The Hunt for the Falcon - April 18 - 27



  • SolidQ
    SolidQ Posts: 247 Tile Toppler
    ungassis wrote:
    I cant believe this only takes 5-6 minutes. I stopped using spidey stunlock long time back. I average 7-10 mins clearing lvl 230s. And yours is lvl400 icon_eek.gif
    With patch it take faster match, w\o patch ofc this is longer, and i have PvE patch 5\5\3 which dmgdealer icon_e_smile.gif
  • entropic01 wrote:
    SolidQ wrote:
    Daken 395 lvl strike tile -
    Ares 394 lvl Sunder -
    Ares Rampage -
    Ares Onslaught -

    That is funny icon_cool.gif

    Personally, I'm not so impressed by your ability to drive scaling to max. In fact, I'd prefer you to stop because I like my PVE matches not taking 10 minutes per.

    what's funnier though, almost 1k damage per green or 24k health. . .
  • yikes o-o already have a deadly node in alaska with level 70s and i have no level 70s at all and classic storm and torch gets buffed to early 60s but my highest non buffed character is only IM 35 at level 41. Man this wrecks. On the bright side however the other levels are still the same, late 30s. For now....

    Man I really need to work on the prologue...
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    If you're going up against a high level team, and you don't mind your own team getting hurt, the strongest team is:

    Buffed cStorm, Buffed Magneto MN, The Hood.

    Hood slows the enemy team down. Try to get Purple, Red, Blue, Yellow, or Green. Use Blue for cStorm only. Use the rest to gain more AP than you're spending. If you collect black, save it to protect Mag's Red attack.

    They do get hurt before AP magic happens. Once any color slot gets filled, they are pretty much unstoppable against any team.
  • daveomite
    daveomite Posts: 1,331 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pamizard wrote:
    yikes o- o already have a deadly node in alaska with level 70s and i have no level 70s at all and classic storm and torch gets buffed to early 60s but my highest non buffed character is only IM 35 at level 41. Man this wrecks. On the bright side however the other levels are still the same, late 30s. For now....

    Man I really need to work on the prologue...

    Good luck, and enjoy the levels you have now. I'm on day 59 right now, and running into average of 150+ to 250+ nodes. I'm lucky if I can find more than 1 or two nodes with anything less than 90 level bad guys right now.

    considering some people are already running into even higher, 300+, it gets a bit insane.

    Devs...just my two cents:

    For those like me, a daily player generally putting in several hours a day, meaning usually placing decent and being competitive, it seems pretty obvious that scaling will continue to rise and rise.

    Given that...IMHO, you are really are going to wind up pushing some people to cheat in order to deal and try to compensate for the massive scalping issues. I know your goal may be for people to spend money instead, but I've already invested at least 200+ in the last 35 days or so. Yet, I'm still getting my **** handed to me in some levels.

    Challenge is great. Screwing with a nuclear bomb, not so smart. Believe me when I say that I will not go off and invest even more if I start seeing nothing but 250+ nodes, that would be stupid. Instead, I'll stop playing and give up trying to place well at all long before I do that, even though it goes against my want to play more.

    even with having an HT with 5/0/5 at 113 normal level, there's only so much that helps when facing a level 200 or greater daken. And yes, I PAID to get all of those HT covers. Yes, I have spidey, but never get any covers so I had also paid to max his blue, so even with him being 1/0/5 at 66, he only helps so much.

    It's obvious that D3 wants you to spend money. If you spend some, then you need to spend more. It's never enough. No matter what you try, keeping scaling in your favor is not fool proof.

    I think this is a great game. I love it. I love Marvel. But trying to bully people into spending even more money just makes me realize how much I regret spending money to begin with. I play games for fun, because I like to compete, because I enjoy the conversations with others that play. But there are times than the frustration of trying to win a high level node has gotten beyond reasonable and because, in all likelyhood, the token I get would only result in a one star character that is already maxed. Meaning, no real point to killing my entire team over and over again just to win a one star black widow.

    I'll still play, and will try to place well. Have approx 50k in my bracket. But, I'm not going to kill myself to play, nor dump more money in to try to compensate for something D3 is apparently thinking is the best idea in the world.

    have fun with your riches that you've made off of people like me. I'm sure there are those that have spent even more than me. You've already bled out most of the fun for me.
  • I wish they'd diversify the opponent roster for these Hunt events. Gets boring facing various iterations of DA/goons.

    Simulator is really the only PVE event that I actually like playing. The rest are just a necessary evil for new covers.

  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    ^ Jeez put it in your signature or something, although they have some size limits.
    daveomite wrote:
    compensate for the massive scalping issues
    The Game of Stones gah
  • locked wrote:
    ^ Jeez put it in your signature or something, although they have some size limits.
    daveomite wrote:
    compensate for the massive scalping issues
    The Game of Stones gah

    I'll work on a reformat. Someone already complained about it so it's in my nature to keep doing it. Can't help myself.
  • daveomite wrote:
    Pamizard wrote:
    yikes o- o already have a deadly node in alaska with level 70s and i have no level 70s at all and classic storm and torch gets buffed to early 60s but my highest non buffed character is only IM 35 at level 41. Man this wrecks. On the bright side however the other levels are still the same, late 30s. For now....

    Man I really need to work on the prologue...

    Good luck, and enjoy the levels you have now. I'm on day 59 right now, and running into average of 150+ to 250+ nodes. I'm lucky if I can find more than 1 or two nodes with anything less than 90 level bad guys right now.

    considering some people are already running into even higher, 300+, it gets a bit insane.

    Devs...just my two cents:

    For those like me, a daily player generally putting in several hours a day, meaning usually placing decent and being competitive, it seems pretty obvious that scaling will continue to rise and rise.

    Given that...IMHO, you are really are going to wind up pushing some people to cheat in order to deal and try to compensate for the massive scalping issues. I know your goal may be for people to spend money instead, but I've already invested at least 200+ in the last 35 days or so. Yet, I'm still getting my **** handed to me in some levels.

    Challenge is great. Screwing with a nuclear bomb, not so smart. Believe me when I say that I will not go off and invest even more if I start seeing nothing but 250+ nodes, that would be stupid. Instead, I'll stop playing and give up trying to place well at all long before I do that, even though it goes against my want to play more.

    even with having an HT with 5/0/5 at 113 normal level, there's only so much that helps when facing a level 200 or greater daken. And yes, I PAID to get all of those HT covers. Yes, I have spidey, but never get any covers so I had also paid to max his blue, so even with him being 1/0/5 at 66, he only helps so much.

    It's obvious that D3 wants you to spend money. If you spend some, then you need to spend more. It's never enough. No matter what you try, keeping scaling in your favor is not fool proof.

    I think this is a great game. I love it. I love Marvel. But trying to bully people into spending even more money just makes me realize how much I regret spending money to begin with. I play games for fun, because I like to compete, because I enjoy the conversations with others that play. But there are times than the frustration of trying to win a high level node has gotten beyond reasonable and because, in all likelyhood, the token I get would only result in a one star character that is already maxed. Meaning, no real point to killing my entire team over and over again just to win a one star black widow.

    I'll still play, and will try to place well. Have approx 50k in my bracket. But, I'm not going to kill myself to play, nor dump more money in to try to compensate for something D3 is apparently thinking is the best idea in the world.

    have fun with your riches that you've made off of people like me. I'm sure there are those that have spent even more than me. You've already bled out most of the fun for me.

    You are not alone.

    I hope you stick to your guns and don't shell out any more $$$
  • When is the end of the next sub?
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    When is the end of the next sub?
    Alaska ends at 18:00 CET tomorrow, then Florida at 6am on Wednesday.
  • Bowgentle wrote:
    When is the end of the next sub?
    Alaska ends at 18:00 CET tomorrow, then Florida at 6am on Wednesday.

    I will have to convert that but that only takes a few seconds on google (I don't know what Central euro time is to PST offhand). Thanks.
  • daveomite
    daveomite Posts: 1,331 Chairperson of the Boards
    locked wrote:
    daveomite wrote:
    compensate for the massive scalping issues
    The Game of Stones gah

    lol...sorry, typed all of that on my phone, obviously meant "scaling" but guess "scalping" could also apply given the massive scaling, lol
  • daveomite
    daveomite Posts: 1,331 Chairperson of the Boards
    MikeHock wrote:
    daveomite wrote:
    Pamizard wrote:
    yikes o- o already have a deadly node in alaska with level 70s and i have no level 70s at all and classic storm and torch gets buffed to early 60s but my highest non buffed character is only IM 35 at level 41. Man this wrecks. On the bright side however the other levels are still the same, late 30s. For now....

    Man I really need to work on the prologue...

    Good luck, and enjoy the levels you have now. I'm on day 59 right now, and running into average of 150+ to 250+ nodes. I'm lucky if I can find more than 1 or two nodes with anything less than 90 level bad guys right now.

    considering some people are already running into even higher, 300+, it gets a bit insane.

    Devs...just my two cents:

    For those like me, a daily player generally putting in several hours a day, meaning usually placing decent and being competitive, it seems pretty obvious that scaling will continue to rise and rise.

    Given that...IMHO, you are really are going to wind up pushing some people to cheat in order to deal and try to compensate for the massive scalping issues. I know your goal may be for people to spend money instead, but I've already invested at least 200+ in the last 35 days or so. Yet, I'm still getting my **** handed to me in some levels.

    Challenge is great. Screwing with a nuclear bomb, not so smart. Believe me when I say that I will not go off and invest even more if I start seeing nothing but 250+ nodes, that would be stupid. Instead, I'll stop playing and give up trying to place well at all long before I do that, even though it goes against my want to play more.

    even with having an HT with 5/0/5 at 113 normal level, there's only so much that helps when facing a level 200 or greater daken. And yes, I PAID to get all of those HT covers. Yes, I have spidey, but never get any covers so I had also paid to max his blue, so even with him being 1/0/5 at 66, he only helps so much.

    It's obvious that D3 wants you to spend money. If you spend some, then you need to spend more. It's never enough. No matter what you try, keeping scaling in your favor is not fool proof.

    I think this is a great game. I love it. I love Marvel. But trying to bully people into spending even more money just makes me realize how much I regret spending money to begin with. I play games for fun, because I like to compete, because I enjoy the conversations with others that play. But there are times than the frustration of trying to win a high level node has gotten beyond reasonable and because, in all likelyhood, the token I get would only result in a one star character that is already maxed. Meaning, no real point to killing my entire team over and over again just to win a one star black widow.

    I'll still play, and will try to place well. Have approx 50k in my bracket. But, I'm not going to kill myself to play, nor dump more money in to try to compensate for something D3 is apparently thinking is the best idea in the world.

    have fun with your riches that you've made off of people like me. I'm sure there are those that have spent even more than me. You've already bled out most of the fun for me.

    You are not alone.

    I hope you stick to your guns and don't shell out any more $$$

    Thanks Mike...appreciate it man.
  • the scAvengers just broke 1kk icon_e_smile.gif ... 089B2B885/

    time to bed. good night.
  • PorkBelly
    PorkBelly Posts: 526 Critical Contributor
    Emeryt wrote:
    the scAvengers just broke 1kk icon_e_smile.gif ... 089B2B885/

    time to bed. good night.

    So you're the one to thank for the ridiculous scaling?
  • Just cracked 60K without too much grinding - if this pace keeps up we'll have a really good shot at the HT prog reward this time.
  • PorkBelly wrote:
    Emeryt wrote:
    the scAvengers just broke 1kk icon_e_smile.gif ... 089B2B885/

    time to bed. good night.

    So you're the one to thank for the ridiculous scaling?
    yeah, that would be me - I don't have viable Spidey and my levels are 100-150. Definitely me.
  • daveomite
    daveomite Posts: 1,331 Chairperson of the Boards
    Emeryt wrote:
    PorkBelly wrote:
    Emeryt wrote:
    the scAvengers just broke 1kk icon_e_smile.gif ... 089B2B885/

    time to bed. good night.

    So you're the one to thank for the ridiculous scaling?
    yeah, that would be me - I don't have viable Spidey and my levels are 100-150. Definitely me.

    great. I have level 180 goon only nodes right now, and lucky if any DA nodes are less than 180 at all. Can only imagine what will happen once i get my first refresh. So does than mean if I deleted my 1/0/5 spidey that my nodes would reduce? I really doubt it would. But would consider it that would actually work.
  • daveomite wrote:

    great. I have level 180 goon only nodes right now, and lucky if any DA nodes are less than 180 at all. Can only imagine what will happen once i get my first refresh. So does than mean if I deleted my 1/0/5 spidey that my nodes would reduce? I really doubt it would. But would consider it that would actually work.

    The scaling goes up quickly if you're winning fights unreasonable successfully, which is almost always tied to the presence of Spiderman. But whatever scaling you already had is going to stick with you.

    Keep in mind they're trying to make nodes, especially the hardest one, not reliably beatable so that there can actually be some separation between the players, so just because some missions seems unbeatable doesn't mean it's broken. A mission like Bullseye 3 is probably not meant to be beatable for the vast majority of players. Now if every mission is unbeatable then we got a problem, but from what I can tell this time around there's a pretty good mix of relatively easy nodes with the hard nodes.