Oscorp: Heroic Update (1/13/17)



  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Orion wrote:
    The problem with excluding 5*s is that every will just run Peggy/IM40/Iceman or something similar. I liked the fact that Heroics made you use teams you've never used before. I was running Miles/TAHulk/RHulk in the last PvE. Cho and RHulk work well together which I never would have known outside of a Heroic event.

    I wouldn't call that a problem. People can still try other teams because they aren't restricted. From my experience the boosted characters force me to try different teams each time. I rarely play the same exact team from week to week.

    In terms of which is a bigger problem:
    - The newest and most likely to abandon the game forever players cannot play at all.
    - Higher end players might not feel as challenged.

    I'd still say the top one is a bigger problem, even if you consider both a problem.

    It would be interesting if they offered heroics as optional. If you choose to play with the restricted roster you get more rewards, if you can't/don't want to you get normal rewards.
  • Mattjimf
    Mattjimf Posts: 139 Tile Toppler
    No one else find it odd that this happens when the bulk of the characters you are facing are boosted?

    Do you think they weren't paying attention at the planning meeting for this week and only realised on Friday?
  • GritsNGravy
    GritsNGravy Posts: 114 Tile Toppler
    I hate this, these were the events where I can actually use my 4*s again and try different things... Back to Jean and OML I guess... Again I REALLY don't like this. What's the point?
  • Stax the Foyer
    Stax the Foyer Posts: 941 Critical Contributor
    broll wrote:
    Orion wrote:
    The problem with excluding 5*s is that every will just run Peggy/IM40/Iceman or something similar. I liked the fact that Heroics made you use teams you've never used before. I was running Miles/TAHulk/RHulk in the last PvE. Cho and RHulk work well together which I never would have known outside of a Heroic event.

    I wouldn't call that a problem. People can still try other teams because they aren't restricted.

    Not by the character select screen, but maybe by scaling.

    The lower scaling ceiling allows you to try out teams that would be unsuccessful or prohibitively resource-intensive with your ordinary PvE scaling.
  • GritsNGravy
    GritsNGravy Posts: 114 Tile Toppler
    My suggestion to "fix" this for new players, is to allow ALL 1* and 2* in heroic, then build a list of allowed 3* and 4*.

    This will allow the same interesting play (and reduced scaling) chances for veteran players, but not lock out newer players as hard as before.
  • The Herald
    The Herald Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    I had almost nothing for the last Heroic, my character selection had come up lacking.

    It was SO MUCH BETTER than another boring retread.

    Please don't turn Heroics into another boring retread. Most of the game is already boring retreads :'(

    Can you test MORE variety next?
  • Matt Murdock
    Matt Murdock Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    I can totally see where both sides are on this one. 5* scaling is rough, I get it. And this change takes away one of the only chances they have to play with the large roster that they have fought to get over the years. I am a 4* player and stuff like this is what makes me hesitant to level my 5*s. And yes, early on I used to struggle with heroics, and it made it tougher for me to compete in those events. So newer players might appreciate this. But let me address both sides.

    For 5* rosters. This is technically a separate issue. I agree with those who said that putting heroics back to the way they were simply to give 5* rosters that outlet is only treating the symptom of the problem. It would be nice if 5* scaling could be fixed so that one day I would actually be motivated to level up my 5*s. Using the same characters over and over again because the scaling is so high that nothing else would survive does not sound appealing. If I wanted that I could have just stopped at stormneto.

    For newer players. Yes, it can be excessively difficult for someone with a limited roster. Maybe they don't have a lot of the characters and the ones they do are poorly covered or poorly leveled. I know I've been there. But what is wrong with that? Do you expect to be able to win at everything right out of the gate? PvP rewards roster strength. Heroics reward roster depth. Why should we dumb down the game for your sake? I had to slog through quite a few. But I don't wish they would change it just for that. It gives you something to strive for, a reason to work on those characters that you might not be inclined to otherwise. Then when your roster does have depth, you are rewarded by being able to compete better and are challenged with coming up with new teams. I've found many awesome synergies between characters in heroics that I never would have found if I could have just kept using my default teams.

    Look, we shouldn't keep heroics the same just to help out 5* players. 5* scaling should be addressed. We also shouldn't change them to make it easier on new players. They can fight their way through it and work their way up to a deep roster so they can be rewarded for it just like the rest of us. So the real question here is not about tailoring these events to either end of the spectrum. It's about keeping a game mode that rewards depth and encourages experimentation and diversity. What could be wrong with that??

    For the record - I am a big fan of the wildcard idea. Have a restricted roster, and let everyone choose one or two characters to help fill in the gaps. That way we are still restricted to certain characters, but get to make a decision to help with team building at the beginning of the event. Once you've made your choice, your selection would be locked in for the rest of the event. Throws a bone to the noobies, adds a cool dimension to an interesting game mode, and helps with the 5* scaling. Don't remove features, add new ones.
  • iron-n-wine
    iron-n-wine Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    I'm a 3* roster, and as a couple of other people have already mentioned, I enjoy the 'puzzle' aspect of having a limited roster for the Heriocs and finding a combination that can work, usually hanging on who the reinforcement will be (KK? yay! 3* Hulk ... not so much)
  • Kaazz
    Kaazz Posts: 229 Tile Toppler
    Wow, I guess I'm in the minority here, but I'm glad to see this new change! I hated the restrictions in Heroic events, because it was counter-intuitive: you spend time and money building a diverse roster that can handle lots of different enemies, and then you CAN'T USE THEM!! It's like trying to fight with one hand tied behind your back! Hated it!!

    Granted, they can't really call it a 'heroic' event any more, but I, for one, am happy to be able to use my entire roster!

    BTW, my roster is: no 5*, no maxed 4*, no fully champed 3*

    Tl;dr I LIKE THE CHANGE! icon_e_smile.gif
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    Kaazz wrote:
    you spend time and money building a diverse roster that can handle lots of different enemies, and then you CAN'T USE THEM!!

    Every now and then. For a few days.

    It's a different mode, a different way of playing. It forces you to use characters you probably never would and figure out interesting ways to deal with the opponents you have to face. It makes it...*gasp*...a puzzle game.

    I haven't started the event yet as I'm in MR&G slice 5, but I already know I don't want them to make it just another PVE going forward.
  • keitterman
    keitterman Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    You wanted feedback... so...

    Well, I don't really see why it's called heroic if you've taken away the restriction.

    Going through it, it's just a PvE event. Pretty standard. I'm not sure what you guys expected from this change.

    My suggestion? do something so that people don't have to clear 4-6 pins from an event to compete. Then you could run parallel events all the time. A heroic event and an Unlimited event. Heroic for people with a huge champ collection, maybe make it thematic? Then also, an unlimited event for people with limited champs.

    if you did this, you REALLY need to make it so I don't have to clear so many pins. a minimum of 9*(4 to 6) = between 36 to 54 boards to clear each day each event? People will get burned out... more burned out.
  • Tee
    Tee Posts: 231 Tile Toppler
    I like the change just because I hate some of the dumb restrictions on the characters. Feels like they're picked out of a hat.

    But I still dislike Heroics. They didn't feel any different with the character limits and they still don't.
  • Maceo511
    Maceo511 Posts: 67 Match Maker
    Kaazz wrote:
    Wow, I guess I'm in the minority here, but I'm glad to see this new change! I hated the restrictions in Heroic events, because it was counter-intuitive: you spend time and money building a diverse roster that can handle lots of different enemies, and then you CAN'T USE THEM!! It's like trying to fight with one hand tied behind your back! Hated it!!

    Granted, they can't really call it a 'heroic' event any more, but I, for one, am happy to be able to use my entire roster!

    BTW, my roster is: no 5*, no maxed 4*, no fully champed 3*

    Tl;dr I LIKE THE CHANGE! icon_e_smile.gif

    This is the problem for 5*. When scaling is talked about, it's not necessarily that it is harder, obviously it is, but that you are just bottle necked into a handful of characters to use. The old style, that locked out 5*, thus reduced scaling, allowed for use of all the available characters for that Heroic event and made for a more interesting event for 5* players.
  • xcience
    xcience Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    this is an unnecessary change. heroics are typically run in the off season. they offer a break from the monotony.

    I personally love the limited roster that comes with heroics. It forces you to think outside the box of what your normally use to do and come up with fun team combination. Every pve outside of heroics looks like me loading up 2 five stars and bullying each node into the ground. The simple fact is due to scaling anyone with a fully covered five star is forced to use them. Even if we wanted to use multiple four star combinations it would be an un-fun slog through the event.

    please don't keep this very unnecessary change. I think things actually need to move in the opposite direction for the game. there should be pvp options where you cant use your five stars as well. Even if the prizes where of lesser value I would probably play it cause ...... I realy miss three star pvp....... don't make me realy miss non five star pve as well.
  • xcience
    xcience Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    so the biggest grip about heroics is that for new players you cant play because you don't have the characters. I think I have come up with a solution where we all win.

    Put heroics back to the way they were but with one change. Make all the essential character for the essential nodes Free to play, fully covered, and scaled with your roster.

    This would not only give the five star players the outlet they need but give new players something to look forward too because they would get to test run some characters. It would only be for one event per season and it would give new players a taster of whats to come to keep them coming back.

    your welcome
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    So I went from doing Rocket and Groot end grind with OML Bolt Strange into initial grind of the Heroic with... OML Bolt Strange.

    Turning this into a regular PVE with regular 5* scaling turns this into a terrible PVE event with added Dark Avengers.
    Like we don't see enough of them already.

    I enjoyed Heroics because it let me use my 40 4* champs. Now it's more of the same old same old "use your 5s or die a horrible death" events.

    Please revert this change.
  • keitterman
    keitterman Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    Bowgentle wrote:
    So I went from doing Rocket and Groot end grind with OML Bolt Strange into initial grind of the Heroic with... OML Bolt Strange.

    Turning this into a regular PVE with regular 5* scaling turns this into a terrible PVE event with added Dark Avengers.
    Like we don't see enough of them already.

    I enjoyed Heroics because it let me use my 40 4* champs. Now it's more of the same old same old "use your 5s or die a horrible death" events.

    Please revert this change.

    But isn't the real problem that the PvE is really grind-y? Why do we have to race the other 1k players in our bracket to clear the nodes 4+ times first? It's a terrible way to structure PvE content.

    IMO restructure the whole thing with some nodes restricted to a subset, some thematic, and some unlimited. Let the players choose a difficulty and reward points for the highest completed.
    WEBGAS Posts: 474 Mover and Shaker
    After playing the first run I have to make a consideration:
    This is the FIRST heroic event that I didn't feel the need to throw my smartphone against the wall! icon_e_smile.gif

    So dear Devs, fix the outstanding "scaling problem" for the 5* rosters and we all be fine.

    p.s.: if you could get rid of placement in PVE it will be the icing on the cake : Give us progression rewards only. icon_e_wink.gif
  • Skrofa
    Skrofa Posts: 388 Mover and Shaker
    Ok, I'll throw in my two cents as well.
    Day, 380ish, 94 (?) Slot roster, most 3* champed ( i think i am missing vivion and sentry), healthy 2* farm, some well covered 4*. 5* not worth mentioning.

    Used to HATE, LOATHE, DeTEST heroics because of the limitations! Not just that, but because most of the time I couldn't find a team that I was hapy to play with. They just wouldn't click!

    I was sceptical about this new change however... It's like... another same old pve now. So I just use my regular teams. Psylocke is sitting in a corner somehere muttering nonsense alongside Ragnarok, beast and a couple more guys.

    So... I started thinking...
    Do heroics! By all means, limit our rosters! But do so in a way that matters! That makes sense!
    Have the story be team cap need to fight team IM for some reason and our roster is limited based on affiliation.
    We've got enough xmen to warrant them trying to uncover some magneto scheme
    FF can meddle in Doom's plans!

    Something!! Give us something NEW!
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    Kaazz wrote:
    Wow, I guess I'm in the minority here, but I'm glad to see this new change! I hated the restrictions in Heroic events, because it was counter-intuitive: you spend time and money building a diverse roster that can handle lots of different enemies, and then you CAN'T USE THEM!! It's like trying to fight with one hand tied behind your back! Hated it

    That is what regular PVE is for 5star and 4-5 transitioners. We get to use MORE characters during a Heroic.