The Hunt for the Falcon - April 18 - 27



  • SolidQ
    SolidQ Posts: 247 Tile Toppler
    seems daken 400 lvl has 200 strike tile icon_lol.gif
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    What, you already have lvl 400 enemies?? What's up with all the crazy grindfest? All for a new character? The 170k Torch? Save your breath, it's a long way to go yet.
    The weaker rosters are already falling out of the race (through grinding of their own).
  • Lol my levels are around 70 - 200 being the hardest. I have played this one quite casually and think I am good for top 20 which is the aim.
  • DrNitroman
    DrNitroman Posts: 966 Critical Contributor
    ohoh, scaling start to produce some very noticeable effects...
    ...My team die more often icon_exclaim.gif
    At least, this will soften my personal scaling but community scaling will keep going.

    Time has come to switch from hardcore to casual mode and play more quietly icon_e_wink.gif
    When winning is detrimental, better to win less icon_neutral.gif (something's not totally logic but what?)
    Anyway, Falcon, I don't forget you but a week left, it's a marathon.
  • SolidQ
    SolidQ Posts: 247 Tile Toppler
    locked wrote:
    What, you already have lvl 400 enemies??
    Not yet, but in savage yesterday i has 369 lvl.

    This is 348 lvl Daken strike tile -
  • I already see your problem with scaling lol that combo is infinite board control and then heal
  • SolidQ
    SolidQ Posts: 247 Tile Toppler
    beemand2g wrote:
    I already see your problem with scaling lol that combo is infinite board control and then heal
    i'm not always use that combo. There we have missions with Thor, HT, Cap. Sometimes i use Thor + OBW + M.Storm icon_rolleyes.gif
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961

    5,3k health and Daken's only around 40%?? Goddammit people! *throws her mug of tea*
  • Die a lot on the essential nodes should reduce your levels donut before you aim on doing a run or two
  • sms4002 wrote:
    morgh wrote:
    Do you have Classic Mags?.

    Hmmm... will have to cough up 1250 HP to get his blue up to 5... seems like a good bargain though if I am going to be able to 1-turn stuff...
    Thank you

    And I guess that him being only level 82 will actually help ^_^

    5 blue in mags is amazing. The infinite chains and cascades really add up! especially with crit boosts. Still waiting to see if he gets nerfed anytime soon...
    It's funny because I hear a lot about Mags' red, but his blue and purple are my bed-and-butter. Usually, I have someone else who does more red damage for relatively low amounts -- Human Torch (who is awesome at high levels), Psylocke, Punisher, or Lazy Thor -- that I prefer the 5/3/5 build. Spamming red only is very useful if you have a lot of strike tiles out, but using someone like Patch in a PVE against 200+ foes is suicidal.
    Simple reason - when facing CMags, AI can't use blue properly and it is purple that's so devastating. thus all the complaining.

    As for nerfing - I don't expect it to happen in the next 2month, taking into consideration how much time we wait for it already AND that in the PAX they mentioned that Spidey is their main focus when funbalance is considered.
  • I find it rather funny that I have similar / less of a problem clearing those lvl 150-190 nodes than I had with lvl 90-100 in Venom Heroic. I guess it's the certain combinations of opponents that do the job.
  • El Zoof
    El Zoof Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    Darn it. No Electric Boogaloo Thor and no beer makes El Zoof something something.
  • bloodwars wrote:
    my bullseye 3 is 193.

    has anyone found a way to lower enemy levels? I'm trained my entire roster through daken (gotten everyone killed) 3 times and haven't seen a level drop even once yet. a bit concerned my score is going to dive going forward at this rate (i don't have a crazy spiderman).

    I can lower levels really slowly. About every other "real" defeat gets one of the nodes, not necessary the one your fighting, down a few levels. Just wiping a team of low levels doing little damage does not seem to count as a defeat. There probably both a time spent and damage thresholds to stop you just sacking low levels into 150+ nodes.
  • SolidQ
    SolidQ Posts: 247 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2014
    Daken 395 lvl strike tile -
    Ares 394 lvl Sunder -
    Ares Rampage -
    Ares Onslaught -

    That is funny icon_cool.gif
  • SolidQ wrote:
    Daken 395 lvl strike tile -
    Ares 394 lvl Sunder -
    Ares Rampage -
    Ares Onslaught -

    That is funny icon_cool.gif

    Personally, I'm not so impressed by your ability to drive scaling to max. In fact, I'd prefer you to stop because I like my PVE matches not taking 10 minutes per.
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    SolidQ, you copied & pasted the first link twice.
  • So now the best team combination is MN Mags + Spidercrutch + 26 minutes, right?
  • I've been having a lot of fun with Lazy Cap/C.Storm + The Hood against DA opponents.

    Nice mix of damage options, AP collection and some board control. The AI makes a lot of green matches and The Hood steals it back.
  • SolidQ
    SolidQ Posts: 247 Tile Toppler
    ZeiramMR wrote:
    SolidQ, you copied & pasted the first link twice.
    Ghast wrote:
    So now the best team combination is MN Mags + Spidercrutch + 26 minutes, right?
    combo better for faster match, i'm fight around 5-6 minutes w\o boostes icon_rolleyes.gif
  • SolidQ wrote:
    Ghast wrote:
    So now the best team combination is MN Mags + Spidercrutch + 26 minutes, right?
    combo better for faster match, i'm fight around 5-6 minutes w\o boostes icon_rolleyes.gif

    I cant believe this only takes 5-6 minutes. I stopped using spidey stunlock long time back. I average 7-10 mins clearing lvl 230s. And yours is lvl400 icon_eek.gif