Updates to S.H.I.E.L.D. Rank and Player XP (11/7/17)



  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    Brigby said:
    Winning matches and completing missions in Versus Tournaments and Story events, respectively, will no longer grant XP.

    The reason for this is because completing them does not increase the strength of your roster, therefore we do not want it impacting your S.H.I.E.L.D. Rank, which should be representative of roster strength only.
    On paper I do not like this change at all. The statement you made above in Bold is wrong. In order to increase the strength of our roster we must complete matches because ISO is needed to level a character. Therefore, if we're not playing numerous matches, it is difficult to strengthen our roster. However someone who buys a bunch of HP to buy tokens and adds champ levels will gain XP.. without playing a match.

    To make this worse this change followed after PvE full progression increased from 4 to 5 and win-based PvP has resulted in far more matches played. This change feels like a response to all the XP gained from the increased playtime.

    Personally for me, I will greatly miss the TU XP. I initiated the TU request process within our alliance. It felt great that we worked together to send TU for XP. 
  • brisashi
    brisashi Posts: 418 Mover and Shaker
    New McG said:
    At a glance, I haven't seen the answer to this, but I will assume it's a "no". Will there be a retroactive awarding of XP to those not yet at level 125 for previous champ levels, powers trained, etc from your roster?

    Example: If I have a 310 Carol, will I get the extra XP difference between what I did receive for those 40 champ levels, as opposed to what I'd get for applying 40 levels all at once after this change is made?
    This is a great question I hope we can get an answer to


  • whitecat31
    whitecat31 Posts: 579 Critical Contributor
    Killabee said:
    Just a thought. Based on the chart, what would stop people from recruiting a 1* and selling it immediately. That's 5xp plus the 100iso you were already going to get. 

    My guess the 1000 HP it cost for the empty roster slot.

  • Dax317
    Dax317 Posts: 87 Match Maker
    Killabee said:
    Just a thought. Based on the chart, what would stop people from recruiting a 1* and selling it immediately. That's 5xp plus the 100iso you were already going to get. 
    I have one better. What stops you from getting every cover, training up all the way and then selling. So you lose between 900 to 1400 depending on the character, but some will do it.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2017

    Edit: nevermind, I'm dumb and read your post backwards lol.

  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker
    I agree with XP for leveling - especially with the philosophy of SHIELD Rank being directly tied to roster strength.

    Having a base-level fully covered character shouldn't be the same XP and max-1 level
  • nonnel1
    nonnel1 Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    edited November 2017
    If it’s  like the current recruiting of duplicate characters.  You only get XP for the first instance of that character that you recruit.   So less iso than y’all think.  
  • Rick_OShay
    Rick_OShay Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    Some of the feedback here would be better understood if you provide your current Shield Rank.

    I'm at SR 110, and by the sounds of it I'll be in the group where XP gains will be at a slower pace. I currently 6-7 check PvE and hit 40+ wins in PvP, not to mention a reasonable number of LR's per week. 

    The 2* farm will continue to foster XP, and I'm glad I had to wait a bit for more HP to be able to roster and build my 8th & 9th 3* dupes once these changes go live. 

    Perhaps this means my gameplay over the last few months has progressed the SR faster than my roster would truly indicate. If so, then I guess this change is fair for me, especially since after 15 more levels this SR reward system would have previously been ended.
  • astrp3
    astrp3 Posts: 367 Mover and Shaker
    edited November 2017
    Dax317 said:
    Killabee said:
    Just a thought. Based on the chart, what would stop people from recruiting a 1* and selling it immediately. That's 5xp plus the 100iso you were already going to get. 
    I have one better. What stops you from getting every cover, training up all the way and then selling. So you lose between 900 to 1400 depending on the character, but some will do it.
    I plan on doing this. Assuming that you just have to add a cover to a character to get the XP rather than actually levelling them up and ignoring the XP for rostering a character (which I'm assuming we will only get the first time we roster a character), I calculate as follows (and I may well be wrong):

    For a 10-cover 1*, it "costs" me 900 ISO to train them up (since I get 100 for selling them instead of 1000 for selling the covers). At my SHIELD rank (100) , I have to do this 39 times to reach the next rank (101), for a total cost of 35,100 ISO, which is far less than the 52,500 I'll get for rank 101.

    For a 13-cover 1*, the cost is 1200 ISO and I have to do it 30 times for a total cost of 36,000.

    Of course, that requires roster slots, but I'm hoping that at the rate I earn 1*s, I can do it with a single rotating roster slot.

    If I've missed something or got something wrong, let me know. 
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    astrp3 said:
    Dax317 said:
    Killabee said:
    Just a thought. Based on the chart, what would stop people from recruiting a 1* and selling it immediately. That's 5xp plus the 100iso you were already going to get. 
    I have one better. What stops you from getting every cover, training up all the way and then selling. So you lose between 900 to 1400 depending on the character, but some will do it.
    I plan on doing this. Assuming that you just have to add a cover to a character to get the XP rather than actually levelling them up and ignoring the XP for rostering a character (which I'm assuming we will only get the first time we roster a character), I calculate as follows (and I may well be wrong):

    For a 10-cover 1*, it "costs" me 900 ISO to train them up (since I get 100 for selling them instead of 1000 for selling the covers). At my SHIELD rank (100) , I have to do this 39 times to reach the next rank (101), for a total cost of 35,100 ISO, which is far less than the 52,500 I'll get for rank 101.

    For a 13-cover 1*, the cost is 1200 ISO and I have to do it 30 times for a total cost of 36,000.

    Of course, that requires roster slots, but I'm hoping that at the rate I earn 1*s, I can do it with a single rotating roster slot.

    If I've missed something or got something wrong, let me know. 

    That's 95 XP for foregoing 900 ISO.  Rostering and selling would net 50 XP at a cost of 0 ISO for the same 10 covers.  Or 125 XP / 1200 ISO against 65 XP / 0 ISO.

    So it would take nearly twice as long to go up a level with the rostering and selling option, but you don't "lose" ISO.  And you need only 1 spare roster slot.  I think I'll go that way.

  • astrp3
    astrp3 Posts: 367 Mover and Shaker
    edited November 2017

    That's 95 XP for foregoing 900 ISO.  Rostering and selling would net 50 XP at a cost of 0 ISO for the same 10 covers.  Or 125 XP / 1200 ISO against 65 XP / 0 ISO.

    So it would take nearly twice as long to go up a level with the rostering and selling option, but you don't "lose" ISO.  And you need only 1 spare roster slot.  I think I'll go that way.

    As I said, I'm assuming that if you've rostered a character at any point in the past, you won't get any XP for rostering them again (isn't that the way it works now?), which means rostering and immediately selling won't get you anything.  I'll be happy to be wrong and if I am, I will change to rostering and selling.

    Actually, if that IS the case, I think my numbers were a bit off. Assuming that you get no XP for rostering a character, you'd only get 90 XP for training up a 10-cover character and 120 for a 13-cover one (instead of 100 and 130), so the total cost would be 39,000 ISO for either one to reach rank 101. 
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    astrp3 said:

    That's 95 XP for foregoing 900 ISO.  Rostering and selling would net 50 XP at a cost of 0 ISO for the same 10 covers.  Or 125 XP / 1200 ISO against 65 XP / 0 ISO.

    So it would take nearly twice as long to go up a level with the rostering and selling option, but you don't "lose" ISO.  And you need only 1 spare roster slot.  I think I'll go that way.

    As I said, I'm assuming that if you've rostered a character at any point in the past, you won't get any XP for rostering them again (isn't that the way it works now?), which means rostering and immediately selling won't get you anything.  I'll be happy to be wrong and if I am, I will change my plans accordingly.

    Actually, if that IS the case, I think my numbers were a bit off. Assuming that you get no XP for rostering a character, you'd only get 90 XP for training up a 10-cover character and 120 for a 13-cover one (instead of 100 and 130), so the total cost would be 39,000 ISO for either one to reach rank 101. 
    Well, if you don't get any XP for re-rostering someone, my figures are completely incorrect, and you'll get 0 XP but 100 ISO per cover.  You're forced to make a decision between XP and ISO.  I know it goes completely against the forumite code of conduct, but I think I'll wait and see what happens with the update before making my decision.  Or Brigby could just tell us categorically what's going to happen.
  • astrp3
    astrp3 Posts: 367 Mover and Shaker
    Well, if you don't get any XP for re-rostering someone, my figures are completely incorrect, and you'll get 0 XP but 100 ISO per cover.  You're forced to make a decision between XP and ISO.  I know it goes completely against the forumite code of conduct, but I think I'll wait and see what happens with the update before making my decision.  Or Brigby could just tell us categorically what's going to happen.
    I hope you were right and that we do get XP for re-rostering. If so, I will do that instead, but I'm skeptical. As you say, however, we'll find out for sure on Thursday.
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    Brigby said:
    Don’t you worry, MPQ veterans. We haven’t forgotten about those of you that have already hit Rank 125. We’ve been keeping track of all of the XP you’ve been earning, and you’ll automatically be accredited with the XP you’ve been accumulating, as soon as this change goes live.
    It's the most wonderful time of the year.
    How'd you get my....neeeevermind.. *walks away slowly*
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm pretty certain the Recruit line is supposed to be first-time recruiting just like it currently does for XP. It wouldn't say increase if it was a brand-new way to get XP for every time a character is rostered, first-time or a repeat.
  • maguirenumber6
    maguirenumber6 Posts: 457 Mover and Shaker
    1. So we have to start farming 1*s now? That is going to be yet another time, iso and HP drain. I guess that’s the point though, so we all buy more. I think I’d prefer the iso from just selling a 1* cover anyway. Iso is more important to me than XP.

    2. For anyone lucky to be over 125, won’t they get a ton of iso on Thursday? Nice for them I guess.
  • wade9633
    wade9633 Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
    Why do you remove XP from opening packs? You said that Story Mission rewards and winning a Versus mission don't make players' rosters become stronger, but you remove XP from opening packs. Opening packs means that players can gain more rosters to improve their own rosters. Am I wrong?
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    If they want a number representing roster strength to act as a gate to certain game features, why not just calculate that number directly from the player's roster rather than going through secondary mechanisms like experience?

    There is obviously code in the game for measuring this, since it was used to set levels for story events before clearance level based scaling.  Couldn't you just make that number visible?