Updates to S.H.I.E.L.D. Rank and Player XP (11/7/17)



  • Hoser
    Hoser Posts: 25 Just Dropped In
    So you are making this change to increase rosters...but you are doing away with xp for opening covers?   How do you increase your roster again....?
  • Spudgutter
    Spudgutter Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    edited November 2017
    smkspy said:
    broll said:
    I don't follow this argument about protecting newer players from themselves when they overreach in choosing SCLs.  When you enter an event, it shows you the range of the enemy levels, doesn't it?  Why give thought to players who would knowingly walk into a den of enemies 100s of levels above their own, get mollywhopped, then do it again 3-4 days later?  

    Also, I was 3% draw rate for 4s on 140 heroic tokens.  This is all kinds of bogus.
    They specifically stated this is to support upcoming changes.  It's possible they are considering what many have suggested and locking people into playing the highest SCL or some small range of SCLs near the top (like the top 2 or 3).  I hope that's not the case, but it seems likely based on this.
    Then they should tell us what upcoming changes they are considering so we aren't rabid dogs speculating on it. Better to tell us now, so they can receive feedback now.
    First day on this forum, i see.

    I kid, i kid
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,603 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hoser said:
    So you are making this change to increase rosters...but you are doing away with xp for opening covers?   How do you increase your roster again....?
    By Recruiting the character, Training new powers for that character, or (after you champion them) adding Champ Levels to that character. You know, those things that are covered on the chart on the front page.

    Opening tokens shouldn't give XP because you can just sell that cover and not actually increase your roster strength.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Hi Everyone. I've just confirmed with the developers that you only receive XP from recruiting if it is the first time you would be recruiting that specific character.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Brigby said:
    Hi Everyone. I've just confirmed with the developers that you only receive XP from recruiting if it is the first time you would be recruiting that specific character.
    Ah, good. Then I can just sell the 1*s without concern.
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    Brigby said:
    Hi Everyone. I've just confirmed with the developers that you only receive XP from recruiting if it is the first time you would be recruiting that specific character.
    So that stays the same as before?  I feel like we aren't getting enough replacement for the 150 xp daily (minimum) from Story and ~50-100 xp from Versus per day if all were getting is a bump to champ level Xp.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Daiches said:
    Brigby said:
    Hi Everyone. I've just confirmed with the developers that you only receive XP from recruiting if it is the first time you would be recruiting that specific character.
    So that stays the same as before?  I feel like we aren't getting enough replacement for the 150 xp daily (minimum) from Story and ~50-100 xp from Versus per day if all were getting is a bump to champ level Xp.
    Well it's not just Champion Level XP that gets an increase. It's also Training a Power, and the act of Championing a character. The team spent a lot of time crunching the numbers to make sure that the XP players are gaining in the new system would be equivalent to the XP gain in the old system.
  • PenniesForEveryone
    PenniesForEveryone Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    Seems like a great change - should help to keep newer players from joining SCLs their roster isn't quite ready for.
  • Thorstienn
    Thorstienn Posts: 34 Just Dropped In
    Brigby said:
    Hi Everyone. I've just confirmed with the developers that you only receive XP from recruiting if it is the first time you would be recruiting that specific character.
    @Brigby Please circle this square, because you need to explain how the above statement is not in direct conflict with your initial statement:

    "You’ll now get a lot more XP from recruiting characters and training their powers. To balance this out though, we’re removing XP from Story Mission rewards, winning a Versus mission, opening packs, and donating Team-Ups."

    As a 5-star player with all current toons on roster, all 3s previously maxed, and many 3s and 4s currentl at max levels, can you please explain to me how these new cover rewards will in any way make up for the XP loss for matches played, etc.?  Especially since, when looking at your numbers chart in the OP, the values for the 4 and 5 champ levels are barely changed while the 2-3 star values are greatly increased.
    I think some people aren't realizing the "idea" behind this change.
    They want SCL tank to reflect the state of your roster, not how much time you have a day to smack nodes. The ISO  rewards at rank up are now just a reward.
    Someone with the roster you have, should be at around max rank in the new system (which should gift you a nice lump of ISO), which means you get access to SCL15 (for example) where you can get a select 5* in progression etc. That's your reward. 
  • Justice Jacks
    Justice Jacks Posts: 116 Tile Toppler
    I think some people aren't realizing the "idea" behind this change.
    They want SCL tank to reflect the state of your roster, not how much time you have a day to smack nodes. The ISO  rewards at rank up are now just a reward.
    Someone with the roster you have, should be at around max rank in the new system (which should gift you a nice lump of ISO), which means you get access to SCL15 (for example) where you can get a select 5* in progression etc. That's your reward. 
    You need to read deeper in the thread.  It's already been specified that tomorrows award is based on the prior calculation method, not this new calculation method.  Were it altered to reflect the new scheme, I'd agree with you.
  • Thorstienn
    Thorstienn Posts: 34 Just Dropped In
    @Justice Jacks
    Then I put that part down to pure poor implementation, as usual. Though the concept is sound.
  • Thorstienn
    Thorstienn Posts: 34 Just Dropped In
    edited November 2017
    I don't think it should be retroactively applied to every transaction or action a player has done. It Should take a snapshot of your roster: and instantly put you to the subsequent rank (if higher).
    The easiest example being; if you have all max champed covers, you are max SCL rank. Or smarter, 10-20 ranks from max to allow room for new releases (and their champ levels) and subsequent future increases.
    Note: I was responding to the concept of implementation. It won' effect me personally how they roll out the change as I am not at max now. (Maybe I'll get some levels, maybe not: though I feel I shouldn't as I am very low lvl 7 champ 4*)
  • Wumpushunter
    Wumpushunter Posts: 627 Critical Contributor
    Brigby said:: We're aiming for S.H.I.E.L.D. Rank to better measure how much you've progressed throughout the game. Tying S.H.I.E.L.D. Rank and roster strength closer together lets us use S.H.I.E.L.D. Rank for event improvements we're hoping to make in the future.

    I'm not sure using shield levels for anything is a good idea. Running a 2 star farm will do little for you roster progress but will increase you shield level now more then ever. It may come to a a point where you might trap people with high shield levels and poor rosters into an impossible situation.
  • whitecat31
    whitecat31 Posts: 579 Critical Contributor
    Brigby said:
    Daiches said:
    Brigby said:
    Hi Everyone. I've just confirmed with the developers that you only receive XP from recruiting if it is the first time you would be recruiting that specific character.
    So that stays the same as before?  I feel like we aren't getting enough replacement for the 150 xp daily (minimum) from Story and ~50-100 xp from Versus per day if all were getting is a bump to champ level Xp.
    Well it's not just Champion Level XP that gets an increase. It's also Training a Power, and the act of Championing a character. The team spent a lot of time crunching the numbers to make sure that the XP players are gaining in the new system would be equivalent to the XP gain in the old system.
    Can you ask the team to share some of their number crunching so we can tear it apart and break it down? I know there are some metric junkies in this group, who just love number crunching.
  • Justice Jacks
    Justice Jacks Posts: 116 Tile Toppler
    As it is presumably calculated and tallied on a rolling basis, at the point of each event, and not off of a snapshot, and further because the XP triggers and counts are currently live and working away for players < rank 125, how the heck would you propose tomorrow's settlement to be retroactively based off the new triggers and values??

    If by "poor implementation" you mean failing to record every transaction in this game at a micro level for posterity, then sure, they're apparently guilty.

    Would you rather have your XP paid as you play, or retroactively periodically?

    They are cashing out one system of parameters and rolling to the next. It's clean enough.

    Now, continuing to try to use the same system to reward ingame activity, as well as tracking player strength, is flawed, and will remain flawed. That's poor design. No matter how well implemented, it will produce poor results, util that conflict is resolved.

    You COULD partially solve this by not setting it up so that none of the characters currently rostered block future XP.  So your first 2 and 3 star farm of a character would get you the full XP.  That's probably not tenable for 4s and 5s due to infrequency, so there you may be best to just do a generic make-up where you grant the XP based on current levels for the highest of each 4 and 5 on your roster tomorrow, and then award from there.  2s and 3s are far more common and probably not a big issue is they don't implement that methodology that far down roster, though no reason it couldn't be applied from 1s all the way up to 5s.  
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    OK, so since the recruit cover doesn't count for exp, there are 2 break even points we want to keep in mind for 1* farming (of course you want to continue to champ cycle everyone else):

    11.1111 for 2 power characters (100*10 ISO/9*10 exp)   and
    10.833 for 3 power characters (100*13/12*10)

    Doing a quick and dirty fit (it would probably be better to just find the average of each 5 rank "step"),

    The estimated ranks where it would stop being more profitable to build out 1*s to their max covers before selling would be about 142 and 152 respectively. If the new levels follow the trend, of course
  • zulux21
    zulux21 Posts: 249 Tile Toppler
    edited November 2017
    my math shows that I will likely have my daily exp cut in around half by this... but a large part of that is because the majority of my daily exp comes from the deadpool daily nodes as there are plenty of days that that is the only thing I do lol.
    guess I could start a 1* farm to start making up for the exp difference... but I like that sell all 1* button to much lol.
  • meekersX
    meekersX Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    edited November 2017
    Spoit said:
    OK, so since the recruit cover doesn't count for exp, there are 2 break even points we want to keep in mind for 1* farming (of course you want to continue to champ cycle everyone else):

    11.1111 for 2 power characters (100*10 ISO/9*10 exp)   and
    10.833 for 3 power characters (100*13/12*10)

    Doing a quick and dirty fit (it would probably be better to just find the average of each 5 rank "step"),

    The estimated ranks where it would stop being more profitable to build out 1*s to their max covers before selling would be about 142 and 152 respectively. If the new levels follow the trend, of course
    I don't think this is entirely correct. You still receive 100 Iso-8 from selling the cover maxed 1*, so the break even point is 10 Iso-8/XP, and regardless of if it is a 2 or 3 power character. This will push your estimated ranks higher, though the exact amount will of course depend on the rank rewards.