ScarFighters - Let's rock !



  • Faerie wrote:
    Seriously, there are times I have to not play Zuma or Plants vs Zombies. I'm at my most zen with Angry Birds. I love those happy pigs that just keep on smiling.
    Angry birds was fun & addicting...and I'm ashame ahah
    Faerie wrote:
    I didn't get anything in my Season 3 heroic pack - just changed it for 2500 iso. I got HT to level 100 so now I'm going back and leveling my lower level 3 stars.
    Same HT level 100 ! I really enjoy him now.
  • I've never actually played angry birds before. Is it really that good?

    PvZ I like but haven't played it in a long while.

    I'm currently being distracted by a game called jetpack impossible.

    Btw Frite, I'm starting to learn french through an app called Duolingo. It's pretty fun. It makes me say things like je suis un chat et je mange du gateau icon_cool.gif

    Can also learn portuguese with the app. Maybe then I can chat with Jan lol.
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Hi Waku, we were wondering where you were!

    Jan said she tried to use the same app to learn English and she liked it. She says she might try it again so she can talk to you icon_e_wink.gif

    She's a great Angry Birds fan, especially Rio. There's an RPG with them, did you know about it?

    Another game we really like is Where's my Water. It starts off as a very simple game, but later on it gets brain racking.

    About R56, we're waiting to see what happens. It might kill the game, and it might not.

    Mystwalker, congrats! Your effort was duly noted. Shields can be treacherous icon_razz.gif
  • Danman2008
    Danman2008 Posts: 32
    Hey all. I will be travelling back to Canada for the summer on Saturday. I will try to play as much as I can over the weekend. After that should be fine, shouldn't effect my playing long term, just out for a day or two. Keep fighting hard SF!
  • I hate the healing changes. This hurts my team as I will not be able to grind as I was doing before. My roster is specifically built for that type of play - I don't have a wide roster of characters that are leveled up to playable level, so I can't easily switch in another character when one of my guys are downed. This really screws mid-tier players. Im all for roster diversity, but this is not how you do it. They should go back to tourneys with multiple featured heroes if they want roster diversity.

    I didn't want this to happen to MPQ, but I see this game changing the way marvel: war of heroes did - just a cash grab, no longer fun, almost impossible to make any progress without spending real money on the game. I'm going to try to grind out the rest of this season and re-assess after we all get the 3rd fury cover... If the S4 reward isn't Deadpool, I may just quit.

    Anyone else frustrated to the point of almost quitting?
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    Jon. You gotta handle it like whatever changes that they made earlier... Like thorverine nerf, had to move out from Thor..nerf of modern storm: had to learn not to rely on her..
    And obw was my main staple of character .. I may still use her for recon and espionage. But nevertheless, probably forces me to learn and play with another character.

    I have to wait and see about this.. But patch and uber daken seems to be necessary to be developed.
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    So far this PVP is a lot more fun. Much more variety in the opposing teams.

    I worked the PVE for SHulk but the limit on characters made it boring. I don't normally do boring.

    GBW is one of my favorite characters. She is a great damage dealer.
  • FaerieMyst wrote:
    So far this PVP is a lot more fun. Much more variety in the opposing teams.

    Sadly, it is quite the opposite here. PVP seems even more tedious cherry picking now when you cannot risk damaging your team too much.

    Haven't even seen that much variation yet. Pairing of Mag + Patch seems overly popular still because now Patch is a True Healer (tm) and Magneto ensures near infinite turns after few blue matches, so no precious healing packs are needed. Sure there are occasional teams built around Widow and battery, but I think that is mainly because Widow is mandatory character in event.

    As you all can read between the lines of my recent negative musings, I am really getting fed up with the direction MPQ is taking, and will stop playing for yet undefined period of time because the game brings me nothing but frustration at the moment. I'll hang around until suitable replacement is found and then leave (if you have someone special in mind, inform the leadership). It has been fun with you folks, and I'd like to thank you for having me as a part of your fine alliance.
  • I'm sad. I was surprised to find myself in 5th after the 2nd last refresh thinking I would get all 3 She-Hulk covers. Then... I fell asleep and missed the last refresh dropping to 50th. Oh well.

    I'm actually pretty happy though that they made the solo rewards better now. I feel less bothered by not being in a good alliance.

    PVP is not much different for me. I never healed much anyways. I'd recommend Patch or Daken if you want healing abilities.
  • True healing!? What the giant feline?!

    That was my gut reaction but I'm kinda in a wait and see mood now. OBW was played a ton, including by me, so much so I started a second one. I'm hoping this diversifies the teams played, but it could just switch over to needing Patch and Daken+, and a strong green. Either way, this changes the game a lot and I hate change as a reactionary feeling.
  • My patch and Uber daken are under covered, and I can't spend any money on leveling them. I can always learn to play with other people, true, and this does give me a chance to start using hood more and leveling Falcon... But it's more about the intent behind the change that is making me consider quitting. I refuse to believe that this is about anything other than money for health packs.

    Maybe this will lower tourney scores a bit, but there will still be pay to win whales at the top dominating and the ability to compete through healing with obw makes the top rise further away from the f2p and middle tier players.
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    I feel less bothered by not being in a good alliance.

    Huh? Only one PVP have we not been in the top half of a percent. 99.5% of the alliances never see a cover reward.
  • FaerieMyst wrote:
    I feel less bothered by not being in a good alliance.
    Huh? Only one PVP have we not been in the top half of a percent. 99.5% of the alliances never see a cover reward. maybe didn't noticed it because waku still have our sig...but he left our team since 3 weeks ! icon_e_sad.gif
    I don't know what alliance he's in now...but a casual one.

    I'd try to do my best to find a good new member to replace you Harvey icon_cry.gif I think it will take a little time...

    Otherwise nobody could take some vacations soon ? Or a little later on ? Don't hesitate to talk about it.
    I have a bad feeling about the next Season icon_cry.gif
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    Ah . . .that makes more sense. I guess we aren't casual . . . . I just see some of the alliances that are so . . . . .well, it makes me laugh.

    We are rocking in this current PVP.
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    Fae.. Care to share on how to excel in this PvP?
    I am using lazy cap, gsbw and punisher. But defenseman really sucks. I didn't get any retaliation wins so far.
    Do you rotate the partner for gsbw?
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    Harvey.. It will be sad to see you go.
    You're a good man.
  • Haha yeah, you guys are great--no, the bestest icon_e_wink.gif

    I forget the name of my current alliance. I got kicked from like 2 or 3 now because I keep missing days and sometimes entire events icon_e_sad.gif but now that they made the rewards easier, I might try for at least top 100 now.

    Although the current one, I actually need Bag-Man more than DD. Oddly enough, Bag-Man is my only incomplete 2-star. After this event, I can finally say my 2-star collection is complete icon_e_surprised.gif
  • Hey All,

    Sorry for not posting a response to these sooner! I'm very busy outside work with wedding preparations. My gf and I are getting married in September. So much to do! Ach!

    Anyway... on to the answering!

    What is hided (or not) behind your nickname ?

    It's an old old handle from about 15 years ago when I was trying to find a distinctive email address. Doesn't really mean anything, just sounded cool at the time.

    Which games (boards, cards, video...), music style (also named the bands if possible), kind of movie, or any other passion do you like ?

    Don't really play too many board games except scrabble & trivial pursuit, but nobody wants to play with me! Love Poker, and Hearts. I'm a huge fan of the Half Life and Portal games, Love all the Bioshock titles as well. Sid Maier's Pirates! is also awesome. Like all of the Wolfenstein series too. Play a lot of FPS as you can tell. Most of the CoD and MoH series. Final Fantasy 7 remains one of the greatest games I've ever played along with LoZ OoT. Been very into games since I got my original Nintendo at age 9. The good old days =)

    Who is the worst & best 3 match characters in your opinion ? And what is the dream team you would like to built one day ?

    I wish I had answered this before the health changes! Best 3 I'm not 100% sure now... Storm's blue is great if you can get it off. Modern Magneto can help with that. Previously I would have paired them with OBW, but now I'm not so sure. Maybe a melee character like wolverine or Ares. Worst 3... Bagman is worthless, or I've never been able to utilize him correctly. Hawkeye has never worked well for me either. Other than that I'm not sure, haven't played too much with the really bad ones.
    Dream team... Maybe a maxed Patch, with Loki to turn the strike tiles back to the enemy. Pair them with someone who can use blue/purple well... Magneto or Psylocke maybe?

    Post your 2 orange cats when you have the time for !

    You want cat pictures? Haha! I'll take some and put them up.

    Bonus question :
    I probably forgot it (I still an Alzhombie icon_lol.gif ) between all our pm's but... are you a super daddy or a coveted single ?

    I answered this above, but I'm in a relationship, getting married at the end of September, but still single in the eyes of the law.

    Oh and I want to answer IningoMontoya's bonus question too:

    The US will not win the world cup, no chance. 98% chance they are eliminated next match. However, if they did win, the rest of the world should be ashamed.

    Thanks for letting me in guys, having a great time playing with you all!

  • flyapart wrote:
    My gf and I are getting married in September.

    Congratulations! Marriage is a beautiful thing. I've been married 10 years. It's a true blessing.
  • The newest character rankings are out They do exclude the true healing change though, since voting was done before that.