ScarFighters - Let's rock !



  • Our wiseman "el grindinator" has just talk. Amen. icon_e_smile.gif

    So...just come back from the not so "new" PvE...the scaling will probably be crazy very quickly !
    After just 1 run (and no grind at all), begun with lvl 13 to 75 to 95 (within 1 hour) ? Ok...tomorrow 395 icon_lol.gif
    Honestly, except for the MoStorm black cover (125000 points), this PvE not worth the investment (more than 9 days)...for IM40 ?
    Certainly not.

    Frankly, try to focus on PvP (a 2nd one just opened : Lthor, Hood covers that's cool), and also on Shield simulator...we lost more than 10 ranks since yesterday.
    Points are really shorts between Alliances, for quite sure.

    Good luck ScarFighters !
  • fritejay2 wrote:
    Frankly, try to focus on PvP (a 2nd one just opened : Lthor, Hood covers that's cool), and also on Shield simulator...we lost more than 10 ranks since yesterday.
    Points are really shorts between Alliances, for quite sure.

    Good luck ScarFighters !

    Agreed 100% I have all covers for im40 and have zero desire to level him. He is tanky, that's about it. Frankly, with season 2 wrapping up and the rewards being so much better for pvp, let's all focus on those events. I know the patch tourney is really freaking hard cause everyone has a good patch and the LT covers are super desirable, but with effort we can increase the season 2 score even if we don't get another LT cover.

    And just a personal plea - I really need a few more hood covers to complete mine (currently at 5/3/1), he is a personal fav character, so if we could place high enough to get that hood black I will love you all forever!!!

  • And just a personal plea - I really need a few more hood covers to complete mine (currently at 5/3/1), he is a personal fav character, so if we could place high enough to get that hood black I will love you all forever!!!

    Seconded, I really could use those otherwise elusive Hood covers too.
  • And just a personal plea - I really need a few more hood covers to complete mine (currently at 5/3/1), he is a personal fav character, so if we could place high enough to get that hood black I will love you all forever!!!
    As far as I remember we never missed an Alliance cover in PvP.
    But, I know in Season 2 we were very short sometimes...

    The newest SF probably don't know our well-known speech (dani got a seal on it icon_lol.gif ) :

    Go ScarFighters !!! fact with world cup we could extend it to : Goaaaal ScarFighters eheh

    Edit : After I can't rate you Jon ??? Why ? icon_cry.gif
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    bleah. IM40.
    my last cover is pending for retrieval as daily rewards tonight.

    got it. focus on PVP.

    Shane shane.. where are you?
    Suture Suture.. where are you?
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    Tomarvel82 wrote:
    Hi team !!

    I don't know if someone already talked about that but i get an interesting team to offer :

    Patch + Hulk + Storm 2**

    Step 1 : Get the Patch green power ready.
    Step 2 : Wait for an opportunity to play with Hulk.

    (Now it becomes serious) icon_mrgreen.gif

    Step 3 : unleash the green power of Patch.
    Step 4 : play with Hulk.

    Consequences : Thanks to the "knives icons" of Patch you'll do huge amount of damages with Hulk, then you will be attacked. Storm will unleash her yellow power + Hulk will get "angry" thanks to his black power, so damages + green icons all over the field.... enjoy the show !!

    I've done that many times, as soon as the trap is set, I won instantly !! icon_cool.gif

    Sorry if it's a repost...

    i tried this.
    there are some crucial requirements for this to work: step 4 requires hulk to have enough tiles to work with, otherwise, storm gets in front.. and that's not something that you want to have. at present, for me, blue is for storm, only black and env(?) for hulk. so keeping hulk upfront is tough.
    and .. healthpack is gonna get really hit by this. icon_e_sad.gif
  • Not too keen on IM40 either, but getting that Storm cover world be nice. Too bad it's so high up there. I'll focus on PvP. Cage Match wasn't so bad for me actually. Just wish I had more time on it, landed at 50.
  • Fuuuu... I missed the last 2 daily rewards and fell asleep yesterday so I forgot to even enter the Patch tourney. There goes my perfect attendance streak. Maybe I should just quit altogether icon_neutral.gif
  • Already waku ? icon_cry.gif Hope you'll talk with us sometimes at least...

    Like I said yet...but I don't think everybody read here (or even in app-chat), concentrate all in PvP & Shield simulator SF !
    Points are for quite sure, very tight between all Alliances...

    How are you all doing in this PvP ? Tons of FaThor buffed at 212 icon_eek.gif
  • Up to 1908 in the shield sim...trying to do the best for you guys.
  • Sweetness! Just drew my 5th yellow Hood cover from a standard token. He's at 5/3/2 now. This tournament will go a long way towards finishing my first drawn 3 star character.
  • DecoyDuck
    DecoyDuck Posts: 620
    danikalil and I are in the same bracket for Lord of Thunder. We're both chasing down walkyourpath who is currently in first. Good luck!
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    DecoyDuck wrote:
    danikalil and I are in the same bracket for Lord of Thunder. We're both chasing down walkyourpath who is currently in first. Good luck![/quote

    Is it fate? Is it coincidence? Battle on, DD! Best of luck to you and yours!

    Damn. Jan shielded with 803, and AFTER she had shielded she lost 41 points. I love how these thingamajigs work.

    Tomorrow, when we change shields, Jan will try to climb a bit more. She only keeps 30 out of every 70 points she gets - people are out to get her.

    Oh, BTW, call me Dani! Everyone does icon_e_smile.gif

  • Hi everyone !!

    Does anyone ever use the or knows how works the "Facebook save" ?

    In case my phone dies, I want to know how to get back my stats ! icon_cry.gif

    A friend of mine changed his phone recently and he told me that the "Google + save" didn't do anything (or he didn't understand how it works)

    Thank you !! icon_cool.gif
  • I use fb but not google. Once you link your account it's automatic. It's also needed to share fb rewards. I switched over devices and all I needed to do was login and everything was back.

    Don't really need to do anything extra as far as I'm concerned. I assume google works the same. Once you sign in and link up, everything is just automatic and works in the background.
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Tomarvel82 wrote:
    Hi everyone !!

    Does anyone ever use the or knows how works the "Facebook save" ?

    In case my phone dies, I want to know how to get back my stats ! icon_cry.gif

    A friend of mine changed his phone recently and he told me that the "Google + save" didn't do anything (or he didn't understand how it works)

    Thank you !! icon_cool.gif

    Hey Tom, it's explained here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1363&p=17394&hilit=Devices+username#p17394

    Waku, take it slow! If you do quit the game, keep coming to the thread / FB to talk to us. And, when summer is over, come back to SF! If there's no slot open, we'll kick Frite out icon_lol.gif

    Just kidding, Frite! We'd never kick you out...unless we were offered cookies. Even so, you could buy your way back into SF with croissants icon_e_smile.gif

    P.S.: Waku, since you can't come to the chat anymore, you haven't read it...Jan's playing Pokémon X in Nintendo 3DS, and she named a Pokémon after you icon_e_smile.gif
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    Greetings all. Sunday is a my get ahead work day so I'm at the office. Shielded in both PVP but got above 500 in Thor and over 2200 in the general PVP. I'm excited about the Hood PVP. He is my favorite character.

    My daugher, Aramina, got back playing after about 6 months away. She had many, many ISO and token gifts waiting for her. She is the one that got all of us playing so it's ironic that her highest level character is 66 now. I encouraged her to join an alliance and she tried joining a few and was promptly kicked out. Then she joined one and they didn't kick her. She ended that PVP with the highest score in her alliance. Next PVP she starts lurking in the chat and they are talking about her and they don't have a clue who she is but they want her to stay.

    Back to work for me. I'll take breaks to play the PVE today.
  • What kind of pokemon is it? Lol I'm honoured. I kinda stopped playing after gen3. No idea what the new pokemon are like. My faves are all from gen1, psyduck being my fave. I hate having to evolve him to golduck tho icon_cool.gif

    Good to hear about your daughter Faerie. What about sylvaerin? I think I spelled that right lol. Being in alliance definitely seem vital to the game. Even if not top 100, you still get HP and ISO.
  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    63rd for Season 2 - considering all that was going on, I think that's something to be proud of and be happy with. Besides, that Blue Nick Fury card looks mighty spiffy icon_e_biggrin.gif

    On a personal note, I ended up in 24th place for my season bracket -well up from the 153rd (I think) last season. Here's my pulls from the 2 10-packs:
    ***Human Torch icon_e_biggrin.gif
    **Magneto icon_neutral.gif
    **Hawkeye icon_neutral.gif
    **Wolverine icon_neutral.gif
    **Moonstone icon_neutral.gif
    **Storm icon_e_sad.gif
    **Wolverine icon_e_sad.gif
    **Captain America icon_mad.gif
    ***Captain America icon_e_biggrin.gif
    **Black Widow icon_neutral.gif

    Pack 1 = icon_e_smile.gif

    **Moonstone icon_neutral.gif
    ***Patch icon_e_biggrin.gif
    **Moonstone icon_neutral.gif
    **Bag-man icon_lol.gif
    **Wolverine icon_e_sad.gif
    **Daken icon_e_smile.gif
    **Ares icon_neutral.gif
    **Daken icon_neutral.gif
    ***Human Torch icon_e_biggrin.gif
    **Thor icon_neutral.gif

    Pack 2 = icon_e_smile.gif

    Overall, going in with low expectations, I was happy with my pulls icon_e_smile.gif
  • Well done CatFighters! You've made your pets proud of you.

    What position didn't you finish in? Us bears were in 87th.

    @Danikali: Did you or DecoyDuck manage to de-throne WalkYourPath???