The Hunt for the Falcon - April 18 - 27



  • The last minutes of these subs are intense. All missions were worth less than 100 points. Everyone ended up very close one to another.
  • KaioShinDE
    KaioShinDE Posts: 265 Mover and Shaker
    Phantron wrote:
    I feel pretty comfortable fighting level 250 guys without Spiderman with this roster as long as the opposing enemy team does not have Daken

    Oh great, that means you can do 30% of the nodes... Daken is freakin' everywhere in this event.
  • Copps
    Copps Posts: 333 Mover and Shaker
    Yeah my bulls 3 is up to 226 and a few wipes hasn't changed that. Too bad I was having fun with Thor obw and the hood but they can't take lvl 226 baddies
  • Unknown
    edited April 2014
    WolfmanX25 wrote:
    The last minutes of these subs are intense. All missions were worth less than 100 points. Everyone ended up very close one to another.

    Wolfman ! Good to see you in our main bracket. I think it's between you and me duking it out for top 2 spots. Best of luck to you. Hopefully we can continue to gain ground and stay clear of the rest of the field over the next few days icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • j12601 wrote:
    I'm curious about this - am I hurting myself by healing up with OBW at the end of each match? I'm ending a lot of them with full or almost full health on all characters, but if I don't get the heals off (often multiple times), I'm dead. Lucky cascades/extra turns/skill spam form the AI wiping OBW generally means my whole team is doomed.

    They're not always easy victories either. Just had one where OBW healed the team a total of 5 times before I managed to off the last big ugly. But if the MMR is viewing success as starting HP minus ending HP, instead of just total HP lost...

    I've been healing with OBW and notice no adverse effects. Sometimes I just take the damage if it's less than 1K though to be safe. OBW's heals isn't enough to get you a flawless victory when scaling really starts ramping up anyway.

    That said if you need to heal 5 times in a game you're not really playing the right way. Your fights are going to take longer than they should when you focus on collecting so many blues, and we know the game clearly does put extra weight on scaling for using healing excessively. It's okay to use health packs and if I have enough health pack left I simply take the damage and continue focused on offense. I usually heal once per fight so far.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    icon_e_surprised.gif I only played Savage nodes exactly once and my Bullseye III is already lvl 177 - 178. I wish they'd go back to having the most points on Essential nodes (selfish I know, but this community scaling just sucks).
  • locked wrote:
    :o I only played Savage nodes exactly once and my Bullseye III is already lvl 177 - 178. I wish they'd go back to having the most points on Essential nodes (selfish I know, but this community scaling just sucks).

    The essential nodes are already much lower level than anything with a comparable level so I don't think it's fair for them to have the highest points. They're usually still top 5 in points. Just means guys who can do Bullseye 3 will have a rather significant edge, which they should since that mission is quite hard.
  • SolidQ wrote:
    279 lvl Ares "Sunder" - icon_lol.gif
    wow, this game looks so much prettier on the PC.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    locked wrote:
    :o I only played Savage nodes exactly once and my Bullseye III is already lvl 177 - 178. I wish they'd go back to having the most points on Essential nodes (selfish I know, but this community scaling just sucks).
    Yeah, my Bullseye III is up to 189.
    That'll be a horrible slaughter during the second half of the event - and lots of lost sleep because you need to give yourself more than half an hour for those fights at the end of the sub. Damn.
  • Phantron wrote:
    j12601 wrote:
    I'm curious about this - am I hurting myself by healing up with OBW at the end of each match? I'm ending a lot of them with full or almost full health on all characters, but if I don't get the heals off (often multiple times), I'm dead. Lucky cascades/extra turns/skill spam form the AI wiping OBW generally means my whole team is doomed.

    They're not always easy victories either. Just had one where OBW healed the team a total of 5 times before I managed to off the last big ugly. But if the MMR is viewing success as starting HP minus ending HP, instead of just total HP lost...

    I've been healing with OBW and notice no adverse effects. Sometimes I just take the damage if it's less than 1K though to be safe. OBW's heals isn't enough to get you a flawless victory when scaling really starts ramping up anyway.

    That said if you need to heal 5 times in a game you're not really playing the right way. Your fights are going to take longer than they should when you focus on collecting so many blues, and we know the game clearly does put extra weight on scaling for using healing excessively. It's okay to use health packs and if I have enough health pack left I simply take the damage and continue focused on offense. I usually heal once per fight so far.

    Thanks. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    I'm generally only going out of my way to collect enough blue for one heal at the end, but that particular board was blue heavy, and combined with a handful of wolverine strike tiles, OBW turns out to by my biggest damage output. When I can I've been running 85/85/85 Lazyshield, Wolvie, OBW. Cap's overwrites are great, and his red hits for about as much (or more, I forget) as Wolverine's slash, plus it's one cheaper, overwrites, and is fairly spammable with a red match every few turns once it's running.
  • Mizake wrote:
    WolfmanX25 wrote:
    The last minutes of these subs are intense. All missions were worth less than 100 points. Everyone ended up very close one to another.

    Wolfman ! Good to see you in our main bracket. I think it's between you and me duking it out for top 2 spots. Best of luck to you. Hopefully we can continue to gain ground and stay clear of the rest of the field over the next few days icon_e_biggrin.gif
    Yeah, we had almost a 2000 point lead on number 3 when Florida ended. I just hope I don't oversleep any of the 6am subs. That could screw me over badly.

    Best of luck to you too.
  • j12601 wrote:
    Thanks. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    I'm generally only going out of my way to collect enough blue for one heal at the end, but that particular board was blue heavy, and combined with a handful of wolverine strike tiles, OBW turns out to by my biggest damage output. When I can I've been running 85/85/85 Lazyshield, Wolvie, OBW. Cap's overwrites are great, and his red hits for about as much (or more, I forget) as Wolverine's slash, plus it's one cheaper, overwrites, and is fairly spammable with a red match every few turns once it's running.

    There's nothing wrong with an occasional easy win. I've had turn 1 wins on some of the easier missions just from a lucky starting board. I pretty much never take damage on all goons fight and don't notice any unusual scaling after completing them either. The crazy scaling is from when you win every single fight with 100% of your health. The game definitely notices that, and frankly it's pretty hard to do that with just OBW even if you tried, because her healing just isn't enough in general. I've taken 5K+ damage on one character (Thor) against a mid 100s Daken and you're not going to outheal that unless you got 27 blue sitting around somewhere, and you can't exactly drag a game out against Daken either without stuns.
  • Three assault tokens, three 2* pulls.

    And a green GSBW from the single standard token I had left. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ghast wrote:
    Three assault tokens, three 2* pulls.

    And a green GSBW from the single standard token I had left. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Yeah, I think I'm going to stop going for top 2 from now on if it's inconvenient. The extra chance at the token pull isn't worth the extra 25 minutes of grinding + scaling. It's not like 300-400 points is going to affect main bracket placements anyways.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Red Ares from the Assault, Black Moonstone from the alliance Heroic.
    Yeah, a step up from Bagman, but lots of room for improvement :S
  • Oh, there you are in my main bracket, NorthernPolarity. Looks like we are going to be neck-and-neck with "Christpuncher" for the duration.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    I do kinda wonder what kind of community scaling 2* people are seeing, because most of the top 10 for my main are just starting their 3* transition
  • Bowgentle wrote:
    Red Ares from the Assault, Black Moonstone from the alliance Heroic.
    Yeah, a step up from Bagman, but lots of room for improvement :S

    Ouch. I share your pain. I seem to get nothing but Ares. Though I did get a needed Black Hood from a standard this morning.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ghast wrote:
    Oh, there you are in my main bracket, NorthernPolarity. Looks like we are going to be neck-and-neck with "Christpuncher" for the duration.

    We always seem to see each other in PvE brackets, I think I need to change up my joining strategy a little bit. I'm going to take it easy on this PvE and just go for top 10 in my subs and top 20 overall, so I'm not going to compete for first unless doing that somehow gets me there. I doubt it though since I lost ~3k points in the first alaska by joining too late.
  • morgh
    morgh Posts: 539 Critical Contributor
    edited April 2014
    I *KNOW* that noone still can be sure, but considering that the new Alaska bracket is 48 hours, is it probable that the refreshes are going to be 12 instead of 8 hours?

    Anyway - Depleted a node to 1 and will start the Savage subbracket in 8 hours so this should allow me to check if the node refreshes after those 8 hours...