Upcoming Feature: S.H.I.E.L.D. Clearance Level 10



  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    JHawkInc said:
    Tony_Foot said:
    Any news on CL11?

    but yeah I’d like to see more a breakdown of CL8 and more information too please.
    There is no 11. Shield Clearance Levels are an actual "thing" for Marvel, which is why the list has gone to 10 even though I think we only launched with the first 6. The only things left are Alpha and Omega level clearance, and you could theoretically argue that's what the Devs have for their behind-the-scenes access to work on the game.

  • tchipley
    tchipley Posts: 63 Match Maker
    Instead of just increasing the levels/Health of the opposition, how about they open up the gates they put on the AI? Allow them to make Match-5's if they present. Allow the firing of powers multiple times if they have the AP for it. Maybe the AI can trigger to play defensively (I.e. take your color) if you are getting close to the AP you need for a big nuke. I would find that to be fun and challenging and put some puzzle back into this game. Fatter Fatties just means the grind time increases. Or at least give us a toggle to "Unleash the Beast/Lethal Mode Activate!"

    Glad SCL10 is here was hoping for more Oomf and not more Trans-Fat Fatty McFatties.
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,790 Chairperson of the Boards
    This changes nothing for me simply due to the number of clears. Look this is everything I want from the game, tougher matches my roster getting beat up. I have 17 five star champs mostly all the metas. Yet I’m going to stay playing In CL8 because of the time it takes to do this 6 times per day. 

    I don’t like cutting through CL8 like a hot knife through butter with no damage with my 950 plus health packs but I’m not prepared to spend 2 hours per day playing this game.

    I would love this challenge but would it hurt to take the average clear time into account and reduce progression on much harder clears so it’s more standard?

    Happy for the pvp increase in rewards I just don’t understand why ISO has stayed the same when the devs said they knew this was a problem with 475 four stars. I’m post iso so not a pain like it would be for newer players.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I find the HP reduction negligible because more Heroic, Mighty Tokens, 4* shards and 4* covers mean that you can reach better champion rewards faster, and it also speed up your favourite shards a little faster as well. 
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2020
    The problem with less HP and more heroic & Mighty tokens for somebody at my stage of the game where I am sort of half 3* farming is all the potential 3*. Great if it happens to be one for a an already rostered dupe or character I am rebuilding but not great if it is for a max-champed one that I haven't re-rostered. Last set of pulls that was 10 covers.

    Now don't get me wrong I know - boo hoo me, not quite 1st world MPQ problems etc but I dunno what else to do with the 3* tier if not to roster dupe, selling max champs really hits you in PvP and so more potential 3* covers set against less HP gain is a pain in the Wotsits.

    Edit: And I already have 209 slots so I don't think I am being too precious here...
  • bowla33
    bowla33 Posts: 203 Tile Toppler
    The HP reduction could be significant - especially if there is no reduction in roster slot costs above 300. I'm a 4 year vet with 295 roster slots. At 2k/slot starting at 300, additional reductions like this become a serious drag in being able to keep up with the new release schedule. 

    I know others are well above 300 and have been fighting this battle for a long time but I'm a minor spender and I'm still hitting this point, so I'm guessing other players near my time are also going to be feeling this soon.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Champion rewards are not only about HP. It includes more than just HP, like LTs, 4* or 5* shards etc.

    If majority of the players can't hit level 300 and above for majority of their 4*, how is it a loss? We could even use fully champed 3* as an example. It's going to take at least 3 years for your average casual player to fully champ all their 3*. Look at it another way, how are things that are unlikely to be achieved by a majority of the players considered a major loss? It's an actual loss to the top 5 or 10%, but it's a paper loss to the majority of the player.

    Faster access to higher tier champion rewards overshadows the slight decrease in HP. With the increase in those rewards, your average players are able to shorten their time to hit the higher tier rewards. With 3* and 4* shards, they can champ their favourite characters faster.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2020
    The difference is in high level PvP.  A max champ featured 3* has 30-40k health (even if the abilities are useless).  A baby champ 3* have less 15k.  That is a big difference, especially with all those Thanos and gritty teams waiting to pounce.  So selling max champ 3*a creates a big defensive liability for a small, but financially important portion of the playerbase.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    PiMacleod said:
    I dont keep max champ 3s.  Just...no.

    I mean... Is it worth my HP?  My slots?  To keep a copy of max 3* around?!   To me, no.  Not one bit.  

    I have around 215 slots.  Got everyone rostered except Sinister (but thatll happen soon enough).  Got my 2* and 3* farm on rotation.  When a 2 or 3 hits max, i build a new one, and when they hit 13 covers, i sell the max, which gives almost enough ISO (very nearly) to champ the new guy from minimum level.

    I know people love to keep max champs around, and some will say that it helps with clearing essential nodes....

    But im sorry, i cant believe for one moment that a max champ Magneto (either star level) is gonna make a difference with Gritty doing the work!  What - he gonna match a few points higher?  Maybe i can fire off his max champed powers for better effect?  When in the end, just rapidly match 3 with gritty, and its done.  Baby champs and max champs look the same when a meta is pulling the weight.

    Maybe its decent for PvP??  Maybe...  But to me, its not worth the slots (read: HP) to keep a lower tier character around even if they are max champed.

    I can see the value with Strange, btw.  But still, i cant be bothered.

    I guess what im saying all this for is that i dont think this HP crunch is gonna hit me that hard.  Yeah, i'll notice it.  So, i just wont be buying the daily tokens on sale for 100 or 200 as often as i would.  I wont buy out that juicy vault.  And lets be honest, they dont care if i do or not, because they look at my profile and see that i'm one of those $2 a month spenders.  Im not a concern to them. 

    If anything, they're just trying to keep up with my daily login resupply demands.  ;D

    So, while the crunch may be on, i'll just slowly take these new tokens, shards, CP, etc... And make do with what ive got.  After all, as long as i can make around 1000 HP every 2 or so weeks, im doing fine.  

    I think we are in very different situations, lol! Whilst I will mostly lean on my 4* in Pvp, It is certainly much better to have max champed boosted 3* to help out than loaners. But as I said, 2nd world MPQ problems. :D
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    JHawkInc said:
    Vhailorx said:

    Please.  I'm sure IceIX had absolutely no options other than (i) post just the new cl 10 rewards and verbally highlight only the player friendly changes, and (ii) post "megabytes" of spreadsheets showing every conceivable value.  Those were definitely the only two options. 

    This change is looking like a pretty substantial tightening of the screws on HP specifically, and the information presented by d3 pretty neatly elides that fact.  If they are going to give us bad news, I would at least like the courtesy of admitting it is bad news (even when it is mixed with other, good news).

    Also, who would have guessed that Demi would couple a LONG requested feature (this time it's cl 10) with a reshuffle of rewards that just happens to result in a real reduction in resource rate for players?!  (Answer: me. . .and a bunch of other people too.). The fact that the majority of the  playerbase will likely accept this shift without much comment is depressing.
    I never said those were his only two options, only that the option he chose was reasonable. Which remains true. I even agreed with you that the full spreadsheets should still be posted, so kindly be snippy at someone else.

    Further, the simple fact that multiple people noticed the HP trends were a little down immediately and have commented on it several times in the mere hours this information has been available makes your rant about them trying to hide and obfuscate information a little dramatic.

    I personally didn't' comment on it because I don't care. I've been playing this game for years, and not excessively competitively, and have plenty of HP left over. There's an excess, especially later in the game. Further, more resources of other types with a tad less HP requires players to be more careful with their resources or (gasp) buy HP. It's not nefarious for them to try and build systems that benefit the players AND themselves. It's what keeps the lights on. I didn't comment about the apparent reduction in HP because I figured it's likely a good thing, and didn't figure I'd get meaningful conversation out of the tinfoil hat wearing forumites.

    Nevermind the fact that 1) we haven't seen most of the information and that 2) of the three direct comparisons, story placement, versus placement, and versus progression, HP values have increased in the one open to the most players. It could very well be an improvement for the playerbase as a whole, even if the veterans don't like it, so I see little reason to get bent out of shape until we've seen the full information (which, again, I did request that we see).

    Zero part of this interaction required you to cop an attitude.

    wait, which of us is copping an attitude or ranting here?

    You say there is an excess of HP in the game.  Maybe that's true.  But all of your assumptions about HP needs are based on the old resource accrual rate.  and that is changing significantly in 2020.  How can you be so sure your old assumptions will still hold true?
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think we might be addressing different set of players. In order to know the typical progress of your average players, I invite you guys to join top 5000 or top 10000 alliances for 6 to 12 months. For example, interact with them and try to get them to do 2* farming and such by explaining the benefits. Majority of them don't care because to them, MPQ is a leisure activity. They don't play as hard as many in here. So, they are not going to get hurt much by the reduction of HP.

    I agree that max champed 3* is useful in PvPs, but not PvEs, except when they are used as meat shields for the top players. That's why they kept so many copies of 2*, 3* and even 4*. They want to be extraordinary, so I guess they have to put in extraordinary effort (2000HP beginning from the 300th slot). I mean, there are only about 200 characters now. 

    Aa for nodes update, it was mentioned that there will be Mighty Tokens from nodes.

    Mighty Tokens from nodes, 5-Star Shards from progression and more are available via SCL 10.

  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,203 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wonder if the time invested is worth the pain that SCL10 will be for lower leveled rosters. Added difficulty is nice  but I'm still on fence if rewards are worth wild enough.
    The game already is requesting a TON of your time ( Full-Time Job times)  i think the number of clears per node needs addressing sooner than later. 

    I'm happy to finally see SCL10 enter the game, but I'm still remaining cautiously optimistic.