Progression Reward Changes in Versus Tournaments (7/20/17)



  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2017
    revizion said:
    "We heard you like pve grind, so we put grind pve grind in your pvp"

    Needing 40 wins for the equivalent of 900 points in pvp is the same as taking 40 fights @ 22.5 points each. That's at least TWICE as many fights as I usually need to get the equivalent, since I rarely take fights worth < 45 points each.

    Of course they're limiting the 15 cp to t10 in each bracket. The grindy nature of needing to have at least 40 fights means people will be taking MORE fights, and knocking MORE points off of each other. What the quoted statistic overlooks is how many people REACH 1.2k in favor of how many FINISH with 1.2k. I know the reach # is higher because I can see it at the top of all my brackets. Overall fewer people will be getting the 15 cp.

    This is a regressive change IMO
    Unless you're constantly shielding you're likely dropping 100-200 a day (at least that's my experience) you're numbers don't take that into account. I've never counted my wins but I'd say on average for the ones I made it to 900 I did 12-15 fighter per day for 3 days which is 36-45 total. So the numbers don't sound so bad when I put it in that perspective when I originally thought it was high. 
  • BlackIC
    BlackIC Posts: 65 Match Maker
    Suggestion: You can keep the current system.  Only make losing points after a player reaches 1200 points. Progression is achieved and shields will still be used for trying to place higher in the ranks!
  • lokiagentofhotness
    lokiagentofhotness Posts: 192 Tile Toppler
    This is quite possibly the worst change that has ever been made in this game.  How is one supposed to prevent another player from hitting progression rewards if we can't take away points from them?  Please reconsider this, or let us give -1 win for each time we beat a player, or something.
    Why on god's green earth would you want to prevent another player from hitting progression? Do you just enjoy ruining someone's day?
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    zulux21 said:
    .. but I avoid pvp in general because I find the grind a pain...
    I avoid pve in general because I find the grind a pain

    (We are almost twins :smile:)
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    HaywireII said:
    mr_X said:
    40 matches for a 4* cover. Darn lets just make pvp just as grindy as pve.
    Story Event players are typically doing 9 nodes x 4 plays each day of a 3 day event for their progression prize so that's 106 matches for that 4 star cover.  40 sounds like a deal.

    Story Mode also has the final command points at the end of the progession so it does seem odd they wouldn't leave the Versus mode final command points in progression and move it to placement.  It would be nice if they move it back.
    Sure, but here are two counterpoints:

    (1) people complain all the time about the time investment required by pve (which just went up from 4/6 to 5/6).  I dont think they wanted pvp to become more like pve in terms of reward:time efficiency.

    (2) very few of the 36-54 daily matches in pvp are difficult.  The three trivial nodes can be cleared in 30-60 seconds most of the tims.  In pvp 5* players are facing 5* champs as soon as they clear the seeds.  30+ matches against 450+ opponents is quite a bit different than grinding down trivial nodes.
  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2017
    Can't be bothered to scroll through the previous 6 pages

    At first glance, this looks a welcome change. I can now play PvP for progression-only (placement-only is an icing on the cake), and this encourages people to enter when the event starts, instead of entering with just 60 mins to go (as I have been doing for the past 3+ years)

    Plus I've only gotten the 4* cover at 900 points on exactly two occasions. For me it's much easier to hit 40 wins than 900 points, so I welcome that part as well
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    At first glance, this looks like a similar amount of matches to get a 4* cover compared to story mode (two clears of 9 nodes for three days, plus a few extra team up or single play nodes).  The versus matches will be more difficult than many of the story matches, but you need fewer wins.

    This might be more matches than what people who were achieving these rewards did before, but on the flip side this looks like I could actually hit that 4* progression cover.  Making it so a player trying to transition between tiers can actually get the covers they need seems like a big improvement.

    I suspect I'm going to get attacked a lot more in the event, but hopefully it will also mean there will be less people shielded early on in the event too (since there is less incentive to not play), so there will be more targets.
  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker
    Whichever Dev came up with 40 wins for progression has never played PvP with a full roster, in an active slice.  1200 points @ 40 wins is only 30 points per match... If I'm not hitting 75s, it it at least 50s.

    In my 3 years of playing, I doubt I have _ever_ done 40 matches in PvP.

    And T10 get CP?!?   What a slap in the face.  Right now, the 'Blind Justice' event... 19 people are over 1200 - with well over a day to go.

    The whole reason I'm in a PvP alliance is to avoid the grind-fest that is competitive PvE placement.

    Way to go Devs, you managed to ruin that too.  And.. you test it on the off-season, where 80% of the competitive PvP players take a break... so whatever data mining you get will be useless.

  • irwando
    irwando Posts: 263 Mover and Shaker
    Good system, flawed implementation in the score targets.  Lower them to more realistic levels (30 fights for 900 seems right to me, but hey, I'd take lower) and it'll be great!
  • Thorzhamer
    Thorzhamer Posts: 35 Just Dropped In
    Brigby said:
    maltyo9 said:
    This... Might actually be good.
    Going to be some wailing and gnashing of teeth about putting the final prog reward over to placement, but whatever
    I'm just curious as to what placement you have to get for the CP.

    Brigby any info on this would be appreciated.
    The CP that was originally the final progression reward will be allocated to the top 10 placement ranks.

    We found that there were actually more players that reached top 10 compared to 1200 points, so moving it to placement will actually end up awarding it to more people! 
    Uuugh... Top ten, are you kidding? Hell, I had 1300 points last event and finished 48th.

    48th.... No where near top ten.

    Final CP reward needs to be rethought, other than that I'm all in.

  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Talus9952 said:
    People are getting to 900 with way less than 40 wins.
    Perhaps that's what they don't like?

    I'm not a fan of this change, overall.
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,607 Chairperson of the Boards
    Brigby said:
    maltyo9 said:
    This... Might actually be good.
    Going to be some wailing and gnashing of teeth about putting the final prog reward over to placement, but whatever
    I'm just curious as to what placement you have to get for the CP.

    Brigby any info on this would be appreciated.
    The CP that was originally the final progression reward will be allocated to the top 10 placement ranks.

    We found that there were actually more players that reached top 10 compared to 1200 points, so moving it to placement will actually end up awarding it to more people! 
    Uuugh... Top ten, are you kidding? Hell, I had 1300 points last event and finished 48th.

    48th.... No where near top ten.

    Final CP reward needs to be rethought, other than that I'm all in.

    That's got more to do with your slice than anything else. I've landed t10 with scores around 900 many times.
  • Pinko_McFly
    Pinko_McFly Posts: 282 Mover and Shaker
    Sounds like a great change for low level players and SCL 1-5. Leave SCL 6-8 alone. 
  • Thorzhamer
    Thorzhamer Posts: 35 Just Dropped In
    JHawkInc said:
    Brigby said:
    maltyo9 said:
    This... Might actually be good.
    Going to be some wailing and gnashing of teeth about putting the final prog reward over to placement, but whatever
    I'm just curious as to what placement you have to get for the CP.

    Brigby any info on this would be appreciated.
    The CP that was originally the final progression reward will be allocated to the top 10 placement ranks.

    We found that there were actually more players that reached top 10 compared to 1200 points, so moving it to placement will actually end up awarding it to more people! 
    Uuugh... Top ten, are you kidding? Hell, I had 1300 points last event and finished 48th.

    48th.... No where near top ten.

    Final CP reward needs to be rethought, other than that I'm all in.

    That's got more to do with your slice than anything else. I've landed t10 with scores around 900 many times.
    Very true... But it also flies in the face of what is being touted as normal.... For the record I've been playing in slice 4 lately.. mainly for the points... If this system is instituted I will rethink that for sure.

  • Pinko_McFly
    Pinko_McFly Posts: 282 Mover and Shaker

    Very true... But it also flies in the face of what is being touted as normal.... For the record I've been playing in slice 4 lately.. mainly for the points... If this system is instituted I will rethink that for sure.

    Slice 2 is going to get a lot more busy
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,050 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2017
    I think it will change the way the community approaches the earlier part of the climb to shield.  Will see a lot more people starting out events with weaker teams and coordinating point dumps before making the push for progression.  

    The people who really don't like outside coordination through Line are going to hate this.  

    Otherwise should be a bit more grindy but doable.  Definitely not very friendly for those with MMR in the very high range since those 5* fights are healthpack killers or transitioning teams available for low points though. I know I'll triple any seal I come across when I know I have to hit 40 total fights especially early for just a few points where I would have probably skipped them with the old system.  Should be interesting if nothing else.  
  • talleman
    talleman Posts: 445 Mover and Shaker
    edited July 2017
    Sounds very nice. Hope this will work  :)