ScarFighters - Let's rock !



  • user311
    user311 Posts: 482 Mover and Shaker
    edited June 2014
    unimatrix wrote:
    isn't this copy-frited
    Fair use defense icon_e_confused.gif Sorry it looks so bad though I did it at work on my MSpaint.
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    Maybe everyone else knows this but where does our alliance name come from?

    My new arm/shoulder brace is amazing. No pain and I actually slept last night. Not having it means I have a longer recovery time but at least I have it now.

    I have another long work evening ahead but I'm playing during my breaks. You know, if all the super players keep quitting . . . . . . hmmmmmmm.
  • That's good to hear Faerie.

    I really wish I didn't update my game icon_neutral.gif
  • I really wish I didn't update my game icon_neutral.gif

    I hear you on that. It's been almost impossible to progress. I'm spending so much iso on boosts that my reserve is almost depleted - but I don't want to let the team down and I really want a Mohawk.

    Side note - a buddy of mine plays and I was able to warn her of the update issue before she updated, and she is telling me that her game is sending a "update available" pop up every few minutes and seems to have slowed down to a crawl... Perhaps the devs are really trying to force the update on her? I'm not usually a conspiracy theorist but it is rather peculiar. She is insistent on not updating until after the pve ends.
  • Hi team !!

    I don't know if someone already talked about that but i get an interesting team to offer :

    Patch + Hulk + Storm 2**

    Step 1 : Get the Patch green power ready.
    Step 2 : Wait for an opportunity to play with Hulk.

    (Now it becomes serious) icon_mrgreen.gif

    Step 3 : unleash the green power of Patch.
    Step 4 : play with Hulk.

    Consequences : Thanks to the "knives icons" of Patch you'll do huge amount of damages with Hulk, then you will be attacked. Storm will unleash her yellow power + Hulk will get "angry" thanks to his black power, so damages + green icons all over the field.... enjoy the show !!

    I've done that many times, as soon as the trap is set, I won instantly !! icon_cool.gif

    Sorry if it's a repost...
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    Very interesting combo - how does your health hold up?

    I've been playing Patch, Loki and OBW. I have Loki's black and Patch's green ready to fire. Fire the green, the use Loki to change all those nasty strike tiles to protect tiles.

    I tried Patch, Classic Mags and Spidey using Magneto's blue to convert the strike tiles. I always won but kept killing Patch.

    My plan this morning was to hit my office and play some MPQ while I had my morning tea - but like people want me to work. My partner called before we were even in the parking lot to talk sea salts. Then there was a company in Brazil wanting to know if we can match a flavor so I'm sitting here translating Portuguese technical documents. However, I'm going to take 20 minutes to actually wake up a bit more and play a few rounds.
  • FaerieMyst wrote:
    Very interesting combo - how does your health hold up?

    -Patch is healing himself (Play with him in the beginning of the fight, so while Hulk is playing Patch will recover).
    -Hulk can handle 2 fights without using a med pack due to his amount of HP.
    -Storm is always behind the others, so even if she take damages from a global attack, she'll reply with a tornado !!

    Good luck everyone !! icon_cool.gif
  • Thanks for the share Tom & Fae...

    I'm really not in good mood, not only because PvE...maybe more for the lack of communication with some SF.
    Oh and probably some of us notice Shane didn't play since...2 days maybe ?
    I really hope we don't have a dead weight...again...

    Honestly I have no idea if I will stay after Season 3...if not before.

    Jon - With Steam didn't have the choice... forced to update.

    Fae - Why your sig is not attached ? icon_e_sad.gif
  • I really would like to apologize for our under performance...we didn't make top 100 last PvE...I know it's not the end of the world (I think Mohawk is not so good....)
    But still...I don't think a lot of people heard me about it...I really need to have clues/infos if you can't play, and why (if it's not too much to ask...) ! (here, pm, app-chat, whatever, but talk SF !)
    And not 30 minutes before the end !

    I know we were a lot to push (probably not enough)...I think if only 1 or 2 SF, or all of us (except those who put already all their weight in) push a little more we probably would easily did it (we were #3 sunday !!! Yeah I know it didn't last long...).
    We ended about #115 or 116...First time in ScarFighters history.

    But honestly I think they completely ruined the points when they opened quickly the main (more than 3 days before the end...).
    That's why points increased crazily high !

    Otherwise...could I have an explanation about some poor scores in PvP ? I don't have to say this I think but...300 to 500 points are not too tough to take, no ? And I see (and I'm not the only one) that's (almost) always the same people on the end of the ladder...I know it's hard for everybody (and not only us).

    Frankly, I don't like to say it publicly...but I think that's the only way people understand.
    That said...I have no idea if Suture & xenraf will see that because they didn't opened my pm (since 3 weeks+ I sent them...)
    CO-MU-NI-CA-TI-ON ScarFighters !!!!!!!

    I want to add special thanks to the top 5 scorers, especially Harvey, who pulled his weight in !

    DOLBET - Special thought about your wife recovery !
  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    fritejay2 wrote:
    I really would like to apologize for our under performance...we didn't make top 100 last PvE...I know it's not the end of the world (I think Mohawk is not so good....)
    But still...I don't think a lot of people heard me about it...I really need to have clues/infos if you can't play, and why (if it's not too much to ask...) ! (here, pm, app-chat, whatever, but talk SF !)
    And not 30 minutes before the end !

    I know we were a lot to push (probably not enough)...I think if only 1 or 2 SF, or all of us (except those who put already all their weight in) push a little more we probably would easily did it (we were #3 sunday !!! Yeah I know it didn't last long...).
    We ended about #115 or 116...First time in ScarFighters history.

    But honestly I think they completely ruined the points when they opened quickly the main (more than 3 days before the end...).
    That's why points increased crazily high !

    Otherwise...could I have an explanation about some poor scores in PvP ? I don't have to say this I think but...300 to 500 points are not too tough to take, no ? And I see (and I'm not the only one) that's (almost) always the same people on the end of the ladder...I know it's hard for everybody (and not only us).

    Frankly, I don't like to say it publicly...but I think that's the only way people understand.
    That said...I have no idea if Suture & xenraf will see that because they didn't opened my pm (since 3 weeks+ I sent them...)
    CO-MU-NI-CA-TI-ON ScarFighters !!!!!!!

    I want to add special thanks to the top 5 scorers, especially Harvey, who pulled his weight in !

    DOLBET - Special thought about your wife recovery !

    When I was looking for an alliance 2 weeks into Season 1, I came across ScarFighters and felt this team was the right team for me - not too aggressive so that patience would be given to me as I built my covers up, but not so passive as to not care about placement. I still feel this way, at least for the most part.

    It just feels like when Season 2 started immediately after Season 1, a switch flipped on so many players against this game. Combine that with scaling hell, mmr hell, and overall D3 hatred, and I can see why some players have become disillusioned with the game. I know for myself, I am frustrated with how difficult pvp's had become once I finally got my first 141 3*. (I say had because this Patch pvp seems to be going pretty okay for me so far...Patch+Psylocke+OBW is fun - strike tiles everywhere!)

    Frite, I personally feel you are definitely within your right to ask for better communication as well as a bit more effort from the group as a whole, as well as those under-performing without cause. As for posting it in public, I speak only for myself when I say I'm glad you did - there is nothing wrong with showing passion for something you believe in - even if it's "just a silly game."

    I just hit the final progression reward for Season 2 this morning, and my goal was to place top 50 before the season started. Now my goal is to at least be 25th, and with 3 1/2 days left, I'm gonna push as hard as possible in this pvp (I'm gunning for my first 1100).

    As for the PvE, we may have missed the cover which really sucks - especially like you said, since it seems we should have been able to get it easily. But at least it was the black cover and not green or red, the "better" covers in my opinion icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • That's unfortunate to hear. I'd give you guys my points if I could icon_e_sad.gif

    I got top 200. Barely played at all tbh. Less than an hour per day. I could've grinded more but I didn't see the point as the next breaking point was top 40. I'm contemt enough with my 1 Storm.
  • Thanks for your answer Rob !
    You really are a great guy, honestly.
    That's unfortunate to hear. I'd give you guys my points if I could icon_e_sad.gif
    Awww, really special thanks for you waku. I appreciate man ! What's your new team ? ^^
    I got top 200. Barely played at all tbh. Less than an hour per day. I could've grinded more but I didn't see the point as the next breaking point was top 40. I'm contemt enough with my 1 Storm.
    I was in the top 100 (61 to be exact...). Same...

    But I have no idea why Mohawk red cost 9 now (5 before) ? Way too much...
    Yeah, balance, I get it...really not tempted by her.
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    Frite - I accidentally unclicked the box to attach the signature.

    After we finished the PVE last night, both of us just sort of needed a break but we are back playing today. A lot of my work right now is sooooo tedious that I just need to take frequent short breaks and MPQ keeps me sane.
  • FaerieMyst wrote:
    Frite - I accidentally unclicked the box to attach the signature.
    Ahah ok Fae ! I was thinking like...What ? She erased her sig ? How rude !!! icon_lol.gif
    FaerieMyst wrote:
    After we finished the PVE last night, both of us just sort of needed a break but we are back playing today. A lot of my work right now is sooooo tedious that I just need to take frequent short breaks and MPQ keeps me sane.
    MPQ keeps you sane ? Really ? Ok...that's the total opposite for me... icon_e_confused.gif
  • Just in case anyone here missed it, don't update the game!


    My game auto updated when I got home before I saw the post, and now all my nodes jumped up about 100 levels. I don't know how I can possibly compete anymore. Be warned - unless you want to face some 230's, don't update quite yet. This is going to make getting a Mohawk much more difficult.
    I was wondering what happened!!

    Sorry I haven't been more communicative. It's a little intimidating to check the forum and see 4 pages of new stuff. I read it all even if I don't post on it. Work has just been a beast these past two weeks. There have been less people on my shift so I need to cover, and I'm burnt out by my third day. I'm not planning on quitting MPQ, don't worry, just under pressure from the real world and the developers changes aren't making it easy.
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Hey everyone!

    We think what Frite said is very important. SF definitely can do better than we did last PvE. It's not just Mohawk Storm, it's also that all of the team members must show equal commitment. Everyone has RL issues that often stop us from playing as much as we want to, but we have to communicate to keep the ball rolling.

    Reading Rob's post, Jan and I remembered the day we joined SF, March 23rd (yes, we still remember). We were only seven, then other people came trickling in. I was astonished at how well we did until the ending of Season 1 - after all, we hadn't been especially selected like S.H.I.E.L.D was, we were just a bunch of people who loved the game.

    We especially loved how we all worked together. Everyone, in their own time zone, did as good as they could. PvE endings were our favourites - all of us (well, except Knife83 icon_razz.gif) grinding as hard as possible and meeting afterwards on the chat.

    The changes D3 have imposed on us have taken their toll on SF. Some of us left, some were replaced. Bad MMR and scaling drove us insane, nearly to the point of ragequitting.

    What kept Jan going, no matter what, was the alliance on itself. She's playing for her teammates (especially Frite, who has done so much for SF), not for MPQ. The old timers, the new members - they're friends. We mustn't let each other down.

    Yesterday, when she realised we wouldn't make it into top 100, she felt helpless. There were no more battles to grind - she was already at 140k. It was a sad moment for her.

    We can solve our problems and keep going strong. We just need to work together. Hey, we're good at it.

    Cheer up, everyone! Let's focus on the next events, and again do our best!

    Go ScarFighters!
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    That's unfortunate to hear. I'd give you guys my points if I could icon_e_sad.gif

    I got top 200. Barely played at all tbh. Less than an hour per day. I could've grinded more but I didn't see the point as the next breaking point was top 40. I'm contemt enough with my 1 Storm.

    Forgot to say, Waku, thanks for the offer of points! We would have loved to have them icon_e_sad.gif

    So how's your new alliance? Do you communicate? Is it fun? Are you MVP icon_e_biggrin.gif?

    And what have you invested your Iso in? DD after all?

    We sure missed your late rising!
  • No, I'm not the mvp. Maybe with my older playing habits, but now I can't play as much.

    I decided to max my Cap. After months of playing, I can finally join the 141 club lol. I dunno who my 2nd 141 should be yet.
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    Today's strategy for PVP - Patch and any other two characters. Heal Patch as needed and replace dead or grievously wounded characters with new ones. I lost more but I had a lot more fun.

    There are times when I want to really strategize and play killer teams that are synergistic and powerful. Sometimes I just want to match pretty colors and hear fun sounds.
  • Regarding the PVE placement, I think a spot outside the Top 100 is a healthy wake up call for us all. The placement in the TOP 100 is not guaranteed no matter how fancy your performance has been in the past events and alliances should remember this. Especially now when the recent changes have forced players to shift and alliances to consolidate.

    Would I have liked to get that fancy new cover? Yes. Am I disappointed that I didn't get it? No, not really, there will be plenty of chances for that later. I understand that people have other commitments outside the game and considering how grueling the event was, it is no surprise that some just didn't have the time to grind it all the way to the end. Personally, I gave my best effort, got two Storm covers to prove it and that at the moment is enough for me.