New Feature: Bonus Heroes! *Updated (3/1/17)



  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    firethorne wrote:
    Lukoil wrote:
    DayvBang wrote:
    Not speaking as a moderator:

    I seriously can't believe we're not only going back to vaulted covers, but more heavily vaulted than ever before. Over two-thirds of 4* removed from most tokens. Almost my entire set of 4* champs cut off of further levels except for the one I decide to focus on.

    This is a total "snatching defeat from the jaws of victory" moment. They've given us what looks like a nice (but highly unreliable) way to occasionally get more covers for selected characters, but gutted the 4* and 3* reward pools in the process.

    Why is character vaulting in any way necessary to introduce bonu.s heroes? Why is it necessary at all?

    All this does is spoil the reception for bonus heroes by roping it to an utterly terrible decision
    well I guess you misiing the point here. You actually can favorite ALL your characters and will have same pool as before. with 5% chance to get 4* cover you need.

    No, Lukoil, that isn't how it works. Each pull only has a 5% chance to get a Bonus Hero. If you mark everyone as a favorite, 95% of the draws you make will still not get any of them. You still are at significantly reduced odds to get the heroes that have been removed from the packs.

    Isn't it a little worse even than that? From Brigby's original post:
    Brigby wrote:
    What is the Chance to Get a Bonus Hero?
    Each single cover pack has a 5% chance to get a Bonus Hero. Each draw from a 10x and 40x cover pack has a 8% chance to get Bonus Hero. Every time you pull a 3-Star from a Standard Pack you will get an additional 3-Star Bonus Hero.

    What Characters Will I Get When I Get a Bonus Hero?
    You can get 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star characters from Bonus Heroes. Whenever you draw a Bonus Hero, you will get one of the characters you chose as your favorite character in that rarity. For example, if you draw a 4-Star character and get a Bonus Hero, you will receive one of your favorite 4-Star characters.

    As I read these two in combination, if I open a single heroic token, and I get a 2*, I have a 0% chance of a bonus hero. The 5% applies only when I get a 3* or 4*.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moon Roach wrote:
    firethorne wrote:
    Lukoil wrote:
    DayvBang wrote:
    Not speaking as a moderator:

    I seriously can't believe we're not only going back to vaulted covers, but more heavily vaulted than ever before. Over two-thirds of 4* removed from most tokens. Almost my entire set of 4* champs cut off of further levels except for the one I decide to focus on.

    This is a total "snatching defeat from the jaws of victory" moment. They've given us what looks like a nice (but highly unreliable) way to occasionally get more covers for selected characters, but gutted the 4* and 3* reward pools in the process.

    Why is character vaulting in any way necessary to introduce bonu.s heroes? Why is it necessary at all?

    All this does is spoil the reception for bonus heroes by roping it to an utterly terrible decision
    well I guess you misiing the point here. You actually can favorite ALL your characters and will have same pool as before. with 5% chance to get 4* cover you need.

    No, Lukoil, that isn't how it works. Each pull only has a 5% chance to get a Bonus Hero. If you mark everyone as a favorite, 95% of the draws you make will still not get any of them. You still are at significantly reduced odds to get the heroes that have been removed from the packs.

    Isn't it a little worse even than that? From Brigby's original post:
    Brigby wrote:
    What is the Chance to Get a Bonus Hero?
    Each single cover pack has a 5% chance to get a Bonus Hero. Each draw from a 10x and 40x cover pack has a 8% chance to get Bonus Hero. Every time you pull a 3-Star from a Standard Pack you will get an additional 3-Star Bonus Hero.

    What Characters Will I Get When I Get a Bonus Hero?
    You can get 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star characters from Bonus Heroes. Whenever you draw a Bonus Hero, you will get one of the characters you chose as your favorite character in that rarity. For example, if you draw a 4-Star character and get a Bonus Hero, you will receive one of your favorite 4-Star characters.

    As I read these two in combination, if I open a single heroic token, and I get a 2*, I have a 0% chance of a bonus hero. The 5% applies only when I get a 3* or 4*.

    True. My example was talking in terms of latest and classic pulls, not heroics, elites, and standards.
  • MidniteRider7462
    MidniteRider7462 Posts: 14
    edited March 2017
    So to put this into perspective:

    5% chance of pulling the bonus character (which is the only way to get a classic older 4 stars (Iceman, X-23, Thing, Ghost Rider, etc.) = (5) out of every (100) players will be LUCKY enough to pull this.

    Otherwise, when you draw a Legendary, you will be given a chance of ONLY the 12 "newer" (including duds like Agent Venom, Blade, Riri Williams, etc.).

    In addition, looking into the future, the newest releases (Mordo, Coulson, etc.) will be added and the oldest (Peggy Carter, Moon Knight, etc.) get vaulted. I am referring to Legendary Tokens because the HEROICS aren an absolute joke to land a 4 star.

    But wait, you could still get classic covers from the vaults, but only if you spend $$$ or blow your HP on chances to get that (1) cover.

    Honestly I cannot see how this enhances or betters the game experience. It seems like another cash grab. Of course, as usual the % goes up by a hair, if you purchase or use your HP on 10 or 40 packs. Gotta love how they throw the term "chance" around, in a way that seems like one has a good opportunity to get that cover. At 5%, that is an absolute joke!!!
  • cpeyton3535
    cpeyton3535 Posts: 256 Mover and Shaker
    Lot of good comments on here of the pros and cons. I'm adopting a wait and see, but really don't like the older 4* and 3* toons going into purgatory. Some have suggested a legendary vault for those and I think that solves the problem. I'm off to post that in the suggestions forum.

    Curious. Following the logic stated, shouldn't Coulson be in the 4* list???? Or did I miss something?

    He won't be in tokens until the start of next season

    Ahhh. Thanks!
  • Nellobee
    Nellobee Posts: 457 Mover and Shaker
    edited March 2017
    So....I now have a 15% chance to get a 5% chance to get a 33% chance of getting the OML yellow I need to make me able to play at the 5* tier?

    That was not worth the losses caused by vaulting 2.0.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    You have a 100% chance to get a bonus (3*) cover when you pull a 3* in a standard token. I believe the odds of that are now listed as 1/7.

    It's still possible that they've weighted the odds in such a way that you DO have a 5% chance to get a bonus cover from heroic token, by baking the 5% chance into the first roll. I haven't pulled enough tokens (any, in fact) to justify this with any data, but it IS possible.
  • tgibbs40
    tgibbs40 Posts: 113 Tile Toppler
    broll wrote:
    obviously newer 4*s are going to be more desirable

    To you maybe! I could care less if I get any of the 12 in the next 3-6 months. I've got at least 1 cover to so I can play them when they are required. But I'd rather focus on building my top tier 4* to champ level so I can actually play competitively. But no, now I'll get saddled with flavors of the month constantly.

    Also a lot of people in my alliance are still in 2* territory struggling to have the 4*s for required. So I guess they're just totally out of luck of ever having those required characters. icon_rolleyes.gif

    Great point here! Would this be as much of an issue if they were giving us new characters we requested? I say no. So if they want us to focus on new characters, give us the ones people want....NOT the ones they give us.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Nellobee wrote:
    So....I now have a 15% chance to get a 5% chance to get a 33% chance of getting the OML yellow I need to make me able to play at the 5* tier?

    You have that chance, yes, in addition to the 15% chance to get a 10% (and dropping) chance to get a 33% chance that you always had in classic tokens. Plus you also have that chance you listed above to get that OML yellow from Latest Legends in addition to whatever you pulled normally.
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is a big problem for the hoarders. I'm hoarding Latest pulls to champ a bunch of 5*s at once. I was hoping for a bunch of 4* champ rewards to help me out. But instead I'm going to be flooded with a bunch of newer 4* covers that I don't have champed yet. So I have to save enough ISO to champ all of these guys too? Not cool, D3.
  • whycantwesyncpc
    whycantwesyncpc Posts: 188 Tile Toppler
    edited March 2017
    Since their a more serious gamer's here than I am, can anyone recommend a good replacement game? I'm not sticking around for the tinykitty. Doesn't have to be a matching game but I do like something slow paced. I like that I am not on a timer with this game (over then the overall event timers) so if I get interrupted while playing I don't hold someone up or lose because I have to stop.
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    People just love to complain. icon_lol.gif

    Before, packs were becoming too diluted so they could never draw the character they wanted. Now, with packs watered down, people complain that they cant get a specific character. How do they win?

    We wont really know how this change will work until a few weeks down the line, but if they have plans to rotate the charcters in packs every few weeks, I think its a great system. Any characters I particularly want covers for who aren't in this rotation (Iceman), I've added to my bonus list. The point to the bonus list is to add characters you really, really want. You'd think most would just add the ones who are best on their roster. Clearly, if you add everyone, you aren't changing your chances much from the previous system. Its about being selective now, so select the best guys that are going to help your roster needs the most right now.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    People just love to complain. icon_lol.gif

    Before, packs were becoming too diluted so they could never draw the character they wanted. Now, with packs watered down, people now complain that they cant get a specific character. How do they win?


    We told them multiple times. Just make a few LT packs with different characters. Hell I'd be fine otherwise they just made classics all but the other 12.
  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    So basically the new thing is the vaulting of older 4*, and they sprinkle the bonus heroes on top to make it look more palatable?

    Let us pick who we want in the tokens and I will happily eat humble pie.

    I hope to god this isnt the new feature they were hyping.
  • whycantwesyncpc
    whycantwesyncpc Posts: 188 Tile Toppler
    broll wrote:
    People just love to complain. icon_lol.gif

    Before, packs were becoming too diluted so they could never draw the character they wanted. Now, with packs watered down, people now complain that they cant get a specific character. How do they win?

    Bite me.

    We told them multiple times. Just make a few LT packs with different characters. Hell I'd be fine otherwise they just made classics all but the other 12.

    That would require them to give a **** about anything other then trying to squeeze as much money as they can out of us. Who cares if the players are happy if enough stick around that we might get a few more pennies?
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Okay, good with bad.
    Good: been trying to get Hulk leveled past Storm for tanking purposes, but she's stalking me through tokens. Now she's out of tokens and I can just select Hulk as a bonus.
    Bad: 1/20 chance IF you get the 1/4 chance of available rares. So, 1 in 80 chance basically. Also, for those heroes who can't be farmed from 2-star rewards and aren't from the 20 available, now they have to be selected as bonus to keep building. Would be nice to select the 20 naturally available, but oh well. They'll still be in vaults, DDQ big enchilada, and featured PVP, so not totally bad.
    For Legendaries, basically same as rares, but hey! Venom will stop stalking me now. I've got you at 13 dude. I don't need more covers until every other priority character is Champed. So, see you never maybe?
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lukoil wrote:
    broll wrote:
    Lukoil wrote:
    sinnerjfl wrote:
    Vaulting a ton of characters and making them unavailable is a lot more important. You've basically killed your champions
    system with this vaulting stuff, way to go!
    But you can make them available just by selecting all of them as favorites

    So instead of RNG they are now an RNG to an RNG to an RNG. I'm thrilled. icon_rolleyes.gif
    If you don't care what you get from token, then RNG is not the problem here. If you care - now you have controlled RNG and can select specific characters and have 5% to pull them off from tokens.

    No you don't. You have a % chance to pull the tier that varies by pack and tier. The you have 5% on that. Then if you have let's say 10 4*s favorited that's a 10% chance on that so like less than a percentage point of controlled RNG. I'm thrilled....
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,754 Chairperson of the Boards
    People just love to complain. icon_lol.gif

    Before, packs were becoming too diluted so they could never draw the character they wanted. Now, with packs watered down, people complain that they cant get a specific character. How do they win?

    By doing what the people who actually play this game for 1+ hours per day suggested time and time again. Splitting the tokens into different packs, not splitting them and throwing away half or more you are trying to put champ levels into!

    It could maybe work if they followed the boosted characters of the week and rotated them every 5 or so days but as it stands it's terrible. There was no need to nerf the 3* draw at all and 4* could easily do it latest and classic tokens or even diluted further.
  • TimGunn
    TimGunn Posts: 257 Mover and Shaker
    So my question is why limit the 4 stars in pack to the latest 12? Why not 15 or 18? 18 would be a year's worth of 4 stars. Maybe consider doing that if everyone is butt hurt about it.

    You can get the older 4 stars from event progression, event placement, the bonus hero, vault packs (including taco) and from 3 star champ levels.

    So for 4 star transitioners, just pick the one key char from 4 star tier and have that be your bonus buddy. When you get her covered, move to the next key older 4 star.

    This is better. I had a 5/1/5 Iceman for a long time. I emptied a taco vault to make him 5/2/5 and then managed to pull the final blue from a classics (it felt like a true miracle). Bet I would have got him earlier if I had the bonus buddy feature.

    For people with a good number of 4 stars champed, pick one of your older champs to be the bonus buddy, and concentrate on champing the new 4 stars
  • Twysta
    Twysta Posts: 1,597 Chairperson of the Boards
    Brigby wrote:
    What Characters are Available?
    Packs that contain 3-Star and 4-Star characters contain a subset of them (packs that contain 1-Star and 2-Stars will continue to include all 1-Stars and 2-Stars). Packs that contain 3-Stars will only include twenty characters. These characters are initially comprised of characters that the Design team has chosen. Packs that contain 4-Stars include the twelve latest released characters. New characters will be added to the packs shortly after they are released (see the section What is the New Character Tag? below for more information). When a new character is added to the packs, the character released the earliest is removed from the pack.

  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    so from reading and looking at info tag in game. the only way to get rulk or any 4* not in last 12 released; is to favorite him or them. they are not in packs from what i see. so in way D3 "vaulted" them.