How satisfied are you with the current pace of 5* character release ?
I think all that you are missing is the vacuum of logic. 2275 CP gets you 13 covers, the logic is that it takes 13 covers to champ a character. What’s missing is due diligence concerning the likelihood of getting the cover you need. Any way you slice it, it does take 2275 CP to champ a 5*, but it’s like a cross-section off much bigger equation.0 -
4krakenoon said:@Reecoh
I think all that you are missing is the vacuum of logic. 2275 CP gets you 13 covers, the logic is that it takes 13 covers to champ a character. What’s missing is due diligence concerning the likelihood of getting the cover you need. Any way you slice it, it does take 2275 CP to champ a 5*, but it’s like a cross-section off much bigger equation.And that is why I wrote that you need more than 4k cp and 100 LT or almost 7k CP. On average. And is still does not guarantee anything. Hell with that, even 1M pulls does not guarantee a success.Read again, @Xair . You get ONE 5* every 7 pulls (on AVERAGE). So to get the right character out of THREE with EVEN distribution you get ONE cover every 21 pulls. miltiply it by 13 covers, that is 273 pulls, so 6825 CP. If ya got uber unlucky ang got only one color every time and you use saved cover mechanic, you got my second number 15225 CP and 609 pulls.Still, ON AVERAGE.2 -
1krakenoon said:@Reecoh
I think all that you are missing is the vacuum of logic. 2275 CP gets you 13 covers, the logic is that it takes 13 covers to champ a character. What’s missing is due diligence concerning the likelihood of getting the cover you need. Any way you slice it, it does take 2275 CP to champ a 5*, but it’s like a cross-section off much bigger equation.Which is what I was trying to point out. Saying "you need 2275 CP to champ a 5-star when pulling from LL" is disingenuous when - even when everything goes just right - you will really need ~3 times as much CP banked to pull it off.This discussion began around how much CP you need to generate per day on average, and we are trying to point out that using that 2275 figure for that calculation without taking into consideration that you need to target 3 characters at a time is not looking at the whole issue.I suspect a lot of folks are saying the same things but coming at the math from different perspectives.0 -
1My take.
1. Not everyone will generate 50 cp per day. Counting your top 100 plus ranking alliance isn’t really a fair metric as it is limited to those who belong to those alliances. Champ rewards depend heavily on your roster and have also gotten worse since shards. Sweeping generalizations such as this just make it look like a straw man argument. You can hope to generate 50 cps at best feels more accurate to me.
2. I have a level 478 God Doom who refuses to accept the even distribution fallacies presented here. I nearly missed the other two from his store due to 28 extra Doom covers during the same period. Multiple occasions have seen 5*s with 8 or more covers in a single color, if you get perfect distribution...even on average it’s just luck.
3. I now play twice as much, pay nearly as much and occasionally more, and get less satisfaction for less progress than before. These reasons make the change unacceptable for me. Especially considering the fact I have no other goal but covering 5*s, if I can’t manage it with best efforts and purchases then the game is worthless.
There are too many personal experiences being presented as fact when they are not, for this reason I’ll state the above points are my opinions based on my game experience. Which if it is somehow relevant is a full roster of champed 4s mostly high level, and 20+ 5* champs between 450-478.7 -
i was saying it all along. u don't need the skins to be on the right char.
u just buy LL tokens, let the 5* fall where they may.
on average u get 5* every 7 cards. so u just spend until the 5* that is about to exit reach 13 skins then u stop buying LL token. u wait until it exits, then repeat. maybe u will get 2- 3 extra saved skins per char. that adds another 3*25*7= 525, to the cost of each char, it's a rolling train that doesn't stop. u end up spending on each char just the cost of getting the skins it has. the rest aren't going to waist cause they are going to ur next char.
some players are luckier they will pay much less, some are unlucky they will pay more.
the average player will pay exactly 13 skins, cause he is the average.With regards to ur friends leaving the game, I get it, it’s sad that a friend doesn’t like the game, that u like, any more, but u don’t really know what caused that friend to want to quit, it could be any number of things. I don’t believe it’s the difficulty of getting the latest 5* to champ, cause that has become much easier than ever before.
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1You don't *actually* need to get all your covers from CP/LTs anymore though - for instance, I have now a 4/2/3 iHulk, with 465 shards on deck. Even as short a time as he's been in latest, I was able to get 2-3 covers just from progression PVE (scl 10) shards, and incidental PVP and PVE placement shards (maybe 100? maybe 150? I don't recall - i just play PVP to 900 if i can and save out and SCL10 story to progression and get what I get, usually around t200). And I haven't ever set him as my actual favorite on purpose, since I've been remedially trying to champ Hawkeye and add green covers to my dismal Gladiathor with my shards. Similarly with Yelena, I'm at 2/1/1, and I think one of those was a shard application from progression reweards. I have 405 apocalypse shards, and 255 Onsluaght shards just from showing up to stuff, neither on roster. But again, I'm spending a TON of time/day relative to my real life grinding matches to do that in SCL10.0
1So. My point really boils down to this....
It can be done, but the game is not as fun as it used to be for me, seemingly many others as well. Right behind making money, creating a fun game environment should be priority number 1.
My investment in becoming a 5* player was rewarded with less grinding, then that was ripped from under me. Seemingly from laziness or lack of creativity (just my opinion).8 -
2LavaManLee said:The thing lost in this is that I think people already in the 5* tier are more apt to go from 100% playing to close to 0% rather than just slowly step down. There really is no "soft landing" if you are in 5* tier. You either go all out in SCL10 or maybe SCL 9 or you just stop. Doing anything in the middle isn't rewarding, at least IMHO, on any level.
The latest 5* releases just exasperate it. If I can't cover them in even my normal 100% play, then why bother? I'll just stop playing for the most part. The sweet spot in this game is the 4*s. I guess I could sell off all my 5*s and then be back in 4* realm. Hmmmmmm.........
The big difference from before is that now you need to go all in, play in PvE scl10, in PvP, etc and always get to the max progression. Then you will probably be able to max everything, but If you dont play like that then you can keep up.
And of course scl10 is a big time sink, way more than scl9. In PvP, now with BRBitty, etc. you also need way more time to reach max progression (even though this might change in the future). And on top of that, some events are really difficult, I use Thoryoke in PvE and I could not get max progression in the Shield event, I tried but beating some of those nodes are nuts (I usually get there on other events, but this event is crazy, and not everybody has a 500 level Okoye or Kitty).
So before, you could play just PvE and keep up, maybe lose a char or two, but get most 5s champed. Now, you need to play everything for way more time than before or start losing chars...
0 -
I have a handful of 5*s rostered, none champed & mainly only use 2 of them (Profe$$or got a little action during the Onslaught PvP). I consider myself a hybrid player since I have those 5s that get play, a few 4*s ready to champ or close to it & getting close to my first max champed 3s.
Ever since shards the game has been more stressful than anything for me. I have struggled to get to where I am now, just under shield rank 100 and finally being forced to accept the doubled marathon philosophy of getting higher tiered characters usable/champed. Then, the decision to dilute the 5* tier in line with the 4 star tier hit hard.
If you don’t have the 5e for a PvE event, you are now locked out of T10 in SCL7 and up, maybe worse. Now I punch down to SCL6 when I am missing that character and it’s pretty hard to catch a decent flip in anything below SCL 8. Sometimes I get T10, sometimes not, if I’m super lucky, I can hit T5 but that is less and less common. If I don’t get placement, my HP earnings are not enough to keep up with new 4* and develop the 5* tier.
I think what a number of us are experiencing here, outside of the outliers like Xair, Hound & one of the Tony’s is systemic failure. Our alliances are either striving to keep top spots, dwindling, or somewhere between. Slices are a mess and the last 2 PvP seasons, I have not been able to get max progression in shield training. More than anything, the redistribution of rewards has hurt more players than not (even if it has helped the bottom line of those who profit from the game). Anyone still feel it’s ok to just play PvE for progression any more? I miss that. You know, the freedom to put in a small amount of time for dailies and hit up the occasional PvP?
I get that competitive play is a thing, it’s nice when I can hit a PvP event hard and end up above T100, but when placement rewards are highly desired (like The event that just ended), I don’t even get T200. Unfortunately, there is less and less for those of us who just want to enjoy the game. I don’t want to play casually and get on the same level as those who love the element of competitive play, I just want to be able to play on my own terms and not be punished OR disproportionately rewarded for it.
It’s fine if everything is ok for you and you love getting rewards that not everyone else can, you do you. As far as I can tell, the joy of this game has been sucked out of it for a number of players at all levels of play. When the game is no longer fun, people board the train to quit town. As the pool of players continues to shrink, the disparity grows and eventually, you end up with small groups gobbling up all of the resources. Much like unchecked capitalism, while those at the top may enjoy a brief high of getting everything they think they want, looking beyond what is immediate shows disaster on the horizon.
Having said all that, I think the devs are looking to fix some of these problems. I would be surprised if there weren’t more opportunities to get 5* shards coming. I’m pretty sure there will have to be a campaign to bring old players back/attract new players and I REALLY hope alliance events make a return. Things are bad outside of the penthouses, I think the devs understand that if they don’t want the whole thing to burn, they have to hit more targets than earnings for the next quarter.1 -
1bluewolf said:Here’s something you can’t dispute.Another member of my ally family announced an slowdown to retirement due to the fast pace of 5* releases. He’s in a T50 alliance.The pressure has increased. I think we all can agree on that.In my opinion, that has made the game less fun.
I agree with everyone that it’s more time/money for less progress. Way more of a grind, and way less fun. I’ve been saying it since these initial changes took place and it’s only getting worse with each one. Sad really because I LOVED this game.9 -
There is a definite correlation between the decrease in communication from the devs, decrease in rewards for the events and increase in time needed to play each day to stay up on the new characters. That is a dangerous combination.1
1To all players discussing champion costs for all new 5*s I just want to remember you guys that, at the present time, we only need 10 covers of each 5* in ll. That's because if we play full cl10 (and this 5* champ discussion only pertains to those players) we gain at 3 covers in shards for each new 5*.
So, without the hard probability math involved, you only need 7*10*25 cp per 5* if you continuous pull for all 5* every month. 1750cp. Ps: the cover distribution can be greatly improved transforming shards to covers only when a 5* is leaving ll to get the missing covers1 -
1Projectus2501 said:To all players discussing champion costs for all new 5*s I just want to remember you guys that, at the present time, we only need 10 covers of each 5* in ll. That's because if we play full cl10 (and this 5* champ discussion only pertains to those players) we gain at 3 covers in shards for each new 5*.
So, without the hard probability math involved, you only need 7*10*25 cp per 5* if you continuous pull for all 5* every month. 1750cp. Ps: the cover distribution can be greatly improved transforming shards to covers only when a 5* is leaving ll to get the missing covers0 -
1Daredevil217 said:Projectus2501 said:To all players discussing champion costs for all new 5*s I just want to remember you guys that, at the present time, we only need 10 covers of each 5* in ll. That's because if we play full cl10 (and this 5* champ discussion only pertains to those players) we gain at 3 covers in shards for each new 5*.
So, without the hard probability math involved, you only need 7*10*25 cp per 5* if you continuous pull for all 5* every month. 1750cp. Ps: the cover distribution can be greatly improved transforming shards to covers only when a 5* is leaving ll to get the missing covers
Cheers1 -
krakenoon said:I have a handful of 5*s rostered, none champed & mainly only use 2 of them (Profe$$or got a little action during the Onslaught PvP). I consider myself a hybrid player since I have those 5s that get play, a few 4*s ready to champ or close to it & getting close to my first max champed 3s.
Ever since shards the game has been more stressful than anything for me. I have struggled to get to where I am now, just under shield rank 100 and finally being forced to accept the doubled marathon philosophy of getting higher tiered characters usable/champed. Then, the decision to dilute the 5* tier in line with the 4 star tier hit hard.
If you don’t have the 5e for a PvE event, you are now locked out of T10 in SCL7 and up, maybe worse. Now I punch down to SCL6 when I am missing that character and it’s pretty hard to catch a decent flip in anything below SCL 8. Sometimes I get T10, sometimes not, if I’m super lucky, I can hit T5 but that is less and less common. If I don’t get placement, my HP earnings are not enough to keep up with new 4* and develop the 5* tier.Which resource are you stressed out about a T10 placement in CL7 to acquire?I *think* based on your roster you are short HP for more roster slots (this is definitely a huge pressure at your stage of the game). If that's the case, you get more HP in CL8 for a T200 finish than you get for a T10 in CL7 (80 vs 75). You also get 50 shards of the 5* from progression that you don't get for CL7. It may be much better to move up to CL8 if you can reach progression and then you won't have to stress about catching flips/T10 finish which at your roster stage is going to be very very hard to achieve regularly.KGB
0 -
You are right, it’s HP & CP (though HP is probably more needed for roster space). I do punch up to 8 on some of the easier events, but tile movers still get me and extend my clear times. IP is a good example of where I sometimes struggle (mostly on the later days). Once I bust my hoard, I hope I’ll have America covered to team up with Karnak, so hopefully that will help.
I’m guessing between them, Juggs & Grocket as well as max champing Thanos & Strange most SCL 8 is pretty doable?
Edit: Also, the sub placements usually get me more HP than lower placement in SCL 8, right? I also use Carbusa on some of the more difficult nodes.
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1I have been thinking about this post and want to explain why I feel the 5* rate is too fast. Currently I do keep up with all the 5* and can champ them. The only 5* I don’t have champed is Yelena and she is at 12 covers.
thr reason why the 5* release is too fast is because of dilution in the 4* tier and the 5* tier. It also takes a lot of work to release new characters every 2 weeks meaning other issues in the game do not get looked at because the priority is new characters.I would like to see character releases go to every 3 weeks instead of 2. This would give 17 new characters a year instead of 26. This would also allow a developer to spend more time on other issues in the game like supports, balance changes, new boss events, New PVE events, costumes, anniversary events or anything else that the game could use.A game like this doesn’t need so many new characters added to the game since there are so many already. Slowing down releases will allow them to improve other areas of the game to create engagement and get people to spend money.8 -
1LavaManLee said:The thing lost in this is that I think people already in the 5* tier are more apt to go from 100% playing to close to 0% rather than just slowly step down. There really is no "soft landing" if you are in 5* tier. You either go all out in SCL10 or maybe SCL 9 or you just stop. Doing anything in the middle isn't rewarding, at least IMHO, on any level.
I was a "foot in the door" 5* player, with every single shardable 4* either champed or ready to champ (I had acquired all 13 Super-Skrull covers plus shards to take him to 271). And the game had become a repetitive, grindy, chore. Kitty. Okoye, ProfX. My 3 best 5* of the 5 champs I had (I had recently got Jessica cover #13 but hadn't fully leveled her yet). I had to use one or more of them on Every. Freaking. Node. Every Versus match. Every non-trivial SCL 10 Story node. My mistake for daring to dip my toes in the 5* game? Yeah, I guess. Not like the game gives you any real warning or any easy way to go back.
I considered selling every single 5* character I had. Wipe them right out. Go back to 4* only. Then figured, what would be the point. I'd be missing out on the 5E nodes for ages. I'd probably end up using the ~5-10 best 4* all the time anyway. The game throws so many characters at you, then practically demands that you only use the best of the best if you actually want to go anywhere.
Anyway. Been 5+ years. Way, way too freaking long. I suddenly have ~1.5 hours of my day back without worrying when I'm going to clear Story nodes, or can I fit in a few Versus matches, or damn did I forget to clear DDQ, or whatever. It's like I've emerged from being drugged, almost. Can't imagine why I did it for so long.
Thanks for all the fish.8
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