ScarFighters - Let's rock !



  • Unknown
    Congrats ScarFighters ! #43 in Season 3, that means +20 rank if we compare with Season 2 icon_e_wink.gif

    No Season 4 right now; Why not a little break icon_e_smile.gif

    waku : thanks for the link.
  • user311
    user311 Posts: 482 Mover and Shaker
    Good job on your top 50! icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    Congrats for ScarFighters for a job well done!

    Finally managed to get to a decent standing for PVE. 15th place overall now.. For a cover that I don't need. =)

    I think right now.. Hood is a cover that I envy most.
    Just pulled a black Loki from standard token and a green HT from the season 3 reward token.

    @Fae. Looking at the PVE right now.. i dont think you're gonna regret selling the 2* human torch. I just wasted 500 HP for character slot.

    @montoya. Left boise last Saturday before it was gonna hit over 100 over the weekend. Thanks for the suggestions, managed to go Bown way for excellent steak and Goodwood for another excellent prime rib.

    @frite. Get some rest. You need it.

    @suture. If you've not noticed, we have decided to keep you in the alliance as it was too close to the end for you to find a new Alliance. Hopefully you find yellow nick fury cover useful. Anyway, you've not joined PVE and PVP and no further commz from you. I guess we have to part ways.
    One alliance slot to be available soon.
  • Danman2008
    Danman2008 Posts: 32
    Hey all. Congrats on season 3!!!

    I will be travelling for the next two weeks, well until the 25th. My connection to the net may be interrupted. I will play as much as I can, but it will probably be less than normal. Sorry...
  • Unknown
    I ended up not needing to purchase another slot for lazy Human Touch. I had a second original Black Widow, which I sold when true healing was introduced. Then I decided I needed to replace Ironman 40 since his yellow was at 3. So for a little bit I had two I40s but the Ragnarok tournament have me enough covers to ditch my old I40 and open up a slot for lazy Human Torch.

    In other news, I finally got Patch to match CMags on yellow and red match damage so he tanks 4 colors on my team now. Making better use of that self healing now.
  • Unknown
    I logged on for the first time today as this is the first time I've found myself without anything on my mind since my last update. Full disclosure I sent this as a reply to Dani who sent me a PM as I don't have a ton of time, but I wanted to give everyone a quick update and I'll be around more in the coming weeks.

    Things are getting a bit better. My wife is able to have very short limited interactions with me and the kids, which is nice for everyone. Docs say it's going to be a long road ahead, but puts chances of eventual full recovery at 90% I was very glad to hear that news.

    I hope all is well for you all, and that the game isn't burning you out at all. I made a point to ensure I wouldn't return to the game in a competitive fashion by selling over half of my roster - I only kept the interesting characters so when I do play, I would have fun with the characters. I don't regret it at all.

    Sorry to hear about recent Alliance roster turnover, but I'm excited for the new guys - this is such a great group. People have stepped up and shown genuine care for me in my real life time of crisis - you new guys are lucky!

    Happy late birthday by the way myst! I didn't catch all the messages I missed, so if I missed anything else important I'm sorry gang, I'll get caught up and post again soon.
  • Unknown
    Hey gang, as you probably noticed I've been playing less and less of late. Now that season 3 is done I think it's time to officially go casual. Same reasons a lot of people are going is simply getting stale. When I log in tomorrow i'll drop the alliance so that a more active player can contribute. Take care, scarfighters!
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    Jon - so glad to hear there is a light at the end of the tunnel (even if the tunnel is very long).

    I think so many people dropping into a more casual play style is just part of the life cycle of a competitive game. Three of my girls have been active in MMORPG games and active in raiding guilds and I've listen to their talk. The talk in the General Discussion forum isn't all that different. Avari swears that our alliance is really a raiding guild.

    I played some more on my Steam account. It's so much easier now to build a roster with covers dropping like flies. On my regular account, there were months and months after I finished the prologue before there were PVEs. I remember the first PVE where there would be only a few nodes and half of them were just way above my level. For F2P people this really is a marathon game.

    I shielded for the day in Heavy Metal. I'll play some PVE at lunch. As much as my competitive side would love to be #1 in PVP, it's more pressure than I want in a leisure activity. Top 5 is reasonable with my play style. When I looked before work, the alliance was at #15 with one member down.

    I to the end of Season 5 in Buffy and she will die this morning. In general I am the unemotional one in the family when it comes to watching tv and movies but I always cry when they show Buffy's tombstone. Of course, she'll be resurrected this afternoon so all is well.
  • Unknown
    edited July 2014
    ScarFighters is looking to fill a slot.

    We are a top 100 alliance, generally top 50 (we were #9 in S1, #63 in S2 & #43 in S3).
    We expect you to
    1) be friendly and communicative;
    2) score at least 700 points in PvP, and half the maximum score in PvE.

    Apart from that, all we expect from you is that you play the best you can and have fun! We won't ask you to buy covers, shield, or whatsoever, as long as you follow the score guidelines.

    Let's also take a look at the code of conduct here.

    Send a PM to Danikalil, Unimatrix or me if you're interested.

    Edit : spot filled ! Thanks to all applicants !!!!
  • Unknown
    user311 : Thanks ! And good job on the top 30 CareBears ! I've just seen you entered the Bearcave ! With Milkrain/Berko...How is it there ? icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Uni : I think a little week off season is welcome. Plus at a very good time for me.

    Dan: Do you go in a cave ? icon_e_smile.gif

    Dante : Better call him Louzy HT, not Lazy lol (Uni put a seal on that one hehe). With a good UDaken + Patch & CMag...very threatenning team for sure.

    Jon : Hey Jon ! Good to have some little good news about your wife. Really hope all things will getting better days after days...
    And thanks for Myst ;)Rob is on 29th july & mine was on 8th. (sorry if I missed someone...I think there is somebody else also)

    Suture : Farewell... Chill & relax with your son in this summer time.

    Fae : You really eat Movies & Series like candies icon_lol.gif
    And yes you're right about this
    FaerieMyst wrote:
    I think so many people dropping into a more casual play style is just part of the life cycle of a competitive game.
    Even more if they don't put new new modes or new covers for example. But I'm pretty sure they understand it...Hire more people maybe ? icon_e_confused.gif
  • Danman2008
    Danman2008 Posts: 32
    Dan: Do you go in a cave ? icon_e_smile.gif

    I'm in calgary. While my hotel room has net, I will be spending some much needed time with friends and family. Things you got to do when you've been on the other side of the planet for a year...
  • Unknown
    @fritejay2 I'm really surprised how well Im40 fell into my Patch/CMags team with 1 yellow cover actually. I can get red so fast now that it's not unusual to get 2 Patch red and a CMags purple of in a game. So much damage potential on offense.
  • Unknown
    Danman2008 wrote:
    I'm in calgary. While my hotel room has net, I will be spending some much needed time with friends and family. Things you got to do when you've been on the other side of the planet for a year...
    Enjoy your time there Dan ! Caribous missed you since you're in China ? icon_mrgreen.gif
    Dantekamar wrote:
    @fritejay2 I'm really surprised how well Im40 fell into my Patch/CMags team with 1 yellow cover actually. I can get red so fast now that it's not unusual to get 2 Patch red and a CMags purple of in a game. So much damage potential on offense.
    Cool about it Dante ! I really need to level up CMags one day....Just fear his nerf...a lot.

    All SF : This new Power of balance is so cool ! Best PvP ever, I really think ! icon_e_geek.gif

    Waku, Tom & Reuhhh : Heard about the new winner on Ultra SF4 ? icon_e_ugeek.gif Yeah I'm super late on that dated news...
  • Unknown
    Haha, yeah, a french player. I like Rose a lot because she goes with my style. She's a bit similar to Poison I think, but since Poison is released now I'd rather use Poison.
  • Unknown
    edited July 2014
    Welcome to our new member DeLegibus !
    Thanks to all the other applicants !

    Some ritual questions for you :
    • What is hided (or not) behind your nickname ?
    • Which games (boards, cards, video...), music style (also named the bands if possible icon_e_wink.gif), kind of movie, or any other passion do you like ?
    • Who is the worst & best 3 match characters for you ? And what is the dream team you would like to built one day ?
    • Do you have a pet ? We already got 17 cats (if my mind don't tricks on me), 3 dogs (?, can't remember exactly), 1 rat & 1 iguana !(also post your pet(s) when you can ! If you have one or more sure)

    Bonus question :
    Do you have some interesting things to do in your country in summer holidays ?

    Feel free to ask some questions in the thread and/or in pm DeLegibus !
  • Unknown
    Haha, yeah, a french player. I like Rose a lot because she goes with my style. She's a bit similar to Poison I think, but since Poison is released now I'd rather use Poison.
    I don't even know is real nickname ...Luffy or Louffy ? icon_lol.gif
    Talking about nerf...Rose will probably the next like Gen was last year...isn't it ? icon_e_confused.gif
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    Woot - got number 1 in Heavy Metal. Always hope but never expect. I like the new event but don't know how much I'll get to play. One of our worker bees is doing his reserve duty and we have another out Friday. Aramina and I are working late today and tomorrow to do bottling (which I loathe). Usually I play MPQ during my breaks and meal times but I suspect I will be napping. Thank goodness for Avari - she keeps us fed, watered and massaged during these times.

    I'm very excited about the new Captain Marvel coming out . . .and a third power for 2* Daken. I still use him and even with the slight nerfs I'm happy to have two working Dakens.
  • Unknown
    Haha! I knew it! New ScarFighter! I saw you in my Heavy Metal bracket, DeLegibus, and I couldn't remember seeing you around this thread. Good job on the top 5 finish by the way.

    You've hit lucky with SF, they're a great bunch. CareFighterStare!
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    @kamuuu. Carefighterstare back at ya... didn't know that we had that word .. i wonder whether frite has a meme for that word.
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    Greetings Earthlings!!!! Happy Friday. We are definitely not working this weekend after the week we all had so yeah, for movies and MPQ. Definitely need some yoga time. SoCal is perfect is you do yoga - sunny back porch on a wooden deck surrounded by cats.

    I've enjoyed what I've played of the Balance of Power but it is not a PVP I would want to be unshielded in. Also, should we really ever give Juggernaut that much power??? Is he ready for that level of responsibility? I don't think so. However, IM35 is definitely ready for it. He's been training and studying and has stepped up to the plate nicely. As usual Sentry hurts himself more than anyone else and still has a lot of therapy ahead of him.

    One event and only one event . . . arggghhhh.