Updates to S.H.I.E.L.D. Rank and Player XP (11/7/17)



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Tile Toppler
    Im really not sure this actually helps.

    I run a 2* farm, and a large chunk of my xp comes from that.  That isnt going to change.

    And my rank will still not really be indicative of my roster strength, as Im just recycling 2*s more than anything else.

    Surely a better response would have been to adjust the shield level requirements for each clearance gate etc?

    Or - better than that - have Shield level based upon the roster as it stands.  Some sort of arbitrary scoring for each token rarity and level.
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,410 Chairperson of the Boards
    mpqr7 said:
    A typical player gets 70 xp from DDQ, 100+ xp from PVE, 30+ from opening tokens, 20+ from Pv,
    P, 20+ xp from sending TUs... So that's around 240+ daily xp we're now missing out on. I'm skeptical that the increased roster xp rewards will make up for it.

    This 1* thing will be fine but will tale forever and be a boring waste of time. But I'll do it.. what choice do I have!!

    I have stored 15x 2*s and 5x 3*s just from tonight. All are champion levels, so that 15x 10xp + 5x 15xp. That’s close to 200xp already. If i include the covers that already applied in the morning, that maybe close to 240 each day. Maybe more if you pull more 3-4* covers for champion levels
  • Starfury
    Starfury Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Phillipes said:
    Mexus and few others are right.
    Re-rostering wont give us XP, just read Brigby´s first post.
    I dont´t know why so many forumites (page 1 - 5) are so happy, when XP gain probably practicly stops for most of us.

    I guess it's because for many forumites XP gain literally stopped a while ago.

    I'm not thrilled either, but at least the new endpoint is pushed way into the future.

  • greenglove
    greenglove Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
    I can only speak from my own experience at this point. Before this change, I was earning easily 150 points per day. After the change I will be earning less than 50, even if I take the “roster 1 stars just to get exp” option. This makes my ISO crunch nearly intolerable. I will never catch up. Plus, if the logic was that exp points are now tied directly to roster, then why eliminate opening covers as a way of gaining exp? The original announcement is a lie. Exp gaining will slow down to a crawl. 
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Starfury said:
    Phillipes said:
    Mexus and few others are right.
    Re-rostering wont give us XP, just read Brigby´s first post.
    I dont´t know why so many forumites (page 1 - 5) are so happy, when XP gain probably practicly stops for most of us.

    I guess it's because for many forumites XP gain literally stopped a while ago.

    I'm not thrilled either, but at least the new endpoint is pushed way into the future.

    I'm thrilled that they are finally fixing what IMO was a horrible mistake with this system.  A lot of the damage is already done and it will take a long time for things to normalize but someday SR might be a reasonable stat for roster progression.  That's ultimately a good thing for better tuning SCLs, SCL based scaling,and could even bleed over into changes to MMR.  

    It will undoubtedly be a hurt to ISO gains (unless 1* duping is exploitable as many are hoping and even if it is I can't imaging that will last long...), but there are other ways to fix this.  One way I would suggest is now that there's no real reason to do 6 clears in PvE maybe make the 6th clear reward a big ISO dump 1000 or more ISO for each 6th clear.  Also double or triple the ISO gain per PvP win.  Changes like these would insert simular but more granular) ISO gains back into many of the places were XP gains were lost.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Tile Toppler
    What's all this fretting about player XP grinding to a halt? Who has a roster full of nothing but maxchamps? (OK, other than that one guy?) And why all the suspicion that no XP will be granted for rebuilding a character? Again, unless something has changed, there will be no XP for re-rostering, but ther will be for re-training and re-champing and adding champ levels.

    Sure, I'll miss the XP from TUs, tokens, and matches, it was a lot; but more will come from the roster now. 

    Goodness, have y'all no faith in the Demi-maths? :blush:

    On balance I think theres little difference. I add champ levels at multiple levels daily, Im sure I wont really see a significant change.

    My comment is more about the intent.  I still dont think it will achieve what it aims to, in that shield rank will be indicative of roster strength.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    What's all this fretting about player XP grinding to a halt? Who has a roster full of nothing but maxchamps? (OK, other than that one guy?) And why all the suspicion that no XP will be granted for rebuilding a character? Again, unless something has changed, there will be no XP for re-rostering, but ther will be for re-training and re-champing and adding champ levels.

    Sure, I'll miss the XP from TUs, tokens, and matches, it was a lot; but more will come from the roster now. 

    Goodness, have y'all no faith in the Demi-maths? :blush:

    If they want SR to be a true measure of roster (which seems to be the stated goal) then dup levels would be something they shouldn't count as it doesn't meet that goal.  So there are fouroutcomes I see:
    1.  They they leave dup levels XP in.  The results SR gets closer to useful, but still is widely off the mark in a number of cases.  ISO income isn't hugely impacted.
    2.  They take dup levels out.  Overtime (probably 6-18 months) SR levels out to something resembling a roster power gauge for the vast majority of players.  ISO income take a hit for most players.
    3.  They leave dup level XP in.  They realize after some time looking at the metrics that they made an oopsie and take it back out.
    4.  They leave dup level XP in.  This is intentional not to affect ISO income.  They have a coming change to boost ISO income via other means and will turn off dup levels concurrent with this ISO income change (most unlkely by far).

    I don't have faith in Demis maths.  They are just now addressing a problem I saw in the first week after what like 12-16 months of the system being in place...
  • Sm0keyJ0e
    Sm0keyJ0e Posts: 730 Critical Contributor
    So I scanned the 7 pages of this and could not find an answer to this question:

    For those of us already at level 125, and gaining a "windfall" of ISO once this change goes live, is that ISO rewarded based on the old system or the new system?
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sm0keyJ0e said:
    So I scanned the 7 pages of this and could not find an answer to this question:

    For those of us already at level 125, and gaining a "windfall" of ISO once this change goes live, is that ISO rewarded based on the old system or the new system?
    Old system.
  • Starfury
    Starfury Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Sm0keyJ0e said:
    So I scanned the 7 pages of this and could not find an answer to this question:

    For those of us already at level 125, and gaining a "windfall" of ISO once this change goes live, is that ISO rewarded based on the old system or the new system?

    Don’t you worry, MPQ veterans. We haven’t forgotten about those of you that have already hit Rank 125. We’ve been keeping track of all of the XP you’ve been earning, and you’ll automatically be accredited with the XP you’ve been accumulating, as soon as this change goes live.

    Sounds very much like old system to me.

  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Nobody "has to" farm 1 stars, just like nobody "has to" farm 2s in the old system.  It's an efficiency you can choose to take advantage of or not.

    Given the increase in XP for farming 2s (and 3s if you're like me and they're starting to flip as well), I'm not sure anyone's going to be losing out (compared to old XP rates) by continuing to sell their 1s.
  • Sm0keyJ0e
    Sm0keyJ0e Posts: 730 Critical Contributor
    So I read that but he doesn't say exactly HOW they've been keeping track (old or new way).
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2017
    Sm0keyJ0e said:
    So I read that but he doesn't say exactly HOW they've been keeping track (old or new way).
    There are only two ways I can think of that they could possibly award it by the old way.  
    1.  They've had this in the works since the last cap and were recording XP the new way secretly (extremely unlikely)
    2.  They have a giagantic database for every player that tracks every minute change they make and are applying XP using the new system based on that data (extremely unlikely)

    What is likely is that even though you didn't see any more XP gains you were still gaining XP in the background using the old/current system.  When the new levels become available that stored XP will immediately be applied.
  • Sm0keyJ0e
    Sm0keyJ0e Posts: 730 Critical Contributor
    So then everyone should be busting open all their stored tokens...
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sm0keyJ0e said:
    So then everyone should be busting open all their stored tokens...
    Bust the tokens but don't apply the covers until it goes live is the optimal strategy, yes.

    (obviously if you're hoarding LTs/CP for Thor or future 5s, you should continue to do so)
  • Starfury
    Starfury Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    edited November 2017
    Sm0keyJ0e said:
    So then everyone should be busting open all their stored tokens...

    Unless you're going to throw away the covers afterwards, yes.

    Keep the covers until tomorrow and apply them at the new, higher rates.

  • veny
    veny Posts: 834 Critical Contributor
    Well, with this, farming, promoting and selling every rarity is profitable (even 1*s as far as my calculations are correct), which is nice in long time perspective.
    Good to see some good improvenent after some time :-)
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    broll said:
    Sm0keyJ0e said:
    So I read that but he doesn't say exactly HOW they've been keeping track (old or new way).
    There are only two ways I can think of that they could possibly award it by the old way.  
    1.  They've had this in the works since the last cap and were recording XP the new way secretly (extremely unlikely)
    2.  They have a giagantic database for every player that tracks every minute change they make and are applying XP using the new system based on that data (extremely unlikely)

    What is likely is that even though you didn't see any more XP gains you were still gaining XP in the background using the old/current system.  When the new levels become available that stored XP will immediately be applied.
    Since players not at 125 have been accumulating XP all along and they haven't reported the rules changing, then #1 would have required the new system to have been in place all along, over a year, since the first players hit 125.

    Far more likely the new rules were in the last patch, and tomorrow's patch will flip the switch from old system to the new (and hopefully trigger an ingame popup for those poor souls who play in blissful ignorance).
    Yes that was my point but you worded it better.
  • Liftoff
    Liftoff Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    edited November 2017
    So we are losing xp from opening packs?  I’m guessing that means opening my hoard now?
  • Sm0keyJ0e
    Sm0keyJ0e Posts: 730 Critical Contributor
    I think what the folks smarter than me said above is accurate--open what you want now to earn XP the old way, and then apply everything tomorrow after the new system goes live.

    That's what I just did. I did NOT open LT's or CP, however.