair for someone with a smaller roster to just straight to level 10. So have level 1 through 9 get 5* shards. Then everyone can played it, and get the alliance cover, as a team.
  • derrickn
    derrickn Posts: 48 Just Dropped In
    I'm loving this, too.    Might finally give me the kick I need to quit wasting my time on now.
  • derrickn
    derrickn Posts: 48 Just Dropped In
    derrickn said:
    I'm loving this, too.    Might finally give me the kick I need to quit wasting my time on now.
    On MPQ, sigh...