ScarFighters - Let's rock !



  • Unknown
    danikalil wrote:
    @ Mac -point duly noted. Uni, Jan and I have been trying to find a solution, and we'll do our best to get things back on track as soon as possible. To those who didn't read it in the chat, we did try to contact the bottom scorers - we started sending messages two days before the event was over - but we had no replies. So Fae's right, people must communicate. If they never do, we'll have to replace them.
    I gotta disagree a little bit here, not with your course of action, just a matter of point. Unimatrix contacted me on Facebook and I did reply to him when I could.

    I had been trying to do well in the pve but hadn't played for a day because of finishing the Captain America PvP and connection issues when he messaged me. I did what I could to catch up but I'm not going to be antisocial with my friends for the sake of a diversion and I can't always spend a few hours twice a day all the time. Sorry if it's not enough for you but I'm doing what I can without disturbing my real life, and I while I haven't been a top placer, I don't think I'm consistently bottom of the bucket either.
  • Unknown
    Got up around 5:30 (GMT+2) and accidentally made the way to the top, the end game was surprisingly tame in my bracket. And cheesing with Magneto and Patch makes the scaling tolerable.

    Activity and communication:
    When it comes to activity and general performance level, I think it is a matter that should be discussed occasionally. If we want to see ours as a Top 100 alliance (which I think we all do), that requires commitment and certain performance level from all members. There is no way around it. It also needs communication, lots of it. The communication keeps the alliance healthy by preventing these situations.

    Yes, we all have this thing called life that tends to intervene with the game and I think everyone here understands it. When there are times when the real life kicks in, you cannot put enough effort in the game and have to ride someone else’s coattails to those juicy alliance rewards and in my books this is OK. Occasionally. This is how the alliance works. It evens the burden. It condenses the effort. It shares the rewards. But only as long as there is enough people to carry those who cannot put enough effort to the common cause at given time.

    This is where the communication steps in. If you have real life issues that are more pressing than the game, inform the rest of the alliance and they will surely cut you some slack and can adjust their own playing accordingly (push harder to make up the points or save their time and effort for something else if the cause seems lost). Most of all, they know you have a reason for taking it easier for a while and you value them enough to inform them about it.

    But if one is constantly in the 300-400 range in PVP or haul in less than half of the points in PVE... Let's face it: You simply aren’t performing on the level that Top 100 alliance demands on average. This means that either others have to constantly work harder for those rewards or the rewards are missed altogether. This is when things get hard and everyone has to consider their own performance and whether they should be in Top 100 alliance or not based on that performance.

    And no, I am not pointing fingers here. Just venting my thoughts about alliance and communication in general.


    EDIT: Some grammatical brainfarts fixed.
  • Unknown
    At least as an outsider lookin in, Dante has always been communicative and active on the forums. For example, out of the names mentioned he was the only one I recall commenting on frite leaving. So at least from my perspective, he's doing well on his part.

    Some others I rarely see post here. Their scores may be great, but if they expect communication I think it's only fair if they communicte as well.
  • Unknown
    As another outsider: Honestly, I don't see any reason for Dante to even get mixed up with this and I certainly don't want anyone to think that my message was pointing at him. Like it was said, he's been communicative and active member of alliance and in general pointing fingers and searching for scapegoats won't bring back any lost alliance rewards. My rant was more of a general whine about poor communication.

    The whole debacle draws from longer a period of slow stagnation when it comes to communication. It doesn't help that means of in-game communication are horrible and single forum thread swallows useful information quite quickly (and one future concern is that some of us are techno-luddites aren't in Facebook).
  • Danman2008
    Danman2008 Posts: 32
    Hey team.

    I know I fall into the previously mentioned "plays well, gets decent scores, but doesn't say much" group. I know I need to work on that. I do read everything, but that is not enough. I will try to comment more often. To that end, I would be in favor of using Facebook to supplement our current communication efforts. It would also help spread the rewards around a bit. Everything I get goes to Jan, as she is my only Facebook friend who plays. I would also be open to anything else to improve communication.

    To frite, you are the one that made me feel I joined the right team. I'm not sure I ever told you that. You will be missed. The sigs, the positivity, the attitude, the entry questions... You made the team great.

    So, that's my two cents. Hopefully the start of many more posts icon_e_smile.gif
  • Unknown
    I'll join with you on Facebook Danman. I'm on there with danikalil, unimatix, and ufohlydt. Check your private messages for my Facebook name and send me yours so I know who to accept.
  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    Dantekamar wrote:
    I'll join with you on Facebook Danman. I'm on there with danikalil, unimatix, and ufohlydt. Check your private messages for my Facebook name and send me yours so I know who to accept.

    I can get in on this as well...
  • Unknown
    Anyone else hyped about Deadpool?
  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    Anyone else hyped about Deadpool?

    He hits you with a Narwhal....of COURSE I'm hyped!!! icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Unknown
    I like Deadpool, but he was never really a character I had interest in playing. Hopefully they get him right though. Spidey is supposed to be hillarious character as well (to me anyways) but his mpq version is kinda lame/boring.
  • Unknown
    his mpq version is kinda lame/boring.

    Yeah, the dialogue in MPQ is quite cringeworthy trough the line. I know Spidey specializes in somewhat lame jokes, but...

    I mainly expect Deadpool to be a true healing character with somewhat uncommon color distribution. Witty banter and breaking the fourth wall is certainly appreciated but not really expected.
  • Unknown
    rbdragon wrote:
    Dantekamar wrote:
    I'll join with you on Facebook Danman. I'm on there with danikalil, unimatix, and ufohlydt. Check your private messages for my Facebook name and send me yours so I know who to accept.

    I can get in on this as well...
    You got it. Check your private messages here.
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    hi guys..
    please join the facebook that I created for the alliance..
    PM me or dani or dante for an invite to the Facebook..
  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    I decided I'm too lazy to send each member a pm with my facebook. I'm set to private so it doesn't really matter if I post it here or not.

    Anyway, if you wish to link to my facebook, it's at: facebook . com / RBDragon79 - if I don't/won't recognize you make sure you let me know who you are.
  • Unknown
    Hey ScarFighters,

    Your newest addition here. Sorry for not being more active on Team Chat. I have a really annoying problem with my phone that requires me to type close the keyboard in between typing each letter. So that's why I don't say much, although I do read everything. I agree with having lots of communication and letting people know when you're going to be away and for how long. That was a big problem in my old alliance, and we had lots of turnover as a result of people dropping off the map for a week or so. So I apologize if I'm not contributing enough communication-wise. I'm trying to pull my weight in events, at least.

    I realize I haven't even done my intro post:

    1.) Nickname: Latin for "of the law." Because I'm a lawyer. Please don't kick me.
    2.) Other games: BIG board game nerd (although I don't play as often as I'd like). Catan, of course, but also more obscure games like Goa and Puerto Rico. Did anyone else play the Destiny Beta? Wow, what a great game.
    3.) MPQ: My personal favourite character to use is my 166 Steve Rogers. I don't know why that character doesn't get more love on the forums. Big deterrent on defence due to health pool, big damage once his red gets going, and great for taking out countdowns in PvE. He's just a beast. I've also got a max Hulk, Pun, and Psy (well, almost - just three levels away). I also think Sentry is overpowered at the moment, and would like to max him next.
    4.) Pets: I have a cat named Franklin, and he is just the best. He sits on my lap when I'm gaming.
    5.) Country: I'm a Canadian, eh?

    Also, I just wanted to let the group know that I'll be away from the game while on a backpacking trip starting on August 2nd to August 5th. No internet access in the bush, so I'll be totally away from the game (boooo!). I know that the Deadpool event is running during that time, and I'm super bummed because I want to get him. If it's a short event, I understand if you guys need to replace me. But if it's a longer one, then I will definitely grind and hope rubber banding lets me get back to the top.
  • Unknown
    Hey guys, just wanted to let everyone know I will be at a work conference this week and have very limited ability to play. I will do what I can, but am expecting it to be sub par at best.
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    First off, we totally agree with what was said about Dante. He was never not communicative. Jan and I have already apologised - our message wasn't directed at him.
    DeLegibus wrote:
    1.) Nickname: Latin for "of the law." Because I'm a lawyer. Please don't kick me.

    Ha ha, I knew it! I told Jan so. Federal lawyer here - is that the correct name for the position? I represent the central government of Brasil.

    Our teammates are good people. So far they haven't kicked me. I don't know whether they'll be that lenient if we start making lawyer jokes, tho icon_e_biggrin.gif Ugh, those are the worst.

    Besides, you own a cat. This makes you a true member of ScarFighters icon_e_smile.gif Now all you have to do is post a pic of your cat here, as we all did a few pages back!
  • Unknown
    edited July 2014
    @ Dan : Thanks for your kind words, I really appreciate.

    @ Harvey : Saw you'd give your points to an alliance ("Heroes for hire" thread), where are you actually ? icon_e_smile.gif
    I mainly expect Deadpool to be a true healing character with somewhat uncommon color distribution. Witty banter and breaking the fourth wall is certainly appreciated but not really expected.
    His colours are : Red (7) / Purple (7) / Black (passive)

    rbdragon wrote:
    Anyone else hyped about Deadpool?
    He hits you with a Narwhal....of COURSE I'm hyped!!! icon_e_biggrin.gif
    Narwhal or Whale ? icon_mrgreen.gif
  • Unknown
    I guess this is what I get for not checking the forums often enough. I didn't know there was that much concern over my PvP performance. I'd like not to make excuses, but recently since the change in bracketing, I've had some pretty serious struggles. No longer am I able to put up 600+ points in an event. I usually am able to play three or four battles before running out of health packs. Using shields over the long period of the day where I work seems to be wasteful, and at 150 hp a pop, they get expensive fast.

    Of course, I'm open to feedback. If any of our better performers have a secret to placing better in PvP, I'm all ears. One of the things I discussed with frite way back when I first joined, was that if I underperformed in PVP, I would always try to compensate in PVE. And for those of you that are around for the end of the events, you can verify that I'm always around and grinding out those last few points. Anyways, I'm looking forward to an open discussion, and hope you guys can help me perform at a higher level in PvP.
  • Unknown
    Honestly, if you struggle too much in PvP, the only good advice to give you, firstly is : tank in Shield simulator to got easier opponents.
    But, maybe you already did or do it ?