Time Gem Season Updates *Updated (10/19/17)



  • Merrick
    Merrick Posts: 198 Tile Toppler
    19 wins. 1039 points. This is complete tiny kitty. 
  • Spudgutter
    Spudgutter Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    What difference does the placement make to someone who wasn't going for placement?  Smkspy got the 4* cover that he would not have otherwise. He came out better in this pvp than before.  Maybe you didnt, and so you didnt do better this pvp.  As we have been going back and forth on, this change will benefit some, and negatively impact others.  
  • 1300 for 32 wins no will to go further.
    For release event I will go 40 wins but otherwise I will do like so many and drop to scl5 or 6 and try to grab t10 and 900 for alliance score
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Right at 40 wins, just over 1200 points (a score I never reached before) and finished 8th. My highest is 302 Legendary, and I was surrounded (in placement) by folks with Champed Epics. It was a good way to start the day. I guess I’m right in the middle of the population this change was meant for?
  • corytutor
    corytutor Posts: 414 Mover and Shaker
    Zodiac you never hit 1200? Arent you in s3 big room?
  • corytutor
    corytutor Posts: 414 Mover and Shaker
    As a vet a 3* and 4* cover just isnt as appealing as 15cp. 95% of the time anyway. So there's no reason for me to 40. Wins,No reason to stay in a top scl except occasionally, and no reason not to join late and bracket snipe on my way up. 

  • corytutor
    corytutor Posts: 414 Mover and Shaker
    Ahhhh i see
  • thedarkphoenix
    thedarkphoenix Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    I'll admit this is pretty bad for me as a player over all. I have to play way more now... and fighting 5 stars non stop is pretty taxing.

    Hope all the 4 star players and below are enjoying it though.
  • thedarkphoenix
    thedarkphoenix Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    Also points seem to be sky how now, but I think that's mostly because hardly anyone is shielding like, unless you pushing for top 10 its pretty pointless. I've hit more 60-75 point team though out the events than ever before. So now points are mad inflated.... in a nutshell its much worse for starting and mid level 5 star players and probably a few end level 4 star players.

    But good for everyone else.
  • CharlieCroker
    CharlieCroker Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker
    corytutor said:
    As a vet a 3* and 4* cover just isnt as appealing as 15cp. 95% of the time anyway. So there's no reason for me to 40. Wins,No reason to stay in a top scl except occasionally, and no reason not to join late and bracket snipe on my way up. 

    Having grinded my tinykitty off to get to both 40 wins and top 10 (needed 2K+ for the latter in S1) I have no desire to do the same every single event.

    Each event I'll make a decision as to whether to join early and get the 40 wins via nefarious trapcaking strategies and maybe make a late climb to a score acceptable to my alliance, or just snipe a late bracket and aim for 16 win seats and placement.  Apart from maybe weekend events doing both is out of the question.

    Either way I'll be missing out on some form of rewards, and potentially also having to step out of my alliance for some events if I don't score sufficiently high.
  • Spudgutter
    Spudgutter Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    Tony Foot said:
    What difference does the placement make to someone who wasn't going for placement?  Smkspy got the 4* cover that he would not have otherwise. He came out better in this pvp than before.  Maybe you didnt, and so you didnt do better this pvp.  As we have been going back and forth on, this change will benefit some, and negatively impact others.  
    Yesterday I thought as you did, today I realised after a good play test that there isn't a winner. I thought i'd be able to casually get the 4 star cover in my own time. I have screen shots of me at 23 wins (despite hitting easy low point teams) just under 900, 30 wins, 33 wins and 39 wins. I had to play and dump 4 times when one more match would have done the job.

    Or most tinykitty of all you have a player getting t5 and that doesn't even give them the 3 star cover reward. Seriously that's the player spending on shields and climbing for placement, they should automatically give them all those other rewards as a sorry for this mess of wins and points.

    I'm not a huge pvp fan admittedly but for me it also kills any desire I have to progress. 40 wins of hell, I like a challenge to hit the climbing wall and try to break through it, this is not as challenge it's a chore.
    I wont argue that the system isn't flawed, i stopped at 28 wins myself, sitting at 1160 in 11th place with 3 hours to go is slice 3, cl8.  That is pretty normal for me, except i am usually around 1050.

    I'm sure there are people that are enjoying this. There have been a few in this thread who have stated as such.  And just because there have been a lot of people that have voiced they didnt do as well (me included) i still believe that number is outweighed by 3* and 4* transitioners who now have access to more rewards.

    Just like when they increased pve to 5 clears and added a few rewards, i didnt like it because it makes me play more, i can understand it because it helps beginners and maybe keeps the casuals engaged and playing by giving them more options.

    And maybe i am wrong?  I also enjoyed vaulting, and they got rid of/modified it several months later.  Maybe they do the same here.  Only time will tell, because the devs certainly arent going to come in here and tell us.
  • astrp3
    astrp3 Posts: 367 Mover and Shaker
    Just got my season 10-pack - something I wouldn't normally do until around Thursday or Friday. It helped that I was laid up in bed with a bad back, so I played more than I normally would have, but I don't think that would have happened under the old system. Not saying that's a point in favor of the new system (I would have got it anyway) and still undecided on the new system, but it was nice. And it was a nice 10-pack - five 3*s and a yellow Mr. Fantastic (the one color I don't have).
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    astrp3 said:
    Just got my season 10-pack - something I wouldn't normally do until around Thursday or Friday. It helped that I was laid up in bed with a bad back, so I played more than I normally would have, but I don't think that would have happened under the old system. Not saying that's a point in favor of the new system (I would have got it anyway) and still undecided on the new system, but it was nice. And it was a nice 10-pack - five 3*s and a yellow Mr. Fantastic (the one color I don't have).
    Phew!  So glad 5* transitioners get less cp now so that you can get that 10 pack 3 or 4 days early.  Great tradeoff!
  • Bryan Lambert
    Bryan Lambert Posts: 234 Tile Toppler
    I’ve played under the old system and the new system as bouth a 4-star player (pre-Anniversary, zero leveled/champed 5’s) and now as a five-star transitioner (post-Anniversary, champed Jean and OML).

    Old system, 4-star roster: 575 was easy and casual. 900+ was doable, but stressful and unpleasant, required shields, worry about hopping/point loss.

    Old system, beginning 5-star transition: 575 damn near impossible. 900 a distant dream. Constantly matched against tougher teams. Very difficult to find consistently winnable matches. Ate up health packs.

    New system, 4-star roster: 4-star easily attainable, as it was trivial to find consistently beatable teams I could spread out over 2.5 days without worrying about point loss. Light drain on health packs depending on who the boosteds were.

    New system, beginning 5-star transition. Same MMR problem as before. Burning through health packs. Getting hit dozens of times between lay sessions. Have earned three more progression rewards than I normally would with my 4-star roster under the old system, will probably be able to push the last six wins this evening after finishing The Hunt. A lot more effort due to the match types. Probably something I’ll only do for progression covers I need rather than champ levels unless I’ve got a lot of free time.