Half way mark of the PVP season, how is it going for you?



  • dlegendary0ne
    dlegendary0ne Posts: 93 Match Maker
    Indfferent to the changes, and playing the same or less PVP
    I'm a minimal effort guy when it comes to pvp. I only play enough to get 1200 cp.  I played CL6 because that also got me top placement (iso is what I'm after).  At first CL6 was awesome - I could play less and still get top placement.  But the next event, all the top players slummed into CL6 and now I can't even get top placement with 1200.  This is forcing me to go to CL5 which has less iso rewards, but I still possibly have a shot at the cp.  I still play the same, regardless though.  40 matches for pvp is a ridiculous expectation for any working adult, and it's not fun, so I refuse to do it.
  • ArcanaMoon
    ArcanaMoon Posts: 72 Match Maker
    Yes I like the changes, and playing more PVP
    I like the changes, if i see reward aka 4* i want, i focus to get that reward, if not and dont like the event, i skip it with no remorse, even by skiping Strange Days i am at 70 wins of getting the 330 wins of the season
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    No I hate the changes, but playing the same PVP
    Almost 24 hours in. 
    205 votes:
    Yes I like the changes-36 Votes
    Indiffernet-16 votes 
    No- 139 votes
    Quitting-13 votes

    Thank You all for voting.  

    @Brigby. I know this is not a scientific poll for all of the players in the game, but i hope you are paying attention to this.  This system is causing a lot of issues.  Alliances are falling apart. People have stopped spending, myself included. People will
    be cutting back on this game if not quitting outright. I truly hope they are listening.  
  • metallion
    metallion Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    Indfferent to the changes, and playing the same or less PVP
    Pretty indifferent. Although I don't like how high the progression is set, I find it kind of liberating to not have to set aside a certain time every other day just to hit progression. Every day I just pick up my phone once on my way to work and once on the way back, 4 matches each time, for my 10cp progression. Maybe if I wanted the 4* i could do a couple more toilet breaks and do one more set before I sleep, but that isnt too much of a concern
  • JBCDisco
    JBCDisco Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    No I hate the changes, and playing less PVP
    I think the system is better in general but, like many others, feel the requirement of 40 for my 4* cover is unreasonable. I would typically hit 900 in all but 1 or 2 season events (depending on the cover), and hit the 2000 in sim. I'd always shield out after hitting it, but I've never cared about placement, still don't. After 3+ years and more money than I'd care to admit, it was a nice casual approach where I could ever so slowly add champ levels to my 50 4* champs. I then hit 934 points in 23 wins in the night crawler event (after skipping storm's) and realized I wouldn't be getting his cover. This has deflated my motivation almost completely; my VIP (which I've renewed continuously since it launched) expired and will not be getting renewed and I won't be spending money otherwise on a game that doesn't value my time. To me, this almost feels likes a punishment for my previous commitment. I trust it will eventually be changed, I just hope it doesn't take as long to be addressed as vaulting was.
    Also, those in my alliance that have commented are of a similar opinion. We're a casual group with a low season requirement of 5k and it's looking like a third of us might not even hit that and I'm worried that we may end up losing people, which is a shame.
  • Yoik
    Yoik Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
    edited November 2017
    No I hate the changes, but playing more PVP

    Personally I don’t like the changes. I am playing far more PVP. It feels less fun as a game as a whole. Pre change I would hit 1200 for the cp and stop. Now im at least 2 or 3 hundred above that each time. If there were progression prizes up and beyond that it would be bearable. I have managed to get into the top 10 on a few occasions so im able to still win some cp but I do not know if this is because people are playing less or because of how I am now playing


    For me if the wins required was reduced and the cp put back into progression it would be an ok idea. It’s certainly one of the most contentious topics we have seen. Maybe more so then vaulting.


    I have tried several methods to complete the new format. Aside from the current running PVP. I tend to do 10 wins then leave it, 10 wins then leave it up to 30 staying unshielded then with 10 wins left I will start thinking about shielding and seeing where I end up. I still seem to be spending more hp on shields tho. The issue is after 30 im fairly close to the top 10 to make it viable to keep going just in case I can make it.


    I do see a lot of people hitting 1200 though outside of the top 10 who are now cpless. ( sounds like a condition )


    There are a lot of things to be addressed atm in the game. QOL is linked to pretty much all of them.


    I am a 5 star transitioner and have been playing for 4 years.

  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    No I hate the changes, but playing more PVP
    I like the changes, if i see reward aka 4* i want, i focus to get that reward, if not and dont like the event, i skip it with no remorse, even by skiping Strange Days i am at 70 wins of getting the 330 wins of the season
    I hate to break it to you, but you're 21% done with more than 50% of the season over.  You're going to have to play 4x as much on the back half if you want the 15 cp end progression.
  • beyonderbub
    beyonderbub Posts: 661 Critical Contributor
    No I hate the changes, and playing less PVP
    I was lucking into top 10 for first couple with comparatively low scores in Slice 4 SCL8. However, I was brought back to reality with this latest PVP. I don't really have time to secure 40 wins AND THEN concern myself with securing placement for CP. I can't hop for as long or as often as the regulars securing top 10. I just don't have the resources and roster. I'll have to adjust my playstyle so that maybe one PVP I go for progression and the next PVP I bracket snipe late just for placement and to avoid burnout. I can't see myself continuing at this pace of play. It's not fun
  • Kolence
    Kolence Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    edited November 2017
    No I hate the changes, and playing less PVP
    I played the first couple of events to 40+ wins, top 10, CL 8. I've dropped to CL 5 since, going only after placement if possible. And for GR pvp, I'm not even bothering with that - just play to 10cp and done.

    Others have already said it here but I'll repeat it as it describes the best way how I feel about it too. It's tedious, it feels like a chore and it's simply not fun. 

    Edit (forgot to add this)

    Also, i believe that Gambit should be funbalanced...
  • Moon Biscuit
    Moon Biscuit Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    No I hate the changes, and playing less PVP
    "Mmm....yea, if you could come in on Saturday and fill out those TPS reports, that would be great. "  

    Totally how this "game" feels right now.  

  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    shardwick said:
    Well, let's see here. Ten wins away from being done with Shield Sim, less than 40 from hitting the final 15 cp in season with about a 6k season score, playing virtually stress free and getting more rewards overall. Probably playing a little more now than in the old system too. I know it sucks for the 5* guys but for me? I really can't complain too much. 
    Could you keep that up for 3 years straight? Alot of the players against this change have been playing 3 years and the game was still engaging.

    Do a little forward thinking. All of us had the same troubles you did. Previous system as you built your roster PvP got easier. Now it will *never* get easier than 40 wins, ever. There is no challenge but to grind 40 wins every PvP. 
    It only got easier to a certain extent in the old system. Once you get in the 800-900+ range then there was a massive target on you. So, what challenge? Throwing down hp to shield hop your way to 900 and up as you chew through health packs? That's not fun to me and neither is the idea of the 5* game. 
    STERLING21JJ Posts: 103 Tile Toppler
    No I hate the changes, and playing less PVP
    I've become that guy that hits the 16 wins and I'm done.  usually around 800+ points now and appreciate the devs freeing up my time that I used to use to hit 1200 for the other cp reward.
  • White_Deth
    White_Deth Posts: 63 Match Maker
    Thorassic said:
    These changes are horrible. I’m playing way more PVP just to get to the 4* cover. I was never a Top 10 player, so moving the progression CP there was a huge kick in the balls. So far this season, I’ve lucked in to one Top 10 finish for the CP. I doubt that will happen again. 

    Additionally, we used to be able to pull the 4* cover at 900 points. Now, I’m getting it at anywhere from 1500-1800 points, which I find unacceptable. But, I still do it because I need to advance my roster somehow. 

    As as a result of the PVP shift, I also find myself having to play harder in PVE just to maintain my CP flow. 

    So overall, yeah, I’m playing way more, but I sure as hell hate myself for it. The game already felt like a chore, now it just feels like going to work.

    One last thing; looking at Sim this season, I’m going to have to score around 4,679 points to get the top reward. That means over twice as many matches. Honestly, I don’t know if I even have it in me to care enough to finish. 
    Same here mate. I thought id like it but im kind of on the fence. I like how i dobt lose points but the amount of wins is insane. 340 for 15cp? You get more jist for playing a 5-7 day pve. Im at 1600 points in simulator and still 11 wins off rogue and with my small roster of 4* champs it isnt easy in the final stretch. Before this i only played sbield aim serioisly twice and got me the devil dino cover easily, getting rogue is a slog and a half. I have broken over 4k in season points and im nkt even half way to the top reward which was 4k if i recall. The wins to reward ratio is mental. I know not losing points has made it a bit easier in that respect but 340 wina in about 20 odd days is alot even with the seperate vs events :/
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2017
    Yes I like the changes, and playing the same PVP
    I've liked it so far. Just 23 wins away from the final season progression reward. Never even got close under the old system.

    That said, I can see it getting old real quick and hope they take measures to improve the system over time.
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    No I hate the changes, but playing the same PVP

    48 hours in.

    239 votes

    Yes I like it: 21 or 17%

    Indiffernt: 21 or 9%

    No I hate it: 150 or 63%

    I will Quit: 16 or 7%

    150 people or 63% of the people that said No, they hate this should speak very loud.  Yes this is not the whole player base, but this should mean something. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Tile Toppler
    Almost 24 hours in. 
    205 votes:
    Yes I like the changes-36 Votes
    Indiffernet-16 votes 
    No- 139 votes
    Quitting-13 votes

    Thank You all for voting.  

    @Brigby. I know this is not a scientific poll for all of the players in the game, but i hope you are paying attention to this.  This system is causing a lot of issues.  Alliances are falling apart. People have stopped spending, myself included. People will
    be cutting back on this game if not quitting outright. I truly hope they are listening.  
    The thing is, it has to be remembered, that this forum represents just a fraction of the player base.

    And that vets/whales/top end guys represent an even smaller fraction.

    The Devs get to see all the engagement statistics, and its quite possible there is a silent majority that is really getting on board with the new PVP structure.

    There are 150 not happy here, there might be 1,500 more people playing though...
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2017
    No I hate the changes, but playing the same PVP
    sh81 said:
    Almost 24 hours in. 
    205 votes:
    Yes I like the changes-36 Votes
    Indiffernet-16 votes 
    No- 139 votes
    Quitting-13 votes

    Thank You all for voting.  

    @Brigby. I know this is not a scientific poll for all of the players in the game, but i hope you are paying attention to this.  This system is causing a lot of issues.  Alliances are falling apart. People have stopped spending, myself included. People will
    be cutting back on this game if not quitting outright. I truly hope they are listening.  
    The thing is, it has to be remembered, that this forum represents just a fraction of the player base.

    And that vets/whales/top end guys represent an even smaller fraction.

    The Devs get to see all the engagement statistics, and its quite possible there is a silent majority that is really getting on board with the new PVP structure.

    There are 150 not happy here, there might be 1,500 more people playing though...

    While I am not denying that, there is also a lot of top end players in top 50 allys for PVP that don't have Forum accounts.  This can go both ways.  Regardless, I think if there are not tweaks to this format, there will be less players next season.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Tile Toppler
    It would be really nice to know either way.

    I assume there are many thousands playing the game, but only maybe a few hundred on the forum, its not representative.

    My experience of late has been positive.  While I understand why people are finding the opposite, my observation is that its generally higher level players that dont like it.

    And, another assumption, I think they are the minority again.

    Its entirely possible there is a great majority getting more involved, and the developers will see that.

    Id really like to see confirmation either way
  • Alfje17
    Alfje17 Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes I like the changes, and playing more PVP
    sh81 said:
    Almost 24 hours in. 
    205 votes:
    Yes I like the changes-36 Votes
    Indiffernet-16 votes 
    No- 139 votes
    Quitting-13 votes

    Thank You all for voting.  

    @Brigby. I know this is not a scientific poll for all of the players in the game, but i hope you are paying attention to this.  This system is causing a lot of issues.  Alliances are falling apart. People have stopped spending, myself included. People will
    be cutting back on this game if not quitting outright. I truly hope they are listening.  
    The thing is, it has to be remembered, that this forum represents just a fraction of the player base.

    And that vets/whales/top end guys represent an even smaller fraction.

    The Devs get to see all the engagement statistics, and its quite possible there is a silent majority that is really getting on board with the new PVP structure.

    There are 150 not happy here, there might be 1,500 more people playing though...

    Silent majority is not on these forums, almost everyone here is a long-term player and this new PvP is geared towards new players, so yeah, expect lots of complaints.