The Hunt for the Falcon - April 18 - 27



  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sorry Ben, that happened to me a month back with Doom.

    Progression token wasn't helpful, but the Alaska reward gave me my first Blue Steve Rogers! Now to find the other 4 to finish the character. 9_9
  • Any idea about the point values in the Savage Land?
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    My scaling seems to be out of control.

    Last night I really started to struggle agains Ares, Daken, Venom combination and could only just beat them using boosts. I then lost a good 5 or 6 times and went to bed while my characters recovered (using 85 OBW, 80 C.Storm and 80 MN Magneto). Woke up to find the enemies had increased by 10 levels! Oh well I thought may as well give it another crack and see if I can get lucky. No chance, 5 health packs later plus some prologue healing I give up and go do some Avenger Alliance. Log back in a few hours later and see that the levels have increased again and I am now stuck right down the rankings with just 5 hours left of the sub and no hope of being able to raise my rank.

    Community scaling should never ever have been thought of let alone implemented.
  • morgh
    morgh Posts: 539 Critical Contributor
    What levels are you experiencing then?

    My Ares/Daken/Venom got up to 140 and it was still doable (although it did hurt)
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    They were in the 140 region last night, now up to 153.

    I do not have a deep roster like some, after OBW the best character I have is a 110 C.Mags and no Spiderman to fall back on. I really cannot see any logic in community scaling, personal yes, community no.
  • Your levels will go down with a lot of dying
  • Wiped my entire roster - first 2 times inadvertently & then deliberately to see if it helped. But levels still rising, bullseye III now at 187 which is tough unless I use spidey. Guess i'll stick to one clear and hope scaling slows up....
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    I love this game I really do, but when the best tactic avaliable is to lose deliberately and a lot you just know something is seriously broken. I miss the days of those who grind most win or even just plain old rubberbanding. To me it seems as though somebody very high up the D3P hierarchy came up with the idea of scaling and everybody else there has to do their best to make it work no matter how much it was objected to.
  • morgh
    morgh Posts: 539 Critical Contributor
    Community scaling is the worst possible idea in any game - group responsibility is always bad... "hey listen - someone in your building is cooking meth - this is why we are going to put all 15 families living in it into prison - that way it will be fair to everyone"... won't it? ;-P
  • DrNitroman
    DrNitroman Posts: 966 Critical Contributor
    morgh wrote:
    Community scaling is the worst possible idea in any game - group responsibility is always bad...

    Yes, I understand the need for personal scaling to limit grinding but community scaling is just a pervert mechanism that prevent me playing at my own pace...
    <<sshh sshh why aren't you playing now? while you're not playing, others are... raising the difficulty... later it will be harder. why aren't you playing now? sshhh sshh>>*

    * it's the sadistic voice of the community scaling spirit...
    hum, of course... You are all hearing this voice too like me? icon_eek.gif

  • I'm uh... really losing a lot of love for this game. I don't like fighting level 300+ enemies. I'd rather go play x-com now than put up with this grind. Meanwhile the top ranked players in my brackets are people with level 85 rosters. Is that cool? No. It's not. They can blaze through their missions due to buffed characters having a much larger impact on the lower end of the level spectrum, while I drudge through one slap after another. I'm glad Falcon is so squishy (meaning I'll never run him, given he won't do much on defense), so I can almost pass this PvE event up. I'll do a few missions once for the completion ISO, but that's really it. Later guys. I just feel bad for my alliance, but I'm not sure I can be blamed when I'm being punished for being good at the game.
  • well from alaska's event i managed to win the good token only to get a cover i dont want (stupid evil bullseye) what a waste. Dont think i'll rank up in florida ending in an hour and a half to get the next one so i'll probably wind up winning recruit tokens. Probably will be getting nobody good only repeats of 1* i already maxed or those i need to max that i have (venom and juggy) Hopefully not yelena, dont want her.
  • Been working on Alaska, and I'm seriously having a lot of fun today. I'm pretty sure that's because of CStorm and OBW. Really got to have fun with HT's Fireball power since I somehow got it up to 2. And those two along with MN Mags to boost blue tiles is great.
  • I think the entire top 10 of my Florida bracket consisted of forum heavies. My scaling is going to be insane.
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    beemand2g wrote:
    Your levels will go down with a lot of dying

    I lost another 4 battles meaning 12 characters down, left it to watch the F1 and logged in just to see 1 minute of the sub left. Levels had raised by another 4!

    Seriously?! Finished ranked 400 something with absolutely no way to improve my rank for 17 hours of a 36 hour sub event. GG.

    Can somebody please give me a reason other then the yellow Captain America (2*) covers I get from tokens to play this PvE?
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ghast wrote:
    I think the entire top 10 of my Florida bracket consisted of forum heavies. My scaling is going to be insane.

    I finished the last node 1 minute after 12, wonder if it registered. I really should stop grinding so heavily: this scaling is going to get stupid eventually... I wonder how much of it is personal v community though.
  • Bullseye 3 at 213 for me, been in the top 10 and probably closer to #3 in last brackets I think (can't tell exactly for sure because it's super volatile and can't see what happens after it ended except the top 10 message).

    I like the rubberbanding used here. 1000 points could drop you 500 places, but there's actually very little point movement at the end in terms of numbers, so you can just grind everything if you can't make the last 2 hours and give up about 1000 points in the main bracket, which is better than losing 1/3 of the bracket's points in the past. Sure your rank in your sub bracket will still suck, but there should still be an advantage for sticking around late. Also, despite the rather hectic nature at the end, it really does favor grinding since there are so few points in the table it's all about grinding as many low point as possible and save the big ones at the end, but you can't just save your big points at the end without grinding the low point missions because the deficit would be so big that you'd never actually catch up.
  • Linkster79 wrote:
    beemand2g wrote:
    Your levels will go down with a lot of dying

    I lost another 4 battles meaning 12 characters down, left it to watch the F1 and logged in just to see 1 minute of the sub left. Levels had raised by another 4!

    Seriously?! Finished ranked 400 something with absolutely no way to improve my rank for 17 hours of a 36 hour sub event. GG.

    Can somebody please give me a reason other then the yellow Captain America (2*) covers I get from tokens to play this PvE?

    From what I found unless you're doing a lot of flawless Spiderman victories the scaling isn't going to go down, and by that I mean your scaling would skyrocoket from doing that and then it'd actually be possible to have it go down some. In fact the biggest source of level increase is likely the community scaling.

    Community scaling pretty much hits everyone equally hard this time, so there's no one is being singled out. It remains to see what happens when the 'Spiderman required' phase of this event kicks in, though right now I feel pretty comfortable fighting level 250 guys without Spiderman with this roster as long as the opposing enemy team does not have Daken, and I suspect people who use Spiderman will soon see level 400 guys which probably does balance it out since you're talking about such ridiculous damage at that point that even Spiderman isn't guaranteed to work.
  • I'm curious about this - am I hurting myself by healing up with OBW at the end of each match? I'm ending a lot of them with full or almost full health on all characters, but if I don't get the heals off (often multiple times), I'm dead. Lucky cascades/extra turns/skill spam form the AI wiping OBW generally means my whole team is doomed.

    They're not always easy victories either. Just had one where OBW healed the team a total of 5 times before I managed to off the last big ugly. But if the MMR is viewing success as starting HP minus ending HP, instead of just total HP lost...
  • Ghast wrote:
    I think the entire top 10 of my Florida bracket consisted of forum heavies. My scaling is going to be insane.


    Had a good fight with you in that bracket, pretty sure you won that one. I got lazy and sat on what I thought was a good enough cushion for the last 5 minutes. Bad idea. icon_lol.gif

    But yeah, scaling is going to a trainwreck on this second pass through the brackets. By the third pass, I wonder if the nodes will even be completable at all?

    As a "low" PvE MMR person, I saw nodes in Florida scaling to the 120s-130s by the end of the round.

    I already see "Bullseye III" in Savage Land up to 150 and climbing. Yup, definitely going to end quite well for all... icon_rolleyes.gif