Upcoming Feature: S.H.I.E.L.D. Clearance Level 10



  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    Is there any hope of updating the tiers to balance competition. I’m of the very strong opinion players with champed 5 star characters should not be allowed to join SCL 7.
    Some people value lower time demands over the higher rewards, why should they be forced to move to a higher scl to make things easier for lesser rosters?
  • abenness
    abenness Posts: 228 Tile Toppler
    T_REZ5000 said:
    Seeing a lot of posts here directly comparing old cl9 pve rewards to cl10 and concluding the tradeoff is worth it.  You know D3 is doing a great job cherry picking details when they can get people to draw such a false equivalency.
    They are "equivalent" in that they will be the top level and highest rewards available for playing PVE competitively.  I expect that scl10 will have more points available than scl9, and if so I'd expect the majority of competitive alliance players will step up.

    I'll also be scrutinising the new scl9 vs old scl9 progression and placement rewards, once we actually see them.

    For me personally, I will try it and cross my fingers.  I currently have trouble with the 5e node (but only the 5e node) in a handful of scl9 pve's, which would be horrendous in scl10, but I'll be comparing the 5* progression shards vs a hit in my placement rewards if I'm non-competitive because of this.
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    Looks interesting.  Is this the first time rank 5 infinity stone supports have been made available?
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    I know this isn't the main area of concern, but can we finally get weekly boosted 5*s to along with the new slog?
  • Aweberman
    Aweberman Posts: 433 Mover and Shaker
    jamesh said:
    Looks interesting.  Is this the first time rank 5 infinity stone supports have been made available?
    Yes. They have always been held back for cl10. 
  • crackninja
    crackninja Posts: 444 Mover and Shaker
    First off, I'm excited to see how this plays out.  I'll be playing SCL10 as long as my roster can handle it.

    Assuming the 5* shards given out are for the featured 5*, this means we'll be able to get a colorless cover of every new 5* before they leave latests...might not seem like much but that will be very helpful in getting those covered, especially since cp's are being squeezed a bit.
  • hodayathink
    hodayathink Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    Are SCL 7-9 story progression HP rewards reduced to offest the altered rewards? Players in 3 star land trying to roster the insanely huge and constantly growing four pool so they can start opening the good tokens safely need HP more than they need fractions of covers for characters they can't afford to roster.

    I'm just saying, we literally just did this drill with champion rewards. If HP rewards are down, players are going to notice as soon as this patch goes live. 

    Isn't part of the good thing about the fractions of covers that, since there's no expiration date on them, there's actually less pressure to roster them as soon as you get them?
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    MrEd95 said:
    wymtime said:

    I am reading more and want to understand the philosophy behind some of the changes.  In CL9 today from a 3-4 day event in progression you can earn 40CP.  Now In CL 10 you can earn 34 CP and 250 shards.  

    With CL10 being more difficult than CL9 why the reduction in CP?  Why not just add 5* shards to the rewards for CL10?  For comparison PVP is getting more CP and 5* shards added and it has become easier to get the CP.

    also with in increase in CL in PVE will the 5* essential node give out 4 CP instead of 3 like in CL9.

    With a loss of 6 cp (just over 20% of a latest pull, of which you are getting a 15% of any of 9 possible covers) you 1/2 of a cover for any 5* character you want. I’m no mathematician, but that seems like a big improvement. I really don't see why there is any reason to complain there.

    Sure, it would be nice to get both, but its still a big increase in rewards, and it is more directed to what you want. Its 1 5* cover every week for progression, and none of it down to chance.

    That being said, i still play CL8, and theres no chance of me getting to CL10 any time soon, so i don't even know why I’m bothering with my opinion on the matter
    1st you should never feel that your opinion does does not matter because you play a lower CL.  Your opinion is valid and from where you are in the game.

    2nd I am looking for an explanation more than a complaint.  I will say with the inclusion of shards the ability to earn CP and HP had been reduced by the inclusion of shards.  It has become add shards and lose CP and HP.

    my question is why should be lose rewards with the addition of shards.  CP is a major way to help cover latest 5* so when the devs remove CP from champ rewards and from progression rewards it makes it more difficult to cover latest 5*.  It might feel small 6CP per event but with the CP loss from champ rewards it will take longer to get enough CP and LT to champ a new 5*.  This is actually slowing down progression and making it more difficult for players.  I like shards and the ability to earn more shards but don’t want to lose my ability to champ the next 5* becuase I can’t earn enough CP and LT which is why I feel my question is fair Nd asking for an explanation rather than a complaint.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2020
    wymtime said:

    1st you should never feel that your opinion does does not matter because you play a lower CL.  Your opinion is valid and from where you are in the game.

    2nd I am looking for an explanation more than a complaint.  I will say with the inclusion of shards the ability to earn CP and HP had been reduced by the inclusion of shards.  It has become add shards and lose CP and HP.

    my question is why should be lose rewards with the addition of shards.  CP is a major way to help cover latest 5* so when the devs remove CP from champ rewards and from progression rewards it makes it more difficult to cover latest 5*.  It might feel small 6CP per event but with the CP loss from champ rewards it will take longer to get enough CP and LT to champ a new 5*.  This is actually slowing down progression and making it more difficult for players.  I like shards and the ability to earn more shards but don’t want to lose my ability to champ the next 5* becuase I can’t earn enough CP and LT which is why I feel my question is fair Nd asking for an explanation rather than a complaint.

    Demi/D3 say:

    But Wymtime, this is no problem at all.  Why, any day now we will be offering a fantastic deal on [insert currency sale] that you can use to replenish your supply of HP/CP!  Aren't you so glad that shards are in the game now? (We certainly are!)
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    You know players (not all) around here can never be satisfied regardless of what the devs do. They expect more and more rewards without putting in extra effort or buying to speed up progress. What a world!  :o

    Since players are unhappy with what the devs is doing, I suggest the dev to put these changes on hold for the next 6 to 12 months months and take the time to slowly figure out whether to abort this plan. Obviously, they are happier with the current rewards and these changes are massive downgrades to them. Who knows, they might organise another review bombing sessions once you go ahead with the changes.  :s

    Speak for yourself Hound.  If you go read my old posts (on topics like ddq, or going from pure magnificent 12 to half/half, to adding crash of the titans to the game) here are several occasions when I have been perfectly happy to praise demi/d3.

    If you get to complain that I am "always negative" then do I get to complain that you are always playing white knight to justify whatever demi/d3 happen to have done most recently?
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm not targeting anyone specifically. The dev has to balance resources out to keep revenue coming in and players expect the devs to increase rewards substantially without tradeoffs. I have not seen comments about players increasing their monthly spendings to the next tier when dev adds in major rewards, but many comments about stopping or reducing spendings when tradeoffs happen. Anyway, we can only agree to disagree because it's virtually impossible to reconcile the differences. 

    Moving on, I love the new PvP season progression rewards: 12 Mighty Tokens and 2 colourless 4* covers. It's good for where I am right now. I traded some 2*, 3* covers and 10-pack for them. 

    I'm not sure about placement rewards because I can't remember the exact rewards but I'm trading 2 or 3 Heroics for 1 Mighty.
  • Kletvar
    Kletvar Posts: 93 Match Maker
    edited February 2020
    Crowl said:
    Is there any hope of updating the tiers to balance competition. I’m of the very strong opinion players with champed 5 star characters should not be allowed to join SCL 7.
    Some people value lower time demands over the higher rewards, why should they be forced to move to a higher scl to make things easier for lesser rosters?
    Because I, a player with 9 championed 4*s and few 5*s(almost all on level 255, and not covers on them(except prof x)) don't like to lose rewards because some lazy players with lvl 400+ Kitty and some other massive 5*s (Thor, Okoye) are wrecking PVE SCL7 in 10 minutes. And i'm sure i'm not the only one with this issue. 

    And the same goes for PVP. And PVP is waaaaay worse. It's David vs Goliath, except Goliath wins all the time and takes the first 10-15 places, and we, the lesser players are left with the crumbs once again because of some lazy bullies. 

    And if this is normal or fair to you, you got morality issues and 0 common sense.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards
    Kletvar said:
    Crowl said:
    Is there any hope of updating the tiers to balance competition. I’m of the very strong opinion players with champed 5 star characters should not be allowed to join SCL 7.
    Some people value lower time demands over the higher rewards, why should they be forced to move to a higher scl to make things easier for lesser rosters?
    Because I, a player with 9 championed 4*s and few 5*s(almost all on level 255, and not covers on them(except prof x)) don't like to lose rewards because some lazy players with lvl 400+ Kitty and some other massive 5*s (Thor, Okoye) are wrecking PVE SCL7 in 10 minutes. And i'm sure i'm not the only one with this issue. 

    And the same goes for PVP. And PVP is waaaaay worse. It's David vs Goliath, except Goliath wins all the time and takes the first 10-15 places, and we, the lesser players are left with the crumbs once again because of some lazy bullies. 

    And if this is normal or fair to you, you got morality issues and 0 common sense.
    The PVP competition will change a lot.  People who are Shield Rank 120+ will no longer be able to play in SCL7, so people like you will be able to compete much better there.  Of course you will still be getting hit by bigger rosters, but at least they won't be on your leaderboard.

    PVE is a harder nut to crack because it is nice for players to have the flexibility to choose their SCL and rewards that appeal to them.  This is especially true in light of the massive number of characters that you might need but not have rostered despite having, maybe, some champed 4's (or even 5s).  Hopefully SCL10 and the better rewards will draw bigger rosters upwards to 8, 9 and 10, leaving more spots in SCL7 for champed 4 rosters.

    Also, it's worth considering that building a big roster is partly about giving yourself options.  This includes taking on easier scls sometimes for faster clears.  I know it's frustrating but it's hard to see them ever restricting people from selecting any SCL in PVE that they want.
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,189 Chairperson of the Boards
    One thing to note about the reduced resources at lower CL's is that the new SCL will also increase the overall resources given out.

    By this I mean lets imagine there were only 1 CL (9 for this example) and 1 bracket per time slice (so 5 total slices). That would mean a total of 50 (per bracket) X 5 (slices) X 1 (CLs) = 250 players getting the daily 100 CP per sub. Now they add in CL 10 and there is also 1 bracket per slice. That means there is then a total of 20 (per bracket) * 5 (slices) * 2 (CLs) = 200 players getting the daily CP (80-120 range now).

    Not sure how many actual brackets there are over all the CLs and time slices nor do we know how many new ones CL 10 will add. The math definitely won't exactly even up but it's not going to be quite as bad as it looks. Right now 30 people per slice (21-50) will miss out on the daily 100 CP but if the new CL10 absorbs say 4-5 of those 30 by pulling players out of lower CLs into the next CL it may only be 25 or so people per bracket (2.5%) who miss out on the daily 100 CP.

  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    bluewolf said:
    Kletvar said:
    Crowl said:
    Is there any hope of updating the tiers to balance competition. I’m of the very strong opinion players with champed 5 star characters should not be allowed to join SCL 7.
    Some people value lower time demands over the higher rewards, why should they be forced to move to a higher scl to make things easier for lesser rosters?
    Because I, a player with 9 championed 4*s and few 5*s(almost all on level 255, and not covers on them(except prof x)) don't like to lose rewards because some lazy players with lvl 400+ Kitty and some other massive 5*s (Thor, Okoye) are wrecking PVE SCL7 in 10 minutes. And i'm sure i'm not the only one with this issue. 

    And the same goes for PVP. And PVP is waaaaay worse. It's David vs Goliath, except Goliath wins all the time and takes the first 10-15 places, and we, the lesser players are left with the crumbs once again because of some lazy bullies. 

    And if this is normal or fair to you, you got morality issues and 0 common sense.
    The PVP competition will change a lot.  People who are Shield Rank 120+ will no longer be able to play in SCL7, so people like you will be able to compete much better there.  Of course you will still be getting hit by bigger rosters, but at least they won't be on your leaderboard.

    PVE is a harder nut to crack because it is nice for players to have the flexibility to choose their SCL and rewards that appeal to them.  This is especially true in light of the massive number of characters that you might need but not have rostered despite having, maybe, some champed 4's (or even 5s).  Hopefully SCL10 and the better rewards will draw bigger rosters upwards to 8, 9 and 10, leaving more spots in SCL7 for champed 4 rosters.

    Also, it's worth considering that building a big roster is partly about giving yourself options.  This includes taking on easier scls sometimes for faster clears.  I know it's frustrating but it's hard to see them ever restricting people from selecting any SCL in PVE that they want.
    People said the same thing when CL9 was added to the game but guys with level 500+ 5s still played in CL7. And it's not just 5s in CL7, I've seen 4* and even 5* players playing in CL1 and CL2. I've already come up with a solution though, there should be character level restrictions from CL1 to CL7 so if someone wants to use their champed 5* Thor in CL1 they can, it would just be capped at maybe lv 70-100.
  • Kletvar
    Kletvar Posts: 93 Match Maker
    edited February 2020
    bluewolf said:
    Kletvar said:
    Crowl said:
    Is there any hope of updating the tiers to balance competition. I’m of the very strong opinion players with champed 5 star characters should not be allowed to join SCL 7.
    Some people value lower time demands over the higher rewards, why should they be forced to move to a higher scl to make things easier for lesser rosters?
    Because I, a player with 9 championed 4*s and few 5*s(almost all on level 255, and not covers on them(except prof x)) don't like to lose rewards because some lazy players with lvl 400+ Kitty and some other massive 5*s (Thor, Okoye) are wrecking PVE SCL7 in 10 minutes. And i'm sure i'm not the only one with this issue. 

    And the same goes for PVP. And PVP is waaaaay worse. It's David vs Goliath, except Goliath wins all the time and takes the first 10-15 places, and we, the lesser players are left with the crumbs once again because of some lazy bullies. 

    And if this is normal or fair to you, you got morality issues and 0 common sense.
    The PVP competition will change a lot.  People who are Shield Rank 120+ will no longer be able to play in SCL7, so people like you will be able to compete much better there.  Of course you will still be getting hit by bigger rosters, but at least they won't be on your leaderboard.

    PVE is a harder nut to crack because it is nice for players to have the flexibility to choose their SCL and rewards that appeal to them.  This is especially true in light of the massive number of characters that you might need but not have rostered despite having, maybe, some champed 4's (or even 5s).  Hopefully SCL10 and the better rewards will draw bigger rosters upwards to 8, 9 and 10, leaving more spots in SCL7 for champed 4 rosters.

    Also, it's worth considering that building a big roster is partly about giving yourself options.  This includes taking on easier scls sometimes for faster clears.  I know it's frustrating but it's hard to see them ever restricting people from selecting any SCL in PVE that they want.
    I think you misunderstood me.
    I didn't blame the developers, i blamed people like Crowl who justify bullies' actions. Having a championed 5* and going to do PVE or PVP on SCL 7 (or lower SCL in PVE) is like a high school senior going to fifth graders and fighting them. Is that normal or morally ok? No, i don't think so. 

    And it's great they will restrict SCL7 in PVP after the update so players with high level accounts won't be able to play it, so they will have to fight a bit harder opponents and not a bunch of newbies like they are doing now.
  • marshall
    marshall Posts: 179 Tile Toppler
    Kletvar said:
    bluewolf said:
    Kletvar said:
    Crowl said:
    Is there any hope of updating the tiers to balance competition. I’m of the very strong opinion players with champed 5 star characters should not be allowed to join SCL 7.
    Some people value lower time demands over the higher rewards, why should they be forced to move to a higher scl to make things easier for lesser rosters?
    Because I, a player with 9 championed 4*s and few 5*s(almost all on level 255, and not covers on them(except prof x)) don't like to lose rewards because some lazy players with lvl 400+ Kitty and some other massive 5*s (Thor, Okoye) are wrecking PVE SCL7 in 10 minutes. And i'm sure i'm not the only one with this issue. 

    And the same goes for PVP. And PVP is waaaaay worse. It's David vs Goliath, except Goliath wins all the time and takes the first 10-15 places, and we, the lesser players are left with the crumbs once again because of some lazy bullies. 

    And if this is normal or fair to you, you got morality issues and 0 common sense.
    The PVP competition will change a lot.  People who are Shield Rank 120+ will no longer be able to play in SCL7, so people like you will be able to compete much better there.  Of course you will still be getting hit by bigger rosters, but at least they won't be on your leaderboard.

    PVE is a harder nut to crack because it is nice for players to have the flexibility to choose their SCL and rewards that appeal to them.  This is especially true in light of the massive number of characters that you might need but not have rostered despite having, maybe, some champed 4's (or even 5s).  Hopefully SCL10 and the better rewards will draw bigger rosters upwards to 8, 9 and 10, leaving more spots in SCL7 for champed 4 rosters.

    Also, it's worth considering that building a big roster is partly about giving yourself options.  This includes taking on easier scls sometimes for faster clears.  I know it's frustrating but it's hard to see them ever restricting people from selecting any SCL in PVE that they want.
    I think you misunderstood me.
    I didn't blame the developers, i blamed people like Crowl who justify bullies' actions. Having a championed 5* and going to do PVE or PVP on SCL 7 (or lower SCL in PVE) is like a high school senior going to fifth graders and fighting them. Is that normal or morally ok? No, i don't think so. 

    And it's great they will restrict SCL7 in PVP after the update so players with high level accounts won't be able to play it, so they will have to fight a bit harder opponents and not a bunch of newbies like they are doing now.
    Not all 5*s are created equal. Outside of Kitty and Thanos, the PvE meta team is just 4*s like Jugs, R&G etc