Upcoming Feature: Tournament Seasons Discussion



  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sugarman wrote:
    Wait what? Your final score in each tournament will count towards your overall progression score. Say you get up to 900 and lose 400 points down to 500 points, and thats where you end the tournament. You would only get 500 points (not 900) that counts towards your progression score, so you always just want to maximize your final tournament score for both placement and progression awards. I don't see how this would change MMR or tanking at all, since to do well in this season, you just need to do well in the individual tournaments, and the strategy for that remains the same.

    I can't find a way too assume that much without further data.

    From IceIX earlier in the thread,
    IceIX wrote:
    One small clarification: Suppose I had 900 points and lost 500 points so that I ended up with 400 points at the end of the tournament. Would that tournament then give me 400 points towards my progression awards or 900? This seems like an interesting way to make all tournaments relevant to the player. I guess SHIELD is going to have to go for 1100 every single tournament from now on...
    Your points are the final points, not highest rating.
  • I was speaking as to whether or not they will be implementing a new MMR effect that will take into account season progression/placement that is separate from individual tournaments.. What you stated is already on record and is only taking into account current MMR mechanics.

    That having been said, I still would not assume that it will or won't. I would say that MMR fixing should still be addressed.
  • Bacon Pants
    Bacon Pants Posts: 1,012
    IceIX wrote:
    Teke184 wrote:
    Would this include Lightning Round? Or would this just consist of the normal multi-day tournies like First Avenger?
    No Lightning Rounds. We don't want players to think that they need to stay up for 72 hours each week to stay competitive.

    You don't? Well, I guess Freddy Krueger can finally get me now...
  • i would be alright with this if the alliance reward is only minor and not like how alliance rewards are now
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    You don't? Well, I guess Freddy Krueger can finally get me now...
    Well, it's him or the clowns. Take your pick.
  • Chimaera wrote:
    sms4002 wrote:
    Well none of this is going to matter if it's not bracketed as it would be top 20 every shield member , then the rest of us. icon_e_wink.gif

    Give other players some credit. Shield just hand picked 20 psychos. There are more than 20 psychos available but they are not all in another rival alliance. That's the problem, there are one of the (maybe only) alliance who picked based on tourney performance. If it was top X players for the month I would guarantee the top 20 would not be all shield, but over half would be easily.

    You know I have noticed this. I personally have never fully skipped a vs tournament or fully tanked one but I know now that I'm in the minority. I would always at least get to 500 (for the old HP reward) and now that I have a good enough roster, I always try for number 1 or that 1100 reward. But as you said, I notice in even the top alliances there are guys who don't even enter a tourney or just get 1-400 points. It really is just a matter of getting enough psychos together in the same alliance to win icon_lol.gif
  • DD-The-Mighty
    DD-The-Mighty Posts: 350 Mover and Shaker
    Chimaera wrote:
    Just a little personally agitated with the changes. It is hard to strive for competition and community when the rewards are top heavy and exclusive to one alliance, or large alliances in general.

    I'm guessing that the devs were thinking on the macro level: when you have 2.5k alliances in the game, adding separate reward tiers for 1, 2-5, 5-10, 10-20, etc seems miniscule in the grand scheme of things. However, it's obvious that most, if not all of the people that are in a top 20 alliance are on this forum, and so it would be a nice gesture from the devs to the forum community if they further broke down the rewards distribution so that the forumgoers can meaningfully compete with each other.
    Chimaera wrote:
    Even consider 1/3 of the covers locked to the alliance bracket on a non rotating basis, members who cant get a large competitive alliance cannot even obtain those covers.

    Since these covers were taken away from the top 5 placement awards, I would imagine that anyone who was good enough to place top 5 in PvP events would be able to get into a large competitive alliance. I'm sure that there are obviously exceptions to this, but on a large scale I don't see this change meaningfully affect cover acquisition negatively for a majority of the playerbase. Not to mention that this also allows people who weren't strong enough to place in the top 5 a chance at these covers if their alliance can carry them.
    Thats bunk. With the poor rotation of covers, the removal of the 3 covers from both pvp and PVE and the removal of 2/3 of the 2 star covers there is clearly an inability for any one outside of top alliances to get all three covers. where their was at least the opportunity for a non top alliance member to get most to all the covers available. that is insanely difficult if you are in a small alliance and impossible if you are not. That's 100 out of 2000+ alliances and growing? last i checked 900 to 100 is a majority.

    If that's the way it is, fine. its their game, and those benefiting from it love it; but lets not pretend it isn't what it is.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    So... are the rewards for Seasons going to be add-ons to the existing rewards?
    Or will they be taken from the current single-player rewards just like alliance rewards were?

    If the former, then good, if the later, then prepare to shut down the forum for three days after the introduction because of the impending complaint-storm.
  • Katai wrote:

    Is that before or after the alliance kicks all low ranking members to recruit from the top 20? Alliance politics can be cutthroat >_>

    No alliance would ever do that........

    maybe 1

    think you meant 5

    oh yeah your right, my bad

    Well, i know you guys can't be meaning 5DV, coz since day one till now, we only ever lost 2 members. and Beezer knows why where they went, don't you Beezer? icon_e_wink.gif
  • Lycra wrote:
    Well, i know you guys can't be meaning 5DV, coz since day one till now, we only ever lost 2 members. and Beezer knows why where they went, don't you Beezer? icon_e_wink.gif

    Honestly no, I'm smart enough to figure out from your post that two people must have left 5DV for S.H.I.E.L.D but who they are and why they left is beyond me. I had far too much trouble keeping track of what alliance I was in when the great alliance expansion of 2014 was going on.

    But I appreciate that you think I'm in the loop icon_mrgreen.gif

    I'm really not sure how you all keep track of what alliances so and so is in and how long they've been there and what other one they were in. If I see a sig with a banner I've never seen before I just naturally assume it's a Django member... so I pretty much think everyone is in Django. Which is fine since most everyone hangs out in their alliance thread anyway.
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bowgentle wrote:
    So... are the rewards for Seasons going to be add-ons to the existing rewards?
    Or will they be taken from the current single-player rewards just like alliance rewards were?

    If the former, then good, if the later, then prepare to shut down the forum for three days after the introduction because of the impending complaint-storm.

    I speculated on this in my complaint about the changes to LR rewards (in this week's LR thread).
    It could very well be likely that rewards from LR's have been "toned down" and we'll see "new" 3* tokens or better cover selection appearing as season rewards.
  • Lycra wrote:
    Well, i know you guys can't be meaning 5DV, coz since day one till now, we only ever lost 2 members. and Beezer knows why where they went, don't you Beezer? icon_e_wink.gif

    Honestly no, I'm smart enough to figure out from your post that two people must have left 5DV for S.H.I.E.L.D but who they are and why they left is beyond me. I had far too much trouble keeping track of what alliance I was in when the great alliance expansion of 2014 was going on.

    But I appreciate that you think I'm in the loop icon_mrgreen.gif

    I'm really not sure how you all keep track of what alliances so and so is in and how long they've been there and what other one they were in. If I see a sig with a banner I've never seen before I just naturally assume it's a Django member... so I pretty much think everyone is in Django. Which is fine since most everyone hangs out in their alliance thread anyway.

    Haha. I always thought of S.H.I.E.L.D as some intricate well-oiled machine (likely swiss made). I'm beginning to think you guys are just 20 separate psycho's who somehow got themselves into the same alliance. I mean, come on, even your banner's not the same as the others. icon_eek.gif

    But if your post was just meant to get me to think that way, well played...
  • Lycra wrote:
    But if your post was just meant to get me to think that way, well played...

    I would definitely do that, but not this time. Just before in game chat was released there was a tourney where the majority of us were bunched together in about 4 brackets. All the posts on the forum about a bunch of different brackets of death were fun to read.
  • So should we expect this update Monday or Tuesday?
  • Lycra wrote:
    Lycra wrote:
    Well, i know you guys can't be meaning 5DV, coz since day one till now, we only ever lost 2 members. and Beezer knows why where they went, don't you Beezer? icon_e_wink.gif

    Honestly no, I'm smart enough to figure out from your post that two people must have left 5DV for S.H.I.E.L.D but who they are and why they left is beyond me. I had far too much trouble keeping track of what alliance I was in when the great alliance expansion of 2014 was going on.

    But I appreciate that you think I'm in the loop icon_mrgreen.gif

    I'm really not sure how you all keep track of what alliances so and so is in and how long they've been there and what other one they were in. If I see a sig with a banner I've never seen before I just naturally assume it's a Django member... so I pretty much think everyone is in Django. Which is fine since most everyone hangs out in their alliance thread anyway.

    Haha. I always thought of S.H.I.E.L.D as some intricate well-oiled machine (likely swiss made). I'm beginning to think you guys are just 20 separate psycho's who somehow got themselves into the same alliance. I mean, come on, even your banner's not the same as the others. icon_eek.gif

    But if your post was just meant to get me to think that way, well played...

    I think they all just have sleep apnea. They all refill thier lunesta prescriptions they never take whenever they expire at the same Pharmacy is all.

    Personally I think that there shouldn't be a placement reward for this season stuff..at least not for alliances. Make the alliance stuff progress only and the personal scores can be both. The rewards being a few heroics some hp and iso sounds about right though. That Said, it worries me. Why? Because every time they have added something New it has come with taking something else away. Hopefully that's not the case here...but every time I have been worried about something in a new update its basically cone true so far...so...lol. roll with the punches I guess.

    I assume one reason for this is to try and keep players hooked on coming back even after a bad tournement or two as well as to get ppl to play more and feel pressured into dropping money to compete (not neuro science..but yea..). If implemented well, it could be a nice addition. I will stay hopefully, but honestly its kinda...whatevaehatevawhateva.
  • morgh
    morgh Posts: 539 Critical Contributor
    Such a "great" feature!
    It's not like all the rewards are going to shield/5dv and other alliances full of crazy, coordinated, playing round the clock people...

  • Unknown
    edited April 2014
    I find it interesting that all these people are just saying "yeah, more rewards for Shield and other high placing alliances." It's not that hard to set up or get in a good alliance. If you get 600 points a tourney, I guarentee you can find some 20 member alliance that will take you, and assuming all the members are semi-active, you will place well in the top 100 alliances. on the same note, if you are part of an alliance that has good members, but is small, pony up the HP, and make a requirement that you need to pay for your slot, and have 600 points in an event to join. So many people are desperate for alliance covers, you won't have a hard time recruiting. It might take a week or two to fill up, but I can't imagine that it is as bad as a lot of people make it out. I know DT alliance has an average in the 10-15k range, depending on who is playing the tourneys.( we always have at least3-4 people that get 110 points or less, but lots of people step up in those cases.)

    As to shield just being given more rewards, are they supposed to be handicapped because they are "psychos". Every game has that, they are called addicts. Do you want to be the person that takes the crack out of poor joziers mouth? Do you want to see walkyourpath turn into a run up your tinykitty on his dependancy withdrawal crazed rampage? If they care this much about MPQ let them have their fix.

    That being said, they should definitely spread top rewards around more instead of 1 super 1st pot, and 2-50 that is myeh but still good. maybe a 1-10, or at least a 1st that is a little more tame.
  • Are alliance points "banked" after each tournament, or is this like a month long PVE where if someone leaves on the last day, you lose their 30K PVP points or whatever it might be?
  • jozier wrote:
    Are alliance points "banked" after each tournament, or is this like a month long PVE where if someone leaves on the last day, you lose their 30K PVP points or whatever it might be?

    I'm taking a wild guess that the points will travel with the player involved, which means end-of-the-month poaching could be a problem.
  • As long as they don't nerf any current rewards, im ok with this.