Half way mark of the PVP season, how is it going for you?



  • aa25
    aa25 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    No I hate the changes, but playing more PVP
    I hate the change, but I admit I've been playing more to chase the 4* cover. I actually start asking myself if this game worth my time anymore. Less and less fun, but more and more difficult to progress.
  • Qubort
    Qubort Posts: 203 Tile Toppler
    No I hate the changes, and playing less PVP

    This new idiotic system benefits no one. End game rosters would have to play a crazy amount of time to hit 40 wins. The people that wanted this still only play for 10cp and stop.

    If they keep this new system they should open MMR completely. Why should it take a 5 star roster twice as long as 3 star roster to obtain the same rewards? You should be rewarded for having a stronger roster, not punished.

    I also find it annoying they did "testing" but didn't change anything from the tests. Just shows it how the tests were just a joke.

  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    No I hate the changes, and playing less PVP
    I stopped even getting to the 10cp.  
  • ammenell
    ammenell Posts: 817 Critical Contributor
    just hit 40wins with 2d3hrs left, boosted riri and im40 just dont care.
    what i care about are 40wins - thats a bit much, and if i couldnt use the cover (not even if its a champ level) i would stop at 16 wins.
    on the other hand, i would not play this much at the start of the event - but i had the time, didnt care about shield strategy and just stomped everybody with my always reliable im40 + boosted 4* combo
  • Twoslot
    Twoslot Posts: 49 Just Dropped In
    No I hate the changes, but playing more PVP
    Hate. Tried playing to the 40 win cover a couple times and it's just pure tedium. Now I'm playing to the alliance minimum and 16 wins just to save face. We've lost 5 long time vets and most others hanging in are grumpy about it.

    Haven't met someone who sees it as 100% positive (or 50% positive for that matter) 
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    I didn’t vote. I’ve been on vacation and haven’t been playing much PvP because of that. However currently I’ve already finished the simulator and got the 10 pack. That puts me ahead of my normal season ending progression. My placement is much lower than normal however.  Normally I end the season ranked around 200, currently I’m at 1525. The only difference between those two ranks is 50 HP, 5 CP, and 1 HT so I don’t really care.  

    The bigger loss is probably the individual event ranks. Getting a lot of 2*s and ETs vs 3*s and HTs. 

    I cant give it a 1:1 comparison until next season when I willl likely play every event to 40 wins. But even now I’m ok with the trade off I’m getting. I’m less stressed playing PvP and overall am getting slightly better rewardd for the less stress
  • MunsterV
    MunsterV Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
    No I hate the changes, and playing less PVP
    I hate the change I lost my whole alliance behind this change. Now I'm trying to build a new one but on ones want to play with theses changes 
  • Nepenthe
    Nepenthe Posts: 283 Mover and Shaker
    Indfferent to the changes, and playing the same or less PVP
    I picked "indifferent" but really "mixed feelings about the changes" would describe it better.  Definitely playing less though.  I hit 40 wins (and surprisingly, top 10) in the first two events of the season, but haven't had the patience/time to do it since.  Trying to farm low-level retaliations for easier wins sort of worked but only for the first 20 wins at best, then it was a constant 5* slog.  PvP feels less fun & exciting and more like a grind/slog.

    I think it's good that the devs are trying to do something about the common complaint of getting close to a reward and then losing lots of points from being attacked, but I really hope that some sort of points/wins hybrid system eventually gets adopted here.  The "40 wins or 900 points, whichever comes first" model would do a LOT to make this less of a slog for 5* rosters without taking away the newbie's chance to grind their way up to the good cover, imho.
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    I quit PVP due to these changes and might come back if they change
    Alfje17 said:

    3*-4* transitioner, used to play only seed teams unless I really needed the 4* cover and could spare 20 healthpacks to get it. Constantly getting the message "You've been beaten, lose 100 points" and coming out of a battle with less points than when you got in, does gets you down, so I played very little PvP.

    Playing much more now as I don't give a hoot about points and can actually get some decent rewards.

    I'm sure the changes are bad for the top end players, I can only say that it's good for someone in my position. To paraphrase the con-man in charge "Many people say that these are the best changes and they're the best changes for me, the humblest and most generous person ever in all of history"

    So why are you continuing to play when you know the game will become unplayable once you've developed your roster?

    Most of us who can't play because of this change aren't any kind of whale. Last time I spent was $4.99 beginning of 2015. I just played the game like you are now but got a head start. Be aware all the time you are investing now will get you nowhere.
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    I quit PVP due to these changes and might come back if they change
    madoctor said:
    Hate the changes, playing much less PvP and back to focussing more on PvE.

    New system has forced me to quit my alliance. It has changed my playstyle a lot too. Now I just go for doing seeds ASAP, do about 20 matches first day of PvP. Late climb the rest near the end and shield out. Don't care about placement (beyond T25/50), save my HP.

    HP saving measures mean I have not renewed my VIP yet.

    Only a few hours left for the bonus. Finding it hard to weigh the pros in the favor of renewal.

    EDIT - Was an optimal PvE, 1.2k PvP player. 42 4* champs.
    Now I'm an optimal PvE, on and off 40 wins PvP if I have the time.
    Alot of us were 1200 players. But that's the thing.

    They want people to spend or leave. If you can hit 1200 at will and get the CP in about 20 matches, they don't like that. They realized they were giving too much CP too easily.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,737 Chairperson of the Boards
    No I hate the changes, but playing the same PVP
    I wanted the option, “It’s only halfway done?  When will the nightmare end???”

    It is nuts to me that this change strongly encourages FTP lifestyle with this system.  Right?  We are all basically shielded 24/7 in terms of progression.   I realize that’s the point.  But....is that the goal?  Maybe sell a few roster slots, I guess.

    Also, PVP is insanely boring if you go for 40 now.  Boring is not a good word to use in relation to a video game, especially one  that depends on micro transactions/continuous engagement.  I have fallen asleep while “climbing” many times this season.

    On the other hand, as others have pointed out, thinking you want to hit 40, every time, feels kind of like thinking about eating a giant sandwich/steak/etc at a restaurant to try to get it free.  The first few bites would be pretty good, but by the end you would just want it to be over.  Now, not 20 mouthfuls from now.

    I am waiting for the first post that says “What is a Shield and why would I ever use one in PVP?”
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well, let's see here. Ten wins away from being done with Shield Sim, less than 40 from hitting the final 15 cp in season with about a 6k season score, playing virtually stress free and getting more rewards overall. Probably playing a little more now than in the old system too. I know it sucks for the 5* guys but for me? I really can't complain too much. 
  • xKOBALTx
    xKOBALTx Posts: 299 Mover and Shaker
    No I hate the changes, and playing less PVP
    PLBIV said:
    I think lost in this is the option, “I hated the changes before and then they added boosted Gambit, making it almost unplayable.”
    I'm lazy, so I'll just quote for my opinion about the PvP update and the boost. What they said. ^^^
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    No I hate the changes, and playing less PVP
    Copypasta from another thread to put in my vote. 

    Definitely feeling burnout. Due to RL issues I haven't had as much time to spend on mpq as before, but could still get full progression in both pvp and pve without too much fuss. 

    I got to 40 wins in the first 2 pvps of the season. Thereafter I've been stopping shortly after 20, whether I get placement cp or not. 

    It's too much time commitment compared to the previous system, my ability to earn covers and cp is considerably reduced, and I'm finding it hard to care because a single 4* cover, a drop of hp, even the token /iso/3* in the upper progressions aren't worth my time when I am well past the 5* transition.
  • Cwilk78
    Cwilk78 Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    No I hate the changes, but playing the same PVP
    I am not happy with the changes. Like a lot of the players, I have invested lots of time and some money to build my roster where I could reach 1200 easily. As Slabag mentioned above, the game is now a " tedious chore." Where is the fun in that.
  • vinsensual
    vinsensual Posts: 458 Mover and Shaker
    No I hate the changes, but playing more PVP
    Only playing more because I've got a good Thor LR bracket.  
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    No I hate the changes, and playing less PVP
    Hate the change. I'm playing far less PVP and if it doesn't change back next season I might have to just bag it entirely for the sake of my own sanity. The only thing that was keeping it semi-enjoyable was the Gambit boost, which is over after the Ghost Rider event.