ScarFighters - Let's rock !



  • HellBoy wrote:
    Ok first thanks for let me in your alliance
    You're welcome Pyro (or Hellboy what you prefer here on forum ?).
    HellBoy wrote:
    I just like to play with fire i guess because of that i like my IGN icon_e_smile.gif
    Fireman who likes strange icon_twisted.gif
    HellBoy wrote:
    I like to play Fps games like new game Sniper Elite or Rpg like Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 also The Witcher and my favorite game is Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
    Castlevania LoS2 is not really an RPG (like Super metroiddante ^^) just an action RPGish. I finished the 1st one (LoS1), really enjoyable ! Maybe I'd try the 2nd later on...
    The Witcher 3 will rocks, no doubt, but my PC, not icon_lol.gif

    Metal Gear Rising Revengeance was cool....but if I have to choose another one I'd prefer Ninja gaiden (1 on Xbox & 2 on 360 - 3 is pretty horrible - like all games with 3 in (with some exceptions -The Witcher for example)).
    HellBoy wrote:
    music style dance,house and sometimes little techno music icon_e_smile.gif
    Dance, house, techno - sorry I can't talk about that icon_e_surprised.gif
    HellBoy wrote:
    and movie Captain America: The Winter Soldier and my passion is icecream i guess and cartoons like Peppa Pig
    You certainly will be friend with Fae with Captain America (she already called you puerto on app-chat icon_lol.gif (auto-correction obviously)).
    Ice-cream, which flavours ? Peppa pig ? Is it for your daughter ? icon_e_smile.gif
    HellBoy wrote:
    My best 3 match characters are: Punisher(because of black power icon_twisted.gif ) and Cmag of course and OBW...and worst are lazy daken icon_eek.gif and Juggy(headbutt icon_cry.gif ) and Bullseye he is FREAK icon_e_surprised.gif
    Kinda bored of my Punisher...maybe I will take him a little bit more when the level shifted would be effective on 1st july (141->166).
    Hope your Cmag won't be too much nerfed... OBW seems to be worthless now with true healing (but still her annoying steal...).

    Really ? UDaken in worst ?? Or maybe you don't like to fight against him, right ? Juggernaut I'd never liked him...but Bullseye should be cool if he's updated in lazy (and with a new power).
    HellBoy wrote:
    I have pet Tiger (not really is tiger doll icon_e_smile.gif ) i dont have pet just ahhh...
    What you mean ? You hate cats, dogs...?
    HellBoy wrote:
    I like for summer to be on mountains to rest and chill..
    Mountains are great...I'd never been there in winter. But I prefer beach in summer (small one, with less people).
  • I prefer to call me Pyro on forum if is OK... icon_e_biggrin.gif
    No...i just love the power of fire when burning icon_evil.gif
    And i love to play on my SUPER STRONG PC icon_eek.gif ....and current i play Witcher 3 icon_cool.gif
    And what music you like ?
    Nice thumbs up for Fae icon_e_smile.gif ..i love cap.america and ghost rider obviously icon_eek.gif ...and i want every ice cream i can get when i want to eat icon_e_smile.gif..and Peppa pig is cartoon that i hate too much just see it and you will see why icon_e_smile.gif
    Also i think the game is better then ever right now with OBW nerf because i have 36 health packs and i dont worry about healing and about cmag nerf i just crush everything in my path icon_twisted.gif
    and i dont hate animals i just dont have pet and that was joke icon_e_smile.gif

    Anything else ??? Feel free to ask me icon_e_smile.gif
  • Unknown
    edited July 2014
    HellBoy wrote:
    And what music you like ?
    Phewww...too much to say. I'd try to be short, if possible.

    So first of all I'm a rocker in my soul (David bowie - a song for your wedding flyapart icon_e_biggrin.gif (chameleon rocker (mixing with jazz/pop/ much to say about him), Placebo, The Cure...and some pop/rock sometimes (Richard Aschcroft, Coldplay, The Cardigans...) and metal rock (Lacuna Coil (italians eheh), Nightwish...), but I discovered few years ago Ambient music (David helpling & Jon jenkins all the way...but also Kick bong, Solar fields, Zero cult...) if you like to chill...this is incredible deep songs to hypnotize you for days over & over again)
    I also like some weird dubstep/psyche/tribal one from time to time ( Phutureprimitive- Searching for Beauty in the Darkest Places Pt. 1 for example...but my best one is probably the 1st one - too weird to post a link to youtube icon_mrgreen.gif -Subconcious the 1st one - Kinetik the 2nd)
    HellBoy wrote:
    Anything else ??? Feel free to ask me icon_e_smile.gif
    How old are you simply ? Our team vary from 25 to 60 about icon_e_smile.gif (average 30-40 probably)
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    Welcome Pyro. your sig is awesome, by the way.
    Frite.. another good job.
  • Unknown
    edited July 2014
    I'm born 21-09-1986 ...i buy cat and if you know other things just ask me icon_e_wink.gif
  • unimatrix wrote:
    Welcome Pyro. your sig is awesome, by the way.
    Frite.. another good job.

    Tnx for welcome Uni...and by the way Frite is cool as hell icon_rolleyes.gif ...
  • And Frite tell me something about you man...enough for me icon_e_smile.gif
    1.How old you are and did you married or have girl or icon_redface.gif
    2.What games you like to play..
    3.What you work man...did you have some job or no and did you have pet ?
    4.And what you expect from me to be good fit in this cool alliance (i want to be sure to do that to keep my spot permanent icon_eek.gif because of that i ask you this )
    5.Tell me in which city you live ? by the way i'm in Rim (Rome) ...i'm neighbor with the pope icon_lol.gif
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    HellBoy wrote:
    5.Tell me in which city you live ? by the way i'm in Rim (Rome) ...i'm neighbor with the pope icon_lol.gif

    it's so cool that your city bishop is the pope.
    you may not realize it, but a lot of people in the world (Catholics, mainly) look forward to a chance to go to Rome and visit the Pope at least once

    Visited Roma last year when it was still Benedict..
    it's a great city, love the architecture.. kind of wary of some people there.. especially the establishment around the tourist area.. they're really out to get ya and ur money..
    some cautionary advice from me.. to watch out for the gypsies there though.. one of my travel mates got roughened up.. icon_e_sad.gif

    otherwise.. great place.. great people !!
    bad place to be for MPQ end times though (like the rest of Europe)
  • unimatrix wrote:
    HellBoy wrote:
    5.Tell me in which city you live ? by the way i'm in Rim (Rome) ...i'm neighbor with the pope icon_lol.gif

    it's so cool that your city bishop is the pope.
    you may not realize it, but a lot of people in the world (Catholics, mainly) look forward to a chance to go to Rome and visit the Pope at least once

    Visited Roma last year when it was still Benedict..
    it's a great city, love the architecture.. kind of wary of some people there.. especially the establishment around the tourist area.. they're really out to get ya and ur money..
    some cautionary advice from me.. to watch out for the gypsies there though.. one of my travel mates got roughened up.. icon_e_sad.gif

    otherwise.. great place.. great people !!
    bad place to be for MPQ end times though (like the rest of Europe)

    Yeah the pope is cool but also he is icon_twisted.gif not like on TV believe me
    and the gypsies are really bad but often i beat the hell out of them icon_eek.gif
    and yeah **** finish time for Europe but i wake up with no problem every day at 4-5 am (because i'm zombie icon_evil.gif ) icon_e_smile.gif
  • HellBoy wrote:
    1.How old you are and did you married or have girl or icon_redface.gif
    I'm 30 (very soon 31) and single.
    HellBoy wrote:
    2.What games you like to play..
    Fighting games, RPG, Tacticals, Trading card and others ... but I'm not really into FPS or just with few match with friends (but not online).
    HellBoy wrote:
    3.What you work man...did you have some job or no and did you have pet ?
    I'm actually in vocation training (web-graphism...), but I draw from time to time. Otherwise, I worked 1 year in a college, 6 years for a big industry & 1 year for an idiot (an editor, I was drawing books for kids & other stuffs) who almost didn't pay me - lucky me I won on a court.

    Yes a cat : leeloo, she is 11 years old. We got 15 cats, 1 dog, 1 rat & 1 iguana (Jon, is it a joke ? Mr Bear iguana ^^) with all ScarFighters.
    HellBoy wrote:
    4.And what you expect from me to be good fit in this cool alliance (i want to be sure to do that to keep my spot permanent icon_eek.gif because of that i ask you this )
    I think i already said you be cool and chill out man. I don't have to ask about score & rank with you lol ^^ Don't worry your spot is safe.
    HellBoy wrote:
    5.Tell me in which city you live ? by the way i'm in Rim (Rome) ...i'm neighbor with the pope
    Phewwww can't answer this lol - It's a tinykitty village ahah. In Normandy.
    Oh, so you're the PyroPope ! icon_lol.gif

    And yes ending time are really bad for (almost) every events...
  • Yes frite, I do have an iguana. She is almost 2 years old (apparently they can live at least 15 human years!) And its funny you said Mr bear, because that is exactly how I address her, even though she is a girl. Lol

    Iguanas are great pets if you train them properly. Mine can come out of her house and just chill on my shoulder while I sit on the couch playing MPQ. My dogs dont like her, but she has nasty claws and can whip her tail, so I think she could totally kick their ****! icon_lol.gif
  • Yes frite, I do have an iguana. She is almost 2 years old (apparently they can live at least 15 human years!) And its funny you said Mr bear, because that is exactly how I address her, even though she is a girl. Lol

    Iguanas are great pets if you train them properly. Mine can come out of her house and just chill on my shoulder while I sit on the couch playing MPQ. My dogs dont like her, but she has nasty claws and can whip her tail, so I think she could totally kick their ****! icon_lol.gif
    Ok, so I update this. We got 15 cats, 2 dogs, 1 rat & 1 iguana !

    Call her Ms X-23 or Wolvie so ^^
  • So that total is counting all the pets in the alliance? Sorry, I didnt know. I also have 2 dogs. I like having pets, and the idea of keeping tally of the alliance pets is cool, but I find the high number of cats and low number of dogs disturbing.
  • Welcome Pyro.

    P.s. we need to find more dog people icon_eek.gif
  • Welcome Pyro.

    P.s. we need to find more dog people icon_eek.gif

    Tnx...and i will by dog icon_e_smile.gificon_e_biggrin.gif
  • OK...question for everybody "How much money you have spend so far in this game (if you dont want to all know pm private message icon_eek.gif ...maybe too much big numbers icon_e_smile.gif ) the way i spend nothing so far ..just one big zero icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Unknown
    edited June 2014
    I've stayed free to play also.

    I've got Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 also. The game is split between modern times and the old school castle and quite frankly, the modem decor sucks when your used to the extravagant castle. The story is a little weird but follows pervious lore and makes sense.
  • Dantekamar wrote:
    I've been stayed free to play also.

    I've got Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 also. The game is split between modern times and the old school castle and quite frankly, the modem decor sucks when your used to the extravagant castle. The story is a little weird but follows pervious lore and makes sense.

    I have Castlevania too its really nice game and good for you because you dont spend money in game icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    edited June 2014
    HellBoy wrote:
    OK...question for everybody "How much money you have spend so far in this game (if you dont want to all know pm private message icon_eek.gif ...maybe too much big numbers icon_e_smile.gif ) the way i spend nothing so far ..just one big zero icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Hi Hellboy, and welcome!

    We've spent money in the game, yes. The slots get progressively more expensive - right now they're costing us 550 HP. We've bought three covers, and we buy HP to stay shielded too.

    We've never bought HP to buy Iso, though.

    We need HP to shield because our MMR is hell (we're at day 212). No matter how many points we have, we always get hit. Our PvP enemies are players who have maxed out heroes.

    Yesterday, Jan scored 509 points, and she thought no one would care to beat her with that score. However, in less than an hour she was beaten four times. She's often beaten thrice or four times by the same foe. PvP, to us, is constant bashing.
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Welcome Pyro.

    P.s. we need to find more dog people icon_eek.gif

    Hey Waku, how's the summer been treating you?

    Been playing Angry Birds much?