Oscorp: Heroic Update (1/13/17)



  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    Even simpler option: just lock out 5*s from heroics. Now (almost) everyone's happy.
  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    I actually liked heroics (although when my roster sucked i didn't)
  • crackninja
    crackninja Posts: 444 Mover and Shaker
    Even as a 3* player I enjoyed these... normally I just plow through every event with the same 4 or 5 characters regardless of who is boosted. Heroics forced me to try out something different without feeling "punished" for doing so.
  • mbaren
    mbaren Posts: 220 Tile Toppler
    I'm definitely not in 5* territory - I'm more just starting to settle into 4* - but I can't say I'm a big fan of the change. I don't mind the limits, and I'd prefer they stay. They create a different challenge every time and push me to try new combinations of characters I might otherwise not try.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lots of hate from the 5* crowd, and I understand that completely, but as someone just finishing up 3* land I can say that this means I will actually be able to play effectively in a Heroic for once. I only have a handful of 4*s and they're mostly woefully undercovered, so Heroics were always about putting together completely ineffectual teams to barely scrape by.

    That said, being forced out of my comfort zone was good and led to discovering synergies I never thought of before. There has to be some sort of compromise, right?

    But that's what ends up making heroics so much fun. Once you reach that level where your roster can compete in them no matter the selected characters, it makes all that roster building we all obsess and complain about worth it.
  • adamdivine
    adamdivine Posts: 136 Tile Toppler
    One thing they could do is make heroics lock out 5*'s. It would still distinguish heroics from other pves and still allow top tier rosters a change up from the normal boring pve grind
  • Pope Belligerent
    Pope Belligerent Posts: 94 Match Maker
    smkspy wrote:
    Lots of hate from the 5* crowd, and I understand that completely, but as someone just finishing up 3* land I can say that this means I will actually be able to play effectively in a Heroic for once. I only have a handful of 4*s and they're mostly woefully undercovered, so Heroics were always about putting together completely ineffectual teams to barely scrape by.

    That said, being forced out of my comfort zone was good and led to discovering synergies I never thought of before. There has to be some sort of compromise, right?

    But that's what ends up making heroics so much fun. Once you reach that level where your roster can compete in them no matter the selected characters, it makes all that roster building we all obsess and complain about worth it.

    I get that, but with the frequency of Heroics it gets really, really frustrating for anyone who doesn't have a well-developed 4* roster (which is the vast majority of players). If they had more PvE options so they didn't have to run Heroics so often I would be less inclined to hate them, but as it is they start to feel like punishment. Especially if they're giving out covers I need.
  • jgomes32
    jgomes32 Posts: 381 Mover and Shaker
    I don't like it... If this is meant to help new players a better solution may be to remove restrictions from SCL 1-3 (or 4).
  • hodayathink
    hodayathink Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    I'd rather they fix the actual complaints about scaling at the 5 star level and leave heroics open than keep them closed specifically because of high end rosters. You guys are arguing about a symptom instead of the actual cause.
  • amusingfoo1
    amusingfoo1 Posts: 597 Critical Contributor
    I can't decide if I like this. Heroics that have good character (and especially, good team) options are pretty fun. Ones with terrible options (and there have been many) are awful.

    Plus, heroics are normally a chance to play different characters (I'm basically stuck with just my 5*s and the occasional good, boosted 4* in normal events), and to get away from 5* scaling. For a while, that scaling was a half hour or more difference in both clear and grind. It's less now, but still noticeable.

    But I know I'm in the minority on this. I used to hate heroics, and I'm sure many, many people are still there.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    I dunno. On the one hand, I basically sat out the final sub of the last Heroic because with the roster restrictions I was facing and the nodes I had to do battle with, I was just full of the dontwannacantmakeme.

    And that's 17 CP I left on the table and the possibility of a yellow Professor X if I was only willing to bash my face in enough times.

    So the idea of having my full roster available to me in a Heroic? On the face of it, that's appealing.

    On the other hand, I can also see the argument from the higher-end players who enjoyed having to tackle nodes with teams they otherwise might not now feeling like they'll have to go back to the same 5* teams they always use because of scaling.

    I wonder if there isn't a compromise possible: Let users "draft" their Heroic roster when they start an event. They'd select a certain number of 4*, a certain number of 3*, and a certain number of 2*. One spot at each tier would be reserved for the essential. So, for example, if the Heroic had three 4* spots, three 3* spots and four 2* spots, you'd be able to select three 4*, three 3*, and four 2* separate from the essential characters. A missing essential is a spot lost, unless you recruit the essential during the event.

    That way people can use whoever they want to, but they're still limited. Maybe they end up choosing the pre-selected boosted characters. Maybe they choose others because they've theorycrafted some teams. Whatever. But that would be an interesting compromise, I think.
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,604 Chairperson of the Boards
    What if Heroics just had no 5*s? Like, something partway from where they were, and this test idea.

    Instead of "limited assortment of 1*s-4*s" or "everything is fair game", do something like "no 5*s" or "all 1*s-3*s with a limited assortment of 4*s", so you have a restricted roster, but are still rewarded for having a broad roster.

    Honestly, I don't mind heroics the way they are now, as I've grown into them and each time have had a slightly broader roster to use. But if you take away the restriction, the one thing that makes them kinda unique, it just makes them another **** Dark Avengers & Hammer event. I'd rather have Heroics removed from rotation than have the one thing that makes them semi-interesting removed.
  • Lytes420
    Lytes420 Posts: 63 Match Maker
    adamdivine wrote:
    One thing they could do is make heroics lock out 5*'s. It would still distinguish heroics from other pves and still allow top tier rosters a change up from the normal boring pve grind
    For me this would be the perfect solution.allow newbies the use of their full rosters and for those of us in 4/5 star land a nice break from the high level scaling that 5 stars bring.i have started to enjoy heroics due to a deep 4 star bench so I usually have 2 or 3 well boosted 4 stars among the 5 that are open for the event.as others have said,heroics will now just be another boring event.
  • metallion
    metallion Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    smkspy wrote:
    If this was one year ago I might have been happy, but I love heroics now that I developed my roster. Just a terrible idea. Good job giving in to the "I need my hand held for everything" crowd.

    Not a slight against you, but to me this sums up the mindset of a lot of people. When you are faced with a limitation and devs make a change that helps fix this problem everyone says this is an amazing idea. Once you progressed beyond a point where this limitation is no longer an issue the same idea becomes a terrible one.

    We have old and new players, it's almost impossible to make everyone happy WRT heroics. Keeping heroics as it is helps 5* players but kills off any interest newer rosters have in them, while this change hurts 5* rosters but encourages more participation from newer rosters.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    I realy hope this isn't the "change everyone is going to love" hinted in the Captain Marvel reveal...
  • cletus1985
    cletus1985 Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    As someone who's actually enjoyed the challenge of Heroics this is extremely disheartening. Lets turn the one PvE experience that offers something different into the same grindfest as every other event, with no variation. That being said I also remember how frustrating they were when I was 1st starting out and I think opening up 1* and 2* tier to no restrictions would be a big boost for newcomers that would make it more enjoyable. I thought opening up the restrictions a little and allowing a few more characters was a positive improvement as well, but just doing away with the only thing that made Heroics unique is a downgrade in gameplay.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    metallion wrote:
    smkspy wrote:
    If this was one year ago I might have been happy, but I love heroics now that I developed my roster. Just a terrible idea. Good job giving in to the "I need my hand held for everything" crowd.

    Not a slight against you, but to me this sums up the mindset of a lot of people. When you are faced with a limitation and devs make a change that helps fix this problem everyone says this is an amazing idea. Once you progressed beyond a point where this limitation is no longer an issue the same idea becomes a terrible one.

    We have old and new players, it's almost impossible to make everyone happy WRT heroics. Keeping heroics as it is helps 5* players but kills off any interest newer rosters have in them, while this change hurts 5* rosters but encourages more participation from newer rosters.

    Yeah, and I was a new player too that had to slog through heroics with a **** roster for over a year. Heroics are about the journey in developing and using your roster to the best of its ability. Do you always win? No, but eventually you earn those wins through building your roster. I can't tell how many times a heroic was just brutal because I didn't have the necessary characters or the covers/levels.

    So speaking of mindsets, I also see a mindset of entitlement when it comes to heroics. Some people don't want to earn their rewards, they just want them handed out in easy battles using the same old crutch teams they favor in every pve. I get it, I'm crutched on im40 myself...something which the bug opened my eyes to.

    So yeah, even though I'm pass the limitation now, I can appreciate it for what it was (something that can be overcomed) and have a sense of satisfaction in moving pass it.
  • jjfyahpowah
    jjfyahpowah Posts: 81 Match Maker
    Every event NEEDS restrictions so people can choose from their roster instead of running the same three 5 stars for every node.

    Where do these 'ideas' come from?

    Listen to suggestions, ignore whining.
  • Quick Fire
    Quick Fire Posts: 67 Match Maker
    It's getting bashed so much, I have to comment. I like it. I hate heroics, always have. I've grown into them. Currently developing my 4* roster with a handful of them championed.

    While I do logistically understand the 5* player complaint on this, it doesn't impact me. I don't personally care for the "challenge" of using different teams. It's called a comfort zone for a reason ☺

    It's just a test and I hope everyone's feedback is valuable to them. What will most likely be more valuable will be the in game data. If there are more sub-5* players than 5* players, there will likely be a spike in participation/completion. Anyone know which player group is larger?
  • Merrick
    Merrick Posts: 198 Tile Toppler
    I have always found heroics to be a mixed bag. Sometimes (rarely) characters were allowed that had great synergy. Other times we were forced to use characters that had extreme overlap in colors.

    One of the problems I used to loathe about heroics has been dealt with recently, do to the removal of character restrictions based on the enemy team. It always seemed that Juggernaut would be one of the allowed (& boosted characters) during the Juggernaut Heroic & then locked out of half the nodes.

    Before clearance levels were introduced, I loved heroics as a player, because placement was easier. I know that this was partly due to reduced interest in the player base (unless the rewards were top tier) and partly due to the rosters being limited.

    Personally, I'd rather see more unique events rather than making them all the same. An all villains event or an all heroes event or use any of the in game affiliations.