New Feature: Bonus Heroes! *Updated (3/1/17)



  • tgibbs40
    tgibbs40 Posts: 113 Tile Toppler
    Tony Foot wrote:
    Love the feature, absolutely hate that all the characters aren't in there. Put them all back in and let us choose a bonus. Yes RNG can be a pain but it's also been nice bringing along all my 4*s to get to the point where they can complete Crash. Ice is one of my least covered 4* now I have to set him and him alone as my bonus 4* as he's just too top tier to miss out on.

    Put them all back in and let us disregard those we don't want because half your new ones I neither want or will ever put ISO into past DDQ level to pass.

    I would have to agree with the part I put in bold. Alas, that is not the choice we were given so its pretty obvious they want to push certain characters on us. Some of these new characters I have no interest in.

    Coulson, RiRi Williams, Mordo, Medusa...I could go on.

    I also realize some of them are very powerful. That doesn't matter to me. Give me terribly designed 3* Spider Man over them any day. At least its Spider Man, a character I've enjoyed for years. Not some "promo" character forced on me.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    Definitely didn't see this coming.

    This looks like a decent aid for 3/4* characters, but I don't think this helps getting 5s much. I'd have liked to see a 10% bonus rather than 5%.

    Good on the devs though for trying something though. Hopefully we'll see improvements on the system as data comes in.

    Having 1/2 the 3* removed from tokens seems like an unnecessary addition, however.
    I just pulled some classic and pulled. Bruce banner who I listed as a favorite. Actually I pulled a bunch of 4* favorites as well so it will defiantly help with 5*
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2017
    herm1978 wrote:
    This would be good if we could chose color when we get the bonus cover.

    I doubt that I'll select any 4* that I already have maxed two of the colors. That is just begging to get the wrong ones when I get the bonus cover.

    Again, this is no worse than the previous system. However it does feel weird that the new system doesn't really address this, aside from a (somewhat) higher cover acquisition rate. Perhaps they're still working on that feature separately from this one.
    tgibbs40 wrote:
    I also realize some of them are very powerful. That doesn't matter to me. Give me terribly designed 3* Spider Man over them any day. At least its Spider Man, a character I've enjoyed for years. Not some "promo" character forced on me.

    I have good news for you. Make spider-man your only favorite 3* and you'll get him considerably more often than you did before today. icon_e_smile.gif
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 975 Critical Contributor
    edited March 2017
    What about those of us that don't have any well covered 4*'s? It's pure tinykitty that I am going to get punished for not being far along in my roster progression. Can't add champ levels to more than half my 3* characters and can't cover most of the 4*'s. So I now have to add every excluded character to my favorites and dilute a 5% change greatly. So stupid. This should be optional. Huge disservice to those of us that need the stuff being rotated out.

    This will actually help you cover 4*s faster since you'll only be drawing the most recent 12. Hoard for a month or so and you should be able to completely cover at least one 4* from that group before they rotate the next ones in.

    And for the older characters just favorite one character at a time. Will help with wasted covers since you will be getting the bonus for just one character at a time so you can plan your ISO needs a little more carefully.
  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    By and large I'm happy with this, but would argue that some new option needs to exist that allows for RNG pulls of older 4* characters and vaulted 3* characters. My recommendation:

    Make the Latest Legends tokens focus on the 12 new 4* characters (so for 25 CP you have the 85% chance of pulling one of them), and the Classic Legends focus on the the older 4* characters (for 20 CP you can pull any older 4*, but the newest 12 will be excluded from this pack.)

    Similarly, offer two Heroic token stores now: there will still only be one Heroic token, but we can opt to pull it from either of the stores, one which has odds for the 12 newest 4* characters and 20 selected 3* characters, and one that has odds for all the rest and that excludes the newer/selected characters in the other Heroic store.

    To simplify things, Elite tokens could just focus on the 20 selected 3* characters (which, as I noted in a previous post, I hope is a rotating list.)
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jaedenkaal wrote:
    smkspy wrote:
    Add to that, by favoring characters like starlord or X23 that both sit at 5-1-5, I'm just wasting a chance to add covers to much lower characters that I have 4 or less covers in their powers.

    In fairness, that's neither better or worse than the previous system. Actually it's probably a little better because you can decide to never see a star-lord or X-23 cover. If you do want to see them, you can (if you want) see them with higher odds than you could yesterday. The chance of getting the colour you want is still only 1/3.

    True, but give the ultra low chances of these bonus heroes, it's even more of waste imo to invest on them when you know that selecting others will definitely give you a useable cover.

    As it stands, I'm just better off patently waiting for that fateful day that pve progression gives me starlord yellow or X23 red.

    However this is work great for me covering all the recent 4s that just sit idling in my roster for months, like Blade.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jaedenkaal wrote:
    Look on the bright side. You'll never have to see another (randomly-generated) Elektra, Reed, or Brock Venom cover ever again, if you don't want to.
    Sure, that's great, except that I champed two of those three characters to make their covers into valuable rewards again. Total waste now.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    xidragonxi wrote:
    Now, one can argue which is better, but the end goal here sure seems like they're trying to flatten out the availability of the tier to create more interest in the newer heroes. That's not a terrible goal honestly, since a big gripe is how irrelevant new releases are currently.

    There was an easy solution to this: Put the latest 12 (or whatever the number is) 4* characters in LATEST LEGENDS tokens, and the older 20-30 4* characters in CLASSIC LEGENDS tokens.

    Problem solved. Fewer people annoyed. Want the shiny new character? Pony up an extra 5 CP. Want an older one? You got it.

    ^^ 100% THIS ^^!!!

    Expanding on this, now that we know token draws can look at a few more variables, why not have a new token category that will behave based upon which characters you have fully covered? If you have Electra fully covered, you won't draw her, but if you have a 5/4/3 Thing, he's still in the pack for you personally, even though he might not be in there for your mates?

    It would still be the same odds, 15% for a 5*, 85% for 4*. But, these categories would be tailored to your current roster. Would anyone be interested in an "Always usable" token? You could have a separate side of that coin for an "Always a champ level" type draw.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm glad I got the PunMax, Prof X, Red Hulk, Cyclops, and XFW before this cause now it seems like it will be impossible to get anything but new 4*.

    I was so excited for this feature now I'm wondering if I should bother playing at all anymore. icon_rolleyes.gif

    Couldn't have missed the mark by more...

    To be far the Bonus heros thing sounds pretty cool if you didn't mess up the legends so much... I'm so angry right now. icon_redface.gificon_redface.gificon_redface.gif
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    smkspy wrote:
    Jaedenkaal wrote:
    smkspy wrote:
    Add to that, by favoring characters like starlord or X23 that both sit at 5-1-5, I'm just wasting a chance to add covers to much lower characters that I have 4 or less covers in their powers.

    In fairness, that's neither better or worse than the previous system. Actually it's probably a little better because you can decide to never see a star-lord or X-23 cover. If you do want to see them, you can (if you want) see them with higher odds than you could yesterday. The chance of getting the colour you want is still only 1/3.

    True, but give the ultra low chances of these bonus heroes, it's even more of waste imo to invest on them when you know that selecting others will definitely give you a useable cover.

    As it stands, I'm just better off patently waiting for that fateful day that pve progression gives me starlord yellow or X23 red.

    However this is work great for me covering all the recent 4s that just sit idling in my roster for months, like Blade.

    My 5/1/5 War Machine agrees with you completely. I'll probably hope for a cover from PVE progression and just buy the last one. Or I guess I could favorite-push quicksilver to whatever level nets me his blue. 223. Ok that's not completely terrible.

    The impact of this change will definitely take some time to judge.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Borstock wrote:
    DayvBang wrote:
    Borstock wrote:
    Arphaxad wrote:
    How are players supposed to get 4* covers for older champions? Not all of us can finish in the top 10 of slices to get rewards.

    By making those characters your "favorites".
    And then getting very, very lucky.

    You always needed to be very, very lucky to get the exact color cover of the exact character you need.
    And you still do. This comment was about champions, for whom color of a cover reward no longer matters. Absolutely nothing has changed to fix the problem of unusable covers.
  • TheDrStrange
    TheDrStrange Posts: 89 Match Maker
    I had a small horde of tokens. 14 Latest and 340 CP. I opted to use the CP on Classic Legends. I pulled one bonus 4-star (Peggy Carter) and one bonus 5-star (Red OML). The only unfortunate thing is that Red OML is the only cover I have maxed on my 5s. So, I got a useless extra cover. Otherwise, I pulled a whole bunch of 4-star covers I could use which is great. If only the OML was a color I needed, it would have been perfect. Still, a nice boost to get extra stuff, and I guess it was my choice to pick a 5-star I could get a useless cover on. Maybe I'll have better luck next time.
  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    IDK if this was asked earlier but do we get bonus tokens from post event pulls?
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    DayvBang wrote:
    Jaedenkaal wrote:
    Look on the bright side. You'll never have to see another (randomly-generated) Elektra, Reed, or Brock Venom cover ever again, if you don't want to.
    Sure, that's great, except that I champed two of those three characters to make their covers into valuable rewards again. Total waste now.

    Yeah I don't have much to offer you there. I'm guessing they'll still be in vaults, and progression/placement rewards. Well it's not a total waste. There are no rewards unique to any of them that you can't get anywhere else. If you're close to a good one, you could make the push to get to that champion level and then move to someone else. That's what I'll be doing first, getting everyone to 271 for the token.
    IDK if this was asked earlier but do we get bonus tokens from post event pulls?
    No bonus tokens from vaults. Oh, you mean from archived vaults? That's a good question. I'd guess no.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    mpqr7 wrote:
    Very cool feature! I'm excited to get additional chances at winning more covers. Thank you!!!

    My OML is 5/1/5. If I select OML as my favorite, am I guaranteed to win an OML yellow (if I win)? Or I could also win an OML black or red (which won't be helpful for me)?

    And I only win a 5* if the draw is for a 5*?

    (5*s are all I really care about currently).

    Nope, you aren't guaranteed a yellow. If you hit the bonus, you still have a 2 out of 3 chance the bonus will be wasted.

    Correct, you only can get the 5* bonus if the initial draw was a 5*.
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,751 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2017
    The champ system alone is reason enough why all the characters should still be in tokens. How do you close the gap on older players that have topped a 4* Starlord out if the only way to get the token is through bonus heroes. Or the only 3*s that will move that are not in tokens are the ones you are flipping 2* as rewards. So you lose variety and all your toons coming up together.

    People have been champing for rewards, how many times did we read champ all your 3*s for the rewards. Well not any more.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not speaking as a moderator:

    I seriously can't believe we're not only going back to vaulted covers, but more heavily vaulted than ever before. Over two-thirds of 4* removed from most tokens. Almost my entire set of 4* champs cut off of further levels except for the one I decide to focus on.

    This is a total "snatching defeat from the jaws of victory" moment. They've given us what looks like a nice (but highly unreliable) way to occasionally get more covers for selected characters, but gutted the 4* and 3* reward pools in the process.

    Why is character vaulting in any way necessary to introduce bonus heroes? Why is it necessary at all?

    All this does is spoil the reception for bonus heroes by roping it to an utterly terrible decision.
  • whycantwesyncpc
    whycantwesyncpc Posts: 188 Tile Toppler
    I'm not pulling any tokens as I'm hoping they come to their senses on this one. Not feeling too motivated to play at all right now.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm not pulling any tokens as I'm hoping they come to their senses on this one. Not feeling too motivated to play at all right now.

    Exactly this. I had a rough day and was stressing out that I didn't get 5th and 6th clears. Now I'm wondering why I bother to turn the game on at all. I feel like I've been punched it the gut. You want a cool reward system? Sure, only if we take away all the positive roster development you spent a year on. **** you guys! Seriously **** right off!
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,751 Chairperson of the Boards
    Are the older ones still going to be in the PVP and PVE rewards? Is that now my only hope to tickle along toons to get them Crash ready?