ScarFighters - Let's rock !



  • Hey everyone

    Yesterday shortly after I last posted here, someone very close to me was involved in a serious accident and is now hospitalized in critical condition. This has obviously put things into perspective for me. This game, for so long, had been more than just the time waster I originally downloaded it to be - I've spent hours of time on this, to the point where while it is still fun I feel like I'm not devoting enough personal time to the people I love. I see now how fleeting life can be, and I don't want to miss any opportunities to be with the people that mean the most to me.

    I'm hanging up my cleats, to use a sports analogy... I'll still likely play from time to time, but it will be so sparingly that it wouldn't be fair for me to be in any Alliance. I know I'm no big loss for the group, as this season my play has been inconsistent. So I know you guys will be fine. Thank you so much for the opportunity to play with you guys. It's been a blast! Best of luck to you all in your future endeavors.

    It is nice what you explain this..and is been good to know you and play with you ..i wish you only the best and live your live as you want regards
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Hey everyone

    Yesterday shortly after I last posted here, someone very close to me was involved in a serious accident and is now hospitalized in critical condition. This has obviously put things into perspective for me. This game, for so long, had been more than just the time waster I originally downloaded it to be - I've spent hours of time on this, to the point where while it is still fun I feel like I'm not devoting enough personal time to the people I love. I see now how fleeting life can be, and I don't want to miss any opportunities to be with the people that mean the most to me.

    I'm hanging up my cleats, to use a sports analogy... I'll still likely play from time to time, but it will be so sparingly that it wouldn't be fair for me to be in any Alliance. I know I'm no big loss for the group, as this season my play has been inconsistent. So I know you guys will be fine. Thank you so much for the opportunity to play with you guys. It's been a blast! Best of luck to you all in your future endeavors.


    We understand completely. We wish they will recover shortly and fully, and we will be rooting for you both.

    Don't say you're not a big loss for the team. Every ScarFighter counts. And it's been a pleasure playing with you as well. You'll be missed.

    Do come talk to us on the thread from time to time, and tell us how this person is faring! We'll be waiting, expecting good news.


    Dani and Jan
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    Jon. you will be missed. take care and God Bless.
    Live Long and Prosper
  • Sorry to hear that, I hope for quick recovery. You will be missed, but like you said it is the time with your loved ones that truly matters. Best of luck in the future!
  • Woah, that's unfortunate. Best wishes to you and hope your friend recovers.

    Perhaps you can still come by and chat once in a while.
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    Jon - please pop in from time to time to let us know how you are. You and yours are in my prayers.
  • Unknown
    edited July 2014
    Jon, as all fellow teamates said...Sad to see you leave us...You will be missed a lot icon_e_sad.gif
    I really hope all things will getting better with your friend.
    Enjoy your life & have good times with your childrens, family & friends !!!

    And sure whenever you want to say, even few words to us, don't hesitate !

    Cheers up Jon.
  • All ScarFighters, check the CODE OF CONDUCT. *Big thanks to Uni, Dani & Jan*.

    Otherwise, I'm sorry if I can't play a lot this week end...I have family, anniversaries...Not easy to multi-tasks.
    Happy week-end, grind & fights all !

    @ Fae & many time you watched the Avengers today ? icon_lol.gif
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    Silly, Fritejay - Avengers is the last movie in Phase 1.

    The code is excellent. Great work. Mystwalker was afraid he'd have to help damsels in distress for the code.

    I'm taking a break from NHB. It's a fun change of pace. shehulk is frustrating. I'm skipping the same players multiple times. There are four players with scores higher than mine showing up in my rotation. I now know which characters will beat Gipsy_ Danger and which won't.
  • ScarFighters are searching a new member !

    We are a top 100 alliance, right now placed #47 in S3 (we were #27 before our 20th member left us), with a medium S3 score of 7,500.
    We expect you to
    1) be friendly and communicative
    2) score at least 500 points in PvP, and half the maximum score in PvE.

    Apart from that, all we expect from you is that you play the best you can and have fun!
    We won't ask you to buy covers, shield, or whatsoever, as long as you follow the score guidelines.

    Check also our Code of conduct !

    Send a PM to me, to danikalil or to Unimatrix if you're interested.
  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    fritejay2 wrote:


    *No vulgarities



    The code of conduct is more than fair and reasonable icon_e_smile.gif
  • OK, so wanted some feedback on where I take my team next. I am sitting on almost 275k iso and have the following options with enough HP saved up to buy one cover:

    -Another pink into uber Daken to take him to 3/3/4. Currently at level 114.I wish I had more covers for him, then it would be an easy choice because with the new true healing thing, he wrecks shop.

    -Another blue cover for Hood making him 5/4/2. Currently at level 90. Would be an efficient AP stealer at that point.

    -Another maybe red or black (most likely red) for 3* Human Torch (red would make him 4/2/5, black would make him 3/3/5). Currently at level 90. This one I'm thinking is about the last on the list of options as of now.

    -Another black for Hulk making him 5/3/5. Currently at level 75. Speaking for myself, I tend to skip high level Hulk a lot towards the last day of pvps as it takes too much time to beat him, good on D to me. Could also take him to his soft cap for 124k iso right now. Would be my 3rd max covered and leveled character with Punisher and Lazy Cap if I did it.

    -Another likely yellow for Falcon making him 5/4/3. Would be a good match with Punisher for powering up his 3 strike tiles he does with his green, 3* Daken when I get more covers for him. Has an actual useful purple on D but is squishy.

    What do you guys think? My gut tells me to do Hulk or Falcon, but wanted some feeback. (Don't have enough covers for some of the normal studs to make them any good like Patch, BP, Lazy Thor, Magneto. 8 or less for all of them). Also have Sentry at 1/4/4 as of now as another option after his green pve cover at 42000 points. (Have 14k-ish now)
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    I work at having the most diverse roster possible. So here is my take on the characters you mentioned:

    uDaken - excellent with green attackers. Extremely useful. A definite keeper.

    Hood - a favorite. 5/5/3 it's my preferred build. Steals AP and the yellow is an extremely versatile attack.

    Torch - super red hit but the green is the true damage dealer. a front line hitter

    Hulk - good rule of thumb, if your dread fighting him then you should have him for yourself. Acts as a tank, damage dealer and disruptor . She Hulk is the same type of character.

    Falcon - top of the line support character. Works well with Dakens and Wolverines as well as Spidey

    I don't like Sentry. He is too easy to counter and he is suicidal.

    Rather than maxing one, I would work on getting several to a minimum level for swaps.
  • First 3 star character I max was Lazy Thor...

    Second 3 star character I max was Hood...

    Both are always on my PvP team and PvE too... I never regret spending iso on those two...

    So, based on my experience... Spend iso on Hood...

    One thing you need to look for.... Make sure Hood is not tanking the colors as his health is kinda low...

    Since my Hood is at 166, he tanks yellow rather than Thor icon_e_biggrin.gif It doesn't matter to me but it may bugs you so think about that...
  • Iningo : Hood (5/5/3), Daken (5/5/3 or 5/3/5) & Hulk (5/3/5) are good options in my opinion.
    But like Fae's always good to have a wide roster to play with. But that's your choice after all icon_e_wink.gif

    And like Dolbet pointed it out...take care about color power. I like my Hulk to tank Green & Red....but with Human Torch (for example) it's not easy...
    That's also about it I prefer to level by level...and look at the color power of each of my takes time sometimes icon_razz.gif
  • @Jonstalnaker209 - Thank you for letting us know the deal and thank you for playing with us. Both are appreciated. I wish you well and hope you can enjoy your time with your friends and family as much as you want.

    @Code of Conduct - Sounds reasonable. To be honest, I almost never look at the names of the players I attack and have wondered from time to time if I have attacked a fellow ScarFighter. If I have, I apologize.

    @IningoMontoya - For a full review of how the community as a whole feels about which character is best, look in the character discussion section for the character rankings thread, very helpful info. Personally, Dakken+ I hate playing against. Since green is easily the strongest color in the game, and he's a non-green character that gives you an advantage on EVERY green match, he's like doubling down on green. Add to that true healing, and I'd say he's the one to go for. Hulk is big but I've found I'm able to save him for last and use my saved AP to down him in a turn. I like Hood, and he's replaced oBW in my team but I'd love to pair Falcon with Patch and CMags.

    @DOLBET - Lucky you getting lazy Thor maxed first, he's such a beast and no one is calling for a Nerf.

    To everyone - Poor Herman took a bad turn yesterday. He caught pneumonia. We've started him on antibiotics and he seems to be doing better now. If things don't go well in the next couple of days though he maybe too far gone.
  • Dantekamar wrote:
    @IningoMontoya - For a full review of how the community as a whole feels about which character is best, look in the character discussion section for the character rankings thread, very helpful info. Personally, Dakken+ I hate playing against. Since green is easily the strongest color in the game, and he's a non-green character that gives you an advantage on EVERY green match, he's like doubling down on green. Add to that true healing, and I'd say he's the one to go for. Hulk is big but I've found I'm able to save him for last and use my saved AP to down him in a turn. I like Hood, and he's replaced oBW in my team but I'd love to pair Falcon with Patch and CMags.
    Yup, Patch + UDaken + Falcon -> fun times icon_mrgreen.gif Strikes tiles, shields everywhere...buffed tiles + buffed shields...any opponents tiles converted in countdowns...
    Dantekamar wrote:
    @DOLBET - Lucky you getting lazy Thor maxed first, he's such a beast and no one is calling for a Nerf.
    Honestly we already got enough nerfed for months...I'd prefer far more a lot of buffed characters !!! Especially for X-Farce, Daredevil, etc...Bagman ? icon_lol.gif
    Dantekamar wrote:
    To everyone - Poor Herman took a bad turn yesterday. He caught pneumonia. We've started him on antibiotics and he seems to be doing better now. If things don't go well in the next couple of days though he maybe too far gone.
    Sorry to hear that...poor Herman icon_e_sad.gif
    How old is your rat ?
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    Dante - I'm sorry. It's hard to see our special ones hurting.

    Don't buff DD. his mechanics need tweaked but he can wipe the floor.
  • Hi y'all. I read fritejay2's post in the "Alliance looking for member" thread and was hoping I could join. My game name is MNIS. I have a decent roster with every three and four star character, except for Daken and Nick Fury. My season 3 score is 8259, and I've finished 2, 2, 2, and 10 in the last four events and am currently 2 in the She-hulk one. Last season I finished 18th overall (or something like that) and am hoping to finish in the top 25 again this season. I'm not a grinder, but I do meet the requirement fritejay2 mentioned in the PVE events.

    I tried to DM y'all, but I don't have that function yet. Anyway, like I said above, I hope to join. If this is going to happen, the sooner the better, because the She-hulk tourney (current score 938 - hoping to finish over 1000) ends in a few hours.

  • Hey gang! Thank you so much for the kind words. The last 2 days have been rough. I've been spending a lot of time in the hospital room with my wife hoping things will change. The prognosis still is not good. I'm anticipating another few days in the hospital before moving to a private care facility.

    Strangely enough, I've been playing just as much the last 2 days as ever because I've been waiting around in the hospital all day. I know I'll be playing a lot until we get out of here, and that's when I'll quit for a while, but I didn't think it was right to string you guys along for another few pvp's before stepping away. The sad thing is, this loki tourney is giving away the Falcon covers I covet so much! I may post on the forum offering my services as a 1 tourney hired gun for the loki pvp because I want those covers so bad and the alliance reward blue cover is the one I need more than anything. I don't know if anyone would hire me for just one tourney knowing that I'm just going to quit when my wife is out of the hospital, but we'll see how it goes. Frite, I know you are psyched about getting some missing Falcon covers! icon_e_smile.gif I hope you get all that you need. For me, if I can't get a top 100 club to take me in for the loki tourney, I'll see if I can get a top 5 finish. Wish me luck with that. As someone who will be a super casual player in the near future, Falcon is a character that is super fun to play with and squishy-Ness isn't a problem when you don't care about heal time post match.

    How did everyone do in the shulk tourney? I know loki covers aren't very desirable, but at this point in the season it's just as much about season score as it is tourney covers.

    Thank you guys again for the kind words. You are such an awesome bunch. I hope you find someone awesome soon to fill the blank spot. Please wish me luck in landing the elusive Falcon covers. If I can get it, I think I'll sell some of my other 3*'s and just run a mix of pun, hood, Falcon, doom and maybe shieldbro for fun casual play.