ScarFighters - Let's rock !

edited March 2017 in MPQ Alliances


Attention all Scarfighters agent!!
Each agent in the ScarFighters alliance is expected to adhere to the following "code of conduct", applicable to the D3pforum/ in-app-chat/facebook
  1. No discussion on cheats/hack/illegal means to obtain advantage in the game.
  2. No vulgarities
  3. No threatening of other alliance members or any other members in the MPQ game
  4. No name calling
  5. No abusive behavior
  6. No discussions or threats of jumping alliances

Failure to adhere to the above code of conduct will render agent liable for immediate expulsion from the alliance.

As to Agent's individual performance and behaviour in the field:
    [*] Each agent is expected to perform to the best of his/her ability in both PVE and PVP.
    Does this mean that there is a minimum number of points to be scored? No, this is up to each member's ability.
    But every single points from each member counts, so please give it your best for both PVE and PVP.
    [*] Each member is expected to be involved in active communications with the commanders of the Alliance, especially when members expect a certain amount of online-downtime in PVE or PVP.
    [*] Each member is expected to refrain from attacking ScarFighters agents in the field, unless fair clarification and/or warning has been given, and the affected agent has been verified to have utilized shield to protect him/her from harm.[/*]

    As you can see, there isn't a lot of what we expect from each agent in our alliance.
    we're a fun bunch group of people who try our best to enjoy the game as much as possible.

    If by having you as our alliance member, we enjoy the game better, then you're a worthy agent.
    So go ahead, post in the thread about strategies for the game, intelligent discussions about the game, opinions and comments about current affairs, hobbies, pets, etc.

    Of course, if you're one of those shy-people, but by having you as our alliance member, we get more covers, then you're definitely a worthy agent. icon_e_smile.gif

    Let's create a fun but responsible Alliance and enjoy the game more.

    Optional points:
    • having a cat helps
    • having cats helps even better
    • having a rat feed the cats
    • having a dog help to distract cats from rats icon_e_biggrin.gif

    ScarFighters members | In order of appearance

    IGN : danikalil | Country : Brasil

    IGN : Dante Kamar | Country : United States

    IGN : Mimio | Country : Malaysia

    IGN : Khal-zarek | Country : Malaysia

    IGN : eneyeseekay (mac480 here) | Country : United States

    IGN : CatnipHill | Country : United States

    IGN : Faerie (FaerieMyst here) | Country : United States

    IGN : Mystwalker | Country : United States

    IGN : DOLBET | Country : United States

    IGN : Unimatrix | Country : Singapore

    IGN : DanMan2008 | Country : China (originally Canada)

    IGN : rbdragon | Country : Canada

    IGN : IningoMontoya | Country : United States

    IGN : flyapart | Country : United States

    IGN : Ufohlydt (ufohyldt here)| Country : England

    IGN : SgA (grejs here)| Country : Denmark

    * - sig soon*
    IGN : DeLegibus | Country : Canada

    * - sig soon*
    IGN : woodsb| Country : United States

    IGN : DrowningHarvey | Country : Finland

    Honorary 22nd member of the team (dani is the 21st)
    IGN : wakuraku (ihearthawthats here) | Country : Canada

    Honorary 24th member
    IGN : Jonstalnaker (Jonstalnaker209 here) | Country : United States

    IGN : fritejay (fritejay2 here) | Country : France

    *Update later !*


    • Unknown
      edited March 2014
      Mr Weird Scinister I see you lurk on here icon_lol.gif
      Don't come back too late when 11 pages would be full !!!

      Ok so I begin.
      I like a lot video games...especially tacticals one (X-com, Fire emblem, The banner saga...for examples), I really enjoy comedy, sci-fi, fantasy, fantastic and action movies.

      What about you ScarFighters ?
    • I would say my movie preference would definitely lean towards sci-fi and fantasy. Though I will watch pretty much anything.
    • Quite same. I'm just not really happy to see dramas, or historical things...sometimes too boring or false (especially in france icon_lol.gif )
      And about games ? Only MPQ grind ? ??
    • Got some titles in mind maybe ? With scifi, fantasy ? I guess LOTR at least icon_e_biggrin.gif
    • I am definitely a rpg/tactical video game player. Final Fantasy and Fire Emblem all the way!
    • Oh cool !

      I don't know why, I've played a lot of FF, but never really get into it.
      And I really looooove Fire emblem serial. F**cking awesome !

      Especially when you see your teamate die, and you need to redone all the way 3 hours back in icon_twisted.gif
    • What's your favorite one FF or FE WeirdSci ?
    • I would say Fire Emblem, I like path of radiance and radiant dawn especially in the series.
    • Unknown
      edited March 2014
      I would say path of radiance and radiant dawn.
      Oh yeah !!!
      Agreed !!!
      I really need to finish radiant dawn...If I said that with all games I have...
      Have you tried the last one on 3DS ? Maybe you don't even have one ?

      It's really great too ! And now your couple fighters/wizards/knights... have childrens (and you could choose who will be with who - thats the funny part to see the difference at the end - sometimes they match perfectly together, sometimes not really...that's a bit tricky !) ...and it's cool, really !
      Maybe a bit too much people in the team at the end ...
    • That was my first 3ds game... And I have the same problem at not finishing games.
    • danikalil
      danikalil Posts: 502
      Oh my, Fritejay chose the name I sent him. It was a joke, Evil Frite! If you guys want to change the title, please say so icon_e_biggrin.gif

      I'm definitely a puzzle / tactic / RPG player. I love FF. It's an old classic, but I loved Ogre Battle too. And I'm a big fan of The Sims series, though I think no one else here plays it!

      Janaina likes space shooters of all kinds. She's a great space pilot icon_e_smile.gif Actually, it was I who started playing MPQ, but I handed it over to her. She was wasting her brains away with Candy Crush Saga, lol (anyone ever played that? There's absolutely no strategy at all, just pure dumb luck).

      I'll watch any movie at all - I'm a fanatic - unless it's some sort of sob story. But sci-fi and fantasy, and animation, are Janaina's and mine's faves.
    • Unknown
      edited March 2014
      That was my first 3ds game... And I have the same problem at not finishing games.
      I know what you mean...that's insane sometimes !

      And what a crazy coincidence...exactly the same ! My first 3DS game icon_e_biggrin.gif
      I also got Devil survivor overclocked (I know it was on DS already...but never in my country...), Project X zone, Etrian Odyssey IV, Crimson shroud...and few others...
      Did you finish Fire Emblem Awakening ?

      Nice we are #17 on main !
      Just up a french team (duck them all)...for one time they find an original name (I know i said it a lot but...hey...french team, french heroes, elite boring & lame... !)
    • Unknown
      edited March 2014
      danikalil wrote:
      Oh my, Fritejay chose the name I sent him. It was a joke, Evil Frite! If you guys want to change the title, please say so icon_e_biggrin.gif
      No problem we're stuck with it icon_lol.gif
      danikalil wrote:
      I'm definitely a puzzle / tactic / RPG player. I love FF. It's an old classic, but I loved Ogre Battle too. And I'm a big fan of The Sims series, though I think no one else here plays it!
      Yeah ! I didn't mentionned it obviously, but Puzzle quest serial is one of my fav also.
      And I forget to say but I really enjoy Fighting games (especially Street fighter 4 / SFxT...I know everybody hate this one...but it's really cool and rush game ! Even if I'm far to be the best at those games, I like to play with 1 of my street master's friend icon_mrgreen.gif )
      danikalil wrote:
      Janaina likes space shooters of all kinds. She's a great space pilot icon_e_smile.gif Actually, it was I who started playing MPQ, but I handed it over to her. She was wasting her brains away with Candy Crush Saga, lol (anyone ever played that? There's absolutely no strategy at all, just pure dumb luck).
      Candy crush??? What's this ?? I hope you throw this game in the trash can !!!!
      Talking about this bad game, the devellopers have said few weeks ago that now they create the title "Candy crush saga" (or things like that), no other games'name could mentionned "saga" !!!!
      That's why they ask the developpers from "The banner saga" to change the name ???? How lame.... icon_eek.gif And when the game was already out on steam !!!
      Stupid guys...
      danikalil wrote:
      I'll watch any movie at all - I'm a fanatic - unless it's some sort of sob story. But sci-fi and fantasy, and animation, are Janaina's and mine's faves.
      Oh yeah animation also ! Japanese (studio ghibli ...) or only Dreamworks / Disney one or both ?
    • have you guys played any of the disgaea games?
    • mac480 wrote:
      have you guys played any of the disgaea games?
      Yes ! I just don't remember exactly if it was the 1st, 2nd one or both (on PS2).

      I bet you played them all mac?
    • Sure that's a bit different but FF tactics was really great too icon_e_wink.gif Ask to daniela ! icon_e_biggrin.gif
    • danikalil
      danikalil Posts: 502
      Hey guys, should we dismiss all the members who are pending in the game? There's a ton of them, and maybe they don't even know the alliance's full.
    • fritejay2 wrote:
      mac480 wrote:
      have you guys played any of the disgaea games?
      Yes ! I just don't remember exactly if it was the 1st, 2nd one or both (on PS2).

      I bet you played them all mac?

      ha i played the first three. haven't tried the 4th one still
    • danikalil wrote:
      Hey guys, should we dismiss all the members who are pending in the game? There's a ton of them, and maybe they don't even know the alliance's full.

      Maybe...but do you think others could come back as well after ? icon_lol.gif