ScarFighters - Let's rock !



  • FaerieMyst wrote:
    Greetings Humans !!!!
    I could not stay away. Yesterday I got home from work and started The Avengers. I actually fell asleep and slept through the middle of it. After it finished we cooked dinner and watched Thor 2. This morning I listened to the director commentary for Pacific Rim. If you are a fan of del Toro then it is definitely something you want to do.
    Greetings Immortal !

    Thor 2 is really better than the 1st one.
    FaerieMyst wrote:
    I finished 10th in the Hood PVP and was happy with that. Got up in the middle of the night to push over 1000. I'm enjoying playing the new Storm and I like the new rewards structure. I think it is overall better for more people.
    Wow ! You've been in a tough bracket. I finished 8th...pushing at the few last minutes (3) in one match, I was 11th !
    Really enjoy the new single rewards ladder !!!! Really nice changes icon_e_biggrin.gif (back to the origins in fact eheh)
    FaerieMyst wrote:
    It's our date night so we will spend a few hours away from MPQ and our daughters.
    Hope it wasn't like in the movie (Date night but called Crazy night in France lol), with Steve Carell & Tina Fey icon_lol.gif
    Dantekamar wrote:
    I only have 1 red and 1 black cover for Mohawk Storm. I'm running her with oBW and cMag. I've actually decided to go with the default green mStrm cover since my base team has no green and it's more useful than the pathetic damage a lv27 red or black put out. Anyone else using this strategy too?
    For rainbow don't take Shieldbro instead of CMag ? Or maybe you are bored after used him too much ?

    Oh, and finally Shane has been dismiss...we replace him very soon icon_e_smile.gif

    Edit : In fact our newest member is here....Welcome Iningo Montoya ! One of the very first applicant when we begun to build our ScarFighters team !
  • Eternal ritual questions for you Iningo :

    What is hided (or not) behind your nickname ?
    Which games (boards, cards, video...), music style (also named the bands if possible), kind of movie, or any other passion do you like ?
    Who is the worst & best 3 match characters in your opinion ? And what is the dream team you would like to built one day ?
    Do you have a pet ? We already got 13 cats, 1 dog & 1 rat !

    Bonus question :
    Is USA got a chance to win the FIFA world cup, or at least, go far in the tournament ?
    Maybe you're more interested in Basketball, Baseball, Hockey or American football ?

    Feel free to ask some questions in the thread and/or in pm Iningo !

    PS : What character would you like to wear on your sig ? And 2 words which suit you well icon_e_smile.gif Take example on intro page if you don't have any idea (also don't take the same character eheh). If you need some advices for a character, don't hesitate ! Our teamates would be glad to answer you icon_e_wink.gif
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    Our date nights are usually a nice dinner someplace relatively quiet with good food. Last night we tried the Cheesecake Factory. Not terribly expensive, tasty food and nice atmosphere. Since we have two adult daughters living with us and I work with both of them, it's nice to have a few hours to ourselves.

    My MoStorm is level 53. I'm playing her with OBW and Hood. By the time I get to the third opponent I usually have total board domination between. Boosted my MoStorm is level 80. The highest I've seen so far is level 143. I see a lot of OBW/Punisher and OBW/Thor combinations.
  • fritejay2 wrote:
    Dantekamar wrote:
    I only have 1 red and 1 black cover for Mohawk Storm. I'm running her with oBW and cMag. I've actually decided to go with the default green mStrm cover since my base team has no green and it's more useful than the pathetic damage a lv27 red or black put out. Anyone else using this strategy too?
    For rainbow don't take Shieldbro instead of CMag ? Or maybe you are bored after used him too much ?
    I still like super cap. He's a bit more likely to win then most but slower than most. Compared to cMags, super cap is a little slower and not much more likely to win. The big difference is cMags gets a lot of respect on defense, and I've been getting as many points as I lose on attacks from time to time. Super cap is really better at dealing with Hulk though, thanks to stun.
    fritejay2 wrote:
    Oh, and finally Shane has been dismiss...we replace him very soon icon_e_smile.gif

    Edit : In fact our newest member is here....Welcome Iningo Montoya ! One of the very first applicant when we begun to build our ScarFighters team !
    That kinda cool getting an original applicant. Welcome to the team.
  • Welcome iningo. Princess Bride is actually my all time favourite movie. Actually, now I'm gonna go watch it again. Even though I really shouldn't because I'm falling behind in my studies. Thanks a lot icon_eek.gif
  • What is hided (or not) behind your nickname ?

    So the nickname is based on the movie The Princess Bride. The character is Inigo Montoya, but he is known for being the drunken Spaniard, so saying Inigo with a little drunken slur gives you my nickname.

    Which games (boards, cards, video...), music style (also named the bands if possible), kind of movie, or any other passion do you like ?

    Videogames I tend to like rpgs, strategy, and some FPSs. I think Destiny is going to knock it out of the park for me as I love Borderlands and Halo and it seems like those two crossed with World of Warcraft. Like most game types though if they are done well.
    Music, I'm a rock guy at heart but like a bit of the folk/Americana type stuff that's out there. Love Radiohead, Pearl Jam, Counting Crows, Damien Rice, Head and the Heart, Minus the Bear, Avett Brothers, etc. New Arctic Monkeys in pretty killer. I love watching live music when I can, a show is where you can tell if a band is really talented or not.
    Movies I am a huge LOTR nerd as my dad used to read them to me as bedtime stories when I was young and I learned to read by stumbling through them. I am also a huge sports guy, love college basketball and football the most, but any basketball, football, or baseball usually works for me. I'm a music, games, and sports guy at heart.

    Who is the worst & best 3 match characters in your opinion ? And what is the dream team you would like to built one day ?

    Worst is Bagman, what a scrub. No idea why he even exists at this point. Best, not sure but maybe Lazy Thor because of how many times his nuke has killed me in pvp. And my lazy Thor sucks. icon_e_smile.gif Dream team, not sure. Maybe Hood, Lazy Daken, and Lazy Thor?

    Do you have a pet ? We already got 13 cats, 1 dog & 1 rat !

    We have a brown Burmese cat named Berman (named after Chris Berman if you know who that is). I'm also married and have two kids, a girl who's 6 and just graduated Kindergarten and my son is 2 and part rhino. (Leads with his head)

    Bonus question :
    Is USA got a chance to win the FIFA world cup, or at least, go far in the tournament ?

    No way they win, but a chance to get out of the group stage because of how bad Germany kicked the **** out of Portugal. If they tie with Portugal, all they have to do is play defense and not lose by 4 or more when they play Germany, which is doable.

    Maybe you're more interested in Basketball, Baseball, Hockey or American football?

    Definitely more a fan of those sports, but the World Cup is one of the few things that makes me pay attention to soccer.

    PS : What character would you like to wear on your sig ? And 2 words which suit you well icon_e_smile.gif Take example on intro page if you don't have any idea (also don't take the same character eheh). If you need some advices for a character, don't hesitate ! Our teamates would be glad to answer you icon_e_wink.gif

    Go ahead and go with Storm if she's not taken and "Drunken Spaniard" would be applicable to me. icon_e_smile.gif
  • Hey gang, just wanted to give an FYI that I'm going to be on vacation for the weekend and won't have much cell reception so I won't be able to play much over that time. I'm leaving now and will probably be back late Sunday night or early Monday. Best of luck everyone on getting more spidey and torch covers! I'll do what I can when I can!
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    I give up - at least on the Storm PVP. I took a mental health day in my office and have played and gotten nowhere. I switching over to PVE and starting the Spiderman PVP. I would have liked to get to 1100 to get the Storm cover but that won't happen. However, I really want more Torch covers.

    I think that I'm going to take Sunday off and just play lots of MPQ this weekend.
  • Unknown
    edited June 2014
    Worst is Bagman, what a scrub. No idea why he even exists at this point. Best, not sure but maybe Lazy Thor because of how many times his nuke has killed me in pvp. And my lazy Thor sucks. icon_e_smile.gif Dream team, not sure. Maybe Hood, Lazy Daken, and Lazy Thor?
    Bagman is just a joke from the devs...I bet !
    Looks to be a nice color rainbow your dream team icon_e_wink.gif

    Mine will be (in a far future probably), Nick fury, Hood & Human Torch. But there is so much good character...also like Black panther, UDaken & Falcon...but it can't work with colour rainbow & Nick...

    Other thoughts ScarFighters ? icon_e_smile.gif
    We have a brown Burmese cat named Berman (named after Chris Berman if you know who that is). I'm also married and have two kids, a girl who's 6 and just graduated Kindergarten and my son is 2 and part rhino. (Leads with his head)
    Oh great 1 new cat for the team !!! Post him when you can Iningo ! And ask us if you don't know how to do it icon_e_wink.gif
    Cool, another dad in ScarFighters ^^ By the way happy father's day ! (a bit late sure...)
    I'm probably one of the only single man in the team lol
    No way they win, but a chance to get out of the group stage because of how bad Germany kicked the **** out of Portugal. If they tie with Portugal, all they have to do is play defense and not lose by 4 or more when they play Germany, which is doable.
    Yes, I guess you're right. I just saw France did 5-2 against Switzerland - wow - I'd never thought this !
    Go ahead and go with Storm if she's not taken and "Drunken Spaniard" would be applicable to me. icon_e_smile.gif
    Ok Drunken Spaniard ! I'm searching artworks for Storm...not easy to find a good one :/

    Jon : Ok ! Have a good trip icon_e_wink.gif

    Fae : Same same same ahah ^^ More MoStorm - More HT - More free sundays !
    And yes...lots of OBW/Pun or OBW/Lthor...mine is OBW/Shieldbro (sometimes OBW/Pun but I frequently change...) - really need Hood at high level...kinda lame at 5/2/2...
    Did you watch Edge of tomorrow ? Really cool movie !

    Dante : Yes, Shieldbro is great Hulk killer ! Cmag is probably cool...just hope his nerf won't be too bad !
  • Welcome flyapart !
    As always... ritual questions for you :

    What is hided (or not) behind your nickname ?
    Which games (boards, cards, video...), music style (also named the bands if possible), kind of movie, or any other passion do you like ?
    Who is the worst & best 3 match characters in your opinion ? And what is the dream team you would like to built one day ?
    Post your 2 orange cats when you have the time for !

    Bonus question :
    I probably forgot it (I still an Alzhombie icon_lol.gif ) between all our pm's but... are you a super daddy or a coveted single ?

    Feel free to ask some questions in the thread and/or in pm flyapart !
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    I forgot to acknowledge Fae for a wonderful selection of movie. Gypsy Danger is definitely a good compromise than watching hulk smash. I like Pacific rim. Though I prefer to have the other Jaeger to fight more.

    For the next PVP, I find human torch to be an awkward character to match with my team. Exact color match with punisher, but without the strike tiles. I'll take Frank anytime, with obw.

    To frite, black Panther is scary with its black. You gotta find another team member who someone will target first before BP, otherwise, defense will be a disaster. I see BP, with obw in enemy team, I'll have obw targeted first, then BP. Now, if it has obw, hood, then black Panther. Hmmm....

    Not sure about how Fury yellow will work, so I'll wait till the whales upgrade him. I like lazy daken and falcon.. But I don't have enough iso to upgrade them.

    This PVE is soo long. And so bad luck. I've been getting so many ares, storm, CapA from tokens, I find it statistically, I'm an outlier.
    Hopefully I can get a blue I 40 for respec, just because I think 4 yellow is less useful the 3 yellow.
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    And welcome to flyapart... It'll be interesting to find out the background of your nick.. Hehe
  • Unknown
    edited June 2014
    Heroic PvE is open for 2 days (& few hours)...Hope everybody could chase this new shiny character She-hulk.

    Otherwise, congrats on the last Spidey PvP (40/22471) & PvE (79/24054) !

    Spidey PvP podium

    1st | Faerie | 981
    2nd | rbdragon | 958
    3rd | Mystwalker | 937

    (sorry for non-complete board :/ Spidey results has been erased)

    ISO 8- Brotherhood PvE podium

    1st | danikalil | 135999
    2nd | rbdragon | 131430
    3rd | DrowningHarvey | 125002 + MoStorm cover for the podium icon_e_wink.gif
    4th | Khal-Zarek | 107307
    5th | Unimatrix | 86869
    6th | Mimio | 83150
    7th | Eneyeseekay | 79283
    8th | CatnipHill | 73334
    9th | Suture | 59361
    10th | Faerie | 58644
    11th | IningoMontoya | 58582
    12th | Mystwalker | 55845
    13th | fritejay | 53453
    14th | flyapart | 44064
    15th | DanMan2008 | 38551
    16th | DOLBET | 36939
    17th | Jonstalnaker | 36460
    18th | Tomarvel82 | 8938
    19th | reuhhh | 7594
    20th | Dante Kamar | 6634

    Iningo & flyapart you got your sig in your pm ! Could we have some infos about you flyapart ? (I asked you some questions just above) Thanks.
  • If some SF need some vacation (1,2 or 3 weeks (or more?)), don't hesitate to talk about it !
    We could find someone (temporary member) to replace the member who need a break, and come back later.

    Summer temporary members ? How does this sound in your ears SF ?
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    I need a vacation!!
    But I am not having one..

    It's always summer over here.. Or rain.

    Did anyone read the news on True Healing?

    What a bummer..
  • Sounds like a nice idea.

    Though at this point I think that taking a small break might cause me never to return. Too many horrible decisions by the developers lately. I understand that their motivation to make this game is to separate me from my precious money, but does it have to be this blatant? Even though there may be noble intent behind some of the recent changes, to me as a player they seem just blatant and very short-sighted cash grabs that don't improve my playing experience in any way.
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    can't say i disagree with Harvey..

    for me .. i use OBW almost in every match. yes, she sucks at defense, but i get offensive wins if coupled with strike tiles.. and her aggressive recon is a sweet active power.

    harvey, do you disagree with the true healing part because you use OBW ? or just the principle of disallowing team heal power?
  • unimatrix wrote:
    can't say i disagree with Harvey..

    for me .. i use OBW almost in every match. yes, she sucks at defense, but i get offensive wins if coupled with strike tiles.. and her aggressive recon is a sweet active power.

    harvey, do you disagree with the true healing part because you use OBW ? or just the principle of disallowing team heal power?

    I suppose it is mainly the principle and the way they focus on the ham-fisted treatment of symptoms instead of the actual causes, and the way how plainly the greed starts to shine trough the game mechanics. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I'd say adding Sentry and removing the prologue healing is hardly a coincidence. Shields are already mandatory for placing in PVP, I guess this is their way to push health packs. On top of that, they still allow prologue healing for Patch and Lazy Daken. Maybe the almighty pie-chart showed that those two don't sell as well as they should? icon_e_confused.gif

    It should be quite clear for the devs, that it isn't just the power level of OBW, but lack of viable support characters that makes OBW so popular. Think about the period when you were playing two star characters. Who the heck are you supposed supposed to pair Thor or Ares with? Bullseye? Bagman? Most (two-star) characters are just so useless and boring to play and have non-existent synergies while OBW complements just about any character well. Was the healing main problem with Spidey? No, it was the infinite stun lock. Instead of taking the hard road of making every character even semi-interesting, they just leave the low-tier characters to rot, smack some of the high-tier ones down and fiddle with the symptoms, most likely creating batch on new problems in the process.
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    Special congrats need to go to Mystwalker on the Spidey PVP. He was at #2 in his group and accidently shielded 3 hours instead of 8. After a huge drop he spent the last 90 minutes of the PVP working back up to 2nd.

    I'm at 900 in HotShot. I'd like to get to 1100 to get my last cover but not sure it is worth the effort. Doing the PVE today on my breaks.

    I roll with the punches of whatever happens in the game. I think the Spidey nerf was a definite improvement. I know I'm in a minority but if a game stresses me, I don't play it. I am a walking adrenaline factory that fuels PTSD so if my down time isn't relaxing then I change it. Seriously, there are times I have to not play Zuma or Plants vs Zombies. I'm at my most zen with Angry Birds. I love those happy pigs that just keep on smiling.

    I didn't get anything in my Season 3 heroic pack - just changed it for 2500 iso. I got HT to level 100 so now I'm going back and leveling my lower level 3 stars.

  • Actual Season III rank (37) | @ midnight (france)

    1st | Faerie | 5079
    2nd | fritejay | 4312
    3rd | DrowningHarvey | 4240
    4th | Khal-Zarek | 3979
    5th | flyapart | 3919
    6th | rbdragon | 3867
    7th | Dante Kamar | 3415
    8th | reuhhh | 3291
    9th | IningoMontoya | 3229
    10th | DanMan2008 | 3143
    11th | Mystwalker | 3069
    12th | Tomarvel82 | 3057
    13th | Mimio | 2854
    14th | DOLBET | 2842
    15th | Unimatrix | 2723
    16th | Eneyeseekay | 2700
    17th | Jonstalnaker | 2502
    18th | danikalil | 2209
    19th | CatnipHill | 2090
    20th | Suture | 1952

    (I like it how everybody want to reach top 3 everyday...and change super quickly on rank (except Faerie, she is stick to the 1st place since the beginning of Season III icon_lol.gif ))...What are you doing youngies ? icon_mrgreen.gif